Burning Ashes

v2 Chapter 650: War at the bottom (1)

When the Lord of Magic thought about this, suddenly a fire flashed and annihilated in the false soul, and a slight thunder broke out. Then, he was surprised to find that his false soul was burning, but it was not like Chai Xin. The same burns clean, although there is some pain, but in the burning, another substance is born.

According to his experience, that is not a soul, but it is no longer a false soul.

"You are awake." Chu Cheng's voice came at this time.

The magic lord was shocked and immediately knelt down, but was lifted by a force.

Chu Cheng appeared on the front line, right inside the barracks of the magic lord. He looked at the mutated magic lord and said, "You want this day, has it been a long time?"

The Magic Lord shivered, and Chu Cheng smiled: "The desire for life is an interesting thing and should not be punished. From today, you will be called Roy, Yi Yi, not one, two, three, four."

"Lord!" Roy didn't know what to say, and his heart was a bit chaotic.

In this war, you try to come back alive as much as possible. After you come back, you are directly transferred to the plague and thorn army.

Roy was in a complicated mood. He thought that he was born with the self-consciousness and would be wiped out by Chu Cheng, so as not to cause bad turmoil. Unexpectedly, Chu Cheng did not care about this.

"Then I ..."

"Don't tell people about your changing things. If you do this consciously, you will not actually be able to give birth to the true self. In the thousands of magic lords, you can be like you and Luo Ling. There are too few. "


"Next month, your troops will change defenses, not that you cannot die, but what we have to do is a plan for thousands of years, and the gains and losses are not worth sacrificing everything. When necessary, I will also be at the forefront , Without fear of sacrifice. "

Roy led the order, and Chu Cheng left quietly without disturbing others.

In his view, Roy woke up, it was really an interesting thing, and should not be punished. The magic lord is also a creature, not a robot. When he wakes up, he wakes up and can be treated as a human in the future.

This is like a person becoming an immortal. After becoming an immortal, he would definitely not turn his head and let all ordinary people go into immortality. After joining the ranks of immortals, it is naturally in the interest of immortals to do things.

Not to say betrayal, to put it another way, an ant has wisdom and becomes a person, then do what people should do, rather than go back and continue to build an ant nest and fight for the interests of all ants.

This is something that cannot be done. The ancient apes evolved into adults, nor did they say to evolve with all the apes.

The reason why humans have been worried about robots for a while is that after robots have ego, they are still machines. But after the magical lord has self, he is no longer a magical lord, a little bit of a mouthful, but in essence, the special soul structure born by Roy is closer to humans.

He can have it today because he has longed to stop being a magic lord.

Although Tiancao Cangyuan gave the plague creatures the wisdom ability, the plague creatures are still individual units, not ant-like social structures.

Chu Cheng does not worry about Roy's rebellion, Roy's greatest desire is to integrate into human society.

Can rebellion be integrated into human society? Does Roy have any appeal? The plague creature controlled by Roy is just the size of a legion. In another legion, he could n’t control it. Even other magic lords, even if they were false souls, had more control than him. That ’s a genetic program, and Roy could n’t fight it.

Roy has evolved. After evolution, he is a lonely individual, eager for a collective lonely individual.

Chu Cheng returned to his own rear camp and thought briefly, thinking that this was still an exception. Because the number of magic lords is so huge, in the past few years, two magic lords, Luo Ling and Roy, were born. This mutation rate is of course faster than the earliest human evolution, but considering that this is the magic world, the genes of the plague creatures are not very stable, this rate is surprisingly slow.

What about removing genetic restrictions? I am afraid there is less variation, or less beneficial variation.

Because of various restrictions, such a real elite can be born among the magic lords. It is like the cicada wants to pull back. If you help, you can't live.

Bondage is also a driving force.

It sounds cruel to a species, but it is also very sincere.

Chucheng can only let go of it. The only thing it does is to issue a warrant. Before December 2nd, the legion will switch to the back, and Roy will also withdraw from the legion ’s battle sequence and replace it with Lord of Magic, Roy moved to the Plague and Thorns Legion.

After a period of time there, Chu Cheng will also pull him out and put it under the political system of the crown of thorns.

Anyway, Luo Ling has now been trained to become a backbone of the crown of thorns.

The sixth-order magic lord, genetically unlocked, extended his life to more than four hundred years. This life expectancy will continue to increase with the improvement of genes, and will eventually increase to more than a thousand years old.

As for why Chu Cheng promoted these two magic lords? Gein's soul can peek into the core ideas of these two magic lords.

