Burning Moscow

~: 266 Misunderstanding

   After discussing with the two, Korolev decided that Comrade Shijin, the political commissar, would accompany me to take office. When we two walked out of the building, I saw that the sky outside was already dark.

While waiting for the arrival of the political commissar’s Jim’s car, Ivanov, who took me to the Smolny Palace, did not know where he emerged from. When he saw me, he ran over quickly, still far away. He shouted loudly: "Comrade Major, I can wait until you come out. Here, this is your luggage."

   I took the luggage and assault rifle in his hand, smiled at him and said, "Thank you, Lieutenant Ivanov. I am sorry to have you waited outside for so long."

   "It's okay, this is what I should do." When he said this, he glanced at Higgin standing next to me unconsciously, and then said, "If there is nothing wrong, I will leave first."

   I nodded and thanked him again.

   He saluted me and Xi Jin and then turned and left.

Not long after Lieutenant    left, a black Emm car drove slowly in front of us and stopped. After the car stopped, the driver opened the door and quickly walked around from the back of the car, opened the rear door, and asked the political commissar Xijin to get in the car.

   I planned to put my luggage in the trunk by myself, but I did not expect that the driver had already taken the luggage from me first, opened the trunk and put it in. Originally, I wanted to sit in the passenger seat, but Hijin sitting in the back row greeted me and said, "Comrade Oshanina, you can also sit in the back." So I bent down and got into the car, holding the gun in my car. In his arms, he sat side by side with Xijin.

Compared with the jeep, the off-road performance of the EM sedan is much worse. When bypassing the potholes on the road, the driver has to slow down again and again, so that the distance from the Smolny Palace to the lake is all It drove for nearly an hour.

  Because of the special pass posted on the window, the checkpoint along the way saw the car passing by from a distance, so he lifted the railing to let it go. There are still dozens of meters away from the frozen lake, and there is a checkpoint in front of it. Under the shining of the car lights, you can vaguely see the checkpoint's fence and a snow-covered bulging earthen hut. Two soldiers in short fur coats with submachine guns on their shoulders were pacing around the bar.

   I thought this checkpoint would be the same as the previous ones, and railings would be raised all the way to let us pass. Unexpectedly, the car drove until it stopped one or two meters before the railing, and the two soldiers on duty were still unmoved.

   A soldier walked to the left side of the car, bent down and said to the driver: "There is an order, Lado Lake is forbidden at night."

   "Hey, I said Comrade Sergeant." The driver said a little displeased: "I have a task. I have to send a new commander to the anti-aircraft artillery battalion immediately. Raise the railing quickly."

The sergeant ignored him. Instead, he walked outside the window where the political commissar Hijin was, bent down and tapped on the window. After Hijin shook the window, he said, "Comrade Commander, please show your credentials. "

   "This is Comrade Hijin, the brigade political commissar in charge of defending the ice transportation line." The driver said angrily.

   "Comrade Sergeant did the right thing." The political commissar Xijin stopped the driver from continuing to complain, unbuttoned his short fur coat, took out his credentials and handed it out.

The sergeant on duty took his ID and didn’t look at it immediately. Instead, he looked at me with his eyes and asked, “Comrade Female Commander, where’s your ID?” I screamed, and immediately took it out of my bag. He hesitated for a while before handing it over his military ID.

Sergeant    took my ID, walked to the front of the car, bent down and checked our ID under the light of the car lights.

After looking through our documents, the sergeant stood up suddenly, walked over and whispered a few words with another soldier, then turned and walked towards the earthen bunker, while the remaining soldier stood up. The submachine gun was aimed at us.

   "What is going on, do you treat us as saboteurs?" The driver pushed the door and wanted to get out of the car and argue with him. Unexpectedly, the soldier pulled the bolt and shouted: "Get back to the car immediately, otherwise I will shoot!"

   The driver saw the loaded black hole pointing his muzzle at himself, so he muttered and sat back in the car obediently and closed the door.

   "Comrade Political Commissar, what the **** is going on?" I felt a bit inexplicable about this accident, so I asked the political commissar Xijin sitting next to me puzzled.

   Xijin shook his head and said, "I don't know, the soldiers on duty at this checkpoint are really inexplicable. It seems that tomorrow they will call their superiors to give them a good training."

   There was not much effort. Seven or eight people ran out of the tsuchiya-style bunker. They came up with their weapons and surrounded the car we were riding in.

   Seeing this, Xijin couldn't help being angry. He pushed the car door and walked out, yelling, "What do you want to do? Let your commander come out to see me."

Just now, the sergeant lowered his gun and walked over and said to Higgin: "Comrade Commander, we suspect that there are German spies in your car, so we will detain you temporarily until our superior arrives. Now, please first. Stay in the carriage or we will shoot."

