Burning Ashes

v2 Chapter 652: Application

The Knights of Heaven are out, the temple has been upgraded, and Medica City has an eighth-order temple.

Chucheng didn't know what to say. It wasn't just the people of the three continents who were deterring the fighters. He didn't take it seriously. Because before rebirth, this Medica city was always inconspicuous, and there was never anything special about it.

What the foresight of the reborn is nonsense.

I am still a little student, and I will not be negligent if I am replaced by the neuropathy of Amakusa Cangyuan.

There is also an eighth-order bishop's temple, which cannot be attacked. The upper limit of human strength is nineth-order. If you exceed level nine, you cannot walk on earth. And the ninth order to attack the temple, one person is definitely not good, this kind of temple, there is a direct blessing of the kingdom of God.

Of course, now that the gods are sleeping, maybe a good opportunity.

Thinking of the western land, the coalition forces of the three continents destroyed a miniature pantheon. Chucheng suddenly understood that the temple here should be similar.

After the failure of Westland, the believers of the gods tried to conduct an experiment on the continent of gods.

The gods did not give back? Then stimulate with alien army.

Is the existence of these people, which stimulated the promotion of this temple. Because, even if the gods are really sleeping, the kingdom of God will have some weak reactions, or feedback.

Regret it?

Chucheng is a bit regretful, but regret is meaningless. The magic book of the godskin is on the side of the body, and the pollutants on the side of the second elemental **** are not enough to pollute the eighth-order temple.

Chucheng sat down and looked at the battle scenes in the phantom with a cold face.

Anyway, even if the army invades Medica City, it is too late. However, it is not impossible to arrange an orbital attack in the starry sky and use pollutants to destroy the operation of the temple with a high probability. But the coalition forces of the three continents came to attack and demanded that they not use pollutants.

If you do not use pollutants, if you want to destroy this temple, you must use hundreds of Tier 6s, otherwise your own casualties will be quite tragic.

Chucheng remembered the scene where the star flight crashed in front of his train. Can he also imitate that kind of attack?

Chucheng did not make the decision without permission. It is not impossible for the Crown of Thorns to make orbital vehicles. It takes a long time and is expensive. Chu Cheng contacted Jiang Yuan directly. Fortunately, Jiang Yuan's formation did not shield him.

"Your Majesty, Medica has some troubles here. The temple has advanced. Even if we pull out all the nails around Medica, we can't beat them down."

Jiang Yuan seems to be a lot of people over there. Because it is too far away, Chucheng does not use visual magic, but only uses the acoustic array method, which is quite economical. He didn't want to look at the emperor's face, for example, now he was lying on his chair and telling Jiang Yuan what happened here.

"Did you mention it with others?" Jiang Yuan asked.

"Not yet, but I will not hide it." Chu Cheng said to the emperor very seriously.

Jiangyuan frowned, but he didn't say anything to block, he was the emperor's not false, but to block the words of Chu Cheng, let Chu Cheng do the wrong, unless he was willing to pay the price of compensation.

But over the Maggie Principality, he did not want to pay a price, the price was too high.

Jiang Yuan said: "In this way, the orbital attack weapon, I will be in place after seventy-two hours, the power guarantees to make everyone satisfied, but although the orbital attack is powerful, the other party can block it, so before the attack, I hope you can dispatch Enough manpower to suppress the temple ’s counterattack so that the orbital attack may fall into the correct position. "

"Your Majesty, do you have any other orders?"

Jiangyuan felt a little awkward and said: "I will discuss with people from other continents. This orbital attack ... It is not necessary for you to shoot in person. After 48 hours, I will give you news.

Jiang Yuan looked a little unhappy, and actively cut off the communication.

At this time, Chucheng was too lazy to control what Jiang Yuan thought. If Jiang Yuan did not conduct an orbital attack, he would use pollutants to deal with the temple.

Chucheng had the urge to lift the table. He did not know what the three continents were jointly developing, or what earth-shattering events were to be done in the western land.

Anyway, if he does n’t solve this temple, he will do something terrifying.

The body came out of the mountain, using the magic book of the godskin to contaminate the entire Maggie Principality.

Without letting me participate or helping, why should I not turn the table?

Chucheng didn't care much at first, but the advancement of this temple is different from the advancement in the true sense. Chucheng is very clear that the gods will not waste their divine power to advance a temple. The gods are asleep, how to advance the temple. The only possibility is that this temple was originally very advanced, and later the rank fell, but now it is just to restore the original strength.

This ancient temple is the most troublesome, quite a lot in the continent of gods.

If the believers of the gods mastered the method of raising these ancient temples without the need of gods, it would be too terrible for soldiers on the three continents.

