Burning Ashes

v2 Chapter 436: Die

It is a pity in Chucheng's heart that if he is an eighth-order, he can completely rely on the power of the Baigui nightwalk clothing to hang the parasitic world on the Baigui nightwalk clothing.

The current level is still too low.

Although the city of yin was established in the night clothes of the hundred ghosts, the wilderness is still chaotic. If the parasitic world is also settled, it is equivalent to a small world, and may even be a complete land.

Daomen and Buddhism are both creating the concept of a local government, and they have a frame, but they are not perfect.

With the mansion, after the death of their own people, the soul will be attributed to the mansion instead of being swallowed by the world. The capital will become stronger and stronger, which is something the gods cannot tolerate.

Therefore, the present night ghost nightwear is a very deadly outfit.

It already has the power to absorb the soul's origin, making Gaia no longer balanced. If the construction of the real estate is completed and Chucheng returns to the continent of gods, it is estimated that they will face the crusade of the gods.

This matter can't be tolerated, no matter how peaceful the gods will send angels to kill him.

So Chucheng just regretted for a while, gave up the idea of ​​continuing to do things, and retreated from the parasitic world.

Because of the parasitic attack, the passage outside became quiet, and only Luo Yan was waiting for him.

"What happened?" Chu Cheng asked in surprise.

"It's nothing. There are legions of the Golden Continent."


"More than 30,000 people, it must be a legion. And the royal family of the Condor Empire sent important people, and my mission may fail."

Chucheng had some regrets. He should first engage in a raid with Luo Yan, killing as many enemies as possible, rather than waiting for the enemy to throw a net in the pyramid. He did not expect that the Golden Continent would have such a fierce follow-up.

More than 30,000 people ran here from the Golden Continent?

"How many days have I been in?" Chu Cheng suddenly realized a problem.

"In about two months, we have cleaned the upper burial chamber, and found several relics resembling a parasitic world. I only explored one, and there are only four left, because there is not enough troops, I did not get it."

"Did you go down there?" Chu Cheng asked, naturally it was the space where the throne of the Sun was. He got a fallen angel and got the law of ashes. This is the starting point of his life.

"No, that channel is very dangerous. I didn't even send plague creatures. There are constantly undead emergences below. I guess there are already signs of space merger. There are still spirits in the underworld. This is not impossible."

It took two months for Chucheng to fuse the Baigui nightwalk clothes and the **** corpse. In these two months, most of the time was to collect parasites to enrich the energy in the Baigui nightwalk clothes. In fact, the energy of a **** corpse is enough, but the **** corpse does not know why, and is controlled by the runes of the mysterious drawings, which has become the skeleton of the entire ghost night walk suit.

Now, if any enemies are caught in the Hundred Night Gown, there is no need to worry about being broken.

At most, Chucheng's own soul can't bear it, but Baigui Nightwalker is a piece of equipment that can be accommodated under the gods. If Chucheng is not afraid of death, he can even temporarily trap a ninth rank.

Of course, the result of trapping the ninth order is that his head will explode quickly.

"What about the above situation?" Chu Cheng knew Luo Yan was worried about himself, and then stayed here. He pulled the sleeve of La Luoyan, and the two of them went up into the pyramid and came to the control room.

The city of Chu returned, and all the people with thorns received news from the badges, one at a time.

"The pyramid has been surrounded, the Condor Empire is making a big move this time, and there is also a floating battleship."

Luo Yan said, mobilizing the picture outside, Chu Cheng saw that above the pyramid, a silver battleship was suspended. The battleship was only more than fifty meters in size. The whole body was made of silver metal and was covered with mysterious patterns. . There is no plug-in on the battleship, the whole is streamlined, and about a hundred gems are inlaid in the magic pattern below the battleship.

Thing that can emit rays attack is very annoying.

Chucheng will have its own flesh and blood demon eyes. At a certain level, the power of these rays will become greater and greater, and because the attack speed is too fast, it can only be blocked by the lock.

Chucheng's own flesh and blood demon eye can now release a lot of different types of rays, and the gems on the battleship are supported by magic arrays. As long as the magic spar is enough, it should be able to frequently emit attack-like rays. What is needed for burning, freezing, petrification, decomposition, corrosion, and even death.

Chucheng This is too powerful to think about the other party. In fact, although this battleship is very powerful, there are only five types of rays.

But the position of this floating battleship is really awkward. The tip of the pyramid is itself a launcher. Luo Yan did not know that Chu Cheng was very clear.

At the top of the pyramid, there are four escape routes, which can directly transport people from the underground ruins to the outside of the pyramid.