   "Inexplicable, simply inexplicable." Hijin scolded and got into the car and closed the door.

   I was holding an assault rifle in my arms, looking at everything that happened in front of me strangely, wondering in my heart: There is a German spy in the car, who would it be? Is it the political commissar Hijin next to me? Thinking of this, I couldn't help but quietly move my body aside.

   Not much effort, a truck full of soldiers drove from behind us. The driver who was driving was very skilled. When he stopped, he put the front of the car firmly against the back of our car to prevent us from suddenly turning around and fleeing.

  The soldiers jumped out of the carriage one by one, holding their weapons, and surrounded our car in the middle as if they were on the verge of an enemy. After the encirclement was completed, an officer walked out of the cab. Although the light was faint, I still saw clearly that this was a captain officer. Seeing his commander get off the car, the sergeant greeted him immediately, passed the certificate in his hand, and pointed in our direction, as if he was introducing the situation to his superior.

Captain    looked at the ID for a while, and then strode towards us. He walked to the right side of the car, opened the rear door, and said to me in a stern tone: "Comrades, please get out of the car."

   I looked at the captain outside the car and asked coldly: "Why?"

Captain    aside, he reached out and touched the gun on his waist. How could I make him do what I wanted, when I raised my hand, the barrel of the assault rifle hit his throat. He didn't expect that I would have a sudden attack, and the hand that had touched the holster could only stop there obediently, not daring to move.

   "Captain Kushelev," Hijin political commissar sitting next to me apparently knew the officer, and he shouted angrily: "Can you tell me what the **** is going on?"

"Political Commissar Hijin, is that you?!" Unexpectedly, the captain also knew the political commissar. Facing the muzzle I pointed at him, he said with a weeping face: "I received a report from my soldiers that a vehicle was stopped at the checkpoint. A car carrying a German spy, so people hurried over."

   "Which is the German spy here?" Higgin said angrily: "Tell your people to put down the gun first."

   "Let it down, everyone puts down the gun." Although the captain did not dare to make any aggressive actions under my gunpoint, he did not prevent him from giving orders to his men.

Seeing that the soldiers defending us lowered their muzzles, Higgin patted me on the shoulder and said, "Comrade Oshanina, you should also put down your guns. They are all your own. Maybe there is any misunderstanding." After speaking, he pushed the car door and walked out.

   Seeing that the danger has passed, I also removed the muzzle, closed the insurance, and followed the political commissar Shijin to get out of the car.

   Hijin walked around in front of the car, stood still in front of the captain, and asked solemnly: "Captain Kushelev, let's talk about it, what's the matter?"

Captain    handed a document to Hijin, and said excitedly: "Comrade Political Commissar, please see. This female...female commander’s document has a problem."

   Xijin took the certificate, frowned and asked, "What's the problem?"

The captain glanced at me and saw that I looked at him calmly, not as if I would suddenly attack again, and then cautiously explained to the political commissar: "Comrade political commissar, look. Her rank on the military certificate is major general, but You see, she is now wearing the rank of major."

   Listening to the captain's explanation ~lightnovelpub.net~ I realized that it was a misunderstanding. I knew it would cause misunderstandings because of my military rank. When I was at the Smolny Palace, I was not in a hurry to wear my military rank.

Higgin handed the certificate back to me, then snorted coldly, and said, "Comrade Oshanina was the chief of staff of the 20th Army and the commander of the 8th Guards Division before being transferred to Leningrad. Her major general The rank was promoted by Comrade Stalin himself. Later, because of some accident, he became a major again."

   Hearing that Comrade Stalin had been promoted himself, there was no surprise that there was a sound of cold air around him. Originally being promoted by the Supreme Commander was something to show off, but at this moment, I was demoted and I could only repay with repeated wry smiles.

Higgin reprimanded Captain Kushelev, who was standing in front of him: "Because of the inconsistency between the rank and the credentials, you were regarded as German spies. If I hadn't sent Major Oshanina to the air defense camp today, , I guess she will be caught and shot as a spy by you! The two soldiers on duty today must be dealt with seriously. Now the Pulkovo Heights is short of manpower, send them there!"

   Regarding Higgin's scolding, the captain had no choice but to promise him promise, not daring to make any excuses.

   After he finished scolding the captain, he opened the door and got into the car again, beckoning me to get in too.

   The soldiers who had surrounded us gave way to both sides of the road, and the truck that was at the back of our car also retreated a few meters. Captain Kushelev ran to the railing himself, pressed the short end of the railing forcefully, and the railing slowly rose up.

   Seeing that the railing has been raised, the driver stepped on the accelerator and the car moved forward again.