Burning Ashes

v2 Chapter 370: Assault

The soldier ant headed is the four type. He pulled out the spear, and all the soldier ants followed up, throwing weapons at almost the same time.

Soldier ants, even at a low level, are also plagued creatures and can temporarily enter an ambush state without breathing or heartbeat. If it were not for the breath of the plague miners, they would not be able to wait until the enemy got closer.

Soldier ants are not advanced, but most of their intelligence is added to combat capabilities, and they are handled very carefully at this time.

Among the twenty soldier ants, the soldier ant headed ten people to attack the captain of the squad. His short spear was thrown out, and the wind burst like a thunder.

The captain's shield swung violently, forming a circle of shield shadows around his body. A small shield blocked all the spears, but the soldier's strength was so strong that he numb his arm.

The soldier's ant leader's hand cut off the halberd, he held a long sword to stab, and went straight to the soldier's heart.

Soldier ants screamed angrily, their arms were thick, and the speed suddenly increased, without flashing.

Boom, the captain's head was cut by his halberd, and the long sword was stabbed in the chest of the soldier's ant leader. There was not much power. The tip of the sword slipped and failed to break through.

This small captain, did not expect that the other party would not dodge at all, the movements in his hands were not deformed, and he changed his life with his life.

Soldier ants don't care, he has two hearts, usually sleeps one, and replaces the other one if it breaks. A heart that stops beating can also repair itself, consuming the most life. Soldier ants never care that their life span is only three years, and they splurge like a long-lived species.

The plague miners in the back threw the spears out. Of the eleven armored soldiers, only two were shot dead by the spears of soldiers and ants. The rest were only slightly injured. After hitting the soldier, it caused a blunt strike effect. The soldier ants pounced, the halberd was hacked, and the remaining soldiers were quickly corpse.

The miners hurriedly dragged away the body, and the soldier ants took their spears away.

Frontal battle charge, they have not yet such a powerful force, in the mountains, small forces collide, after the soldier ants have the advantage of the number, they simply output firepower roughly. What tactics are too fast and ruthless, Wang Qinglong also issued orders in this way. He did not fight the opposing large-scale troops at all, but divided into small teams to attack.

If the troops are not enough, they will not engage in battle and attract the enemy into the mountain forest.

This army lost two teams in succession, and knew that there was a problem in the forest. However, after the following commander reported, the general responsible for the five thousand heavy infantry hesitated.


If it is a trap, the order I received is to go to the preset location and meet, all the way to the highest level. But it is also a sin to die under the hands and not to investigate.

Qingcheng priests cannot watch the battle on the spot. They can only extract a little bit of image information from the magic circle. The off-white image is fiercely beating, and you can see part of the battle situation.

In just over half an hour of contact, the enemy was gnawed by soldiers and ants and killed more than 500 people.

Soldier ants haven't died so far, and the plague miners have only suffered more than 400 casualties.

Wang Qinglong frowned, the core of the enemy was elite, and the mage did n’t move. It stands to reason that he had to send several magicians!

He secretly gave orders to the magic lord, and the magic lord, who was commanding in the distance, immediately sent his men to the designated location with bone monsters.

A plague mage, with five plague dragon knights and three plague angels, drove the skeletal behemoths to the lurking zone beside the mountain road. It was still a low mountain parcel, sparse vegetation, skeletal monsters lying hidden on the other side of the hill, there were a large group of people passing by, huge dragon blood packs, and things like wooden houses.

The plague mage personally controls the magic ballista of the back of the skeletal behemoth. The small magic ballista does not pursue area damage, but pursues a powerful single destruction effect.

This time, two magicians immediately turned their heads and stared at the top of the hill.

The activation of a small magic ballista cannot be silent. This is also a consequence of the incompatibility of the equipment. The plague creatures have a good hidden breath effect. The skeleton monsters are also more difficult to detect than ordinary undead. The formation method, otherwise it is impossible not to be found.

But the plague mage aimed too fast, after the small magic ballista started, he chose to launch.

To be a human mage, there must be a delay of at least three seconds.

There was a roar, and the blood-red flame, like a meteor, blasted into the wooden house on the dragon's blood pack and exploded.

After the attack, the plague mage retreated directly, and the three plague angels flew up to take charge. The plague angel holds the arrow barrel, which is magic equipment, but the arrow enchantment in the arrow barrel is very common, and it also uses powerful kinetic energy to kill the enemy. The weapons and equipment of the entire Plague Corps are unmatched and temporarily patched together.

In the destroyed wooden house, a **** priest in a white robe stood up from the smoke and looked coldly at the plague angel in the sky.

"Your Mightiness……"

Pastor Bai Pao raised his hand to stop the opponent, even if he was a dragon-like human, he was the general of this 10,000-person team.

