Burning Ashes

v2 Chapter 412: Southern Intelligence

Lu Fengan took out the food in the bracelet, which looked like compressed dry food. There was a soldier ant behind him, and he handed an iron bucket and pointed to the shelf on the campfire.

Lu Fengan put a bucket of water on it and burned it. In Gaia, drinking boiled water is also a good behavior.

The parasites here are even more terrifying, but they are also afraid of high temperature, and basically die clean at 70 or 80 degrees. For those with strong vitality, it can be seen at a glance for professionals, without using a microscope.

Lu Fengan thanked the soldier ants, took some tea foam, and put it in the water.

Does he make tea or put it when the water is cold, which is different from Qingcheng bubble tea. Luo Yan didn't smile, but just wanted to ask himself.

If you have any questions, it is not surprising if you drink tea upside down.

"I heard that you want to join my adventure team, but I really don't lack staff." Chu Cheng's words were slow, and his face was calm.

Why didn't he know the other party's thoughts? He just wanted to follow himself and enter a few more ruins to see if he could grab some soup and drink. Originally, four legends were in the team. This Lu Fengan thought he could be valued. When the time comes to distribute loot, the Yanxia School can have an initiative or something.

Now Chucheng refused to speak. Lu Fengan had dry food in his hands, making it difficult to swallow.

"If you want to follow my long-term knowledge and take advantage of it, it is not impossible, but I am worried that you will drag down the progress of the adventure." Chu Cheng is serious.

Lu Fengan hesitated and said, "We have thirty-one in the same door and have different skills, so why shouldn't it be a burden on the Lord Earl?"

"So, you don't need my protection?" Chu Cheng was surprised.

What Lu Fengan can say, he had to say: "Adventure matters, each has its own destiny. If you need your protection, we are willing to pay a certain price."

Chu Cheng lost his smile and said, "Do you think I will be short of money?"

Luan Feng looked around, the camp area is not small, I am afraid there are more than two thousand people, the other party does not lack money.

Chu Cheng said: "Well, since you are also from the mainland of Shenzhou, just tell me, why do so many martial arts come to the solar continent, is there any reliable news?"

Lu Fengan understands that if he doesn't speak, he can't walk with Chucheng.

"It's not Penglai yet. It's better to buy a variety of creatures from the solar continent. It's better to be alive. There is no whole body, but also to maintain fresh flesh. Many schools in the south feel that this sale is cost-effective, and sent a lot of people to come. "

"Yanxia School, don't you think of Penglai's things?"

"Penglai bought jade to buy it. Although the Yanxia School was not weak, it did not control many veins, which has always affected the recruitment of disciples. No matter how many tricks are recruited, if there is no jade, there will not be too many core disciples." Lu Fengan It seems to be telling the truth, Chu Cheng can't believe it.

Even if Penglaishe got jade, how much can he make, wouldn't the Yanxia School expand?

Chu Cheng whispered something to Luo Yan, but Lu Feng'an couldn't hear it, and he felt a little nervous.

"What else?"

Lu Fengan listened to Chu Cheng and quickly added: "Penglai mainly wants divine creatures. Any divine creature, as long as it is more than four levels, can be exchanged for mineral veins."

"How many people did Penglai send themselves?"

"No one knows that. I heard that Penglai is in the north and there is a port. It is said that thousands of Taoists came to take part in the adventure. I think it is true. We originally planned to take the loot and go out from here, and then Go north and go straight to the city controlled by Penglai to take over the mission. "

"Then you split up half of the staff and handed over the task, and the rest of you followed my team into the desert. Take it with you, it is always unsafe."

Lu Feng'an changed color, and Chu Cheng smiled and said: "I really want to rob you, Luo Yan is enough, but also need to arrange means on the road? It's just that we take risks, it is really dangerous, if you accidentally die, your teacher The mission of the door will not be completed. "

"Is it a relic?"

"Of course it is a relic." Chu Cheng said: "Ordinary underground Warcraft hunting, I am not interested."

In fact, Chucheng has now extinguished the idea of ​​killing this adventure group. He is not short of money, he will not rob the Chinese. Of course, if Lu Feng feels at ease, he must have won it all, leaving no hair to the Yanxia School.

It's also very interesting to form a group. By the way, explore the things about the south of Shenzhou.

Lu Fengan listened to Chu Cheng's words and thought it made sense. These people in Chu Cheng did not intend to start against him, but this is just for now. What if they change their minds in a few days?

He greeted the same disciples, and arranged for people to take the loot back first.

Lu Fengan took his sister, two legends, plus twelve fourth-order Taoists.

The Yanxia School is really not weak. This time, besides the legend is the fourth-order, these fourth-order priests are also very likely to be promoted to the legend.

Chucheng also has time to continue chatting with Lu Fengan, he is asking questions.

