Burning Ashes

v2 Chapter 665: Prototype (2)

"Yes, this is the prototype." Tiancao Cangyuan said: "From the bottom law of the twisted world, the hero brought back what a wonderful thing."

"No creativity, I really want to kill angels, it's not that trouble." Su Ji said, walking around the crystal platform, the crystal surface on the platform, there was a layer of texture.

"What are you doing!"

"Look carefully, and give you an idea. By the way, this time, I want to ask you for a batch of plague maids. You must have combat effectiveness and be able to cook."

"Find me, isn't it overkill?"

Su Ji gently grabbed Amakusa Cangyuan's neck, pressed him back on his chair and lay down, and then helped him switch the screen, zooming in the lines on the crystal, saying: "Hurry up, I want a plague creature , Is serving Xiao Chu's brother and Luo Yan. "

"Okay, I know." It was found that Su Ji still could not beat Su Ji, Tiancao Cangyuan could only use the tone of coping.

"I want about ten teams, from close-fitting maids to cooks, gardeners, guards and the like. I have everything. Then the housekeeper must have everything, according to the court model of Daxia. Each one All prototype crystals are required. "

"What about money?" Tiancao Cangyuan asked depressively. This is another project, which must be designed.

"Amakusa, you control me for money? Do you know that 30% of your appropriation is in my hands?"

"Ah? Isn't it Wang Qinglong?"

"Wang Qinglong manages 40%, I control 30%, Wang Qingyi 20%, and the remaining 10% is your daily expenses."

"Su Ji, are you doing power for personal gain?"

"I am the big housekeeper of the crown of thorns. If you say that I am seeking for selfishness, it is equivalent to saying that Brother Chu is seeking selfishness. Amakusa, is it really okay for you to be a courtier like this?" Su Ji was angry, staring at Amakusa.

"Don't grind your teeth!"

"I didn't sharpen my teeth, but I was a little angry, and you pushed things back and forth. I think you put your energy on your knights.",


"It's coming next year, and design a little better." Su Ji finished, ignoring Amakusa's entanglement, and turned away.

Amakusa Cangyuan lay on the chair for a while, and suddenly thought of a question, isn't Su Ji a seventh order, how come he came to himself from the tower of the crown of thorns?

No, she was the sixth order!

That's how the second yuanshen was cultivated? Amakusa Cangyuan was surprised and a little jealous. But then I thought that people are stewards, and it is good to be good. I haven't used power for personal gain. I got a lot of plague avatars, and I also made the Embrera Knights. Chucheng allowed him to do such a trick.

If Chucheng did not agree, how could he succeed.

Forget it, work hard, Amakusa Cangyuan began to look at the lines on the prototype crystal, and after a while, I got the experience.

Su Ji is powerful. Although she hasn't learned anything systematically, she has mastered the rules to a very deep degree. The lines she draws are exactly what she wants.

Based on the prototype crystal, a natural pattern grows naturally.

This rule has a simple texture structure and a rapid process of empowerment, so that his design will increase a lot of speed. The time previously spent on the Ambrella Knights finally made up for it.

It does not need to be confirmed year after year. This pattern has broken through at least five blind spots of my own thinking.

Amakusa Cangyuan had a lot of design ideas in mind. He quickly put on his helmet, input it directly with his consciousness, communicate the biological light brain, and quickly record his inspiration.

At the same time, he summoned an avatar and also joined the design.

The main design is the visceral structure, the structure of the double heart remains unchanged, the stomach is pressed down, and a cavity is created at the back. The cavity is a crystal, and the pattern of the road is generated inside. This cavity is bred with prototype crystals, and above the cavity is a pipe leading to the tongue. The pipeline has five sac-like structures that can store a prototype crystal.

This cavity, powered by two hearts at close range, will increase the rate of crystal formation.

The five sac-like structures are the magazines for storing prototype crystals.

Prototype crystals are formed in the cavity, which will rise into the sac-like structure and be stored.

The tongue of the plague creature is designed to be retractable, hollow, and itself is the launching organ. The hair pipe does not need to be straight, but is driven by magic power or some other energy. The direction is controlled by the structure of the end of the tongue, and the side where the spout faces is shot.

The purpose of this prototype crystallization is to kill divine creatures at once, and not to allow the divine creatures to be resurrected in the kingdom of God or any angel's gate.

However, if you want to not shorten the life of the creature, it takes about seven days to condense such a one, and the cystic structure is to ensure the properties, this stuff can not be stored outside the cystic structure.

If more cystic structures are designed, the life span of the organism will be shortened.

