Burning Ashes

v2 Chapter 293: Infrastructure of Qingcheng

Luo Yan gently pushed away from Chucheng and said, "How do you know everything, like an adult?"

"We were not children." Chu Cheng still took Luo Yan's hand and looked at her up and down. Luo Yan seemed much more mature. She didn't wear a robe, but she wore a bun on her head and inserted male hairpins.

Zhang Xiyu wanted to settle in a small building in Chucheng. Luo Yan waved his sleeves and a sword light stopped him.

"Brother Zhang, the host didn't invite you, don't run around, go to Uncle Gao's side to report."

Zhang Xiyu is angry, but Luo Yan's sword light is terrifying. If he breaks hard, he must fight Luo Yan. He knew he was not Luo Yan's opponent, and he was ashamed when he hit.

Chu Cheng said to Luo Yan: "Why did such a person come over, does Qing Cheng plan to turn his face with me?"

"I plan to roll my face with you, so I won't let me out. There are factions in Qingcheng. Some people don't want me to associate with you, so they got him over. If you don't cope well, they have reason to drive you Now. "

"Leader of Thorns has three years of benefits here, and I will earn more than three years."

"Don't tell me this, I don't care, if Zhang Xiyu provokes you, don't do it, I'll come." Luo Yan interrupted Chu Cheng Road: "I'm not here to talk to you about benefits, I just want to see you . "

"Then wait for me to arrange things here, I will take you to the mainland of the gods to play."

"Why do you have that time?" Luo Yan broke Chucheng's hands away, and said, "It's better to talk to me about practice than you are free. I don't care much about the things I play. The scenery of Qingcheng is The best in the world. "

"Okay." Chu Cheng was a bit frustrated.

Luo Yan smiled and said, "Here is this for you."

With that said, she took a paper crane and put it in Chucheng ’s hands, saying, "Activate with your magic power, you can let it fly to my side. You can use it to leave a message, voice, or write text , If you are proficient in the usage of paper cranes, you can still transfer moving images. "

Chu Cheng accepted the paper crane with a smile, this thing, research and study on their own, may be able to make.

Although it may be expensive, it does n’t matter if it is only used with a limited number of people. Unlike the martial arts like Qingcheng, the paper cranes given to the disciples must be something that can be manufactured in large quantities.

Zhang Xiyu angrily came to see Gao Yang, and after seeing Gao Yang, he couldn't help saying: "That Chu City, a little baron, what qualifications are equal to Qingcheng!"

Gao Yang looked at the young teacher-nephew and asked in a dull tone: "So what do you think should be done?"

"Kill him, everything is Qingcheng."

"Is there anyone still willing to deal with Qingcheng and do business with Qingcheng?"

"Qingcheng is not short of this stuff."

"Are you not missing? Qingcheng still needs it." Gao Yang said coldly. This Zhang Xiyu was sent to the disgusting Chu city by the martial arts, but he is a seventh-order Taoist, and there is no need to do so.

Zhang Xiyu has no face, but Gao Yang wants it.

Chucheng's death is irrelevant to himself, but he never does this disgusting thing.

"Uncle Shi, if you don't want to do it, I'll go." Zhang Xiyu couldn't hear the meaning of Gao Yang's words and was still working hard.

"You talk about it first, this time Shimenpai Luo Yan came, what did you bring?"

"Uncle Shi!"

"Official business is important, I have a task when I come out." Gao Yang frowned.

Zhang Xiyu felt like he was about to explode. Why didn't everyone understand their pains? I heard that Chucheng Pingbai took 30% of his profits, which made him crazy and jealous. Thirty percent profit is enough to turn a dumpling into a rich man. When Chucheng is rich, he can play more tricks and trick Luo Yan.

If Gao Yang knew Zhang Xiyu's inner activities, he would be hacked to death.

No matter how shocking your practice is, you are so indifferent when dealing with foreign affairs, you should still get out of the core and stop wasting Qingcheng's resources.

This time Luo Yan came over, mainly to transport a batch of Fulu, and then the things needed to build fortifications on the island. Then there is the material of various organs and animals. There are few combat beasts, mainly for infrastructure purposes. It seems that even without Chucheng's suggestion, Qingcheng plans to make a big difference here.

Gao Yang couldn't help but appreciate Chucheng's foresight and heart, and it became even more discomforting to see Zhang Xiyu.

He is the real high-level of Qingcheng, knowing that China will eventually fight against the mainland of the gods, so internal competition for resources is the least interesting thing. For Qingcheng, expanding and developing outside is the most valuable thing. Even cultivating forces outside Qingcheng and planning for future wars is something the Qingcheng core group is thinking about.

Although Zhang Xiyu is legendary, he still has no exposure to this level, and his thinking is relatively naive.

Chucheng is much more interesting. Chucheng's suggestion happens to be something that Qingcheng's high-level executives have to do.

