Burning Ashes

v2 Chapter 750: Low consumption

Chucheng didn't think about doing this in the beginning, bombarding the forest with star charts was just an alternative, and it was relatively backward.

But the emergence of the invisible spacecraft made Chucheng realize that the spacecraft is the first step, and there may be nothing behind. He does n’t want to know what the enemy has to do. Everything between thirty and thirty is done, anyway.

Therefore, after the first star chart attacked the invisible spacecraft, the aftermath spread to the forest. After Chucheng found that it was effective, it immediately launched an overall attack.

Jiang Yuan didn't help him, he didn't know, anyway, if he couldn't get the position of the top of the mountains, then no one would think.

He will let more star charts come and destroy this human meeting.

Endure swallowing, never Chu style.

It's okay to lose money. It's enough to compensate me. If the compensation is not in place, I still want me to endure it. Dream?

This man in Chucheng is not unbearable for the sake of mankind. For example, if I lost one hundred, you have to compensate me for ninety. You add two dollars, is that a joke?

Even in this way, Chucheng was not satisfied. Thirteen Big Dipper maps were consumed before and after. These Big Dipper maps have been retracted into the deep space to hide and fly away.

And at the height of five hundred miles, the star chart responsible for surveillance, after killing tens of thousands of flying creatures, lost a third of its magic eyes.

Really came against his own magic eyes. Those flying creatures are extremely resistant to ray attacks.

There are only some rays, which cannot be resisted by resistance. Rays are more than curse types, such as the scorching rays themselves, which have high temperature attacks.

Let's talk about the spikes on the magic eyes, which can be shot without relying on the law of ground gravity.

Each of the magic eyes, the more than one hundred spikes is not a decoration, you are close to it, it is easy to be pierced. As for long-range attacks? All the magic eyes are thick, regardless of their grades. The structure of the shell, there are many bubbles inside as a buffer. It is more resistant to magic, blocking extra rays, and so on. It is a prerequisite for survival in the starry sky.

The lost magic eyes were not wasted. All the magic eyes released their tentacles, dragging their companions' bodies and flying towards the deep space.

These dead magic eyes will be the reserve grain, and when new magic eyes are launched, they will be practical for the magic eyes that have not grown up, and they will soon be able to complete the star map.

Chucheng now has all the star maps, and there are no redundant combat units. This needs to be slowly added later.

This encounter also shows that the magic eye's self-defense ability is still a little problem, clearly has a quantitative advantage, or lost more than 8,000 magic eyes.

Of course, it is also related to the combat altitude. If it is at an altitude of more than 10,000 miles, the situation will be completely different. The ray power will be greatly enhanced. The law in the starry sky is the stronger the farther away from the ground. For example, the combat height of Migaki ’s Demon Eye has been raised to 100,000 miles. In that area, the previous flying biochemical weapons, even the survival is extremely difficult, let alone fighting.

It seems that I have overlooked the height of two hundred to five hundred miles?

This height is exactly the height that the orbiter likes. It is far enough from the ground to not be directly hit by the strong.

The problem now is that the enemy will also work out high-altitude combat methods.

Even if there is no good plan, deep space operations can be carried out at the cost of increasing costs.

Crown of Thorns ...

Tiancao Cangyuan said casually: "Princess, you think too much."

"You talk to me."

"Our Big Dipper map is not yet complete, the level is too low, and it is justifiable to be bullied. For this mission, my growth adjustment last year was also designed to give priority to ground attacks."

"OK, show me the drawings."

"No, it's better to explain it myself, the content on the drawing is too professional."

"To be honest!" Chu Cheng felt something was wrong.

Amakusa Cangyuan is embarrassed, the hero is really keen!

"Well, I don't have a drawing, or I can't draw it, lest it be chased after being leaked!"

"you are……"

"I set up a structure in the genes of the Beidou Demon Eye. The protagonist can activate it if you want, and obtain certain control rights. There are different opening modes, so that the Devil Eye grows differently according to your needs Type of combat unit. "

Tiancao Cangyuan, even a creature such as the Beidou Demon Eye, set a back door at the genetic level.

What Chucheng can say, this thing must not leave evidence, otherwise wait for someone to come to you for trouble. Beidou Magic Eye has become the official system of Daxia, and now even if Tiancao Cangyuan admits and gives the data, no one will forgive him.

So many scientists have not found the back door inside, and various biological light brains have not calculated, nor have they calculated problems.

Tiancao Cangyuan is a demon, it is good to die directly without controlling it in your own hands.

In fact, Chucheng only knows his map of the Big Dipper. The Demon Eye can attack close-up, and the combat power is quite strong. The drawings that were sold were incomplete versions. How did he know that they were not incomplete but opened the back door. The practice of Tiancao Cangyuan is somewhat dead. All the work was done, and he could not punish Amakusa Cangyuan, and he could not even say that he would not be allowed to do so in the future.