While the other party was not yet used to it, quickly chopped this thing off, and then went around to find the ancient temple to find a way to destroy it. This should be what the coalition forces should do in the next days.

Chucheng ’s intuition is that now the three continents should speed up their attacks and continually invest in troops to attack. In this case, no matter what arrangement is on the continent of the gods, there will be flaws and fatigue.

Avoid the cities with the eighth and ninth order temples, isolate the cities on the mainland of the gods, and cut off the paths of the countryside and castles. In this case, even if the big city has a huge storage system, it will not last for a few years. .

The people of Gaia have no sense of crisis like the galactic universe.

Like the Galaxy's pioneering fleet, after occupying a planet, the first thing to do is not to build a city, but to establish a storage system, a large amount of raw materials, food, and primary factories.

The city of the galaxy universe must have more than two underground water storage lakes. After the city is completed, it must be equipped with a set of spare weather adjustment facilities, which can manually control the climate. Rainfall and snowfall are basic operations.

But the city on Gaia has no such concept. Although there are reserves, it will not exceed half a year.

Is usually used for daily operations, which are transported from the outside to the city through traffic. Because transportation is not as convenient as the galaxy universe, the transportation ceiling is there, so the size of the city is rarely too large. The size here refers to the number of people. An area as large as the White Coral City, which is only hundreds of thousands of people, is known as a million, but it has not reached it.

If the three continents do this, the continent of the gods will inevitably take countermeasures.

Otherwise, large cities are fine, and small and medium-sized cities will collapse. Without material input, how long can a small town persist?

Although the continent of the gods has magic gunshots and temples all over the place, it still needs ordinary farmers to provide support.

There are now grain factories in Shenzhou, big cities can hold themselves, as long as there is energy, although small cities have poor grain factories, but the grain is poor, but they ca n’t starve to death.

On any continent in Gaia, there is no such achievement.

Or the shrine of the goddess of agriculture, can pray for food? It can be related to divine power. How much food can a temple provide?

Other shrines may also obtain food through prayer, but they cannot compare with the goddess of agriculture.

The goddess of the earth is long gone. It is an ancient god, and the output there is quite impressive.

Mother Earth?

Chu Cheng recalled carefully that it seemed that there was also a shrine of the Mother Earth in Medica at the earliest.

And the temple in Medica City is ancient, and the area is not large. Maybe it is the temple of some ancient god. However, the new **** is on, the ancient **** must not be able to turn the storm, and Medica City should have no confusion.

Is best not, otherwise you, the reborn, have too much to face.

After the war started, everything became very simple, but also had other complicated aspects. This is how Chucheng is now. He is not a commander or the highest chief of the three continents. Otherwise, he has many plans to implement, but now he can only go through a place in Medica City to test his ideas.

After closing the communication, Jiang Yuan also had a headache, but Chucheng's intelligence was very important.

He didn't want to miss the opportunity, so there was almost no pause, and he issued an order to the following Tianjiyuan. It must be within 48 hours to arrange an orbiter above the Medica city, ready to launch a long-range attack.

The speed of the weapon required for attack cannot be lower than Mach 50.

As for the shape of the attack weapon, the mass of the body needs to be large enough, even if it is intercepted by a person, it must also be a type of pure physical attack.

Radioactivity? There is no need to consider the adverse effects of radioactivity.

Ordinary people?

There are no ordinary people over there ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ All believers of evil gods!

Jiang Yuan is very impatient, but Tianjiyuan has to go through the procedures here, and he does n’t want to back the pot in the future. After all, it is not pure imperial power. The real imperial power has nothing to do with the Jiang family. The laws of the empire are also binding on the royal family.

Do you want to increase your protection?

No, at least the legend is responsible for covering the attack. If it is not in the core of the attack, it will not die.


Jiang Yuan had no choice but to quickly instruct the financial staff on the side of Neiku to beat the funds. Although Tianjiyuan is rich, those people cannot use it privately. The royal order requires extra payment.

Forget it, it was originally to control the Empire's finances, so as not to waste it.

Jiang Yuan completed all the procedures, although it didn't go through in person, it took half an hour.

Chucheng didn't know, his energy was refocused on attacking Medica. The confusion caused by the more than 500 knights of the Kingdom of Heaven is not too great. The people on the Golden Continent, I do n’t know why, listen to the opinion of Chu Cheng. Warcraft.

Under the full force of attack, under the effect of hierarchical suppression, the Heavenly Knight did not kill many enemies, nor did it destroy the long-range weapon positions on the rear of the Golden Continent.

After the battle, the Golden Continent immediately launched more than one hundred large rockets in revenge.

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