Burning Moscow

~: 242 The Great Counterattack (11)

   The smoke of dozens of shells exploded, pulling up a smoke in front of the position, covering the four or five tanks headed by the Germans. Because the infantry has not yet entered the effective range, there is still silence on the ground.

   Before the smoke was blown away by the wind, the second and third batches of shells fell mercilessly into the German offensive queue, and immediately enveloped them in a sea of ​​flames.

   I picked up the microphone to talk to Major Xie Dulin of the 1075 regiment. I ordered him loudly: "Comrade Major, hurry up and move your regiment to the forefront. The offense will depend on your regiment to play the leading role later."

   "Understood, comrade commander!" Major Xie Dulin replied loudly, "I will arrange the troops immediately."

   Then I gave another order to Major Panishev of the 1077 regiment: "Comrade Major, your regiment is a reserve team. Stay on the second line of defense for now."

"But, comrade commander." Major Panishev complained to me: "The officers and men in our regiment can do more. They have participated in every battle. Now let them participate in the battle passively. I am afraid of everyone's emotions. There will be problems."

"Comrade Major," I said in a learned tone: "You are the one who is emotional? You must know that no matter what division of labor is in war, it is equally important-whether it is the main attacking force or the reserve force. I feel sorry, but I have to You remind this. Do you understand that if the 1073 and 1075 regiments fail to stop the enemy's frenzied attack and let them break into our army's defenses, what will happen then? Who will stop them?"

  Although my tone was harsh, I continued to entangle myself. He wanted to receive important tasks from me. He smiled and said, "Comrade commander, even if the whole group can't participate in the attack, even if one can even participate in the counterattack?"

   I am so angry and funny, you think this is a vegetable market, you can bargain at will. So I also said politely: "Comrade Major, obey the order. When it's time for you to join the regiment, I will naturally let you join." Before he could speak, I hung up the phone.

   The political commissar said with a smile: "The fighting mood of the soldiers is quite high. It seems that letting the 1077 regiment be the reserve team behind and letting them watch other troops teach the Germans, they will feel very uncomfortable."

The Chief of Staff Serebryakov also said: "Yes, because yesterday, the 1077 regiment was on foot. When they arrived on the battlefield, the battle was over. The soldiers were holding back their energy and wanted to teach the fascists a lesson. Gangster."

   The political commissar, the deputy commander, and the chief of staff gathered together and started chatting. Instead of participating in their topic, I stood in front of the observation hole and watched the enemy situation ahead.

   The smoke that filled the battlefield was blown away by the wind, and the effect of the bombardment just now clearly appeared in my telescope. Nine of the enemy's tanks were directly destroyed, and they were staying in place and burning. As for the other two tanks that drove quickly towards our army's position, the bodies of the tanks were also billowing with thick smoke.

   Seventy or eighty meters away from our army's position, the tank completely slumped. From the cockpit of the tank, several black figures were seen, and they fell on the charred snow. Rolling and climbing, suddenly fell, stood up suddenly, stumbled backwards one after another, rushing towards the armored transport vehicle in the distance.

   German armored transport vehicles were also blown up, and the rest drove up quickly. Except for the two tanks that let the tanks escape from the front, all the other armored vehicles drove dozens of meters away from our army's position. The soldiers in the vehicles also jumped from the vehicles to the ground and started the skirmishes. Xing launched an attack on our army.

   There was a intensive gunfire, and the machine gun roared. The entire 1073 regiment opened fire. The German soldiers in front of the charge were immediately knocked down by the dense bullets, and the rest hurriedly squatted on the ground and fired at our army. The armored vehicle also relied on its thick armor and slowly approached our army's position while firing.

But before the armored vehicle approached, a few rockets with white smoke flew out of the trenches of our army~lightnovelpub.net~ unbiasedly hit the armored vehicle, exploded through the armor that the bullet could not penetrate, and destroyed the vehicle. Turned into burning scrap iron.

Kistyakov, who walked to me, happened to see this exciting scene. He couldn’t help but said with emotion: “It’s better to use weapons supported by American allies. With this kind of bazooka, our soldiers can hide in the trenches and hide the enemy. Killed the tank, this thing is much easier to use than the anti-tank gun."

I turned my head and glanced at him, and I very much agree with what he said. In the case of the large-scale relocation of the arsenal to the rear and it has not yet been put into normal production, without the large amount of weapon assistance provided by the United States, whether the Soviet army can block the German offensive is all one question.

   I was about to speak, when Kistyakov suddenly pointed his finger forward without a binoculars, and shouted loudly: "Look, our tank is coming up, and the leading tank is still with a military flag."

When the political commissar and the chief of staff rushed to grab the binoculars with him, I also saw clearly that the tank troops advancing in a straight line in the distance were all Soviet-style T-34 tanks. Behind the tanks, there were large groups. Cavalry in a black cloak. Needless to say, this is the 16th Army's troops following behind.

I rushed to the table, picked up the microphone to talk to Major Xie Dulin’s 1075 regiment, and ordered him loudly, “Comrade Major, it’s time. Our troops are coming up from behind the enemy. Your regiment will attack immediately. Be sure to take a position. All enemies before are annihilated."

   The blaring bugle sounded, and the charging troops jumped up from the trenches and charged at the enemy. Some fighters even rushed straight forward, striving to rush to the enemy as quickly as possible and fight them face-to-face.