Burning Ashes

v2 Chapter 769: Attack (2)

To be precise, the human version of this thing does not have a good braking device, and it needs to be stopped quickly by tricks.

Galaxy Universe is not without this thing, this thing is sports equipment, people play. The army is transported by aircraft, and the tanks on the ground have the function of short-distance flight.

Sports equipment is not prepared for war, of course, the function will not be considered so much.

Now all countries are thinking about solutions. After all, the minimum cost of this bouncing equipment is less than one silver coin. After the development of metal smelting, the prices of many items are surprisingly low.

In the galactic universe, a set of such equipment is probably less than a hundred pieces.

This is still the price of the network terminal, removing the transportation and storage, the ex-factory price is more than 20 yuan?

Now that it has been changed to military, there are many places that need to be improved. First of all, it must be durable, and then it must be able to withstand the weight of too many tons and withstand the pressure of an instant burst. It is not technically difficult. No matter how difficult it is to cooperate with various creatures.

For example, when a plague creature wears a bouncing assist device, it will require a brake function, because the plague creature can run more than two hundred miles per hour.

In turn, this device will also affect plague creatures.

The general skill of the plague creatures in Chucheng is the instant air wall. The thickness of the air wall is not less than one meter, and the maximum can reach five meters. When the plague is running at full speed, it can brake against the air wall. The air wall itself is also a very good defensive skill, which is not durable.

The running speed of the robot reached 160-miles and quickly disappeared into the night.

The remaining fifty robots fought with the puppets for more than ten minutes, and then killed the puppets cleanly. The remaining twenty robots also released spring devices and fled wildly.

If you don't run away, the battery will run out.

In the trench behind, the robot squad responsible for the response, let go of the retreating robot, and looked at the distant night, a team of fifteen people chased up.

It was a team approaching from another direction, fifteen humans, more than three hundred puppets.

The robot immediately issued an alarm signal. The 15-person formation is a formation of an adventure group. There are also legendary magicians and legendary warriors in this team. I do n’t know if there is a magician.

A few miles away from the trenches, a boxy stone building covered with metal structure, above the building, there is a suspended metal magic eye.

This is a temporary command center with officers from Shinra City and four combat staff.

This is the command post closest to the front. Suddenly, the mission of the last one or two days has become arduous. The enemy has continued to attack. The human commander has begun to decentralize, allowing creatures of this level to be able to mobilize the satellite level in the eyes of Beidou arms.

"Unable to stop in front, there are three legends in that team, and the remaining twelve are probably not easy to deal with. In a team of this size, the puppet level is also high. If there are legendary puppets, they can kill us. "The commander said calmly.

In the command room, there is a battlefield map ahead, crisscrossing trenches, and uneven fortresses.

The old magic eyes of the flight were lowered. Observe the team. A person in a white robe in the team looked up at the sky and apparently discovered the existence of the magic eyes.

One staff said: "Wei Jun, the enemy may be four legends. If you use the star map, you need to cover the entire metal star map repeatedly."

"I understand that using one star at a time is not as cost-effective as ground loss."

"Wei Jun does not mean this. It is possible that the enemy may still have power behind it, allowing the forward to consume our star map, and then concentrate on a stronger force. I suspect it is directed at our control tower." Another staff said.

The commander surnamed Wei nodded and said, "I plan to dispatch the plague of the Great Wall Corps to specifically attack the troops. After restraining them for a while, use the eyes of Beidou to carry out precise assaults."

"Wei Jun, ask us later, it is best to use the Terminator type."

"Listen to me." The commander said firmly: "This time we strive to eliminate this team with the least cost."

The four staff members had no choice but to enter the battle plan immediately into the light brain. The commander looked at it with his eyes and made no objections. He is responsible for the general direction and specific implementation of the strategy. He needs to come up with the staff, and he will make a decision. The four staff officers are highly talented, and simulated combat training has been carried out too many times.

Staff also need to grow in battle, trial and error, these are necessary for human growth.

Further down are the technical staff to investigate the technical loopholes of the staff.

There are more than one hundred humans in this frontline command post, and more than forty are commanders. The remaining combatants, plus the plague creatures, are responsible for covering their retreat.

The situation is not so bad, there must be a picture of the Big Dipper above the command post.

Because of the precise ground positioning, it is difficult for the enemy to really break through the outpost, unless it is a large-scale attack, which consumes the Big Dipper map cleanly.

In addition to defensive fortresses, there are offensive forts on the front, storing a large number of robots.

These offensive fortresses are further back, so as not to be swept away by enemy forces. The escaping robot went straight to attack the fortress, and the team of fifteen followed. After passing through a trench, the magician in the team released a red cloud of fire forward and pressed into the trench.

