Burning Ashes

v2 Chapter 654: weaken


Chu Cheng quickly heard the voice, and said to Pei Yuan, "I can't eliminate it, just control it for a month." R


Pei Yuanli suddenly felt that he had more choices, he said to Zhou He "Help me take care." R


"Yes." Zhou He held the sword, letting out the heart of the sword and protecting his brother. r


Pei Yuanli came with another sword. This time, the sword gas blasted straight into the ground and spread out instantly, forming a gully-like energy groove, cutting all the directions of the regular movement of the divine power node. r


Then he took another sword and drew a cross in the ground. r


This has nothing to do with religion. The little trick Pei Yuanli studied, the sword of the quadrant. r


These two staggered sword marks suppress the activity space of the divine power node, and directly split all the divine power flows in the surrounding tens of miles. r


People who followed Pei Yuanli were very convinced at this moment. r


The quadrant sword is not expensive, at least not for level six, and even level five can be used. However, with a little change in this stuff, it can destroy the flow of divine power in the range of more than thirty miles. Within a few miles of the core, the activity is completely limited. r


"Look, the people who came out of the Dazong gate are strong, they don't use their brains, they don't look creative, they are all illusions." Chu Cheng said to Luo Yandao. r


"No brains?" R


"You don't use your brain, you use it, but you have to use it." Chucheng Road. r


"Is there a difference?" Liu Xianyi asked doubtfully. r


"In the bottom line, using the brain equals overclocking." Chu Cheng said. r


Liu Xianyi understood that she was a bit of money, and the light brain she used did not need to be overclocked. Overclocking is something that only really poor ghosts can get. The computing power that ordinary people need, the cheapest optical brain should be able to do it, unless you can't afford the cheapest optical brain, and use an old model of quantum computer. r


Chu Cheng again said, "A sword repair, the brain is easier to use than you, you must understand shame." R


"I didn't say anything, why should you bring me?" Pan Zhen asked aggrievedly. r


"Guess?" R


Pan Zhen shook his head and said auspiciously, "What is there to guess, our Shenluo City, we have to do something right, although Shenluo City is an experiment, we can't be underestimated, is it? Now. "R


"Well, brother, who will come next time?" Liu Xianyi looked at the ancient Yantai. They are Kunlun Taoists. They have many spells. With Pei Yuanli's thinking, it should not be too difficult to destroy the enemy's formation. r


This will make the attack of the Plague Legion much easier, at least the plague creatures are not so fast. r


"I'll do it." At the critical time, Gu Yantai still looked like a brother. The two learned different things, but when the teacher went out of the same room, he made a look. The next time Liu Xianyi did it again, it would be easier. . Just like Zhou He now, it will be easier for her to deal with the divine power node. r


When Pei Yuanli and Zhou He returned, Gu Yantai flew out with Liu Xianyi. r


The Kunlun Taoist priests are not too particular about it now. There is no effect of light and shadow. In fact, the earliest spells have no effect of light and shadow. The effect of light and shadow is purely pleasing to the eye. r


The flying ability is quite essential here. r


Flying is just like walking. When you walk, do you fall into the sky and the golden lotus? r


The second primordial spirit is no better than the body, and the effects that can be omitted are omitted. Gu Yantai felt that since joining Shenluo City, he and the two sisters did not talk much about the show, which is a good thing. r


Originally he felt that a little sense of ritual would bring him closer to the avenue. r


It was not until he met Chucheng that he felt shameful even a trace of mana wasted. Usually playing is not a waste, it is to enrich the body and mind and entertain the brain. But when fighting, we must save money. r


Ten of them will conduct a drill every three days, and every battle will be conducted in the most economical way. r


Reduce the control of mana to a minimum. r


Gu Yantai came to another place where the divine power node was located. He took out a blank rune and looked down at the earth in the sky, then used his fingers to write in the blank rune. r


Looking at Senior Brother Liu Xianyi, he was surprised to find that the Fu Lu written by Senior Brother was created temporarily. r


Fu Lu quickly finished writing, was thrown down by the ancient rock platform, no sense of ritual, that Fu Lu turned into a pyramid, sinking into the earth and quickly taking root. r


The lower four corners of the pyramid vaguely produced a wonderful change. It was originally a phantom pyramid. The earth, water, wind and fire were born on the four corners. The power of the law was running endlessly within the pyramid. Then the pyramid turned from virtual to real, as if there was such a thing in the earth. r


The power of Taoism gave birth to the attributes of a magician? r


The difficulty is not difficult, mainly because this idea is really strange, such a magic pyramid, borrowed from the pyramid system that exists in reality, is rooted in the depths of the earth, and the divine power node is disturbed, and there is no way to stabilize. It is also in the range of more than thirty miles, and the area with less than five miles at its core cannot even be passed by divine power. r


Wang Hongdan said, "Next, let me go." R


Ji Tianyang glanced at Chucheng, and Chucheng did n’t speak. Luo Yan said, "Let the monk come, you two do n’t have to do it, the area is so big, the real impact can be on the outer two or three floors. If you go deeper, the temple ’s The power will destroy our layout, we will first peel the skin, then cramp, and finally let the shrine crush the bone. "R


