Burning Moscow

~: 199 The History of Youth (2)

   Zhukov’s words made my heart beat, and I was promoted to colonel! Although the military rank is only one level higher than it is now, it is still an irresistible temptation for me. As the commander of the first division, I was just a small lieutenant colonel, commanding a group of generals and colonels with higher ranks than me, and I always felt that I was not confident enough. If this time I can get a higher level of military rank due to military exploits, I will be able to hold my waist straighter when I speak in the future. It seems that if there is a chance in the future, we should organize a few more such offensives. After a year, I might become a general.

   "Comrade Commander! Comrade Commander!!" The call of Durov next to him made me wake up from my wild thoughts. I realized that Zhukov had already interrupted the call, and I was still smiling with the headset and microphone. Seeing the major and several correspondents looking at me with strange eyes, I couldn't help but blush, and quickly put down the things in my hands, looked at the major and asked, "Major Durov, what's the matter with you?"

  Durov did not expect that I would suddenly ask such a question. He couldn't help but feel a little flustered, and quickly replied, "I just want to ask you what you should do next?"

Without thinking about it, I told him: "You immediately get in touch with General Katukov, General Leviakin, Colonel Chistyakov, Lieutenant Colonel Serebryakov, and Lieutenant Colonel Mladintsev and let them Come to the headquarters immediately, I have a new combat mission to arrange."

   "Yes!" He promised aloud, and immediately executed my order, and notified all regiment-level commanders to come to my temporary headquarters for a meeting by phone.

   In less than ten minutes, all the commanders who were named just now rushed to the temporary headquarters.

Seeing everyone sitting around the table, I had no politeness. I pointed at the map of Sunhill City on the table with my finger, and gave them an order directly: "Comrades, we have now occupied Sunhill City, the next mission Just defend it. At present, the three settlements of Sverchikovo, Selicevo and Multnovo in the southeast of the city are still occupied by the Germans. We should attack quickly and retake the settlements. Serebria Lieutenant Colonel Cove!"

   "Here!" Hearing my call, the lieutenant colonel jumped up from his position and stood up straight.

   "Your regiment is responsible for the western defense of Sun Mountain City. Without affecting the defensive deployment, a battalion will be drawn to the southwest of the city to assemble."

   "Yes!" He agreed and sat down.

   "Colonel Kistyakov!"

   "Here!" The colonel agreed loudly and stood up.

   "Your regiment is responsible for the defense mission to the north of the city. After the deployment is completed, the third battalion of Major Xie Dulin will be drawn out and assembled in the southwest of the city."

   "Yes!" Although he didn't understand my intention, he agreed very simply.

   "General Leviakin!"

   "Here!" The general sitting next to me immediately stood up.

   "Your regiment is responsible for the defense in the east of the city. Deploy Major Durov's battalion to the southwest of the city to assemble."

   "Yes!" He also sat down after agreeing.

   "Lieutenant Colonel Mladintsev and Political Commissar Slavkin!"

"Here!" The two chubby commanders stood up at the same time. Before I could speak, political commissar Slavkin asked first: "Comrade commander, is my regiment responsible for the defense of the south of the city and dispatch a battalion to gather in the southwest of the city? "

   "Comrade Political Commissar, you are only half right. The defense of the south of the city is under the control of your regiment, but you only need to keep one battalion of troops, and the rest of the troops will be assembled in the southwest of the city."

   Seeing his political commissar asked a question, the regiment leader next to him hesitated for a while, and then plucked up the courage to ask: "Comrade commander, a few troops will gather in the southwest of the city. May I ask what combat mission is?"

   "Yes, I will tell you now. The reason why I have assembled so many troops is to attack three settlements."

   "What is the specific combat mission?" This time it was General Katukov.

   "My political comrade, what time is it now?" I did not directly answer the general's question, but turned to ask the political commissar Yegorov sitting next to him. He raised his wrist to look at his watch and replied, "It's ten o'clock in five minutes."

Knowing the specific time, I proceeded to set up a new combat mission: "This operation is commanded by Colonel Kistyakov. After the troops are assembled, they will attack immediately. Sverchikovo and Shelly will follow the clockwise direction. Shevo and Multnovo attacked the three settlements. General Katukov’s tank brigade took the lead and tore open the enemy’s defenses. The infantry followed closely to clear out the remnants in the settlements."

   "After regaining the settlement, what shall we do?" Kistyakov asked curiously.

"Don't worry about this. There are still troops sent by General Rokosovsky that are attacking the settlement. After capturing the settlement, you only have to attack the next target, and the friendly forces will naturally accept the defense of the settlement. In short, the action is required. Hurry up, after you have eliminated all the enemies in the settlement, you still need to return quickly to defend the city in order to deal with the possible counterattack of the enemy. Understand?"

   "Understood!" The people present replied in unison.

"Now that you understand, let's go back to the army to prepare! I hope this offensive can start on time at 11 o'clock~lightnovelpub.net~ Everyone is dispersed one after another, and I and Yegorov political commissar, The three commanders of General Leviakin. The two of them were studying the feasibility of my previous combat mission on the map, but I went around the room, thinking about when and what kind of force the German army would use to fight the sun again. Yamashiro launched an attack.

   At this time, I heard the correspondent sitting in the corner calling me: "Comrade Commander, this is the call of General Zhukov, commander of the Front Army, and he wants to speak to you."

   Leviakin and Yegorov also heard the cry of the communicator, stopped studying the map, and looked up at me nervously. I walked over quickly, took the headset and microphone from the communicator, and said loudly: "Hello, Comrade General! I am Lieutenant Colonel Oshanina."

   "I congratulate you, Comrade Lida!"

   "Congratulations? Congratulations?" Zhukov's words made me confused, and I couldn't help but ask.

   "Comrade Stalin already knows about you, and is very satisfied with your decisive organization of the offensive and the rapid recovery of Sun Mountain City. He has decided to give you a special reward..."

   "Special reward?" I asked curiously again: "What special reward? Is it because Comrade Stalin passed the front army's proposal for promotion to the rank of colonel?"

   "No!" Zhukov simply gave me a negative answer.

"Ah!" Hearing this news, I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, but Zhukov's next words made me almost jumped up: "Comrade Stalin said, in order to commend your great achievements in the battle, I decided to make an exception and promote you to Major general rank!"