Burning Ashes

v2 Chapter 653: node

The plague creatures did not go to the positions of the Golden Continent, just like their own, the experimental corps in the other three directions did not supervise.

Chu Cheng only looked at the battle scene from a distance. The attack power of the more than 500 knights in the Kingdom of Heaven was terrifying.

On the first charge, he flew four sixth-order blocks.

Then the huge sixth-order Warcraft, a black flame erupted in his mouth, swept the Knights of Heaven. Heavenly Knight did not even hurt one, but the light on his body became dim, and then the four Tier 6s flew back, starting a spell attack and a skill attack across the 100 meters.

In order to fly, the Knights of Heaven formed an unstable formation in the air, and were separated at once.

After the division, it is no longer evenly matched.

Chu Cheng looked indifferently at the back, and the scenes of the heavenly knights exploding, if not all four sixth ranks end up at the same time, the deaths and injuries on the Golden Continent must be calculated in millions.

A heavenly knight exploded as dangerously as a nuclear bomb.

There are signs of divine erosion in the place where the light shines.

The four Tier VIs were exhausted. The place where the knights of the kingdom of heaven arrived was the elite gathering place of the Golden Continent. If they were allowed to explode randomly, the loss would be immeasurable.

On the side of the Golden Continent, elite troops are together. Unlike the Shrine City, the ten elite legions are scattered. Only one is placed slightly forward, and the rest are on the back.

On this side of the Golden Continent, there is really an elite force composed of human beings with high ranks, living in a fortress.

Their mission is to dispatch about 500 people each time, command about 100,000 combat units, and set foot on the battlefield. They are all commanders.

The Knights of the Kingdom failed to destroy this small castle, but the four Tier 6s were unable to protect more places. Some military camps were destroyed, and the Tier 6 Warcraft was seriously injured. It was impossible to enter the battlefield again within a month.

For Chu Cheng, the battle result is not bad, he overestimated the Knight of Heaven.

This knight of heaven may be irregular, or it is the first birth, unfamiliar with the power system.

If this stuff is scattered, it can be suppressed by legend, and if it is concentrated, it can be done by four sixth-orders on its own side. However, the 500-knight Celestial Knight is only the smallest scale. If it is over the headquarters of the Temple of Light, no less than 30,000 Celestial Knights can be manufactured at one time.

The fighting power of 30,000 heavenly knights is sixty times that of 500 heavenly knights

No, it is about tens of thousands of times. Even if the level of a single knight is not improved, it needs more than eighth order strength to be not killed, and nineth order to fight.

It is completely different from the Heavenly Knight in his own understanding, and the combat effectiveness is a bit low.

The battle in the west did not affect the attack of Shenluo City. The troops of Shenluo City bit a little bit about the outer positions, fortresses, or traps.

There are too many ordinary plague legions mobilized by Chucheng. Although a legion has only 15,000 combat units, the plague creatures outside the establishment may have little combat power. At least Chucheng is not good. The problem is that it is placed on the battlefield. Tier miners or four-legged snakes really can't come in handy

Everyone saw that a miner was alone, rushed into the tunnel, threw out a pustule he had accumulated so hard, and exploded. The entire tunnel was contaminated. The miner dropped a few mines and turned and walked away. Most of the combat units in the tunnel were poisoned, and the escaped people stepped on the mine again.

Of course, in the next round of attack, this miner died completely and was eaten by a plague mage behind him.

The plague mage eats most of the miner's body, restores the energy in the biological crystal cannon, and then blasts off half of the bunker. This miner is really doing his best.

This is the same for every attack. When cleaning up the battlefield, the plagued creatures that have been consumed before will clean up the corpses. One round after another, the cleaned positions will have plague creatures burrowing underground to carry out deep destruction. It is just the energy channel of divine art, not the magic array, and it is usually just the place where the divine power passes.

It is more difficult to destroy completely, not to mention that the average level of these low-level plague creatures is first order.

Then on the side of Chucheng, after the attack, the handling was still clean. About every hour, the number of more than 1,000 plague creatures was lost. Most of them were sacrificed during the divine cleansing.

There are more than 1,000 plague creatures in an hour, and nearly 30,000 a day, half of them are auxiliary creatures, but a legion's strength is also consumed directly.

Chucheng is still under great control, but there are still magic lords and plague knights falling.

Legendary plague creatures will die on this battlefield, not to mention the other three directions. The legend is not safe on the battlefield, making Chucheng a bit surprised. It is important to know that although the plague is not the most powerful legend, it is immune to most mainstream toxins in itself, and it does not have the key to the heart. The head is cut, and it is not a terminal illness.

