Burning Ashes

v2 Chapter 651: upgrade

The flying monsters were in a state of rigidity, but the captain rushed out of the bunker, and the puppets beside him were not chased.

Because in the sky, a rocket more than one meter long flew, exploding into the sky.

If there is no strongman to clean up, this individual rocket is cheap and efficient.

The rocket exploded into the sky, the puppet crooked, and the captain penetrated the mask with a shrapnel, and fell down.

There was a mess in the little fortress. A flesh-and-blood machine sprang up the city wall. The musket barrel carried was as thick as a Coke bottle. When it was plugged into the window, the poison gas bomb was bombarded.

The puppets recovered their balance and rushed up, but a plague squad had rushed up.

The plague knight headed with a spear charged, his legs suddenly became thicker, and the addition on the combat boots were split.


A metal puppet was hit and flew out, and his back hit the wall of the fortress. Before he fell, a spear penetrated its energy core.

This puppet's energy core does not have much energy at all. After being pierced, it instantly loses power, and even an explosion will not occur.

The flesh-meat machine retreated, and a plague mage directly fired a shell of a biological crystal cannon into it.

Inside the fort, the sound of explosion was extremely dull.

This time, even if it was not poisoned, it would be killed.

Among the towers, those watching the battle saw more than this picture of the fortress. In the wilderness, battles erupted all the time. The explosions of rockets filled the phantom array of the entire tower. All flesh and blood machinery carried a rocket system launched by individual soldiers. The power may not be large, but it is extremely effective when attacking .

"Very smooth." Liu Xianyi stared at the most advanced troops and saw that twelve fortresses had been overturned, facing Chucheng Road beside him.

Chu Cheng sighed, where is this?

The sound of the explosion came from afar, and a giant rocket hit the bunker, and a terrible deep hole blasted from the ground. If human soldiers are allowed to attack the city, the natural flesh and blood will become a river, which is terrible. But now the plague legion rushed up, and there was no change. It was just to attack the fortress and remove the nails. It does not require much wisdom, and it should be done according to the usual tactics.

This war seems to be a little playful.

But Chucheng watched the plague creatures rush out, but saw all the things carrying high-energy food thrown into the battlefield. Even low-level plague creatures are fed with food. Each death is equivalent to wasting all the food before.

Fighting is always fighting for money.

For example, I and the second generation of immortals around me are all invested and do not know how much resources to cultivate.

Gaia is rich in materials. If it is an ordinary world, the entire world cannot afford any of the four major sects. Even in some worlds, there are only three or five legends, not because the people there lack ingenuity, but because the world can only afford so many shrimp and soldiers.

Gaia is also a chance.

"The efficiency of the old tank is okay." Luo Yan said.

Gu Yantai stared at the battlefield without raising his head. "That's because the enemy has few strong men now. When a tank was lost before, the other party only showed a legend."

Zhou Hedao: "It's a good deal to change a legend for a tank."

"It's not cost-effective at all." Miao Jixiang looked up at Zhou He and said, "Old tanks are also the cost of tens of thousands of gold coins. How long will it take to get together."

"That's right, the enemy sent a legendary puppet. He didn't even have any equipment on his body. The tank was also bombed. What do you think of the people on the battlefield?

"Don't pay attention to small places, look at Medica City, it seems a bit moving."

Chu City ’s words attracted everyone to see further away, but close to Medica City, the plague spirit crow was watching. If the plague angel was close, it would be killed. The detection details of the plague spirit crow are far less than the plague angel. Although the current image is not blurred, there is no detail.

In the city of Medica, a cavalry is gathering on the streets.

The plague spirit crow can't see the level, and can only be judged from the equipment of the cavalry. This is definitely an elite, similar equipment, and it should not appear on professionals below the third level.

The scale is not small, more than 500 people, all of them are fourth order or above.

Chu Cheng pondered, if it was a legendary period, he would be crushed by this cavalry. The power of the law that drives when you charge can make you lose half of it.

But what is this for?

Although this elite is elite, it is definitely not the opponent of a plague legion on his side, even the old legion.

There are six battalions of the old-fashioned legion, each battalion has six battalions, and each battalion has a magic lord, which adds up to more than thirty legendary casters, plus the plague knight is also a legend, not coming to a sixth order, really Such an army cannot be suppressed.

This cavalry has more than 500 people, and there are no more than ten special equipments in it. If you want to fight against a legion, it is a disgrace.

Does it make sense to assemble?

