Burning Ashes

v2 Chapter 390: lonely

One hundred and twenty battleships of the Miya Empire and sixty battleships of the Kurasu Empire. The Miya Empire still attacked when he came up, and knocked out half of his opponent's ships.

There are only 16 warships escaping from the port.

Duke's Mansion ...

Grand Duke Maggie looked at the city outside the window. The civilians fled home in horror. Soldiers gathered on the street. The explosion of the port in the distance continued. Many magical artillery shells were shot into the city. The safest place is around the Temple of Justice , But no civilian dare to evade.

God of Justice, if you pray for his refuge, you have to pay a corresponding price.

It is possible that the price you gave was not enough and you died on the spot.

Fortunately, the explosive power of the magic artillery is controlled within a certain range. Some houses have been collapsed, and the people inside have time to escape.

The Duke ’s Mansion is protected by a magic circle. If stray bullets come, they will also be ejected by the magic.

Grand Duke Maggie was not in his study, but in a tower in the Duke's Palace, overlooking the city. This room is very large, there is no furniture inside, only a sculpture of a horse, wearing a vest, carrying a hollow shell of armor on it.

The mask of the armor was raised, and the inside was dark and dark, with no light at all.

The magic lights on the wall couldn't break into the armor.

Armor hangs a spear, a big sword, and a chain hammer. Grand Duke Maggie was sitting next to the armor, his eyes kept looking out the window.

He said to himself: "These people are crazy, they want to fight, and somehow they fight. What am I doing wrong? Everyone wants me to die, you said, should I die?"

The armor was motionless and silent, it was just a dead thing.

"The glory of the ancestors, I also want, but I can not wear you, and it is not my fault."

There was a fire in the distance, but on the battleship of the Mya Empire, a small airship was dispatched, and the flyway was set on fire in the city of Luzian. It took a few minutes for the airship to be shot down, and the fire had spread to a block size.

"They said I was ridiculous and went away one after another. Actually, I know, because I can't put on you. If I can put on you, I will be ridiculous, and they won't leave. So it's not that I did wrong It ’s just that I do n’t have the power. The same is true of my children. People in our family are getting less and less useful. ”

The battle at the port was still fierce. Miya failed to destroy all the turrets, and the turrets on the land were fighting back.

Grandpa Maggie laughed, and the resistance would not last long.

"Those emperors thought I was a broken jar, but they didn't know that when I really wanted to fall, someone always paid a price."

Grandpa Maggie said, standing up, he drew a short knife from his waist and pierced his heart.

The blood spewed out, and instead of landing, he was directly attracted by the armor and rushed into it.

"What a terrible pain!" Grand Duke Maggie's voice was singing an aria, and it seemed to be venting her dissatisfaction for so many years.

Bloodline, bloodline.

Bloodline is impure, so that he can not wear the armor of his ancestors, let his men gradually away.

My bloodline is not something I can decide?

When you first made Blood Knight, didn't you leave behind?

Grand Duke Maggie's body, there was a sound of some metal cracking, and then his body shattered, but he never saw the scene of blood splashing again. All the visceral hairs of the minced bones flew into the armor.

On the chest of the armor, a ring-shaped rune lit up.

The inner side of the ring is dark, and it tends to be dim yellow, while the color that goes outward is gradually changed to a white color. There was a faint heartbeat in the empty armor.

The sound of heartbeat, the sound of blood flowing in the blood vessels, the sound of bones pulling out, and the sound of breathing appear in the armor one by one.

In the dark helmet, a pair of eyes opened, and there was light.

Above the sea, Chucheng observed the battlefield two hundred miles away, and there were five corpses in the air with strong signals. The undead pterosaurs lay on the front deck of the Scourge, and the giant ape walker sat beside him, the flying skull looked very unhappy. Looking around, he could not see Chu Bai, and the other two undead refused to talk to him.

He felt that he had been silent for too long, so he turned a circle and made a whine noise.

He is looking forward to the undead pterosaurs. They can ask: Are you sick?

Then he answered, did you know?

But the undead pterosaur closed his eyes, blowing the sea breeze, and ignored him at all. The Great Ape Walker held his stick and looked at the sea. The sea breeze blew his dark golden long hair, and it felt very windy when he looked at it.

Feikang tangled his hair, which was dirty and messy compared to monkey hair.

"No one chats with us, so lonely."

"It's a bit silly to talk to myself."

"Because the hero is lonely."

"Yes, those who can't hold back the loneliness are not true heroes!"

"I have a plan."

"Sneak into Lu Zian!"

"Curse them?"

"Yes, curse them!"

"Last time was good."

"Dragon Gods are all killed."

"This is such a brilliant idea!"

