Burning Moscow

~: 257 Rushing for the Crown 1 Anger (Part

The development of the war after New Year’s Day, as Fronin said, the main force of our army, with the cooperation of the 1st Assault Army and the 16th Army, encircled the German 9th Army and the 4th Armored Army in the Vyazma area. The three armored divisions, one motorized division and two infantry divisions.

   When Colonel Griaznov, the commander of the 7th Guards Division, joined the airdropped 4,000 paratroopers and cut off the retreat of the besieged Germans. The incident was reported to Commander Vlasov immediately over the phone in an excited and incoherent, but very clear voice. As soon as the colonel's voice fell, everyone in the command center blurted out and shouted "Ula!"

   I am responsible for reporting this matter to Zhukov. Zhukov was also very happy when he heard the news, and said in a low voice: "Just be surrounded, Lida, please tell Comrade Vlasov, let him organize troops to immediately attack the besieged enemy, don't let They have any respite, and I will send a plane to cooperate with you in the fight."

   Putting down the phone, I told Vlasov what Zhukov had said to him. He nodded, and then directly verbally expressed the new combat order. Immediately the telegraphs and telephones in the headquarters rang one after another, and the staff officers and communications officers began to send telegrams or telephone calls to the units in charge according to their division of labor, conveying Vlasov’s orders to the commanders of the subordinate units. .

   When the orders were delivered to the troops, the command center gradually calmed down. Seeing that Vlasov was in a good mood, I mustered up the courage to say to him: "Comrade Commander, I have a request. I wonder if you can agree to it?"

   Vlasov was looking down at the map. Hearing what I said, he said without looking up: "Lida, what do you think, just say, as long as I can do it, I will definitely agree."

   "I intend to lead the Eighth Guards Division to carry out a cleanup mission in the areas that have only been recovered, and to wipe out the scattered enemies hidden in those villages or settlements."

   Vlasov did not answer me directly. Instead, he looked at President Lin next to him and asked, "Deputy Commander Lin, what do you think of Lida’s proposal?"

After listening to Shi Zhe’s translation, President Lin nodded and said, “I think Lida’s idea is good. Although there are not many enemies remaining in the liberated areas, if we don’t completely eliminate them, let these stragglers attack our logistics supply line bravely. , It's enough to give us a headache."

"Not bad at all." Vlasov's voice spoke with satisfaction, and then added: "These remnants will not be reconciled to their failure. When faced with our army's inability to win, they will definitely face our unarmed collective. The farm clerk or the inhabitants attacked, so it is necessary to eliminate them." Then he said to me in a decisive tone: "Lida, the task of eliminating the remnants is left to you."

   "Yes!" I breathed a sigh of relief. Not only did I just keep a distance from Vlasov, but I could also lead my troops to escape the fate of being wiped out in the name of eliminating the remnants of the enemy.

   After saluting Vlasov and President Lin, I turned around and prepared to leave. As soon as he walked to the door, he was stopped by Vlasov. He smiled and said: "In two days, I will let Comrade Ehrenberg come to your teacher for an interview. You must receive him well."

   The mood I had just relaxed, after hearing the news that the reporter who made me hate was about to come to interview with my teacher, it became worse. But on the surface, I had to squeeze out a smile and say to Vlasov: "Thank you, Comrade Commander. When Ehrenberg comes to interview with our teacher, I will receive him well."

Back to the Eighth Guards Division, I let Yegorov, Chistyakov, and Serebryakov each lead a unit to be responsible for the elimination of the remnant enemies in the north, south, and east directions. I myself took Major Restaev’s battalion and Yushchenko’s guard company in charge of the west.

The suppression mission started on January 12. In just three days, we liberated 89 villages and 11 settlements from the hands of fascist bandits, wiped out more than 400 remnant enemies here, and captured them. 200 people. Because of the previous experience of clearing and suppressing the remnants of the enemy, the troops suffered very little casualties when destroying the enemies in these areas.

   At noon on the 15th, Major Resdayev’s troops captured the village of Petrishevo. After eliminating more than 100 stubborn German troops, the remaining 84 people obediently lay down their weapons and surrendered to our army.

   Half an hour after capturing the village, under the protection of Yushchenko and a company of guards, I got off the car at the entrance of the village and walked into the village. The liberated villagers stood outside the wooden houses on both sides of the road, silently watching our marching troops.

  The villagers stood on the side of the road with numb expressions, and no one showed a welcome expression to our own team. As I walked, I was thinking, what happened to these villagers, why are they so indifferent? Don't they know that we are here to liberate them?

   Just as I was thinking about it, suddenly a middle-aged woman in a turban rushed out from the roadside. Captain Yushchenko was very responsive. While blocking me, he pulled out his pistol and pointed the muzzle at the woman who rushed out.

   The woman stepped back in a panic, and asked me loudly, "Comrade female soldier, are you the commander of this army?"

I moved away from Yushchenko who was in front of me, and raised my hand to press down the pistol he was holding, and kindly said to the middle-aged woman: "Yes, comrade woman. I am the highest in this unit. Commander, what do you want?"

Seeing that the muzzle pointed at herself was removed~lightnovelpub.net~ The woman patted her chest with her hand and took another deep breath before repliing to me: "My name is Paulina and I am a villager. Siri Kulik’s wife. A month and a half ago, the Germans who occupied the village hanged a girl who was caught by them on the village square."

   I was taken aback by the news, and I hurriedly stepped forward and grabbed her skirt and asked: "You said they hanged a girl. Do you know who she is? Where is the body now?"

My series of questions made Pauline a little bit at a loss. After a while, she said: "I don't know much. I only heard the Germans say that he was an arsonist and was hanged on the square by them. The body was on the gallows. After hanging up for more than a month, we were not allowed to collect the corpses. Only two days ago, a few German soldiers removed the gallows and dug a hole to bury the corpse."

   "Take me to see." My mood became inexplicably irritable, and I repeatedly urged Pauline to lead us in front of us to find the body of the murdered girl.

  Paulina led us to the square. At this moment, the captured German soldiers were squatting in the middle of the square, surrounded by soldiers under Major Restaev watching them.

   I followed Paulina and Yushchenko to the corner of the square. Paulina stopped, pointed to a place on the ground, and said to us, "Comrade Commander, the body is buried here."

   I turned my head and told Yushchenko: "Comrade Captain, find someone to dig this place right away."

   "Yes!" Yushchenko promised, and then gave an order to the guards and soldiers not far behind him: "Come here, hurry up and find tools to dig up this place."