Burning Ashes

v2 Chapter 299: Serial troubles

Gao Yang was surprised when he saw Chucheng. He knew when Chucheng advanced, but the entry within the fourth stage, no matter how fast or solid, is not inferior to the core disciples of Qingcheng.

The main faction of Qingcheng is the foundation.

Like the two sixth-order Taoists in the ruins, the foundation is unstable, purely cultivated to cope with the situation at hand.

However, the core disciples are extremely solid, preferring to enter the country slower than upgrading in a hurry.

If he should be a disciple of Qingcheng, Gao Yang thinks so, purely because Chucheng's swordsmanship is also quite good, and his talent is amazing. If he is a disciple, he is sure to let Chucheng enter the eighth order, and the eighth order may not be the limit of Chucheng.

"Uncle Gao, I have a feeling of uneasiness." Luo Yan opened the door and said his feelings.

Gao Yang was surprised, but then thought that Luo Yan was the core disciple he cultivated in this peak, and the sword in his hand could perceive the good and bad fortune. And this sword and Luo Yan interacted with each other. After a long time, Luo Yan himself will have this ability.

"You wait." Gao Yang said, starting the formation in the wooden tower, and then he sat in the center of the formation, and the perception spread out, and in a blink of an eye, it was hundreds of miles away. The seventh-order legendary Taoist has a powerful soul, so strong that one world can't hold it, and Gaia's laws suppress him.

Only through the formation method to charge and soul power, so that the level of soul power does not seem so high.

But another benefit is that Gao Yang's perception can cover three thousand miles.

This perception has no lethality, and each time you start the formation, it also consumes a lot, but instant control of the entire island and the range of thousands of miles in the surrounding sea area can be said to be a very powerful scanning function.

And his own soul can withstand massive amounts of data.

In the area of ​​the thorny collar, Tiancao Cangyuan sat up from the bed violently. Although he escaped from his dream, he was still able to connect several plague creatures. Those are special.

Gao Yang's sensation shocked, causing Amakusa almost to be scared to urinate.

Was it found?

No, not against yourself, nor did you find the difference of the plague creatures. The characteristics of plague creatures are not how strong the external performance is, but usually look like a good baby. Once it breaks out, it will have a terrible lethality.

This is not deception, this is the essence of the plague.

The giant turtle was still three thousand miles away. Gao Yang scanned it and found no problems, but he knew that Luo Yan would not be aimless.

"Let's turn on the surveillance array, and the surveillance ship is also released, patrolling a thousand miles from the island."

Instead of giving orders to Luo Yan, Gao Yang gave orders to the Qingcheng garrison troops inside the fortress through the formation. Thousands of troops do n’t sound like much, but are they all trained professionals?

Even if it is all first-order, it is also a great force.

Unlike wild professionals, Qingcheng's army has a close coordination and the corresponding equipment is designed to target more powerful enemies by playing more and less.

Surrounding the island, there are high tower groups. Normally, the array method is not turned on. After it is turned on, the entire island will be monitored by Qingcheng.

What Gao Yang is worried about is the temple on the continent of the gods. If the temple looks at this ruin and sends a temple army to come over, it will be the most difficult to fight.

He is not worried about strange creatures or powerful individuals.

So he monitors it in a routine way. If the Temple Corps arrives, he will call back the two Tier 6 Taoists, plus a dozen legends, and even if the Temple carries angels, he is sure that they can't go back.

Since Gao Yang takes it seriously, Luo Yan is not good to say anything. She just thinks that Gao Yang is not enough.

When the two left the wooden pagoda in Gaoyang, Luo Yan said to Chu Cheng: "I always feel uneasy when you go back and see where you are."

Chucheng never speaks a word, just rest assured, nothing will happen. Usually after saying this, disaster will come and everything will become fragmented.

A few months of running-in did not bring much effect. The people recruited by Qingcheng found the high tower group on alert, but few people felt nervous about it. In their view, with Qingcheng, everything is fine. They only need to work under the wings of Qingcheng to make money for Qingcheng.

They never thought that Qingcheng recruited them just for cannon fodder.

Hundreds of thousands of professionals, even if many of them are life professions, can pick up a knife to cut people, it is much stronger than ordinary people.

In Gaia, the army on the continent of the gods is only 20% professional. Eighty percent of the soldiers are ordinary people. Whichever side of the galaxy universe is, the use of powerful national power, the development of a professional system, and the consumption of huge amounts of energy to maintain this system, so that all people who are willing to work hard have acquired the capabilities of professionals.

In Gaia, this is unthinkable.

Professional ability, nobles want to control in their own hands, not everyone has it.

Chucheng is different. He believed Luo Yan's judgment and returned to the area where the thorns were led in the castle, greeting everyone and making everyone ready to fight.

