Burning Ashes

v2 Chapter 477: Round 1

Fireball directly killed a flying venomous snake that was more than three feet long. The electric arrow didn't know whether to kill it, but the flying venomous snake that hit the electric arrow was stiff. When it fell into the cloud, it couldn't move at all. If you keep falling on the ground like this, you will definitely fall to death.

The flying knife's anti-breaking effect is not ideal, but the effect of heavy hitting is very good. After a flying viper was hit by the flying knife, it fell into a dizzy state and the wound was still bleeding.

The magic crossbow hits the head, the effect is really good, but the rate of fire of the magic crossbow is not as good as the sling, and the consumption is higher.

Throwing rocks can cause heavy hits and have a stun effect. If it hits the point, it will also kill the enemy.

"Let's get started." Reinhardt held a sling, holding a rock. Ordinary humans can only throw in front, and these professionals can throw in any direction with the enchanted catapult cable. The accuracy within a hundred meters is comparable to bows and arrows.

The magic circle on the sling is an increase in attack.

The degree of increase, of course, is not as terrible as Chucheng's necklace, but it is still possible to increase the attack power by 30% to 50%. Reinhardt's fifth-order knight, a stone flew out and directly smashed a long-haired purple ape into the brain. The tossing ropes of the other two younger disciples were opened by the ape monkey. The ape monkey resisted with his hands, screaming in pain, and the bones of his hands were obviously deformed.

The other disciples immediately changed their attack targets and used slings to attack the flying viper.

However, half of the attacks fell into the empty space, and not all the stones that hit the poisonous snake hit the key.

Fortunately, the catapult increased the attack power, even if it didn't hit the point, it can stun the flying viper.

The sound of rustle sounded, and many poisonous insects climbed up the rock wall, and immediately a mage released the fire. Flames burned some spiders, but the scorpion rushed up with a magical flame.

The plague mage then shot and used fireball to attack.

The explosive power of the fireball suddenly cleared away a piece of poisonous insect.

Most attacks come from throwing slings. The slinging is more laborious than bows and arrows, but the attack efficiency is higher. The bow and arrow hit two or three shots, and may not be able to shoot down the feather snake.

All legends are aimed at those apes with purple hair.

Occasionally, several fireballs flew out. The people on the wall and the magic crossbow did not rush to attack, because this is the most reliable means, accurate, and killing with one blow.

Even Reinhardt lamented that because of the shortage of manpower and resources, everyone can only use this original weapon to fight.

No one knows the number of monsters under the canyon. Fortunately, they occupy the ground, and those apes that were hit in the thighs will die if they fall.

These monsters are twisted from the flesh to the soul. After being injured, the granulation can be seen in the wound.

Fell down and did not die at the time, and would be eaten by other monsters. It is not that monsters will not attack each other, but the uninjured monsters will be safe, and if they are seriously injured, their companions will immediately rush.

The clouds below are getting thicker and thicker, more strange-shaped things appear, the monster's head is no longer one, and the flying skull seems to be a relatively normal form.

Suddenly a monster flew up, with only his head, more than one hundred gathered together, making a baby cry.

Reinhardt grabbed an iron spear when he returned his hand, and his fighting spirit was vigorous. The iron spear turned into lightning. The monster exploded, more than a hundred heads lost half of them directly, and more than sixty scattered, and gathered together again, flying towards the camp.

Green waved his staff and threw a light blue fireball more than one meter in diameter.

Undead dragon inflammation or something, he hasn't mastered it yet. This is death flame explosion technique. The huge fireball flew down, pressing the monster to explode. The monster on this level was swept away, and even the monster climbing on the rock wall was blown away. The airflow hit upward, and the cold feeling spread out, and those disciples of the small schools shivered.

Legendary Necromancer, they didn't think how, Chucheng was the exception, everything. To this day, Green, who has not shown the mountains and no water, a magic shocked everyone.

Know that the diameter of this explosion exceeds 600 meters, which refers to lethality.

If you are in the lineup without the guardian of the magician, Green loses a legendary magic, fearing that hundreds of elite soldiers will die.

Death Pyroblast was released, and Green withdrew, but he had plenty of magic, but he could only save it.

Blasted a batch, there are still a batch of monsters endless.

Not long ago, a group of giant ants climbed up again, and all the ants had strange white hair on their bodies. The ants are also quite deformed, with a huge head and a huge mouthpiece shining with metallic cold light. These big-headed ants climbed up the rocky walls of the canyon, and other monsters withdrew.

The plague mage's burning technique is dropped, and the scorpion will be injured, but these big-headed ants don't even know it, pass through the flame, and continue to climb upward.

