Burning Ashes

v2 Chapter 416: Carrying mountain

Chu Cheng said straightforwardly that he only needs Tian Kenong alone. As for Tian Kenong's men, he will not earn a thorny collar.

Tian Kenong understood that, his thoughts changed slightly, and he said: "Earl, if I were to set up a farmer ’s business on the side of Daxia, then the income and expenditure details would be formalized, as long as everyone follows the business Can you hire? "

Chucheng wanted to say, I actually do n’t care about this money.

If the land is good, the thorns collar needs food. However, in the south of Daxia, the grain output is extremely high and the price cannot be sold. If the grain is transported to the thorny collar, it is better to purchase grain directly on the continent of the gods.

Buying food in Shenzhou, only the crown of thorns is still acceptable, and shipped to the mainland of the gods, which is a sea of ​​hundreds of thousands of miles.

If you do n’t use the magic ship and just rely on sails, how long will it take?

Uses a magic ship, consumes it and puts it there, and transporting food is a loss.

"It is also good to convert to gold coins." Tian Ke Nong Road.

"Well, if you don't want to subordinate yourself, go ahead and do it." Chu Cheng also understands that Tian Kenong wants to trust himself, so he is not greedy for any power. Not coveting power and not wanting to abandon subordinates is purely to give people a way to live. If those subordinates follow him, life will be much better and the expenditure will naturally be much larger.

Chucheng left Tian Kenong, and there were more outsiders in the team, but Lu Fengan was more comfortable.

Seeing that Chucheng had robbed Tian Kenong's team, Lu Fengan was glad that he hadn't done anything stupid. Chucheng is not a good boy or a girl. If you rob him, he will be eaten by him as soon as he turns around.

Literally eats a polish, and the last two heads were eaten by the plague giant.

Lu Feng'an stopped, he also told Chucheng a relic, not a pyramid, but an older temple. Although his team has four legends, none of them can penetrate deep inside the ruins. It was just spinning around the ruins. There are undead in the ruins, and there is no Warcraft of the spirit bloodline, so the Yanxia School will not be entangled.

Chucheng heard this information and compared the rough map.

This temple is far away from the remains of the Sun King, at least tens of thousands of miles, if you go, you have to make a little detour.

However, there are many pyramids between this temple and the remains of the Sun King, so it is not a detour, so it is better to harvest it.

The **** of darkness in the Pantheon is the new god. Before the new **** appeared, there were many gods in the death department.

Like an ancient god, more than one person controls death.

The undead appearing in the temple is the remains of ancient gods. The most active ancient god, the Red Flame Tyrant, also slept all day long and hardly responded to any believers. The deputy **** under the Chi Yan tyrant is even less concerned about the believers, very Buddhist.

As for other ancient gods, almost killed by the new god, even if there are no dead, the state is not as good as the Red Flame Tyrant.

In fact, the blood of the ancient gods, although very important for Qingcheng, is not the most important thing. Qingcheng wanted to get a new god's body and study the genes of the gods.

Because of the new god's things, it fits Gaia's current laws.

Is the ancient **** less powerful than the new god? In fact, the ancient **** is stronger than the new **** in terms of life span and combat effectiveness. But the age of the ancient gods is over, and Gaia's laws are not suitable for them. What about the new god? The new **** does not appear directly in Gaia, but parasitizes the kingdom of God on Gaia with a membrane in the middle.

Because of this membrane, Gaia can develop, not most of the power is drawn by the gods.

The ancient **** himself is powerful, but Gaia is difficult to develop.

In the New God era, Gaia ’s productivity has increased a lot, and the nobles can even have enough food so that the people do not have to starve to the streets.

Although these grains are old grains, they taste bad, but they are better than hungry if they are unpalatable?

"Go here." Chu Cheng set the tone. This adventure allowed Lu Fengan to follow the depths of the ruins, but Lu Fengan ’s team could not take the initiative to avoid unnecessary trouble.

Lu Fengan naturally dare not oppose Chu Cheng's opinion. If you really trouble the thorny tie, isn't it death?

Anyway, they ca n’t get into the depths of the ruins themselves, so it ’s good to follow up and have some soup.

The younger brother of the same door had already brought the task items to the port on the other side of Penglai. After the handover of the task was completed, the things arranged by the door were over.

Chucheng is still very interested in this ruin, the undead of ancient gods?

For him, if he can find something from the death gods of the old era, he can supplement his laws. It is good to add one more, and it will be very helpful to increase his strength.

The thorn bush collar, both now and in the future, will be troubled by the lack of top fighting power.

Chucheng can't count on others, all he can count on is himself.

Lu Fengan only knows the approximate location and distance of the ruins, but there are plague angels in the team of Chucheng, and the range of searching in the sky is huge. In less than six days, Chucheng found the temple that Lu Fengan said.

