Burning Ashes

v2 Chapter 391: Siege

Chu Cheng observes the battlefield and feels Colin's emotions. Colin has anger in his heart, but the control is very good, which has not affected his judgment.

Chu Cheng was very satisfied with this reaction. Colin was a stronger caster than him. He was beside him. Of course Chu Cheng had his worries.

However, the most worrying thing about Chucheng is the temple. Colin's state is perfect, which is in line with the image of a caster who does not believe in any gods.

Casters who do n’t trust the gods are easy to get along with.

The believer's thinking will be different from that of normal people. Human interests and normal social communication are not too restrictive for believers.

There is also a limit to the waywardness of the strong, but different believers have no lower limit for doing things.

Fei skull is crazy again, and he has a judgment in his heart. He thinks that if Colin killed himself, Chucheng will probably not avenge him, so he dismissed the idea of ​​continuing to communicate with Colin.

"Master, please let me go to the port. Anyway, I fly well and can provide more information."

"Go to yourself, don't take pterosaurs." Chu Cheng pierced Fei Skull's thoughts, Fei Skull was not ashamed.

"Of course I go by myself, the heroes are all alone!"

Watching the flying skull bounce away, Colin said to Chu Cheng with a very admired tone: "Baron, you are really an amazing magician!"

"Do you think so too?" Chu Cheng asked seriously.

Kolin had some hair and said, "What do you mean?"

"Fly Skull also said so."

Looking at Chu Cheng's face, Colin held back for a long time, and then he laughed out loud and said: "Ah, your undead, it's really hard to say. I feel offended, but it's nothing, I shouldn't worry about him. . "

"I'm also kidding, don't mind."

"There is nothing to mind, you are only fifth-order. When I looked at you, I felt a terrible feeling, as if you were a volcano that would erupt at any time. There are only two ways for a person to gain respect, one It is character, one is strength. At least your strength deserves respect, and we can communicate equally. "

"That's right, moral character and strength." Chu Cheng has a heart.

For gods, there is no such thing as character. The spirit is a profession, and the only certainty of all spirits is his profession. Yes, every **** is loyal to the profession.

The **** of light is loyal to light, the **** of justice is loyal to justice, and the **** of darkness is loyal to death.

Chu Cheng knew that what Colin passed was not words. He is a pure spellcaster, and it is not surprising that he has such an idea.

So he asked: "Colin, what do you think of my alchemist creature soldier?"

The thorny collars all describe the plague creatures as alchemist creature soldiers. This is of a uniform caliber and must not be talked about indiscriminately.

Collin said: "It looks like the style is an abyss monster, but it only has a soul-like appearance. After death, everything returns to Gaia, so they are not monsters, at most a fierce animal."

His judgment is also the standard of the caster. The plague creatures look no more cruel, but after death, Gaia will not have any losses, and the plague creatures will form a perfect cycle with this world.

"It's time to work." Chu Cheng's eyes fell on the magic circle again.

The fleet of the Miya Empire chased the ships that fled the port, but more firepower was still poured on the battery. Although the three Tier 7s have no way to leave the giant battleship, they can protect themselves well. Most of the counterattacks of the fort are doing useless work.

The line of defense on the shore has been blown up by artillery.

The military engineering of the Principality of Maggie is not good, unlike a thorny collar, there is a defense line behind the castle, with complicated tunnels.

Chucheng didn't see this. He saw a divine light rising above the Temple of Justice, forming a huge pattern of Libra, covering the temple. This means that the people of the God of Justice will not intervene in this war.

If the temple does not intervene, Chucheng will have no last worries.

He ordered his fleet to move forward, enter Lu Xian's port at full speed, and land in combat.

The Plague Legion is a striker. The reason why the Miya Empire hired Chu City was that it did not want its own people to suffer too many deaths and injuries. They had only four landing warships this time, and the soldiers carried a relatively small number of less than 20,000. If it were not for Colin to pass on the information of the thorny collar, let the Miya royal family determine that there was no problem in attacking Lu Zian, they would not rush.

Know that there are more than 10,000 soldiers in the Kelasu Empire.

This 10,000-plus soldiers were originally intended to attack the thorny collar, or in turn attack Grand Duke Maggie. But when the Miya Empire went to war, they could only die with the Miya Empire.

This conflict was purely caused by Chucheng.

The change in the contrast of power allowed the Miya Empire to seize the opportunity. Now the larger fleet of the Miya Empire is already on the road, and about a month later, it will be able to increase its troops by 100,000 and completely guard Lu Zian.

This time there are three seventh-level mages, the purpose is also to build a magic tower directly in Lu Zian, so that these three mages guard.

Colin said to Chu Cheng: "Something is too urgent? Let the imperial fleet fight for a while."