Establish Lab No. 0, recruit professionals outside Daxia to form an interest group. As long as this group swells, it must have interests. There is only one suggestion from Chu Cheng that those who join Lab No. 0 must swear in a contract model that they will never trust any **** in this life.

This oath is very powerful, and if violated, it will surely be fulfilled in the soul.

However, this constraint is somewhat loose for professionals outside the empire. If they fight against the mainland of the gods in the future, as long as they do not surrender, they can escape.

But the senior officials of Qingcheng understand that there is no place to run.

When the God of War begins, there will be no place for unbelievers anywhere. So they can't escape, they can only fight for the vow that seems not strict today.

This is why Gaoyang is very optimistic about Chucheng. This person in Chucheng knows the future development trend very well.

As long as Chucheng does not die, there will always be a big brother in the future.

Looking at the people recruited by Chucheng, although they all have shortcomings, they are all talents. There are very few talents without shortcomings. Even in Qingcheng, there will be people like Zhang Xiyu.

"Uncle Master, I'll go back first." Zhang Xiyu said goodbye to Gao Yang.

Gao Yang said: "Don't go first, I have something for you to do."

"Uncle Shi, this time, I also have a division task." Zhang Xiyu was very stubborn.

"I and your master said." As Gao Yang flicked his robe sleeves, Zhang Xiyu felt that the strength of his whole body had been evacuated, and he could not speak while standing there. He saw Gao Yang take out a paper crane and let go. That paper crane is in contact with Qingcheng, and people of this level of Gaoyang can leave a lot of information in an instant.

Gao Yang is still very concerned about Lab Zero, he does not want to be destroyed by Zhang Xiyu.

Outside the laboratory, Zhang Xiyu wanted to toss about it, he did not object. He is not in a supportive attitude to Chu Cheng's relationship with Luo Yan, but Gao Yang scored his priorities. If the laboratory can be completed within a year, then Qingcheng has sufficient experience to continue to replicate.

These laboratories will become the peripheral force of Qingcheng, and they will not recruit talents trained by Qingcheng themselves.

There are too many labor costs saved here, and even Gao Yang himself feels worth investing. Not to mention millions of gold coins, what about hundreds of millions of gold coins? Apart from gold coins, there is no cost-based trading.

After entering Gaia, humans in the galaxy universe have done countless experiments.

Cement is one of them. It is indeed successful, but the mana of cement is not good. Whether it is Taoism or magic, if you want to bless it in cement, it will quickly escape. But on the Chinese side, special rammed earth technology was developed. The disadvantage of rammed soil technology is that the infrastructure construction is slow and requires a lot of manpower and material resources. Unlike cement, it is poured into the model and waits for drying, and the rest are small details.

But the heavy cement may be destroyed by a magic blow, and the rammed earth wall mixed with spell materials, a flame explosion is thrown, just a pit, it is easy to repair.

However, Qingcheng still brought in equipment for making cement. Although the new type of cement does not require clay, it still uses limestone as the basic substance. There are many limestones on this island, which is quite inexhaustible.

A month after Luo Yan's arrival, Chucheng's fleet was filled with supplies and drove to Shenzhou.

In Shenmuzhou, everywhere like the large construction sites, the castle guarding the entrance of the ruins was rebuilt. The main labor force is steam puppets. These giant puppets are laying foundations, tamped with hammers, and the exhaust vents above the head spray white hot water fog. The whole castle is the core of the magic net in Shenmu Prefecture.

Of course, the purpose of this magic web is to communicate, not to form a huge magic field.

In that case, the cost is too high, and Qingcheng is not building a mountain gate.

There are a total of five portals in the castle ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Chucheng has one place, and Qingcheng has four places. Now Chucheng is no longer in the port, and soon Qingcheng will continue to send more people to come. On the port side, Gao Yang will temporarily hand over to Zhang Xiyu for management. After Chucheng returned to the fortress, he was involved in the development of the ruins.

As for the construction of the laboratory, Chucheng handed over to Tiancao Cangyuan and Qingcheng handed over to Luo Yan.

Qingcheng is also in a hurry. If the mainland of the gods reacts quickly, there will be a large army under pressure half a year later.

So the core laboratory was quickly built, and various living facilities were rapidly improved. In addition to the combat facilities, the rest of the buildings are still based on cement, which can save a lot of time. The number of Taoist priests in Qingcheng soon exceeded one thousand, and the number of soldiers reached five thousand.

Three months later, the No. 0 laboratory started, and a large number of personnel were recruited by Qingcheng from Shenzhou to Shenmuzhou.

The island with sparse vegetation is now lush. Behind the castle, on a high ground, a huge artificial lake was dug. The bottom of the artificial lake is a giant magic array that absorbs water elements and forms a lake. Under the lake there are artificially constructed dark rivers. The exits of the dark rivers are all fortresses. Before the dark river becomes a surface river, it is guaranteed to control the water source.