The preparation of the thorns collar means that all the staff enter a rest state and recuperate.

Although Tiancao Cangyuan did not take it seriously, he still obeyed the orders of Chucheng, and at the same time he awakened the ashes knight and ashes from both to protect his own territory.

God knows what the crisis is, maybe the people on this island rebelled?

The advantage of the thorny collar is that what Chucheng said, everyone will seriously implement it, even if this command is absurd. Chu Cheng used many real cases to tell everyone that his choices were all correct.

Vigilance began on the island. Of course, Zhang Xiyu was the first to feel wrong.

He had a ghost in his heart. After inspiring the summoning of giant creatures, he never saw any movement, and when he responded, it was his own martial arts that started to guard against it.

Is it successful? But, Fu Lu is gone.

"I f!" Tiancao Cangyuan first sensed the existence of the giant tortoise, because Jugui passed through a plague tentacle in the ocean, and the tentacle was a little guy compared with the giant tortoise. The giant tortoise seemed to move slowly, but when it passed the tentacles of the plague, it suddenly traversed hundreds of meters, and bitten one of its tentacles.

The wrists and feet fell off, and the plague tentacles released a strong ink, carrying a powerful hallucinogenic toxin.

A single jet, the plague tentacle escaped thousands of meters away, and its contact with the giant tortoise caused a swell in the sea.

Amakusa looked left and right and left silently. In the ocean, he arranged the tentacles of the plague, no one knew. If the words were spoken, the protagonist would not kill him, but Qingcheng would probably.

So he could only pretend not to know, even if the giant turtle looked terrifying.

The tentacles of the plague are huge, with scales on them and strong defense. It was bitten off by the giant tortoise, is the speed still the tortoise?

Imagine a soldier wearing millions of tons of heavy armor, who can charge continuously.

If this giant tortoise is in Shenmuzhou, it can open Musou sideways.

Do you want to escape first? No, how can I explain now? The giant tortoise is heading towards the port, and this direction is tens of miles away from the port. Do you want to talk to the hero?

Amakusa was so entangled in his heart that this time the trouble was not caused by him, but he first discovered it and he dare not say it.

Fortunately, the group of high towers by the sea discovered the anomaly of the waves and immediately notified Gao Yang. Gao Yang's perception spread out again, this time only for the direction of the port. Then he discovered the anomaly on the seabed. Giant turtles, even if they move slowly, can also cause changes in the waves, not to mention that the turtles are not slow.

But when you ca n’t see it, everyone will think that today ’s storms are a little bit big, and things with bad sea conditions often happen. No one would think that the wave head is higher than usual, because there is a giant creature approaching.

Gao Yang immediately dived into the sea, and then became a little dazed.

Thousands of long turtles are heading towards Shenmuzhou. I am afraid that this turtle has six orders. Sixth-order creatures can barely walk in this world.

If he enters the sea to intercept, one is unfavorable at home, and the other is that he is suppressed by the law and cannot exert the power of the seventh order. If you want to win, you have to wait for the giant turtle to rush near his wooden tower.

But in that case, the port will be destroyed.

Gao Yang was helpless in his heart, but he had to act. He immediately summoned the two Tier 6 Taoists in the ruins with a paper crane. In addition, he told the legendary Taoists not to die in the port.

The sixth-order giant creatures are almost unkillable monsters for the people under the legend.

Zhang Xiyu heard the news that made him retreat, and there was a monster to hit the port. He left his wooden tower without hesitation. The legendary Taoists in other wooden towers also quickly retreated, and Gao Yang's orders should not be violated. Zhang Xiyu had some fears. He thought that summoning giant creatures was not so terrible, but now, letting all the legendary Taoists withdraw from the port means that the port was abandoned.

If Uncle Gao Yang knew that this thing was summoned by himself, then no one could save his life ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ My laboratory! "Amakusa suddenly became anxious when he heard the news. After giving up the port, the castle bears the brunt, but Gao Yang couldn't stop the giant turtle from demolishing the house!"

When he ran out of the room and saw Chucheng outside, he anxiously said, "I have to go and pack things!"

"No, it's a big deal." Chucheng stopped Amakusa.

Amakusa felt like crying for the first time, the laboratory is back? Without the laboratory, without the daily control, those plagued creatures know what will happen.

It is foreseeable that the giant turtle is beheaded, as long as Gao Yang does not run.

But if the plague creatures are out of control, they will move away from the core cunningly and attack from all sides. In Shenmu Prefecture, the tragedy of Qishan City is about to break out again. What if Gao Yang is so powerful, he will be weakened when he leaves the wooden tower.

"Did you have anything to hide from me?" Chu Cheng couldn't help asking, looking at Amakusa's complexion.

"Princess ..." Amakusa almost knelt down, and finally said in his mouth: "That's a lot of money!"