He is kind. In fact, the Miya Empire does not care about the pension problem. Chucheng can afford to die no matter how much it is. He is worried that Chucheng ’s military strength will be damaged too much. Looking back, the thorny collar will bear the Holy Empire. Some pressure is not cost-effective.

Chu Chengdao said: "Relax, as long as the war starts, the ending will be the same. Besides, the Miya fleet now has a slower attack frequency. If you wait any longer, it is not good."

Colin didn't say anything more, and he couldn't guarantee that the firepower of the fleet could always be suppressed in this way.

No matter how big the sea ship is, it also has limited resources. It can fight with the land army for so long, and it has also smashed its opponents. That is because it is facing only a Principality, or a Principality with weakened power.

If you let the Miya Empire attack the White Coral City, give them a few guts and do n’t dare to take more than a hundred ships to take risks.

What are the three seventh orders, and the majesty of the Pope comes down, and it is estimated that they will be completely destroyed.

Although Chucheng does not have a magic attack ship, the crystallization cannons on the three biological warships are also different from the previous ones. The resources obtained in Dragon God Realm can be tilted toward these three warships in a large amount. The powerful energy system makes this warship Can be attacked with impunity.

As the flagship of the Scourge, it rushed to the front, and when it was close to the port, the biological crystal cannon began to attack silently.

A huge golden meat tube lifted up, spewing crystals towards the port.

In the sky, the corpse witch rides a giant black crow, flying high, providing coordinates for the crystal cannon. The battleship on the other side of the Miya Empire had to hit more than a dozen guns to hit the target. For the Scourge, it almost reached the starting hit.

Three warships approached the port, covered by firepower, and on small and large armed merchant ships, small arms also began to project at a distance of two miles. As the earliest armed merchant ship, the Thorns was already full of plague creatures on the deck. When the collision angle of the Thorns hit the dock for a moment, the plague knight on the deck rushed up with his elite troops.

Sparse magic, flying from a distance, was ignored by the plague knight.

The magic lord ordered the establishment of positions on the ship. The soldiers and ants behind swarmed and began to occupy the dock. The long-range attack of the Miya Empire has long been covered backwards, and began to attack Lu Zion. The soldiers alive on the pier have no power to fight against the plague knight, and can only watch the soldiers go ashore.

The magic lord did not rush to attack, but let the soldiers and ants on the armed merchant ships land first to build a position on the spot.

The plague mage and the plague sergeant came ashore with equipment, set up a temporary magic circle in the port, and arranged a small magic ballista. In the distance, Lu Xi'an was already in flames, but the city walls were enchanted, and there was no sign of collapse. Under the attack of the Miya Empire, the white wall of Lu Xi’an stood upright, which also surprised Chu City.

But what is the use of strong walls? The warships of the Miya Empire were approaching, and the counterattacks on the city's head were sparse.

Not to mention fighting back the warship, even the fortifications on the dock were unable to deal with it.

The soldier ants are adjusting the magic ballista. After this thing is miniaturized, the attack distance is within two miles. The lethality is still acceptable, but do n’t expect to use it against legends.

When a legion's plague creatures set up a position, the soldiers on the side of the Mya Empire began to land, and the plague legion gave up most of the positions ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ only retained the army guarding the magic ballista.

The significance of the position is to prevent the enemy ’s army from being attacked by the enemy ’s legend. A loss of several hundred at a time ca n’t be tolerated by anyone.

Mia ’s magician got off the ship and immediately began to reinforce the position, so that his soldiers could quickly equip. The human army is not a plague creature, many soldiers will activate the magic circle on the armor before the battle.

While waiting, the defense will be reduced by one level.

The soldier ants began to attack the city. In the sky, the giant dark crow descended, and the legendary mage on the side of the Miya Empire also flew up, bombarding the magic towards the city head.

The magician flies, the mana consumption is relatively fast, so on the battlefield, the attacks of legendary mages are not all legendary magic. In contrast, the corpse witch unscrupulously released the chain of lightning, and their flight all relied on the wings of the giant crow that were more than ten meters.

Chucheng said to Colin: "Or shall we go up?"

"Never mind, Baron, the goal this time is not to kill Grand Duke Maggie, just to drive him away. The battle behind is not so intense, mainly to eliminate the troops of the Kurasu Empire here. It ’s quite a lot, let the following soldiers fight. ”

The black soldier ants climbed on the smooth city wall, and a small group of fifteen soldier ants quickly reached the city wall.

The spear that was spurting directly on the head was directly deflected by the soldier ants. The leader of the soldier ant, the face split, the mouth was opened to the maximum, and the head of the soldier on the opposite side was bitten.

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