Burning Ashes

v2 Chapter 579: Too late

Fei skull took advantage of the opportunity to escape, and no longer wanted to be ravaged by the devil. It doesn't matter if you rub it on the ground, you still insult yourself mentally.

"All come to me." Chu Cheng's voice came again.

Mentioning the red crown helplessly, she was looking for Flying Skull. She originally wanted to ask about some undead things, but also thought about whether she could take a step first and see how to remedy the formation flaws in the islands.

Her ghost mist is very badly combined with the kingdom of death.

It was Green who did Green's things. She did her, and the two rarely communicated.

Wang Qingyi scolded her, and mentioning the red crown was not without vigilance, but as Chu Cheng said, she was of this nature. Now it seems too late to remedy something.

When Red Crown came to Chucheng's room, when he saw Xiao He and Tu were there, he knew that it was not a private matter, and did not know why, but he was relieved.

Curse it, anyway, Wang Qingyi was scolded once.

Chucheng brought the second adventure group this time, except for that, the veteran did not bring a few. Tu He Xiaohe, Wang Qingyi, besides mentioning the red crown, there is Zhu Sheng and a warrior Zhu Sheng. The members of this old adventure group are also special. He has good luck and got an active substance that fits his bloodline, using his own skills to transform into armor.

Not only changes in appearance, but also changes in breath, and can also simulate different skills.

This Zhu Sheng is now mixed in the plague legion, no one will find it.

The old staff of Chucheng, rotates various positions in the thorns collar, although the time is not long, but they have the ability to be unique. The big scene may not be able to cope, but the Count level is not a problem.

Chucheng asked everyone to sit down, and only then said: "Amakusa Cangyuan dispatched a deep submersible ship from the archipelago to obtain intelligence. The country of death has not yet been discovered, but the fleet of Warcraft Mainland has already built a base on an island. It seems to be planning to build a fixed supply point. "

"This is a good thing." Wang Qingyi said.

"Yes, it ’s a good thing. It means that they have n’t found the kingdom of death. The purpose is just a base. In the future, they can go to Shenzhou, or go west through this base. But they have only started construction now. Will penetrate the arrangement made by the red crown and discover the kingdom of death. "

Mentioned the red crown and blushed. At this time, he had to say: "The ghost fog area I made cannot stop the legendary warship. If the other party sends a legendary warship to search, it will quickly break through the restricted area."

Chu Chengdao said: "In fact, it is not a big mistake. If you put too much in the beginning, it is not a problem."

"It's my fault." Ti Hongguan stood up and bowed and apologized to everyone.

Chucheng nodded, mentioning the red crown was not selfish, she at least knew reflection. After reflection, she still thought of remedy. Although she had no good way to remedy, she was better than a person who did not repent.

Besides, he still needs a ghost repair.

If it were not for the Red Crown, Chucheng had to pay more to temporarily block that area.

"This time in the past, in the face of the army of World of Warcraft, we try not to have casualties. So before training you to be a leader and a commander, all you need is your intelligence. And your combat ability is to let you live. It ’s longer, not better than others. Before that, I often charged forward, and I was looking for exercise. I need to be strong enough to live and be able to take everyone to the end. ”

Chucheng paused, there should be applause here.

But no one was so bored, Fei skull thought, but he dared not to come in because he was hiding outside.

"This time too, I will assign the task and give the battle to the plague creatures. We may join the battle, but all we have to do is solve the most troublesome of the enemies. Learn from this battle first, you are no longer risky Learner, learn to be a general. "

There is no exaggerated expression in mentioning the Red Crown, but those fifteen new adventure group members are a little worried.

Their combat effectiveness is okay, but their commanding ability is slightly worse, and they cannot compare with the old group of adventure group members.

'Relax, the enemy will not be very strong, our main battleship is already of legendary level, and the enemy has only one legendary battleship, our detection distance is farther, after discovering the enemy, take the initiative to attack, kill the legendary battleship, basically There is no need to take other risks. ’

Chucheng said, and put out the intelligence maps from Amakusa Cangyuan.

In the phantom array, a battleship with a length of more than 100 meters appeared with sails, but looking at the lines of the battleship, the magic array on the waterline, and the rear rudder can all show that this is a magic warship, without sails. Can also travel at high speed.

Chucheng will explain to you the strength of this ship, as well as various shortcomings.

If it is impossible to sink it with a long-range attack, how to arrange the approaching means and board the ship to fight.