If that's the case, it's better to design it directly in the chariot instead of the human-shaped plague. Humanoids have various functions, and launching prototype crystals is just one of them.

The biggest change in the plague is the emergence of organs that produce prototype crystals.

The attack power of the prototype crystal is far above the biological crystal cannon, but the speed of consumption and generation of crystals cannot be satisfactory. Although the crystal formation of the biological crystal cannon also has the idea of ​​prototype crystallization, it is impossible for such a complicated organ to directly generate prototype crystals.

After reading Amakusa Cangyuan, he still felt that it was not appropriate, and he simply changed the organ structure by himself.

The original cranial cavity was transformed into a prototype crystal generation organ by him. As for the structure of the tongue, refer to the woodpecker. It is still a long pipe, but it can hold six prototype crystal storages.

The brain structure of the plague is hidden behind the heart.

It is not unreasonable for the brain of a normal creature to be in front of or above the body. The brain runs, energy consumption is very high, and the temperature rise is normal. A single head will have a good heat dissipation effect.

When the brain is hot, people are easy to do stupid things.

However, there are heat-absorbing organs in the plague organisms, which specially store heat to form ordinary biological crystals.

After the redesign, the new type of plague creature, the biological crystal cannon remaining on the left arm, can be changed to a small caliber, pursuing rapid fire and precision, and not pursuing the power of a single kill. It can be achieved by level suppression, anyway, the real killing effect is still based on the six prototypes.

The design of the prototype crystalline weapon is actually mostly for angels.

One is to limit the resurrection of angels, and the other is that angels can fly, often requiring long-range attacks to make the final blow. The badly wounded angel flies away, if you don't have long-range means, what a sad thing.

The consumption of the biological crystal cannon on the left arm is now reduced, and the right arm is simply cancelled. In this way, the two arms of the plague creature can release stronger power. After the biological weapon is added, the melee power is also directly increased.

Biological weapons must also follow the scientific principle. There are so many energy transmission lines on the two arms. Installing a cannon will definitely contain melee capabilities.

Now that the cannon is on the tongue, things are much simpler.

Bionics still has a good meaning now. For example, this tongue imitates the idea of ​​a woodpecker. It can be very long and can surround the skull, but the bone cavity designed by the plague creatures and the crystallized bone cavity provide good protection. The external creature armor and the head of the plague creatures are really not afraid of heavy blows.

After solving all the worries, Amakusa Cangyuan was obviously much happier.

The power of the prototype crystallization can be improved by injecting genetic agents, and the subsequent repairs and repairs will finally not need to be done. This time it is the final setting of the plague.

Don't underestimate this modification, the prototype crystals generate organs, which brings about an increase in the overall strength of the plague.

The skills you bring will also have a law bonus to increase the damage to divine creatures.

And the prototype crystal has good ability to fight pollution and fight purification. Before Tiancao Cangyuan continued to adjust the structure of plague organisms and adjust the genetic design, it was because of the lack of a finalized method. If you are a professional, every professional has similar skills, the strongest attack and the like.

Now there are plagued creatures, finally make up for the short board, can be used as elite.

Amakusa Cangyuan lists the tables and ticks the plague creature model that needs this design.

Legendary plague creatures definitely need this design, and then they are advanced plague creatures, and they must be elite arms to have this design.

If the previous design is modified, the combat effectiveness will also be improved, but it can be delegated to the 100-style legion.

Like the plague thorns, the cost issue was never considered.

The rear is engaged in production. On the front line, the parasites of Chucheng and others finally encounter the attack of the Legion of Angels. All three camps on the periphery were destroyed, and the remnant soldiers will be gathered into Louis' camp. It's not that you didn't think about running away, but under the chase of the Legion of Angels, you might as well retreat to other camps for safety.

The escape in the wild is not good at all ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Facing the fugitive, the angel simply flew in the sky and used a long-range bow and arrow to attack.

The angel's bow and arrow have no additional effect, but they are powerful, highly accurate, and can shoot far.

Angels refuse to fly, so they naturally save energy. These angels wore the same armor, and the weapons were simple, nothing more than guns, swords and bows.

The gun is a spear, the sword is a epee, the bow is a big bow, and the stick is a scepter.

Such a simple configuration is quite difficult when attacking the camp. The temporary camp wall built in the camp is meaningless to the angels, but the fort is good. It's good to be an obstacle, as for the fortress itself?

Chu Cheng saw with his own eyes that the angel holding the scepter sent other angels into the fortress and carried out a silent killing.

Fifth-order angels have group teleportation, and after using it, they have not seen any signs of weakness.

Then there is the light of purification, which is effective for individual warcraft or biochemical weapons, causing an immediate death effect.