Amakusa Cangyuan said: "The timeline is from the end of the nine years of Xilu to the beginning of the decade of Xilu. We have three hundred and sixty sets of Big Dipper maps in our hands that have grown up completely. This corresponds to the Miyaki Demon Eye. With the Big Dipper map, everyone knows that our own Big Dipper map has unique technology. "

Chucheng nodded, this is not publicity, but if it is intentionally spread through spies, love or not.

"The unique technique is true, all the tentacles of the magic eye will be the flesh version of the burning touch, not the formation of energy such as elements or dead air. A lowest-order fourth-order magic eye, the tentacle is released, there are tens of meters Long or invisible, it can only be discovered when the enemy is hit. Then there is the evolution of spikes ... "

"You didn't say, will the gadget evolve?"

"It's not evolution. Migaki's Demon Eye has high growth and rich attributes, so I don't need to mention it. When designing the Beidou Demon Eye, the cost is considered, so when I write the growth program at the genetic level, I don't use a genetic lock. Technology, but according to the actual situation, according to the level of nutrition absorbed by the magic eye, to control the growth of the magic eye. "

Chu Cheng understood that this was because he did not know how to launch himself, so the compromises made now also have meaning in existence.

Amakusa Cangyuan continued: "Now the spikes are mainly aimed at ground attacks, but what about the future? In the future, angels may fly into the starry sky and attack the magic eyes. Although angels are not suitable for starry flights, they may even die in the starry sky. , But we ca n’t beat the angels, but they ca n’t beat them. ”

Tiancao Cangyuan is telling the truth, it takes one year for a magic eye to be initially available, and five years to grow completely.

What about angels? What is special is the weapon created by the kingdom of God. The gods can still build with divine power and can be resurrected. A low-level angel army may have hundreds of thousands of angels, each of which can be resurrected hundreds of times, that is, ten million combat units.

A star chart is less than 30,000 magic eyes, how to beat the child?

"I also thought about making the guardian eye, but that's too complicated, and it's not used most of the time. It's better to let the eye itself have the combat ability, and the combat ability will help the eye to prey. We will also To invade the world, this magic eye is launched in the world, and the ability to self-prey is more important. "

"You just say how to fight."

"On the shell of the magic eye, there is actually more room for growth, especially after it grows to a diameter of five meters. My design is that on the low-level magic eye, the spikes have evolved into two weapons, the dragon gun and the magic sword. Attack The way is to burn the magic substance inside and enhance the speed to the extreme. The law of a little sword track is mainly to pursue the hit rate. "

"One time?"

"It is a one-time use, but the dragon gun can be adjusted slightly during the attack. The magic sword can adjust the angle of attack more during the attack. It can be regarded as a magic flying sword. The speed is mainly the magic sword, no The dragon gun is so fast, if it does not have the turning ability, it is more likely to be hidden by the enemy. "

"What are the disadvantages?"

"It's the growth rate, the magic eye of a year, there is no way to have these functions."

"Are there any remedies?"

"Burn money, burn ten times, no, a hundred times more money, I promise that one year, I can make such a good magic eye."

"So, in the future, the Beidou Demon Eye will grow up, can it reach the accuracy and range of attack at an altitude of 20,000 miles at an altitude of 20,000 miles?"

The meaning of Chucheng is very obvious ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Now the Beidou Demon Eye, at an altitude of 10,000 to 20,000 miles, the attack range can indeed have a diameter of 25 to 30 miles, which sounds enough. However, when the star chart descends to a height of five hundred miles, it can attack a range of a hundred miles in diameter.

Is flying too high, in order to ensure the hit effect, the attack must be concentrated in a smaller area.

A lot of repeated attacks and waste, but there is no way to expand the scope of the attack, there may be a fish that missed the net.

Amakusa Cangyuan smiled and said: "Princess, how can there be such a perfect thing in the world, think about us having the Beidou Demon Eye, and the other two continents have not yet. The spaceship they lost earlier can be much more expensive than a set of star maps Now. "

"I think I'm bad, you are doing very well." Chu Cheng immediately reflected on himself.

"May I die for the hero."

Chu Chengxin said, do you want to laugh at me? However, he was afraid of stimulating Amakusa Cangyuan to become ill, so he could only hold back these words to his stomach.

"The protagonist, but the devil's eye has been damaged by less than 10,000. We can afford these, and the enemy is now right."

Chucheng nodded. Under the top of the mountains, Parasite Zero led the team and has rushed to the center of the forest, more than two thousand miles away from the top of the mountains.

In fact, most of the obstacles enemies set up in the forest were destroyed.

It is too late to change the plan temporarily. The top of the mountains is not arranged by one or two people.