Later, Lu Fengan didn't think much about it, so he made a clear explanation about Penglai's mission this time. Penglai only has influence in the south, so the northern martial arts did not participate in this matter. Although the south is relatively weak, there are more martial arts, and the number of professionals is quite large. Chucheng has paid attention to the continent of the gods. Now that the Chinese state is in full swing, there are vaguely two marches in the south.

One is the Tongcheng School and the other is the Tushan School.

The Tongcheng faction is good at organizing news. The Tushan faction is more mixed, and the witchcraft, demon, magic and magic arts are everything.

The rise of these two factions made Penglai unable to sit still. There must be other ideas behind this big event. Originally, Penglai had a great influence in the south, and the newly rising martial arts challenged Penglai.

Penglai is not without trouble, but it is not necessary to say more about the loss of soldiers in the background.

"In fact, more than that, I heard that the Buddha Gate has gone south, the Buddha Gate is powerful, and Penglai can't sit, I am afraid it is also related to the Buddha Gate."

Lu Fengan said: "There is this rumor, but the level of the Buddhist door is too high, I can't figure it out."

Said that until the middle of the night, Lu Fengan said goodbye and went to sleep in the tent. Chu Cheng and Luo Yan took out the wine and drank beside the bonfire that was going to go out.

"Lu Feng'an didn't tell the truth, don't you bother?" Luo Yan looked at Chucheng. She always thought that Chucheng was the kind of person who yanked her hair. There must be something worth robbery in Lu Fengan's team. It stands to reason that after these people came back, if they did not ask for pleading, they would die.

And she saw Chu Cheng's style, thinking that Chu Cheng was angry, Lu Fengan would not end well. At that time she thought, if Chucheng started, she would give Lu Fengan a happy heart.

For the sake of outsiders, it is always the most stupid thing.

She is not a little woman, what she thinks in her mind is really a big deal.

Compared to the survival of Shenzhou, these people Lu Fengan are farts. The value of Chucheng, in her view, is equivalent to the mountain owner of Qingcheng.

Chucheng is not powerful, but his brain is easy to use, and he is lucky, even found a place like Dragon God Realm, a Dragon God Realm, enough for Qingcheng to eat for hundreds of years.

Large things like Qingcheng, ordinary resources swallowed in one bite.

The reason why Qingcheng is willing to give Chucheng benefits is that he wants to use his luck. Because Chucheng found something again, he still asked Qingcheng for help. If Qingcheng is a backer, it is impossible for other major forces to try to fight against Chucheng. One stop from Qingcheng to Chucheng can occupy at least 50% of the interests. This is the best choice.

Qingcheng has never done anything to kill chickens and retrieve eggs. Even if the interests of the other party were squeezed out, Qingcheng also chose to gather together.

Of course, after the breakup, Qingcheng will never provide protection.

"What can Lu Fengan have, Penglai can give him, will it not be the whole Penglai?"

Luo Yan smiled, yeah, didn't he underestimate Chu Cheng? Chucheng is no longer the original little baron. With the construction of the crown of thorns, Tiancao Cangyuan, a scientific genius, has helped. Chucheng's strength is already stronger than the Yanxia School.

The only drawback is that there is no real strongman sitting in town, but now Chucheng can still count on Qingcheng.

"But some words are true, such as the dilemma faced by Penglai. As for Penglai asking for divine creatures, nothing more than after the accident at Qishan City, Penglai began to attach importance to biochemical research. On the side of Chiyan Desert, divine creatures The bloodline is too thin. It is difficult for Penglai to study something. "

Luo Yan nodded, if the divine creature can study anything, Qingcheng will not forget the Sun King.

"Southern ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Will it be a piece of iron?" Chu Cheng asked.

"Surely not. How could it be possible. The newly emerging Tongcheng School and Tushan School should be the result of scientific research, and they will be immediate, just like the grassroots. After these two rises, they will each other. There is a contradiction. Recruiting manpower is one aspect. The thorny collar does not need so many people, but they need it. "

"The thorny collar is not unnecessary, but unnecessary."

"Actually, you shouldn't put too much money on the plague creatures, what if Cao Cang Yuan dies?"

"I will refine him into an undead, and my undead space is still empty."

Luo Yan felt the chill for the first time. She stared at Chucheng, and Chucheng smiled and said, "I didn't leave you a place."


"Chu Xiang was too hard before, she was so young, she had not enjoyed a normal human life for a day, no matter which world was unfair to her, so I made her an undead. Not to let her live Going on, I hope to have a chance to let her feel healthy and feel the beauty of food. As long as you have enjoyed it, even if it is a hundred years, ten years, one year does not matter. "

"what about me?"

"Every day you live is beautiful, why do you want it?"

"Sorry." Luo Yan felt the mood change in Chucheng, and she said seriously: "This time Chuxiang went to Qingcheng, the medicine she got was really good, which made her feel like a living person. The physical quality increased. , There will be real elixir in the future, she can bear it. "