Burning Ashes

v2 Chapter 655: Saint

(The automatic update failed, manually, I hope it is not repeated, this happened several times)

"You are Jianxiu." Chu Cheng was concise.

"But my level is high, I can really feel it, but it is very weak. Considering the area of ​​the continent of the gods and the power of the gods, this faint trace is also remarkable."

"Then what do you mean?"

"Yes, Chucheng, you are amazing." Luo Yan answered seriously.

"The two of you, why bother." Pan Zhen bowed his head in pain and folded.

The sprinkling of dog food was originally hated by many people, but among those present, only the monks who had committed the precepts were sad to see. The rest of the people were indifferent. They gathered together and had their own plans for the sect. Eventually those plans were completed, and they began to have their own things.

Shenluo City can't be disbanded anymore, everyone wants to do something.

It ’s okay to go directly to the school, but I do n’t want to, so everyone will come when Chucheng is over. After the Second Elemental God came over, everyone ’s practice has grown inexplicably.

Miao Jixiang said: "Chu City is really amazing, destroying the divine power node, rushing, like peeling an onion, stripping the shell of Medica City, forcing Medica City to fight back, talking and doing things are two different things. You have to understand , It is a last resort to follow the action in the other three directions. "

After the auspicious point is clear, everyone will understand it, no further explanation is needed.

You have to follow Chucheng, or the enemy will fight back. If you do n’t fight back in the direction of Chucheng, if the divine power nodes in other directions are intact, then the counterattack they will suffer will be much greater.

Therefore, it is necessary to follow Chu City together. In this case, in which direction Medica City counterattacks more, it is basically a question of dice throwing.

From being passively attacked, to making decisions by throwing dice.

In fact, it is still very sad, because the initiator does not have this worry at all. Anyway, the layout of Chu City is the fastest. He outperformed the people in the other three directions, so the most powerful counterattack in Medica City is definitely not a rush. Came to them. Medica City's layout in the east will be defensive.

Over there, the Medina was golden, and a large number of troops were thrown out. In all four directions, the Knights of the Kingdom of Heaven appeared.

However, there was no interest in Chucheng. The matter was initiated by him. After it was launched, it was not his own business.

Now he and Luo Yan are just sitting in the tall tower. Other things are handled by others.

In fact, he and Luo Yan don't need too much to fight. The representatives of Qingcheng are Ji Tianyang and Wang Hongdan. The two men are not weak in fighting.

What Chucheng is looking at is some reporting materials, which are not complicated, mainly for weapon evaluation.

These things have long been transmitted to the crown of thorns, the biological light brain there is more powerful, even if it is not fully activated, it is much better than the one on the battlefield, and the calculation speed cannot be the same. Not to mention the fuzzy computing power and chaotic properties, which are far better than ordinary super large light brains.

But Chucheng's four-dimensional arithmetic has very special properties, which may be brought by Chucheng's luck.

When calculating, it is possible to directly cancel some calculations that cannot be completed. The inability to complete here refers to a real dead end. The calculation results of four-dimensional arithmetic, as well as some inexplicable directions, are relatively special, with results that are impossible to calculate in the normal calculation direction.

From the battlefield feedback, the design of the plague thorns is qualified.

Because of the continuous advancement of technology, the manufacturing cost of biological crystal guns may increase, but the cost of use will become lower and lower. The original bombardment of a legendary level was equivalent to the instant consumption of 50 tons of rice, but now it can be completed as long as 49 tons is less.

If it continues to improve, this value will be ten tons in a hundred years.

In fifty years, the consumption of about 35 tons of rice can complete a legendary attack of the biological crystal cannon. This value is better than magic artillery. The use cost of magic artillery has always been related to the life of the barrel, and the cost control of the shells is very good.

However, Chucheng used four-dimensional arithmetic to perform a two-hour calculation yesterday and found a way to directly reduce the consumption of the biological crystal cannon by 60%. Now a legendary attack is the cost of 20 tons of rice. Then there is the manufacture of biological crystals, and there is a breakthrough, which is the credit for Amakusa.

The cost of manufacturing biocrystals is half that.

Coupled with Chucheng's breakthrough, a legendary level of attack, the biological crystal cannon consumes ten tons of rice.

Putting it in the field of war, such consumption is tantamount to not needing money.

Therefore, almost all the models of the plague and thorns series are equipped with biological crystal cannons, except for small creatures. The bio-crystal cannon is also shaped as a seven-tube structure, with six thin barrels around the middle one. Launch biological crystals. The barrel is the most powerful and the barrel has a faster rate of fire.

The biological crystal cannon system still does not have such a large reserve, and the speed of natural recovery is also very slow.

But the actual combat significance is too great, the cost is only one-fifth of the previous.