Mentioning the red crown, he dropped a rune trap, and the rune trap fell, attached to the rock wall, and quickly melted. With the melting fulu as the center, the shocking blood color spreads, thick and thick. The big ants suddenly went crazy, attacked each other, and lost half of it in a blink of an eye.

She doesn't care about the loss now. Anyway, under the pyramid, in the remains of the Sun King, a lot of flowers on the other shore were obtained from the shadow of the underworld. Among them, the withered petals are countless, and the ones in the Qingcheng are not collected by her. , Playing a ghost repair rung.

The scraps that others don't care about, mention the red crown very much.

She is a ghost repair, fighting by fierce ghosts, her own spells are used with caution, it is best to fight by Fulu. Fu Xiu of Ghost Cultivation is not inferior in terms of materials. It is just that there are no four ways to cultivate ghosts in the four major schools. The small schools below are just branches of Ghost Cultivation. The martial arts that belong to Guixiu are really small, and they are so small that they cannot even be called.

How can such a small force get something that is too good, even if there is, it is also shared by a few people at the core.

Mentioning the red crown is also good at using the relationship with Qingcheng. Anyway, the thing of ghost cultivation is not important to Qingcheng, and she has received a lot of information.

This point was influenced by Chucheng, and she has a large space equipment. Whenever she is adventurous, she takes away everything she can.

Then the material is thrown to the biological light brain for analysis to see how it can be used.

As the amount of materials accumulated increases, the analysis ability of the biological photobrain on the throne of Ashes becomes stronger and stronger. This hemolytic symbol is developed by the biological photobrain.

This type of character is not a high-level invading soul, but a low-level secondary instinct, invading the bloodline.

Big head ants are low-level creatures. The soul is estimated to have been stirred into a paste by this chaotic world, but the genetic blood of the body and the like, although also chaotic, are instinctive.

Stimulated by the hemolytic talisman, not only the big-headed ants, but also all kinds of insects, arthropods, and even high-level warm-blooded creatures around the world are also crazy.

Disciples of the Xiaomen school suddenly felt loose, and the sense of urgency disappeared.

Everyone took the opportunity to rest, and sporadic battles were handed over to the plague creatures and undead. Check the catapult yourself, and if it breaks, replace it with another one. How can you fix it?

Reinhardt looked at the iron spears placed beside him, and only used twelve. Unfortunately, in this environment, the iron spears thrown out, it was almost gone.

Although it is not a high-end product, there is no way to add it.

This broken place, even fine iron has become a treasure.

Several soldiers leaned against the back wall, daring not to take off their helmets, but removed their masks. Hurry up and drink some water, and some plague creatures moved in a pile of pebbles again, and had a preliminary magic treatment.

Although the plague creatures do not need to rest, the monsters are mainly concentrated on a camp wall near the canyon, but in other directions of the camp, the plague creatures are still stationed.

The inner diameter of the camp is two hundred and forty meters. There is no building like a magic tower. It is just a strong fort built on the wall every other period to station the dead.

So the defensive task is still very difficult. If there is no Necromancer, no one can rest.

Magic Lord, Plague Master, Plague Slave, Plague Knight, Plague Knight, are the varieties of all plague creatures this time, plague slaughter most, this plague creature has powerful engineering ability, manufacturing ability, camp is basically what they do Infrastructure.

Magic Lord, Plague Knight, is a creature of legendary level. Magic Lord made 30 this time, and Plague Knight made 20.

The previous battle ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ The magic lord and the plague mage do not do much. They mainly clean up when they see too many monsters. The plague knights made more shots, they also used slings, and the hit efficiency was much higher than that of humans. And the plague knight still has a quasi-head on the three hundred meters.

Reinhardt feels that the plague knight is less, but the magic lord's control of the field is irreplaceable.

In this adventure, the four major schools have mandatory requirements for the puppet level. One tenth of the legend cannot be more. After combat losses, you can add 20% of puppets. Before there is no loss, you are not allowed to increase the number of puppets.

Twelve hours, the people of Reinhardt actually resisted.

After all, the pebble can be found in the vicinity, even if it is not, petrochemicals can solve this demand. The slinging rope's durability is slow and slow, and the firepower has never been broken.

Changed Luo Yan's team to the wall, and Reinhardt immediately took his people to eat and rest.

The first six hours, everyone was quite hard. The next six hours were considered suitable for such a battle.

After going through this scene, the disciples of 40 small schools finally matured, and then let them go to the battlefield, the mortality rate will be reduced a lot.

Luo Yan's side, in addition to the two disciples, are twenty disciples, plus the plague creatures and undead.

Is smaller in number than Reinhardt.

But her two younger brothers attacked with flying swords, the efficiency was much higher.

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