Burning Moscow

~: 271 Defending the "Road of Life" (2)

   The roar of the aircraft engine came from the southwest. At first it was inaudible, and then it became louder and louder. When the sound was clearly identifiable, three small black spots appeared in the distant sky.

   As the battle alarm was issued, the female anti-aircraft artillery ran out of the tent and ran to their gun positions.

   "Hidden, hide!" Kirianova, who was still standing next to me, yelled at the pedestrians and vehicles on the road. Her shout reminded me that at this time, what I should do is help evacuate the traffic, instead of standing idly by the side of the road in a daze, so I followed her and shouted loudly.

In addition to the two of us yelling, there were also a few warriors in short fur coats, cotton caps, red sleeves on their arms, and small red and green flags in their hands. According to my guess, they It should be responsible for directing traffic. Under their command, truck after truck loaded with grain left the road and drove into the iceberg. As soldiers and civilians walked on the road, they quickly avoided to both sides of the road, and the bustling road suddenly became empty.

   At this time, the three black spots in the sky were clearly visible, Kyrianova shouted: "It's a fighter." Then she turned around and ran to the air defense position behind.

After the three enemy planes approached, the one on the far left rolled over and dived down, and began to shoot the vehicles on the ice transportation line and the people who had not had time to hide, while the other two continued to fly forward. Find new goals.

   Seventy or eighty meters ahead of me, a truck full of grain seems to have broken down. Several soldiers in charge of directing traffic are pushing the cart desperately behind them. It seems that they want to push the truck to a safe place as soon as possible. The enemy plane dived and dropped a bomb, which exploded not far from the truck. After the ice cubes lifted by the explosion and the lake fell from the air, two or three of the soldiers in the cart shook their bodies and fell softly. The blood flowing out of them stained the ice under their bodies.

Seeing other soldiers abandon the cart, took off the rifle on the back, and pulled the trigger when aiming at the enemy plane that had been pulled up, my first reaction was to turn around and run towards the gun position, because it could effectively deal with the weapons of the enemy in the air. There are still only anti-aircraft guns.

   bypassed the snow wall and saw nine 85mm anti-aircraft guns lined up with a distance of ten meters between them. Each anti-aircraft gun has female soldiers busy, some busy aiming, some busy loading ammunition. Kirianova was holding a pair of telescopes, observing the height and position of the enemy plane, and kept reporting various data and issuing corresponding orders to Orlova who was standing by. Orlova accurately conveyed the command of the company commander to each gun position in a timely manner through the correspondent next to it.

   When Kirianova gave the order to fire, the nine anti-aircraft guns fired for the first time. The shells burst out of smoke around the level-flying enemy plane, but none of them were hit.

   Seeing that all the shells were empty, Kyrianova suddenly shouted hoarsely: "Reload the shells, come again!"

   When the female soldiers were loading the cannonballs, my gaze crossed the snow wall and looked at the group of soldiers who were holding their rifles and shooting at the plane. The enemy plane made a turn in the air, then swooped down at them again. The dust line formed by the two airborne machine gun bullets passed through them, and several soldiers were beaten up and fell down around the truck.

   At this time, Kirianova issued a second order: "Target 600, fire!"

   was another volley, but was still avoided by the cunning and experienced German pilots. He found the location of our anti-aircraft gun, adjusted his head in the air, and dived directly.

   Due to the wrong angle of the dive, the bomb he dropped flew past the air defense position and hit an empty tent in the middle of the iceberg tens of meters away. The bombed tent suddenly burned.

   The German pilot pulled the plane high again and escaped the third round of firing from the Women's Antiaircraft Artillery Company. After adjusting the angle at high altitude, he dived down again and fired the position with an airborne machine gun.

The bullet pierced the snow wall. Just as a female soldier in the No. 4 gun position picked up a cannonball from the box, she was hit by the bullet. Without a grunt, she fell on her back on the snow. The shell fell on the ice. Several comrades in the surrounding area immediately surrounded her, and one of them was a tall female soldier who held her in her arms and called her name loudly.

   I don’t think the situation is right~lightnovelpub.net~ hurried over and drank them: "Girls, it’s not the time to be sad, go back to your post and continue fighting!"

   The female soldier holding the corpse looked at me, silently put down her sacrificed comrades, returned to her post, and the rest of the female soldiers also returned to their positions.

I picked up the cannonball on the ground, handed it to one of the female soldiers, and said loudly, "Girls, don’t be sad. The fascist bandit who killed your comrades is still in the sky. You shoot it down so that you can give it to your comrades. Revenge!"

The female soldier who was holding the body just now stared at the enemy plane that was diving again with hatred, and shouted loudly: "Reload the bullets, we want to avenge Lena!" The shells had just been filled into the shells, and Kiri had not yet been obtained. At Yanova's order, she couldn't wait to pull the cannon rope.

   The howling shells flew past the fuselage, and a cloud of smoke exploded not far behind it. The pilot was startled, and he quickly raised the nose and flew away.

   "Everyone, stop shooting!" At this time, Orlova's voice came.

   "Why?" the female soldier in Niu Gao Ma Da asked loudly.

   "Our fighters are here, if we fight again, it is easy to accidentally get injured!" At this time, Kirianova walked over and explained her order to the female soldiers.

   At this time, two silver fighter jets passed over us, chasing after the enemy plane that had just bombed and strafed us.

   "Comrade company commander, look, Lena died!" The female soldier squatted on the ground, holding her head tightly, and wept with tears.