The reduction in cost allows plagued creatures to no longer carry the spear throwing, but just adjusts a frequency band of the biological crystal cannon, enhances the lethality within 100 meters, gives more physical attack attributes, and fills the loss of giving up spear throwing.

If the spear cannot be recovered, the cost of consumption is higher than that of the biological crystal cannon.

Chucheng had a technological breakthrough and only read the battle report today. After reading it, he still frowned. The plague creatures are indeed strong, but there is no soul. The battle does not look rigid, but big data is right.

Old-fashioned plague creatures are not worth that price.

Compared with the Baishi, the Plague Legion, which is not even a Wanshi, is a bit less cost-effective. It seems that the cost is very low, and it really does not make much sense.

The ten thousand style is slightly better, and it is good to be a security force. Relying on city operations is considered qualified.

As a field army, Wan Shi is not very good. So ah, it ’s better to sell it to others, do n’t use it anymore. Qianshi is a qualified servant army. When the enemy is weaker, it is also good to be the main force. The main reason is that the weapons of the Thousand Legions are somewhat single.

Lack of air power, lack of tanks, the 100-style is much better.

It seems that blind cost savings is not the best option. It is not just that there is a cost in manufacturing, but the cost of use should also be considered clearly.

Fortunately, when the old plague creatures were designed, they considered retirement. At least as a worker, it is very qualified. There is no better worker than a plague creature for things like building camps. This time, but there will be a lot of plague organisms changed jobs.

The loss of hundreds of millions of gold coins ...

Chu Cheng knew by simple calculation that his plague creatures lost a lot of money when they changed jobs. And now the battle is going to let ordinary plague creatures go up, it is better to mobilize elite.

The best combination is the one hundred plus one thousand combination, and then ten thousand as labor.

All laborers are just 10,000 standards.

One hundred styles are easy to use and can be installed on a large scale. The plague and thorns are easy to use, but the cost is limited. As for the zero type, it is Amakusa Cangyuan's toy, how much can you take out, depending on the luck of Amakusa Cangyuan

And Tiancao Cangyuan himself, there is a Knight of Ambrella.

It is impossible for Chucheng to care about every tool soldier, he only does big calculations.

"Church, something went wrong, there is a sixth-order magician lost on the World of Warcraft." It was Wang Hongdan who informed Chucheng of the news, and she is responsible for information outside today.

Chu Cheng hurried to the seventh floor, and now two priests Wang Hongdan and Ji Tianyang were present. Ji Tianyang was in charge of his own information and did not look up.

In fact, they are responsible for the final order, there are a large number of commanders in the lower layer, and ordinary information is not handled by them.

"What about the picture?" Chu Cheng knew that although the information was isolated in the four directions of the war zone, when a major event happened, his own plague angel approached, and no one would be stupid enough to shoot it down.

Wang Hongdan had already prepared the picture and replayed it. Chu Cheng watched it carefully. At least two legendary plague angels lowered their height and saw the picture at that time.

A knight in the kingdom of heaven approaches the battlefield, and four strong humans of Tier 6 take off to meet the enemy.

The combination of more than five hundred knights in the Kingdom of Heaven will reduce the effect of long-range spell attacks, and two of the four sixth-order human strongmen are melee systems.

So they attacked at a distance of more than one hundred meters, as they did last time, trying to divide the knights of the kingdom of heaven.

However, after the Celestial Knights were divided, twelve Celestial Knights swiftly promoted from Tier 4 to Tier 6, golden light, shot through the gaps in the armor of these 12 Celestial Knights, Chu City saw that these 12 All the knights in heaven have a tendency to be holy.

Mass-made holy armor!

This technology appeared much earlier than Chucheng expected. Sacrifice human life and dedicate everything in exchange for temporary strength. No need to pray, as long as you give, the armor will naturally give the knight the power that was originally stored.

What Chu Cheng saw was the twelve burning saints who charged towards the sixth-order magician.

All flash skills are blocked, and the sixth-order magician has launched an absolute barrier, plus immortal barriers.

These two magics ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ were torn apart in a third of a second.

The legendary ring of fire broke out, and the sixth-order magician didn't want to bounce off the enemy, just wanted to be bounced off himself. However, the ring of fire was dispelled by the Holy Light, and the twelve saints penetrated the body of the mage.

The sixth-order mage didn't even have ashes.

"What about you instead?" Chu Cheng looked at Wang Hongdan.

Wang Hongdan said: "I will escape with escape technique, they will not block my escape technique, it is not magic."

"What if it's blocked?"

Wang Hongdan turned pale and said, "It's really unstoppable, the twelve guys are not dead after the impact, they burned their lives for about half a minute."

"Mirror-like skills can deflect their attacks, but they are much more practiced." Chu Cheng looked at the final picture. The twelve Paladin knights knew that the remaining power was not enough to kill a sixth order, simply rush Towards the ground, a large camp fell to ashes under the impact of the twelve Paladins.
