Burning Ashes

v2 Chapter 296: Understaffed

This sword, with the guru's magnanimity, clearly thundered, but even Luo Yan, the swordsman, could not hear the thunderous sound that destroyed the world.

The trick is not to introduce it, but many legendary sword repairs in Qingcheng can't do it.

"You should learn swords." Luo Yan sighed seriously when he saw this scene.

"Being a magician is to beg for life, and learning swords is for feelings." Chu Cheng smiled at Luo Yandao, and he was in a good mood. Once the sword art broke through the imprisonment, he did not have to take the path of his previous life.

Daomen swordsmanship is really great, let Chucheng reborn in an instant.

Of course, this is related to his ability before rebirth, which others can't learn.

Chu Cheng didn't experiment with swordsmanship anymore, he released sixteen eclipses, floating beside him. The fist of Wancaiqiu is translucent and colorful. He has a huge magic pool and a fast recovery speed, but if he releases the Eclipse Ball, he can maintain 16 up and down around him. When it is about to dissipate, add 16 more.

This magic has been maintained for many years, and it is ready to be around. This magic may be cultivated to a terrifying height.

In fact, Chucheng wanted to maintain the burning touch year after year, but unfortunately the cooling period of the burning touch magic is too long, and it is difficult to prolong the existence time.

The only things that would allow him to do this are the Eclipse Ball and the Flesh Demon Eye.

However, the use of the flesh and blood eye is more reflected in the distance. In the future, the flesh and blood eye can be released to observe enemies within a few miles. The role of the eclipse ball is in close combat. If there are more than one hundred eclipse **** around him all year round, soldiers who want to get close to themselves must first suffer a wave of eclipse balls.

Looking at the eclipse ball around Chucheng, Luo Yan's eyes condensed and slowly said: "The benefits of the monster beast warhorse are not small. Lab 0 may be a gold-absorbing black hole in the future. Are you not going to give in?"

"Technology is in my hands. What I lack is more working capital. But Wang Luosheng can eat this business, and the Wang family can contact the royal family. If Qingcheng gets rid of me, I will cooperate with Wang Luosheng. He will be satisfied with three achievements. I can take up 70% of my profits. "

"Are you really not afraid at all?"

"The oath to join Lab Zero is essentially blasphemy, what else would you be afraid of?"

"For the benefit of hundreds of millions of gold coins, they can do everything."

"Who are they?"

"The forces outside Qingcheng, as long as they see Zhang Xiyu's attitude towards you, they don't need to give orders above, they will make their own claims. Even if things are exposed, Qingcheng hasn't said anything. This is a loophole in the contract, do you understand understand?"

Chucheng understands, Qingcheng does not need to issue orders to hurt him, as long as there is a slight attitude, there will be hyenas rushing up.

"The peripheral forces are not Qingcheng. They are different from Zhang Xiyu. I can kill them casually, right?" Chucheng confronted Luo Yandao.


"You see, after a turn, things are back to the original point, and it becomes simple. If I give in to the world of controversy, it is tantamount to finding my own way. Then Luo Yan, can you tell me, who is the enemy?"

Luo Yandao: "Master Zhang Xiyu, Ye Wenqiao. There are six eight-tier Taoists in Qingcheng, each in charge of a peak. The current master is only an agent. Which of the six people advances to ninth rank will become the real master of Qingcheng. Gate. The six veins of Qingcheng are all competing for resources. Gao Yang is my uncle, but he is also my master. "

"No wonder Zhang Xiyu will be restricted."

"Ye Wenqiao didn't think about letting Zhang Xiyu solve you, but as Qingcheng recruits more people in Shenzhou, Ye Wenqian's people will definitely appear in them. They don't belong to Qingcheng and can do it for you."

"I'm a necromancer, and I think someone who has done it to me will definitely regret it."

"Don't do too cruel things."

"Want to kill me, is it cruel?"

"It's a great sin, but Chucheng, you are not a bloodthirsty crazy person."

"Relax, I only do things that match the status of Necromancer, otherwise you think I'm not a swordsman?"

Chu Cheng smiled, opened the book of ashes, extracted a message, and appeared on the skill page.

Flesh and undead: The mage creates a seal of undead, restraining the soul of the dead, sealed in the corpse, using blood and flesh as the prison, and pain as the power to create the **** undead.

Current level: None.

This is a levelless magic, the power depends on the user's own rank and the strength of the soul. The level of the undead created by this magic is linked to the life of the dead, and has nothing to do with the ability of Chu City. This is somewhat like the Ash Undead, but the Ash Undead will have attribute changes after being upgraded to the legendary level in Chu City.

Flesh undead is purely a discipline magic.

Punish those enemies who did right against the Necromancer during their lifetime. They still retain self-awareness, but they have to fight for the Necromancer until the end of their life.

