Burning Ashes

v2 Chapter 437: army

"Maybe you shot a dead person!" Luo Yan saw that the enemy hurriedly retaliated with a magic cannon, and thought that Chucheng might have done something big.

Chu Cheng said innocently: "The gentleman does not stand under the dangerous wall, if I kill someone important, I can only blame him for being too careless."

Chu Cheng and Luo Yan were ridiculous, but the two of them didn't know that there really was a prince of the Condor Empire on the silver battleship, or one of his emperor's favorite.

The defensive power of the floating battleship is super strong, as well as the buffering ability, but it has insufficient resistance to the magic of the undead. The sacrifice ray does not directly attack the material, but attacks the soul.

The attack of the pyramid has no warning, no one can think of it, even if it is a magic tower, the charged attack should also have a process. However, the pyramid's energy storage pool would rather waste energy, and also ensure that the rays on the tower can launch attacks at any time. Qingcheng's wealth is evident.

There was a magic cannon roaring over the camp, and within three minutes, more than 100 attacks were launched.

Although the top of the pyramid was protected by an energy shield, it was still cut off.

Chu Cheng was surprised and said, "It seems that they plan to launch a blow at night?"

"Just try to see if you can use a magic cannon to bomb the entire pyramid."

When the shelling stopped, the plague mage instructed to gather at the top of the pyramid to repair the damaged magic circle. This is something that cannot be done. The pyramid cannot be moved. The other party's bombardment with large-caliber magic cannons will sooner or later be irresistible.

Because of the fragile installation on the top of the pyramid, it is simply impossible to stay intact.

The Condor Empire on the Golden Continent is powerful. This time, it sent more than 30,000 people and carried a large number of powerful weapons. If it is a field battle, Chucheng ’s army will be bombarded.

But inside the pyramid, the magic cannon is useless. If you want to launch the magic cannon, you need to install a stable base. The base itself needs to supply powerful energy. It is impossible for you to push a cannon. Any movable magic cannon is either mounted on a giant device or at the cost of reducing its power.

Chucheng has the tactics of carrying tiny magic cannons with skeletal monsters, but the power of the tiny magic cannons is far worse than these.

Of course, you can use magic cannons to blow off the pyramids, which are the real magic towers, and you ca n’t stand so many magic cannons.

Is the problem a price?

Chucheng doesn't think that the other party has enough magic spars. Even if there are enough magic spars, these magic artillery can't withstand such destruction. Too much shot will be bad.

Building a pyramid is the best choice for this adventure.

After the magic artillery bombardment, the people of the Condor Empire also discovered that it is basically impossible to get the enemy by long-range weapons. The previous attack was also for venting in addition to temptation. After venting, it ’s time for sage, and it ’s time to consider the business.

In the camp, the tower has been occupied, and the people of Count Cynthia have been invited out.

It is now the royal family meeting in the tower, sitting in the master's position, is a very handsome white young man, his face, the gloomy atmosphere will be frozen.

"My younger brother is dead. Do you want me to wait until tomorrow morning to attack?"

"His Royal Highness, the army has just arrived and has not rested yet. If you attack directly, the loss will be very great."

"The pyramid is so strong that it is impossible for the army to expand in it, and it can only attack on the scale of an adventurous team. This is a fierce battle. Your Highness, how long do you think it will take us to lay this pyramid down?"

"Your Highness, this time General Ronnie came over in person. If you want to start the army, you have to ask the general if he agrees."

The young prince was dying and said, "That's how you are loyal to me?"

"Your Highness, if we are not loyal to you, we will agree to your request, regardless of going to attack the pyramid. We do not have to worry about your loss."

The young prince looked at the people around him. These were arranged by his father, not his class.

Hateful, he and his brother were originally a strong alliance, from the same mother, but who can think of, in the floating battleship, his brother was killed by a ray.

In that battleship, there were the most important courtiers beside his brother. He couldn't even inherit his brother's inheritance.

General Ronnie, he was unable to direct his command. He came over this time, mainly to monitor Cynthia and attack the remains, and Ronnie was in charge. Ronnie is an old-fashioned man who is extremely stable and will never agree to attack immediately.

Chu Cheng felt his luck was really good. When the plague mage was running out, the enemy stopped attacking.

By the time the enemy army arrives, the strength at hand has been supplemented. Now he has a complete army, plus an elite battalion, and then there are 80,000 embryos left, and there is enough material to hatch these embryos.

In addition to these, he and Green have created more than two thousand undeads. This is different from the summoned undeads. The summoned undeads are not very sure about the strength level. The self-made undeads have no shortcomings except high cost. It ’s easier to command and not betrayal.