Therefore, the launcher on the tip of the pyramid itself is a near-defense weapon, and the face was hit when it was sent out. Although it is said to be a near-defense weapon, the attack distance also exceeded two kilometers. The silver battleship, suspended at a height of more than 500 meters, expressed his arrogant persuasion arrogantly.

Chu Cheng put his hand on the console, which inspired the magic circle.

At the tip of the pyramid, a golden light rose into the sky, the light system attacked, and the silver battleship could not escape, so it was shot by the golden light.

Paradoxically, the golden light penetrates the silver battleship, but the outer shell of the silver battleship does not have any scars.

The ray of the undead sacrifice can only be launched by the energy stored in the pyramid. The flesh and blood demon eyes of Chu City do not have as much energy, and the magic can not be simulated.

Chucheng didn't understand it. Anyone dare to be arrogant above the necromancer's magic tower?

Not to mention warships, even the demigods can shoot dead.

In the magic tower, at the same time, about 20 giant skeletons were sacrificed. Chucheng felt a little bit distressed, but after the sacrifice, a dark golden soul crystal appeared on the sacrifice tower formation method of the magic tower.

Of course, dark gold does not represent the seventh order, but the soul is dark. But with gold, it means that the total value of the soul source brought back by the sacrificial ray has reached the sixth order level, which may be lower than the sixth order, but how can it exceed the best legendary items.

Chucheng estimated, did not earn no compensation.

The magic tower charges, but also consumes the magic spar. There is no need to pay for any attack.

The silver battleship fell, the top of the pyramid was cracked, and a priest appeared, releasing the seal rung directly, and put the fallen warship into the rung.

There are no living people in the battleship, no resistance, the magic circle is also destroyed, which is equivalent to a dead object.

Chucheng envy, he does not have such a good seal scroll, seal seal of Qingcheng is really perfect.

"We are exposed." Luo Yandao.

Chu Cheng said: "It has long been revealed that the large adventure group did not attack, but waited for two months to allow the Condor Empire to send troops from the homeland, which shows that our pyramid has not been able to hide its opponents."

"You lost so much energy."

"But didn't you lose money? Although it took a lot of money to build a pyramid, but it also gave us two months to delay, should Qingcheng have analyzed a lot of things?"

"Yes, the descendants of the parasitic **** are of great value in themselves, otherwise you think why Qingcheng sent the **** corpse back so quickly. Because Zongmen made a big profit, you do n’t mind hurrying to benefit you."

"Hey, you see, I built a ray device, and the result was a floating battleship. So, there is no harm in making more preparations. The pyramids can still be used. We got the battleship and they will attack soon. Let the undead come first, only the rays of the necromancer can be used by the necromancer. "

Chucheng is going to continue to confuse the enemy and temporarily prevent the plague creatures from fighting.

"Yes, your plague creature has not mutated yet. What did you mean to warn my companion before?" Luo Yan couldn't help asking curiously.

"Plague creatures can completely unlock the evolutionary genetic lock, consume all life spans within three minutes, and gain huge combat power. Doing so is very dangerous and can easily cause regional pollution. If the enemy is too strong, you can choose so in the same situation. . "

"What will change in appearance?"

"Have you seen the rotten mage of Amakusa Cangyuan?" Chu Cheng asked back.

Luo Yan's hand shook slightly ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ That was really disgusting.

"If it is a war, after doing so, the land will have to be cleaned and cleaned, which is very cost-effective. If the pollution expands, the damage to yourself is no less than the damage to the enemy. Because of the desert environment, this option can be considered. So Although the plague is very good, it is not as good as the pawn. "

"I understand, now block the space doors of the four relics, and try my best to deal with the legions of the Golden Continent."

Chucheng also agreed with Luo Yan's idea, forcibly entered the underworld projection, to pursue the blood of the sun god, and if the soldiers were defeated and then hit by a wave of the Golden Continental Army outside, he and Luo Yan would have to run away.

"Penglai, is there any news?"

"No, Penglai's blockade intelligence is very strong, and they can't analyze too many useful things. However, they are looking for the blood of the gods. The idea is consistent with Qingcheng. I suspect that Penglai has a goal, but the strength is insufficient, and it can't be solved temporarily. They let other martial arts help, purely blindfolded, Penglai should have its own independent team, already in the desert. "

"First seal the lower passage and bring up the plague legion. It is now night, even if the other party damages the warship, it will not rush to attack."

"You come to command." Luo Yan shirked her responsibilities. Anyway, there was Chu Cheng, she didn't want to be busy.


At the top of the pyramid, a huge fireball exploded. In the distant camp, a magic cannon flashed and launched a long-range attack.

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