Burning Moscow

~: 211 The History of Youth (14)

  The militiamen have all rushed into Khimki, and the intensive gunfire and the smoke rising from time to time indicate that there is a fierce battle inside. In terms of time, this time Major Malafeyev’s troops should also attack the settlement from the flanks. Today's battle went smoothly. Originally, I was only planning to conduct a feint attack from the front. I didn't expect that with the cooperation of the tank troops, it would attack immediately, and the feint attack became the main attack.

After a while, I heard the sound of guns coming from the residential area gradually thinning out. I guess the battle is nearing its end. After all, there are dozens of houses here, and they are evenly distributed on both sides of the road, even if the soldiers move from house to house. Fighting, it's almost time to wipe out the enemy.

   I moved the camera to the middle of the forest and the residential area, and found that there were still wounded people struggling among the dead bodies on the open ground. Immediately put down the binoculars and looked around. Seeing Captain Bukov standing on the right was watching the battle with a telescope, and Captain Yushchenko, the guard company commander at the rear left, stood upright and looked ahead. I hurriedly told him: "Comrade Captain, you immediately take people to the front and bring down the wounded!"

"Yes!" He agreed very simply, turning around and shouting at the back: "Follow me." The soldiers who had been hidden in the improvised fortifications stood up with a clatter of forty or fifty people and followed Yushchenko's Run to the open ground behind. And Grisa and the other two soldiers stayed by my side, acting as a guard.

Seeing Yushchenko commanding the soldiers to treat the wounded, Bukov put down his binoculars and cautiously asked for my opinion: "Comrade Commander, Khimki has almost been taken down by us. Look, can we also go ahead and see. Look."

   I turned my head and took a look. There was only a pool of black blood on the ground where Kasevsky was lying just now. My heart said I would not follow in his footsteps, right? I listened to the gunfire from the residential area. It seemed that it was mainly the sound of our army's rifle shooting. The German submachine gun occasionally rang twice, and it was immediately suppressed by the sound of our army's firearms. It seems that at this time the Germans were almost wiped out, and there should be no danger in the past. So I nodded and said, "Okay!"

   When I first walked out of the fortifications, I still hesitated in my footsteps. I was afraid that a bullet would knock me down. But after walking for a while, I was close to Yushchenko's place to treat the wounded, and it was still safe. The stone in my heart fell to the ground, and I couldn't help speeding up and walking towards the residential area.

   When we walked into Khimki, the battle was over. Along the way, I saw soldiers cleaning the battlefield. Some people moved the corpses on the ground to the side of the road, and some escorted German troops with their hands high to the settlement.

   Seeing that Khimki was taken back again, Captain Bukov breathed a sigh of relief and said with emotion: "Comrade Commander, we finally took the settlement back!"

"Yes, I took it back!" I said lightly: "If you don't have the support of the tank division today, it would not be easy to retake this place." Having said that, I looked around, except for staying outside the residential area. Of the two tanks, I have not seen one of the other tanks, and I don’t know where they are driving.

   When I was looking around, I suddenly heard someone calling me loudly. Looking in the direction of the sound, Bunyachenko and two tank soldiers were walking towards me. The lieutenant colonel's arm was hung on his chest with a bandage, and he appeared to be injured again.

   I greeted him, touched his dangling arm lightly with my hand, and asked with concern: "Comrade Chief of Staff, are you injured?"

Bunyachenko smiled bitterly and said: "Originally, the battle was about to end, but unexpectedly, an enemy anti-tank rushed out of a house on the roadside and broke the tank track. A tank soldier died on the spot. , My hand was hurt a little too. But it doesn’t matter. Once the tank is repaired, I can still fight the enemy.”

   was talking, suddenly a militiaman rushed from the west intersection, shouting: "Captain Bukov, Captain Bukov! Something happened!"

   "What's the matter?" Bukov asked nervously.

  " The militiamen ran in front of us, even without respect, and reported out of breath: "Tanks, enemy tanks~lightnovelpub.net~ There are enemy tanks in the forest to the west! "

   "What?" We were all taken aback by the news, Khimki regained it, and the enemy's reinforcements appeared. I don't know if our current strength can stop them?

I immediately instructed Bunyachenko: "Comrade Chief of Staff, you can quickly transfer the remaining tanks and find a way to block them out of the settlement." Then he said to Bukov: "Comrade Captain, take the militia They are all organized, enter the residential buildings, and choose favorable terrain to block the enemy. We must now defend Khimki at all costs, and we must not let the enemy in again."

   Just as I was giving orders, another soldier ran over. From the uniform he was wearing, he could tell that this time it was not a militia, but a soldier of the 389 Tank Division. He ran up to us, took a few breaths, and reported excitedly: "Report to Comrade Commander! There are our troops over the forest!"

   This news completely confuses us. Just now I said it was a German tank, but this time it was a unit of our army. Who is right? I pondered for a moment, then waved my hand and said, "Go, let's see what's going on!"

  We came to the intersection in the northwest and saw an armored unit approaching in the distance. Six T34 tanks cleared the way, followed by armored vehicles, and a truck full of soldiers in the back. Because the distance is only two hundred meters, even if you don't use a telescope, you can clearly see that it is our army.

   Seeing that it was their own army, everyone was relieved. Bunyachenko ordered the soldiers around him: "Get the banner of our division and insert it at the intersection to avoid misunderstanding with the opposing army."