They hate gods more than humans in the galaxy universe.

Luo Ling and Roy, it was great luck, that was the birth of self. If you believe in God again, it is tantamount to giving the gift of this destiny to them and then giving it to the gods, and then have nothing.

Ordinary Gaias are just that. They know how precious this book is and how willing to give up.

For the Gaia, the gods are everything, and they can only grow in Sri Lanka with the protection of the gods and last for generations. Their ancestors, under the ravages of ancient gods, can be said to be cattle and sheep. If it were not for the rise of the new gods, their days would be even more difficult, and they would be sucked at any time, and their families would be destroyed.

The new god, for the Gaia, is the savior.

However, people in the galaxy universe are different. They rely on themselves to develop the galaxy, gain wealth, and gain freedom. Why go to worship God and hand over everything in your hand?

These two evolved magic lords are more human than many people.

The place where the materials are gathered is two hundred miles away from Medica City. Chu City knows that if the opponent's firepower is fully open, the temple's attack can exceed 100 miles.

Two hundred miles is just to stay rich, lest the other party have any more intense means.

He sent a legion to come up, he did not intend to let these plague creatures go back alive, but he can't be destroyed by the people. The distribution of these materials is enough to fight for half a year.

In the eastern part of Medica City, in 211 hours, the military supplies battalion was surrounded by six high towers.

In this kind of place, there are more than a dozen legends guarding, enough to make the sixth-order powerhouse unable to get close. Chucheng borrowed a batch of inflatable airships from the quartermasters of the other three continents to transport supplies from Luzian to the front. The biggest flaw of the airship is the fear of the enemy air force attacking, or a legend rushes up, basically the entire airship force is over.

But airships are cheap, and if you are transporting cargo on your own site, it is very cost-effective, unless you still have a safe rail transport.

No one thought of building a railway in the Principality of Maggie, because it was too unsafe and would be destroyed by the enemy at any time.

Medica City is not too big, but it can spread beyond a hundred miles, and the front is widened. In the blink of an eye, Chu Cheng and others also pushed their camp forward to the front.

Under a cliff with a height of more than 100 meters, a high tower was built with a water hole under the tower.

Among the towers, the second generations of the Immortals are all gathered together. The entire sixth and seventh floors are seated with the human commanders of this city.

Of course, they are on the seventh floor of Chucheng. The space for expansion here is very small. The wartime construction is inferior to the magician ’s private construction of the magic tower. Besides, this high tower must also take care of the priests, not just the magic tower.

In front of the ten people, a phantom array was launched, and the details of Maddie ’s battlefield could be revealed.

At midnight, Medica launched an offensive in four directions at the same time.

I saw a flame dragging, exposed to the first fortress on the ground, and hit by a rocket. After a huge explosion, a crack appeared in the fortress.

It doesn't seem to hurt the bones, but in fact, the tightness of the formation has been destroyed.

The chariot at the back immediately pushed forward. In the fortress, the stunned defenders activated the formation completely, and saw the white light diffuse from the cracks, repairing the fortress at a speed visible to the naked eye. .

The style of the chariot in front is quite old, but it has also undergone a little transformation. The chariot is supported by an artillery, and it blasts up again at a distance of two miles.

The captain of the defending army in the fortress, in the shock of the second explosion, his face became quite ugly.

He is not unaware that the enemy has long-range means, but he is still thinking about the magician's fireball technique. Even if the other party comes with more than a dozen magicians and bombarded with fireballs, he is not afraid. There is a magical repair anyway.

But the enemy's attack is not magic.

The soldiers under him were all dizzy and dizzy, and the puppets released from above were also shaking.

"Hold your position and prepare to fight!" The captain yelled with exhaustion.


A bomb was thrown over ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ failed to fly in from the window and exploded outside. The air is getting hotter and hotter, and no one dares to probe out. Can only wait for the other party's fire coverage to end.

From the outside wall, a black shadow rolled over and climbed in, but it was something like a baby fish with sharp teeth. The length is close to one meter, and the tail is sturdy.

What the hell!

The captain didn't care about the danger and threw himself up, struggling to cut it with the sword in his hand. Behind him, ten puppet guards followed.

With a pop, the captain's sword was chopped on the monster's spine, and the sound of a slight bone fracture came.

The monster's tail flicked away from its body and pierced the captain's armor. The captain felt numb in the chest and knew that he had been poisoned. At this moment, he suddenly remembered his children who were far away from home. All the power seemed to be inspired.


Daoguang swept across, dozens of monsters climbed up on the wall, and was hit by this horizontal slash.