The Plague Knight is also a super-defense creature, and also died under the explosion of a priest.

The fourth-order priest, who killed the fifth-order knight, was not annoyed in Chucheng. This priest was unlucky and should not have been sent to the front line so far. Speaking of it, it has been two days since Chucheng saw the clergy only once, and then died a plague knight.

Be wary of this matter. The next time you encounter a legendary magician, it is best to solve it yourself.

Otherwise, it is not surprising that three or five legendary plague creatures died. The power of the gods is still too violent in nature. Chu Cheng knew very well that every cleric is different from any practitioner in his body, and can accommodate violent divine power. There is no question of lifespan. Anyway, the clerics eventually go to the kingdom of God.

Domineering, don't care about life, death is glory, adhere to ideals and justice

Is there anything more difficult than this? If you fight for desire, then survival is the first desire. For those who fight for their ideals, God knows what his ideals are.

If his ideal is to fill the world with love, although it cannot be realized, you can't crush such an ideal.

"The node has been found." Pei Yuanli's voice came.

"Annotation, everyone turns their hands." Chu Cheng replied immediately.

Pei Yuanli immediately marked the divine nodes on the map inside the communication channel. He was even sharper than Chucheng. He did nothing at all in the past day. According to Chucheng's requirements, he looked for divine nodes in the entire eastern theater. There is a change in the divine power node, not staying in place, but the change is limited, because although the scope is large, but there is not much place that the divine power node can rely on.

These divine power nodes play a role in increasing contact.

Once destroyed, the outer defense measures in the eastern part of Medica City will fight on their own. The formation method is still in effect, but there is no longer much effect of increase.

However, the divine power node is not easy to destroy, let's look at Pei Yuanli first.

Chu Cheng left his room and went back to the seventh floor. Everyone gathered together. Pei Yuan said: "I will take the sister and try in the past. If there is danger, I will retreat. If there is no danger, destroy the first divine power Node, you are all watching, if I can't even retreat, I must save me. "

"for sure."

"rest assured."


Pei Yuanli looked at Chucheng, Chucheng said: "No, the divine power node is just difficult to destroy, very very annoying."

Pei Yuanli sighed, and took the sister Zhou He, the two flew out of the tower, and flew over to the nearest divine node of the tower.

It was a bunker, there was only one observation hole on the ground, and there was array protection in front.

Pei Yuan left a sword repair, he wouldn't hesitate at all, the sword was like electricity, shot into the bunker, and then exploded, the entire bunker was blown into the sky.

Among the seven floors of the tower, Miao Jixiang smiled and said: "I practiced swordsmanship for half a day, and finally did the same thing as throwing a bomb."

"The monk is not going to talk about it. Brother Pei is really good at using this sword." Luo Yan quickly stopped the monk and said, is this questioning the professional level of others?

Pei Yuanli's sword technique was at its peak in the sixth order. This sword was wrapped with sword light to hold its strength, gathered together, collapsed and then exploded. The sword gas was tens of thousands of times to release the power. Attacking a moving target may be a little slower, but attacking a fixed target or abusing vegetables is definitely a good way to save power.

For the more enemies of the dish, the speed of this sword is completed like electro-optical flint.

For a fixed target, the target cannot be escaped anyway.

Moreover, this sword can be triggered without releasing, continuously releasing multiple sword gas nodes to form a detonation formation, no matter how powerful the enemy's defense is, it can be torn apart. At least the means within the sixth order can't defend.

This was just Pei Yuanli's handy sword, and even the temptation was not counted, so the bunker was blown away.

You want to say that it is like a bomb, but it is indeed quite similar. In fact, it is a sword gas cutting. From the inside out, a sword cuts the bunker. You have to know that the previous sword energy is hidden in the sword light, as if there is no substance, like a radiated wave ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Even if there is no observation port, the stone material of the bunker alone, plus a little magic blessing , Can not stop the penetration of this fluctuation.

With a sword, even a pant is not a power, heavy knights can't resist even if they are not legendary.

After Pei Yuanli left this sword, he discovered that the divine channel under the bunker changed, but the divine node did not change at all. Instead, he instantly inspired a force to form all the divinities around him in the earth, forming a formation. .

Sure enough.

Pei Yuanli frowned, this thing is like a hob meat, deep into the earth, if you want to destroy, you have to go slowly like a dog pit.

Just above the supernatural power node, there is also a layer of supernatural power network to block.

It is too difficult for the Shenli Network to eliminate it. The main reason is that this gadget seems to be broken, but it requires you to consume a lot of power, and the network itself collapses after losing a line.

The hob meat is not enough to describe this nausea, Pei Yuanli began to think about how to deal with this divine power node.