"The enemies are not worrying. This is what attracted us to chase them down in the past. Even if they killed a few of them, it was not worth the loss. We have to reach the front line camp tomorrow night. The enemy ’s lack of troops can only attract us into the mountains and jungle. Cover their weak nature. "

"However, their attacks will cause considerable damage."

"It's really a problem, but our forces are dispersed, and the plan to attack the canyon castle is delayed. So we don't go to open wider roads and strengthen our vigilance. When we encounter an attack, we fight back in ten seconds, more than a minute. Just give up the pursuit and they will be tired. "

Pastor Bai Pao did not know that the plague creatures were not tired, they could fight for a month in a row and then die suddenly.

Intensify the attack, don't care about sacrifice.

Wang Qinglong issued the order again, and the magic lord passed the order on. The soldier ants who remained cautious immediately became brave and commanded the miners to go first.

When they seduce the enemy, they are in front, and when they need to sacrifice, soldier ants choose to be in the back.

Ten thousand soldier ants are scattered near the mountain road of more than two hundred miles, which is equivalent to fifty soldier ants per mile, plus two hundred and fifty miners. If they are arranged in two straight lines, there will be more than one combat unit every two meters. But it was so distributed that all soldier ants plus the mining union were killed cleanly.

Wang Qinglong's order passed on, and the casualties of the miners first increased.

A small side impacted the heavy infantry team, throwing a spear to cover it, and directly killing more than twenty enemies. But when the soldier ants threw the second round of spears, they were counterattacked. Heavy infantry jumped off the warhorse, used the warhorse as a cover, wound the hard crossbow, and shot back at the distant plague miner.

After all, this world has magic. All intelligent creatures are much stronger than humans born on the earth. They can march in armor instead of reaching the battle area.

If this is not the case, Chucheng has already won.

The plague creature attacked suddenly, the heavy infantry responded quickly, and quickly formed a formation, rushing towards the foot of the mountain. This gathering is the scale of two hundred people. The infantry in front of them did not even lift the shield. They wielded big swords with both hands and rushed to the plague miners with the heavy armor on their bodies.


The weapons of both sides penetrated into the opponent's body almost at the same time, and the straight blades of the plague miner were all in. Its heart was also destroyed by the enemy's long sword.

Miners don't have two hearts, but after the heart is destroyed, the straight knife in the miner's hand is still spinning, cutting the internal organs of the heavy infantry into pieces. Another infantry came and wanted to kick this plague miner. The plague miner opened his mouth and bit the ankle of the infantry.

Click ...

In the pain of the infantry, the sword cut down and cut off the head of the plague miner.

The miner's head exploded, and dozens of bugs sprang out of it, rushing towards the infantry. The infantry was startled and slammed backwards. As a result, the bug fell to the ground and squirmed a few times to die. If the miner's head is not exploded, you can dissect it and recover these insects, with a probability of about one-fifth, and grow into the next plague miner.

Battle loss is better than unexpected!

Wang Qinglong is very surprised, but the magic lord seems to specifically select the weak area of ​​the enemy caster to attack.

When the magic of the dragon mage was covered, there were already more than one hundred infantry casualties. The soldier ants went crazy, their bodies swelled up to three meters high, and their halberds danced like toys.

120 plague combat units eventually killed 85 heavy infantry, wounded 75, and killed more than 60 enemy horses.

It's a pity that the fourth-order soldier ants finally pretended to die ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ also failed to sneak into the enemy dragon mage.

The attack was fierce. The plague mage entered the battle, and with the skeletal monster, rushed into the formation of a cavalry unit. After the plague mage lost 20 magic, he exploded directly.

The dragon mage died in battle, and the dragon **** priest was hit hard. When the guards came around, the plague mage laughed, his body roared, and then exploded into a flesh and blood.

The Guardian is a little silly, they have never seen such an enemy.

Perhaps the heresy mentioned in the Dragon God's Code is like this?

Here, haven't they been wiped out?

Several guards felt sick, took off their masks, and wiped the sweat on their faces with the towel they brought with them.


The skeletal beast ran desperately, hitting a dragon beast that blocked it, but it was not a combat unit after all, it was chased by the dragon cavalry behind him, stabbed with a gun, and soon dispersed.

This plague mage is still on the order, and there is only one skeletal giant under his hand, plus an early plague slave.

His team dispersed, and another plague mage, with the plague knight, had broken through the enemies and rushed into the jungle. It was the soldier ants that caused more casualties.

Two plague mages stirred the situation, attracted the dragon mage and the dragon **** priest, the huge size of the skeletal beast was originally used as a target. Miscalculated the situation, the infantry on the other side of the team was cut by the plague knight, and was killed by soldier ants in a blink of an eye.

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