This legendary warship is finished. The rest of the warships, Chucheng, also released pictures, but there is no in-depth explanation, because these ships, under long-range attacks, can not hold on, they will basically lose their combat effectiveness.

And other tasks have been completed. Chucheng started the formation on the battleship, requiring everyone to enter and conduct simulated operations. This is also the advantage of having a biological photobrain. A small biological photobrain can already support this exercise. Because the attack values ​​are all simulated, all you do is choose, not really simulate the actual killing energy.

For people in the galaxy universe, this kind of thing is already used to it, and it has a good training effect.

Although sailing all the way quickly, it was also in November that Chucheng's fleet arrived at its destination. On the deep submersible ship, a plague creature in the sea was dispatched, something like a magic eye, with a long appearance, a tentacle gave birth to a separate eye. Going to explore this thing, I soon got good news.

The fleet of Warcraft Continent, although the number of ships has increased, but there is no exploration everywhere, just build the base in a hurry. The kingdom of death has not yet been discovered. Since this is the case, Chucheng is not too worried.

He controlled the fleet, entered the mist of the sea, and came to an island from another direction.

This is the location to build the kingdom of death, surrounded by the ghostly ghosts.

The ghosts made by Red Crown were not very effective. Although there are many high-level ghosts, the combat effectiveness is not good.

Was also overjoyed to mention the red crown. She borrowed a giant crow, rode the crow, landed on the island one step in advance, and began to modify the ghosts. Because it was determined that the people of World of Warcraft were not wandering around, there was no time left. She can transform this place in a month at most, even if it is a legendary warship, it is impossible to enter easily.

Chucheng was not on the ship, but flew to the country of death under construction.

The ground here is black and gray, and occasionally a little red. It is also a moss-like creature, which emits fire-like fluorescence very strangely.

In the sky, there are flying undead, and the real plants on the ground are also in the state of undead. The layers of leaves above the forest do not absorb sunlight, but to resist the damage of sunlight to the undead. In the forest, there are a lot of undead wandering.

The undead survived by absorbing the breath of death, but there was not much killing between them.

Chucheng walked on the ground, no undead dared to attack him, his consciousness diverged, and checked the formation arrangement under the ground. Green has done a very good job. This country of death will be acceptable in almost 20 years.

After acceptance, if the deity of the underworld can keep it, it will no longer concern him.

After the simple arrangement of the red crown, I sent a message to everyone through the badge, and I could wear the charm she left on the boat and walk freely on the ghost.

The ghosts were full of yin, and there was nothing alive in the surrounding sea.

The island forms a two-layered ring structure. From the height, there is no difference between the gray protrusions, but using the consciousness to sense, you know that the kingdom of death is incompatible with the ghost.

There is no conflict between the two parties, but there is no mutual cooperation.

Chu Cheng understood, mentioning the red crown to find the flying skull, that is, wanting to let the flying skull help, the two regions can be more properly merged together.

Although the flying skull is capable, it is not reliable. The three heads of flying skull are not normal.

Chucheng sent Hydra ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ to work with Tihonguan.

The Hydra is very powerful, its spell-casting ability is unparalleled, and the red crown is far inferior, but the wooden box in the hand of the red crown, but there are many fine ghosts, can help the red crown to do very delicate work.

Chu city is on the side facing the World of Warcraft, on the edge of the island, a city gate was built.

There is only one watchtower in this city gate, and a wall of more than 100 meters in length is unfolded on both sides. Ti Hongguan saw Chucheng helping to build a building, but had to run and arranged his own formation within the Ghost Gate. This thing can create a shadow soldier, and the surrounding environment is more suitable for ghosts to fight.

On the main battleship on the side of Chucheng, the biological light brain is responsible for the blueprint planning, and the plan is to get the island in half a month.

Then further north, there is a smaller island, wrapped in ghosts, where hundreds of plague creatures are stationed. There is no place around the battleships to dock. If there is a typhoon, it is too dangerous for armed merchant ships.

But Chucheng did not rush to lay out his defense. His plan was simple. After the protection was done here, he killed ghosts and seized the sea base built by Warcraft Continent.

The island is relatively large, and the port can dock more than twenty warships.

I haven't built it yet. If I pass by, I waste some of the other's manpower and material resources.

Get along peacefully with each other? Chucheng never thought about this possibility. It is too close to the World of Warcraft and much closer than the Crown of Thorns.

He wants peace, but the other party absolutely doesn't want it.