If the soul is not scattered, the flesh and soul will be resurrected, and this pain will continue.

The flesh and blood became the prison that imprisoned the soul, only memory, no longer able to perceive all happiness.

"You decided?" Luo Xiu was not surprised. She knew that Chucheng was a very opinionated person. Since Qingcheng didn't intend to back down from the difficulties that came out of Qingcheng, he would have to come back.

Although Shenmuzhou is big, there is no room for avoidance.

"You just don't dislike me."

"I don't think it's okay to blame you. There are some problems with people." Luo Yan didn't take it seriously. She had persuaded that Chucheng wouldn't listen to her if she didn't listen.

If she said what Chucheng did, it made her think that Chucheng was an indifferent person.

"Go to Yaoye City in front?" Chu Cheng asked Luo Yan.

"No, there is still time. You must get things done with the monster horse, and then decide what to do."

Luo Yan knew that Chucheng now wanted to see the monster city in front of him, who would assassinate him. Perhaps, Chucheng will use fierce means.

Chu Cheng thought for a while and said, "Well, don't destroy the atmosphere of today."

The two of them went all the way back to Lab No. 0. Chu Cheng said that he would not destroy the atmosphere, but because of the problems within Qingcheng, his mood was a little bad.

Do you want to hurt me if you fight for power internally?

The eighth order Taoist, if the eighth order can walk freely, how far he must roll. As for now? The limit of Qingcheng is to send a seventh-order Taoist priest, the daily range of action, which is the core area of ​​that castle. Once he left, Gao Yang himself was under great pressure.

But at night, in the port, the Scourge came back.

The news brought back by Green encouraged Chu Cheng.

Between Shenmu State and World of Warcraft, there are indeed some islands. He let Green find what he was looking for. It was a small archipelago, which was about 3,000 miles away from World of Warcraft. Among the archipelago, there are two islands suitable for the construction of the kingdom of death. Although this area has a bad climate, it has a suitable harbor and can dock a large number of fleets.

Even if there is a storm at sea, the environment inside the harbor is good.

Chu Cheng was pleased that as long as he had sufficient funds, he could immediately build a kingdom of death. The biggest problem right now is the shortage of manpower. The people of the two adventure groups are okay, but the other ones, Chu Cheng also feels not very reliable. He recruited not many people, all had obvious advantages, but unfortunately too few were alone.

Green and Xiao He are good candidates. The problem is that they are learning magic with themselves, and they have to be guided every day.

Wang Qinglong is also a good candidate, but must be placed in the No. 0 laboratory. Because Lab No. 0 is going to deal with Qingcheng and give Amakusa to handle foreign affairs, Chucheng is worried that after he leaves, he will come back and the island will be full of zombies.

Lab No. 0 has just started producing now, and Chucheng will never give up.

But to build a kingdom of death, you must have a necromancer. If you and Green both leave, it is difficult to guarantee the benefits here.

Build a kingdom of death, that is a large area suitable for the survival of undead.

Once found, the people on the World of Warcraft are estimated to come to fight. Because the kingdom of death will eventually become the entrance of Hades into this world, as long as the people of World of Warcraft are not stupid, they will find ways to destroy.

Therefore, there must be at least one biochemical warship over there, and two battleships no smaller than Thorns.

The early stage was to isolate the connection between the World of Warcraft and the island. Anyway, the island was not formed for a long time. The people of the World of Warcraft have not yet carried out development and exploration. After the past few years, when the dead in the kingdom of death is full, unless the army comes to fight against it, the ordinary adventure group is no longer useful.

The scale of the kingdom of death can borrow power from the underworld.

As long as the gods of the Underworld still want to build this entrance well, they will not begrudge the divine power.

What can we do in recent years? Chucheng has a feeling of sitting in a sleepy city.

If he gives up another 20% of the interest and rolls away in vain, Gao Yang will certainly be able to keep this profit for himself. The question is why, this is a big income.

In fact, the growth of Qingcheng is good for resisting the invasion of the gods.

The problem is that this money should not come out on its own ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ This is called good fortune, and Chucheng can't avoid it.

"Son, worrying about Green's business?" At night, Luo Yan left, and the red crown came, and her time is always so accurate.

"Yes, there is not enough manpower, and I can't bear to be here." Chu Cheng has nothing to hide from mentioning Red Crown.

"Son, I can go." Ti Hongguan volunteered to ask.


"Is n’t there two suitable islands over there? Give me one. I ’m about to experiment and build Huangquan ghosts, and the other one will build what you want to do. There are enough ghosts, and even if there are no undead in that island Life restricted zone. Green is no longer a child. Let him build for a few years, and there may be a war with the mainland of the gods. When the benefits are not so great, the son can withdraw. "

"You and Green, I'm afraid you can't control those two islands."

"I built a permanent teleportation array there, and when I needed it, the son passed by himself."