Not everyone is concerned about this issue, but when someone sees that this cavalry begins to pray, it feels wrong.

"What are they doing?" Liu Xianyi enlarged the image and said to everyone.

"This is going to be crazy!" Zhou He stood up in surprise, watching the praying cavalry team, everyone started to release light from the gap of the armor.

Pei Yuanli was also surprised, saying: "Is this about to burst!"

"It must be." Miao Jixiang said nervously: "If all the seeds are exploded and come to destroy our logistics base, we will have to work together to kill them!"

Everyone was very nervous, Luo Yan said: "The direction is wrong, adjust, this is the west lens."

"It seems so!"

"They went to the people of the Golden Continent."

"Thank goodness, this is the first day."

"Hurry up and mobilize the flying plague creatures, follow them, what are they doing!"

"Don't remind them?"

"There is also a distance of hundreds of miles. Even if these cavalry are flying, do they have to fly for half an hour?"

"There are drones in the sky, it should be the equipment of the Golden Continent, flying so high, it should be able to see the movements in the city."

Everyone suddenly became happy, because these weird knights of Medica City did not come towards themselves. Chucheng couldn't help crying and laughing. It was really a group of second-generation immortals. No matter how good it is, the time to relax is to relax. There is no way to save the world.

However, Chu Cheng also felt that he should celebrate, if such a cavalry dealt with it, if they were violent, they could not stop themselves. Going to fight with the people in the Golden Continent can save a lot.

The people in the Golden Continent are not soft persimmons. Chucheng feels more powerful than the best flesh and blood machinery in his hands.

More than 500 violent knights ...


Even if it is separated by hundreds of miles, only the picture has no sound, everyone seems to hear the sound of waves coming from the air.

All the knights ’war horses, with ribbed wings, carried the knights in the sky, and at this moment, these knights were already shrouded in light. The armor on their bodies could not see the original color, just like a piece of platinum.

"Knight of Heaven!" Chu Cheng's voice was a little blunt.

It is not clear to others, he knows that the knight of the kingdom of heaven is actually the power lowered from the kingdom of gods, injected into the body of the mortal knight. As for combat effectiveness? These five hundred knights are enough to destroy their own legion. More than 10,000 plague creatures, in front of these more than 500 knights of the kingdom of heaven, are sending food.

Heavenly knights have few skills, but the service of trial purification is very good.

If it is a knight of five hundred kingdoms of heaven, no one can stop this. There are ten Tier 6 ranks here, but what about the Golden Continent? If it is just one or two sixth order, will it be overwhelmed?

"Subpoena, use strategic communication channels to warn people on the Golden Continent that a powerful flying cavalry has passed, and all high-level forces must be used to kill them. By the way, the other party has a lot of Tier 5, be careful ..."

Chu Cheng didn't know how to comfort him. The people in the Golden Continent were out of luck. According to his knowledge, this time of the siege plan, the Golden Continent dispatched four Tier 6s.

To be honest, it is really hard work. Tier 6 is not cabbage. The city of Shenluo is because there are paper people. Otherwise, there must be at least four Tier 6 seats left. At most, there are six.

In theory, two six ranks, you can not worry about this branch of heaven knight.

Four Tier 6s can not only protect themselves, they can even defeat this Knight of Heaven. The question is, will the people of the Golden Continent gather four Tier 6s to fight together?

If it ’s you, you do n’t know the power of the Heavenly Knights. You will definitely have one or two Tier 6 with more manpower to deal with these Heavenly Knights. Then you will win, and there will be heavy casualties.

Support yourself? Forget it ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Sixth-order past, it is not good to cause misunderstanding, only inform the intelligence to remind.

Fortunately, the speed of the Knights of the Kingdom of Heaven is not much faster than running on the ground. It is probably less than two hundred miles in an hour, and the distance of more than one hundred miles really takes half an hour.

"By the way, inform the commanders of the other two continents that the enemy will enlarge their moves from the beginning. There may be a lot of trouble. I hope everyone can support each other."

"Support each other?" Luo Yan heard the word in Chucheng's mouth for the first time.

"Well, prepare your sword symbol, you might meet a big guy." Chu Cheng looked at the picture, and the sky was crossing like a knight team of white gold light, suddenly, as if again Crossed back.

No, the Knights of Heaven is not a new technology, why do you feel that this time the arrangement of the other party is a bit rusty?

The temple should be escalating, **** it is too late!

Chucheng was helpless because he thought too much and other people did not intend to contribute. It turned out that the Medica City side has been making efforts to upgrade the temple