"Sonya, so fierce, then I will come." R


Miao Jixiang said that he was about to leave, Chu Cheng pulled him, and said, "I want to see Pan Zhen's monk shoot, you and I know a lot." R


Miao Jixiang embarrassedly said, "Not all the same?" R


"Not the same, it's better than you, why are you afraid of you?" R


"Because he has committed a color ring!" Miao Jixiang said in surprise. "Have you never heard of it?" R


"What about that?" Chucheng was inexplicably. Daleiyin Temple was only studying the strength of the Buddhist gates, but it didn't really make the following disciples a monk. r


Not to mention breaking the ring, even if you take a wife and have a child, it is not a stain. At most, there are problems in your practice, and the martial arts did not give up because you broke the ring. Like Panzhen, the practice is still vigorous and fierce, and breaking the ring is not a problem. r


Miao Jixiang said with a smile, "The problem is my brother ..." r


"Okay, Miao Jixiang, you don't have to measure in!" Pan Zhen stunned. r


Chucheng Road "Then I'll ask elsewhere." R


Pan Zhen smiled bitterly, "I was trying to break the ring, and the result was that the pigeons were released. As soon as the younger brother laughed at me with this matter, my heart hurts a lot. In order not to be laughed at, I had to listen to him.


Chu Cheng thought for a while and said, "It turns out that Miao Jixiang practiced the broken ring seal, which is rare." R


"I understand you still ask." Pan really depressed. r


Miao Jixiang said, "Chu City, I practiced breaking the ring seal, and there are the powers of the seven treasures of the Buddha, or I will seal the divine power." R


Chu Cheng said, “It ’s okay. I originally planned to shoot with ten people. Both Pei Yuanli and Gu Yantai did so well. Maybe after you complete the layout, I ’ll do it again.” R


They didn't speak long, Gu Yantai returned quickly, and Miao Jixiang flew out. This time, he didn't even bring the game. r


Chu Cheng simply made a mark on the map and said to Luo Yandao, "I will deal with the last part, and then let the army launch a full-scale attack without leaving a dead end." R


"Okay." R


After Luo Yan agreed, Chu Cheng stepped out of the tower in one step and used the power of Undead Sword Flash to rush to the front of Miao Jixiang. r


There is nothing bells and whistles in Chucheng, which simply inspired the skill of Baigui Nightwalker. r


The ghost gate of Chucheng is not a large one like Miaohua, it is just a gate, which contains a lot of yin. However, after seeing the ghost gate of Miao Hua, Chucheng was also touched, and a lot of changes in equipment skills were born. r


After this ghost gate passed into the earth, a moat surrounded by yin qi was formed around it. Under the interaction of the yin qi and the ghost gate, the blood was permeated inside the ghost gate. r


Although the blood moon cannot be formed, but with this blood color change, the persistence period has been longer. r


If not attacked, the ghost door is closed underground, and it can even exist for half a month. r


This moat-like yinqi also absorbs the surrounding power and transforms into yinqi. The control range will become larger and larger, and finally cut off the magical channel outside the entire eastern theater. r


Chu City estimates that if you do n’t wait for so long, the people of Medica City will be unable to bear it. r


The layout of Chucheng was too fast. After finishing the layout, Miao Jixiang put down a lotus throne and sank into the ground. He had many ideas, but after seeing the ghost gate of Chucheng, he knew that there was no use of eggs. r


As long as the one in Chucheng is not destroyed, it is enough for him to use this shinto golden lotus. r


The advantage of Shinto Golden Lotus is that it does not affect the operation of the Ghost Gate, and even when the Ghost Gate is about to collapse, it can still extract the power of the Shinto Golden Lotus and continue to insist. r


As soon as the thought moved, Miao Jixiang automatically coordinated with Chu Cheng and made the arrangement. r


The plague legion in the back immediately launched an assault. r


Losing the mutual response of the divine power node, the divine channel is cut off in many places. The ground fortress, a few individual rockets can open the gap, the big fortress, use a big rocket. r


Then the flesh and blood machinery piled up, although it seems that a team of dozens of people, but at most a few hundred people, is not as heroic as a large army. But this is what war looks like. Several legions acted at the same time. Forty or fifty thousand people divided into small teams on the battlefield to advance forward, penetrate, and destroy. r


Not only that, Chu City also found that attacks were also launched in the other three directions. Although there was no special way to destroy the divine power node, it also used large rockets, destroyed some important fortresses, and temporarily blocked the divine power. aisle. They were not informed at all ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ in three directions, the attack was intensified almost at the same time. r


"Not bad, a little bloody." Chu Cheng looked at the blurry picture coming from afar, wondering if he was appreciating it. r


"I feel it." R


"What do you feel?" Chu Cheng asked Luo Yan. r


Luo Yan closed his eyes and grasped Chucheng. "The change of luck, although not very big, but I can be sure that we did this and weakened the luck of the continent!" R