A lonely mountain in the desert, black and red rocks, still rough under the sand.

Chucheng was near the mountain peak, reached out and touched it on the rock, and there was no shock in his heart, and he was a little speechless for a while. The stone itself contains a weak divinity. Because it is from the Department of Death, few professionals can detect it, unless it is a Necromancer whose soul is so strong to a certain degree, he must also be familiar with the breath of Netherworld.

The mountain more than seven hundred meters high is impregnated with divine blood. Although it is not as good as pure divine blood, the use is different, but the degree of preciousness is indistinguishable.

The dust around the mountain is diffuse, and it can not be observed at a distance, and the vision will be blurred directly.

Theological stones were everywhere in the time of the war, because they were not pure blood of the gods, with various kinds of pollution. They were not precious at that time, until a magician built a magic tower with the blood stones of the gods.

This thing will have the same characteristics as God Realm.

For the first time in Chucheng, I wanted to transport this thing back to the crown of thorns, and the throne of Ashes needed it most.

The Throne of Ashes is a huge undead in itself. If you can digest these **** bloodstones, you will definitely be able to break through the level restrictions in the future. The Throne of Ashes is now a legendary undead, with a maximum limit of six ranks.

Just how to transport the mountain? There are more than 700 meters on the ground, and Chucheng's spiritual power has penetrated, and it can't see the end if it spreads for hundreds of meters.

The whole bloodstone may exceed one thousand and five hundred. To transport the crown of thorns, a huge team is needed.

In the mind of Chu City, he quickly ordered the Zero Magic Lord to contact him over the Dragon City to produce more miners and soldiers as soon as possible. At least one legion should be photographed to come to the desert and transport the mountain back to the Crown of Thorns.

No, no, too dangerous, let the Throne of Ashes come directly to the East Coast!

After eating the God Bloodstone, whether it is defense or calculation, plus the command ability, it must be advancing by leaps and bounds. As for the attack ability, it is not the specialty of the Ashes Throne.

With enough commanding power, the Throne of Ashes can **** more submersible ships.

Although the submersible ship is valuable, it can be used for consumption. The Throne of Ashes is the only one. He is the undead of Chu City, and because of its size, he ca n’t get into the space of the undead, and can only wander outside. It is really lost, and Chu City is also affected.

Chucheng looked at the small temple at the foot of the mountain. If he didn't go in, he could hardly find a space door inside.

It ’s not too good to hide, but who will go deep into the desert if nothing is wrong?

Lu Fengan If they were not lost, they encountered sandstorms, they also encountered divine creatures, chased indiscriminately, it is impossible to find here.

"Let's camp first." Chu Cheng didn't say anything. Although in theory, Lu Fengan was not qualified to take the God Bloodstone, but people are jealous, and the news spread by him is not good.

Chucheng camped at the foot of the mountain by the Ang Plague Corps, enclosing the small temple.

Most of the people took a rest, and Chucheng only sent some miners into the temple. Miners are not in the legion establishment, they produce quickly and consume very little resources, but their combat effectiveness is not very good, but there is still brute force.

In a narrow place, the miners are organized as fiercely.

Because there is no room for manoeuvre, if the enemy is not a mage, a few miners hold spears, and it is difficult for ordinary professionals to resist. The power is too great, although the skills are not enough, but there is a saying how to do it.

A battalion brought more than 500 miners ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ mainly camped, warned, encountered some troublesome terrain, and also responsible for work.

It is also the job of the miners to dig tunnels in the ruins and force through some obstacles.

Miners do not have biological crystal cannons, but they also produce explosive crystals. When used as explosives, the power is great, but they cannot be fired.

Left three hundred miners in charge of the camp, more than two hundred plague miners entered the temple, and a team followed.

The task of the miners is only responsible for the exploration, and it is not until the development remains.

On the side of Chucheng, convene a team to distribute equipment to everyone. Because it is a temple of death gods, and there are still souls in it, so targeted protective equipment can save everyone a lot of strength.

For example, in a place full of death, breathing is a problem, and everyone releases a mask against the undead.

Chucheng misses Amakusa Cangyuan a little bit. If Amakusa Cangyuan is around, you can create miniature plague creatures and enter the temple to explore. Although you can drive the undead, you can use the undead to investigate in the temple of the death department, and the effect is extreme. Being able to discover something that others cannot find will also suffer inexplicable attacks.

"Master, let me go and see, at least I can run fast enough." Fei skull volunteered at this time.

He was in a bad mood recently, and he didn't dare to lose his temper. The people around him didn't like him, which made Feishan very frustrated. He decided to change himself and become a noble person, a valuable person.

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