The only trouble now is that the pyramid is surrounded and supplies cannot be sent in.

The supplies sent from the east coast of Longcheng were all in the last ruins, nearly six hundred miles away. The materials in the pyramid now can persist for three months without creating new plague creatures. Therefore, Chucheng didn't dare to actually create a plague creature.

Fortunately, the pyramid has geographical factors. Even if the enemy is attacking, more than 30,000 people may not be able to fight more than 10,000 combat units in Chucheng.

Not to mention, Qingcheng still has 360 soldiers. These 360 ​​soldiers guard the entrance of the underground ruins. The entrance is at the center of the pyramid. The entire space is the most suitable for these soldiers to fight. The Taoist soldiers circled the altar to form a formation. Even if the sixth-order wizard came, there was no alternative.

The desert is short of water, and the other party also asked the mage to make clean water, but it has to be used sparingly.

Mage's magic power is not infinite, unlike Chu City, there are special magic arrays to make clear water, well prepared, and a large number of plague mages. This spell is on the template, and it will never be reduced due to lack of water.

The next morning, the army of the Condor Empire began to attack.

In addition to the escape exit above, there is only one gate for the pyramid made by Chucheng. The gate is not on the ground, but at a height of more than ten meters above the ground, and there are spacious steps ahead. If you want to enter the pyramid, you have to step up the stairs. It looks like spacious steps, but it can accommodate a dozen people side by side. When you reach the door, you can only pass up to five people.

Once entering the pyramid, the front is a boxy stone pillar, the surface of which is semi-metallized, if you want to go deeper, you have to go around from both sides of the pillar.

The artillery fire of the figure empire bombarded for a round, and the magic light from the stone pillar gradually dimmed, but when the artillery bombardment ended, it quickly recovered.

The army of the original Condor Empire wanted to cover the attack with artillery fire. As a result, the entrance structure of the pyramid was facing a defensive stone pillar. If it could not be defeated, the army had to send heavy soldiers to open the way.

Such a fight is purely a fight. The two teams turn left and right into the back of the stone pillars and enter different spaces. At the end of the passage, it is still a stone pillar, divided into left and right, forming a branch. These branches appear to be sixteen, and in fact there are only eight channels, which will merge together in twos.

The army of the Condor Empire attacked, and the magician, under the protection of the heavy armor soldiers, released the fireball and tried to clear the entrance.

However, when they turned, the soldier ants directly released the spear, and at the same time opened the biological crystal cannon. The spacious passage is relative to the walking of normal people. It really hits, throws the spear, and there is nowhere to hide. .

The mage of the Condor Empire is not a decoration either. There is no forbidden spider web on the periphery of the pyramid, and the Plague Legion fights purely with powerful magic resistance. There were casualties between the two sides, and the plague army had to step back step by step, allowing more enemies to flock in.

After the troops of the Condor Empire entered, they fell into different branch channels. After the force was dispersed again, the number of magicians was somewhat insufficient. Because the Count Cynthia was pushed out, the royal family still kept people under surveillance, and when the troops were scattered in the eight channels, the number of magicians was somewhat insufficient.

The plague creatures are not unstoppable ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ but do not want to put the enemy outside to fight.

Therefore, the plague legion is fighting and retreating, and the casualties are not too big. Enticing the enemy into this strategy, any world has it, and it has always been very effective.

It is also skillful to lure the enemy into the depths. Chucheng has hit the enemy a few times, and lost thousands of plague creatures. At the same time, he has collected and analyzed the data of the Shenyang Empire Army to a certain extent.

In the control room, Chu Cheng looked at the battle scene and couldn't help shaking his head: "I thought how powerful the Condor Empire is now, it seems that I'm too nervous."

Luo Yan sighed: "You have too many contacts with Qingcheng, thinking that all the forces in the world have the fighting power of Qingcheng?"

"That's an empire. I can't understand how the fighting methods look. Can't they mix teams? There are so many puppets before, but now there are fewer puppets. If you use puppets in front, magic The division will be able to advance further, covering the wave with magic first, and after consuming 60% of the magic power, the heavy armor warrior advances with the best effect. "

"The Divine Eagle Empire is different from ours. Da Xia was slain in a **** storm. When he first came to this world, the army also blackened his eyes. When the mainland of China was formed, there were demons everywhere. The construction of the laboratory cannot be done in a safe place. "Luo Yan knows the cause and effect, and is right on Chucheng Road.

"There is no such thing on the Golden Continent?" Chu Cheng is very strange.

"How about the Golden Continent?"

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