In the trench, a violent explosion sounded.

That magician frowned, he fired a cloud and exploded, only killed a robot?

No, it was the robot that exploded voluntarily, counteracting his crushing technique.

As soon as my heart was cold, the hit in the distance arrived instantaneously. Those were twenty-four rockets. They were not very big, but the speed was amazing. At the same time, various rays fell like rain.

Around the magician, hundreds of tiny wind blades instantly condensed and flew to the rocket in the next moment.

However, the artillery attack had arrived, and more shells fell like rain, and the figure of the magic lord appeared in the trench in front.

The head of the magic lord, up to level six, he coldly looked at the enemies in the distance and communicated with the Big Dipper map.

Commander Wei surnamed depressed. This was the commander of the later senior commander leapfrog, and directly dispatched the attack team. But he had nothing to say, and the transfer of the sixth-order magic lord was a decision that only the top level of Shenluo City could make.

In the large command tower at the back, Chu Cheng sat on a chair, in front of him was a crystal-like display, the size of a desktop.

Inside is the drawing of the Devil's Eye, transmitted from the crown of thorns.

Migaki Magic Eye has a dormant height of 240,000 li and a fighting height of 100,000 to 120,000 li. The three magic eyes of Taiwei, Ziwei, and Tianshi respectively correspond to the three main attribute attacks of cracking, embers, and dragon inflammation.

Crystallization ground attack preparation time is 1.2 seconds to 3 seconds, the initial attack speed is 20,000 kilometers per second, full magic acceleration, the final angle can be adjusted within 10,000 kilometers near the ground, and the final speed exceeds 60,000 kilometers per second.

This data has reached the demand of Chucheng.

When the attack of the Demon Eye reached a height of 20,000 miles, there was only one sixth of the time left for the ground.

In one-sixth of a second, the seventh-level mage can launch skills such as blinking to escape. The flight skills will take longer to prepare and require eighth-level to avoid.

But as long as the enemy is delayed by one-sixth of a second, it is equivalent to being locked by the magic eye and unable to escape.

And the speed of 60,000 kilometers per second, even if there is no magical attribute on the crystal, is enough to kill most life forms.

The preparation time of the dragon gun is three seconds, and the initial attack speed is also 20,000 kilometers per second.

Full magic acceleration, the final angle can be adjusted at a distance of 20,000 meters from the ground, and the final speed exceeds 30,000 kilometers per second.

The magic sword's ground attack speed is slightly inferior to that of the dragon gun, but that gap is not much different at such a high speed.

However, there are costs, such as the crystallization of Migaki's Demon Eye, the speed of condensation will be slightly reduced. This is nothing. The cooling time of the emission opening is extended. Even if you still store the crystal, it will be fired every six magic.

The growth rate of dragon guns and magic swords is ten magic days.

However, there are spare dragon guns and magic swords that have grown by more than half in the magic eyes. In fact, when the dragon guns and magic swords are cleanly launched, these spare weapons will take about two magic days to grow.

But if the spare weapons are clean, you can only wait for ten magic days to grow again.

The reason for the slow growth rate is that the dragon gun and the magic sword must generate natural magic lines in order to have such a high-speed blow.

However, the cost has increased again, and the number of Migaki Magic Eyes cannot seem to increase anymore.

Forty battle clusters are the limit. If you add more, collecting food for the Devil's Eye is a problem. No one can guarantee that the monsters on the Ember Continent will continue to be available.

Moreover, the current data is still the theoretical value. It is after the growth of Migaki ’s Demon Eyes. At least the legendary Demon Eyes can only be achieved. If it does not meet the level standard, the cooling time is longer.

As a result, ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Migaki's Demon Eyes went into battle, and it really had to wait until Westland fifteen years later.

Looking at the three-star star map in Chucheng, Chucheng developed towards a minimalist style, but its strength was strong. In terms of the Big Dipper, it has more attributes, but it is also less powerful than Migaki ’s Demon Eye, after all, it is cheaper.

What really surprised Chu Cheng was that Li Aotian's magic eye system had his own technical support to create the Galaxy Star Map technology.

There is no super attack of the crystal, only the fake dragon gun strikes the ground.

The rest are high-altitude melee, self-defense weapons.

The metal dragon gun, the technology used inside, is similar to the fusion jet engine. It is an old-class technology in the Galaxy Universe. It is also new with the combination of Gaia's law.

The metal dragon gun, which has no steering ability, is a fast one.

The initial speed is almost more than 5,000 kilometers per second, and the final speed is also 20,000 kilometers per second. Considering that the combat height of the Galaxy Star Map is only at a height of one thousand to three thousand kilometers, it takes less than a second to attack the ground.