"Of course wonderful."

"We have a high IQ."

"I have one hundred and eight."

"I am two hundred and two!"

"My two hundred and fifty!"

"How much does it add up?"

"Don't talk about it, let me count."

"Don't count, it's six hundred and five."

"Why doesn't it matter! Take my line!"

"Don't quarrel, why should we quarrel."

"Yes, it's not an ogre."

Undead pterosaurs opened their eyes and swept the giant ape walker, and asked, "What will happen to the flying skull?

"Let him die." The great ape walker was round and answered sympathetically.

"He is an undead, not originally the category of the living." Undead Wing Dragon Road.

"Then die again."

"Also, there is such a thing in the master's space, which is really annoying."

"How do I hate it!"

"I am not deaf."

"What do you two mean?"

The undead pterosaur closed his eyes again, and the Giant Ape Walker continued to blow his sea breeze, making the hair fly.

Can't fly cranial, but he is more powerful than the curse, and the fight is not as good as the two around him. Not to mention the undead Pterosaurs, the great ape walker has a good foundation, and he can exert tremendous power casually.

He is the most powerful one, but people ignore him, and his three mouths are useless.

The curse is not dare, let's not say that Chucheng can't pass it, really cursed, undead space sharing the consequences, he himself must be unlucky.

Fei crazily flew up, straight to the bridge.

Colin was still curious when he saw Flying Skull. He was also a caster, and curiosity was one of the talents of the caster. Without curiosity, there can never be a big achievement.

The most powerful thing about Colin is not combat power, but the formation design.

Otherwise, he will not become a royal consultant at a young age and enjoy superb treatment. Seeing the flying skulls of the three heads, Colin smiled and said: "Baron, is this the undead you made?"

"Ah, useless things always cause trouble."

"It looks very intelligent."

"Your vision is accurate." Fei skull immediately answered, and Chu Cheng did not stop.

"Doesn't this need vision?"

"That is, you can understand the size of your head."

"You are all wrong, if your head is useful, it is the dragon whale that rules the world!"

"Dragon whale is not the biggest creature."

"The star beast is."

"No learning and no skills! The brain of the star beast is only the size of a watermelon, and the brain of the dragon whale is bigger than the swimming pool."

Colin felt that he had said something wrong, so he heard Fei skull say to him: "Come here, we are bigger than anyone."

"Everything is said, the head is useless."

"Why useless?"

"Yes, have you heard nursery rhymes?"

"What nursery rhymes?"

"Big head, big head, don't worry about rain, people have umbrellas, I have big heads!"

"Related to wisdom?"

"At least save an umbrella, do you admit it?"

"The umbrella is saved, and the brain is flooded!"

"Into the water!"


The three heads of the flying skull shook vigorously at the same time, making Colin dizzy.

Three faces, suddenly looked grim.

"What's wrong?" Colin owed and asked.

"It's possible that the water has really entered."

"I heard the sound of the sea!"

Colin couldn't help crying, what the sound of the sea is the sea outside! Isn't it normal to hear the sound of the sea? This undead is strange, like a mental illness.

But it seems that there is legendary strength. Legendary mental illness is still legendary.

"When did the water enter?"

"Not sure, certainly not once or twice."

"What to do, brain influx affects intelligence."

"Suck it out?"

"Do you use a straw?"

"How do I plug it in?"

"Aren't there nostrils?"

"too disgusting!"

"It's not disgusting to let others **** for us."

"It's someone else who is disgusting ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Good idea, that's it!"

Colin watched three heads chatting and didn't know how to interject. When Flying Skull stopped, he circled around in situ, and all three faces looked at Colin.

Sixth-order dragon vein warlock, with hair seen by flying skull, what do you mean? Let me **** it?

Colin decided that if the undead dares to offend himself, even if he makes Chu Cheng angry, he will have to kill him.

The relationship between the two parties is not bad now, and they only lose money at most.

"This lord, what do you think I do?" The flying skull wicked first complained, obviously he stared at others.

Colin glanced at Chucheng. Chucheng was watching the battlefield intently, ignoring his conversation with Fei skull. Colin said to Flying Head: "The sea is outside, not in your mind."

The three faces looked at Colin seriously, and one of them said: "Do you really think we are stupid?"

"How come there is a sea in my mind?"

"We are just lonely."

"Lonely like snow."

"Look at your gorgeous clothes."

"Good looks."

"It must be a frequent visitor to Hanama."

"How could I understand me?"

"Even if it is a god, it will not be omnipotent and omnipotent, it is normal not to understand." Colin was not angry, he was just a bit of a cleansing habit. If Flying Skull asked him to help with a straw, he could not bear it.

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