Burning Moscow

~: 273 Defending the "Road of Life" (4)

   Orlova led me into the tent where the company headquarters was located. Seeing us entering the door, the two male commanders who were sitting there immediately stood up, stood at attention and saluted me, reporting: "Report Comrade Major, Captain Ali, commander of the Anti-aircraft Artillery Company, is here!" "Comrade Major. , Lieutenant Baku, commander of the Second Anti-aircraft Artillery Company, reports to you!

I raised my hand in return, waved my hand, let them sit down, and at the same time ordered Orlova to go out and call Kirianova in. While the three company commanders are there, I want to understand the specifics of the entire defense area. Happening.

  While waiting for Kirianova to come, in order to ease the atmosphere in the tent, I tried my best to find the topic, and wanted to communicate with the two first.

   Captain Ali is a young man in his twenties, and he feels a bit introverted. When he meets my gaze, he looks a little bit cautious, he looks awkward and uneasy. He doesn't even know where to put his hands and feet. Lieutenant Baku looked old, and his white face was full of wrinkles. He looked like a man in his early fifties. Even when he looked at me, he could maintain a calm look. So I talked to him first. : "Comrade Lieutenant, where did you work before the war broke out?"

   "Report to Comrade Major," the old lieutenant stood up, and I quickly reached out and pressed down, motioning him to sit down and answer the question. After he sat down as instructed, he continued: "I worked at the Zhdanov Shipyard before the war."

   Shipyard! Wouldn't it be a senior engineer again? In that case, let such talents be sent to military courts by recruiting officers on the battlefield. With a smile on my face, I asked, "What are you doing there?"

   "Fitter, level eight fitter."

  Although he is not an engineer, he is also a senior technician. Maybe it is more meaningful for him to stay in the shipyard than to go to the battlefield. I asked tentatively, "Then why are you on the army again?"

"The factory organized several militia destroyer battalions. As the backbone of the factory, I did my part to register. We fought a battle with the Germans in the Pulkovo Heights. Many workers died, and I was also defeated. He was seriously injured and was sent to the Leningrad Military Hospital. When I was discharged from the hospital and returned to the headquarters to report, I was in time to form an air defense battalion to defend the "Road to Life". I signed up and was appointed as an antiaircraft artillery company. Company commander..."

   "Wait a minute," I interrupted him, and asked curiously: "What did you say? What do you mean by the ‘Road of Life’? Does it mean the ice transportation line we are defending?"

"Exactly correct, Comrade Major." The old lieutenant explained to me, "Because of the opening of this ice transportation line, the city's material supply is now guaranteed. There is a source of urgently needed things such as flour, meat, sugar, rice, and oil. It is continuously transported into the city, so that the residents’ food rations have the possibility of increasing, allowing countless people to escape the fate of being starved to death. That’s why some people call this ice transportation line the “life” road'."

   "Can you come in?" Kyrianova's voice came from outside the tent.

   "Come in, Comrade Lieutenant." I said aloud to the outside.

  As soon as the voice fell, Kirianova opened the curtain and walked in. After saluting me, I found a seat and sat down.

   After listening to the three company commanders introducing their respective situations, I couldn't help but frowned and asked, "I want to know how the anti-aircraft guns in your company are placed?"

   "Report to Comrade Major," Captain Ali wanted to stand up and answer, but I stopped him with gestures and motioned to him to sit and say it was all right. "Our three companies, each with nine anti-aircraft guns, are arranged in a line after the snow wall built by the engineers in accordance with the deployment of the superiors."

   "This is not good," I shook my head and said, "If the antiaircraft artillery is lined up in a row, the firepower density is not enough, and it is difficult to cause effective damage to enemy aircraft."

   "Lida, how do you think the anti-aircraft artillery should be deployed?" Kirianova took off her hat when she spoke, and raised her hand to brush a strand of hair behind her ear with her fingertips. In my eyes, this originally natural little action seemed so elegant and made her a little more feminine. For a moment, I couldn't help but look a little dazed.

   "Comrade Major, what's the matter with you?" Maybe I was in a daze for a long time. The old lieutenant noticed my abnormality and couldn't help but remind me.

I quickly stabilized my emotions, and sternly explained my point of view to them: "A company has three rows, and each row has three antiaircraft guns. My opinion is that the row is a unit, and the three guns are arranged in a finished font; then three Each row of the product shape forms a large product shape...."

   "Comrade Major," the old lieutenant looked at me blankly and asked, "What is a character shape?"

   Hearing his question, I almost twitched my own mouth. Why didn't I just say it through my brain? I just said it with one mouth. I know what the word "Pin" is, but none of them knows Chinese. How can they know how to write "Pin"? So I quickly coughed, and changed my explanation: "I was wrong just now, it should be a triangle. Each row forms a small triangle, and then three rows of small triangles form a big triangle. This way, regardless of the enemy aircraft. From which direction, we can all ensure the same firepower density. I don’t know what I said, do you understand?"

   "Understood!" "I understand completely!" The three of them answered me in unison.

   "Now that you understand, let's go to the layout immediately. I hope to see you complete the new deployment before dark."

   "Yes!" Ali and Baku saluted me, then turned and walked out of the tent.

   Kirianova and I stood at the door of the tent with the curtains open, looking at Orlova who was busy with a group of female soldiers in the distance. "In the battle just now, Lena died, and two female soldiers were injured. Comrade instructor is arranging manpower to send them to the rear hospital." Kyrianova looked sad when she said this.

Hearing what she said, I couldn't help but stared at her for a while, then stepped forward to embrace her soft and elastic waist with my right hand from the side, and comforted her: "My dear, it's a war now, there will always be someone Sacrifice. In these short months, in order to defend our great motherland, I don’t know how many heroic fighters have fallen. Don’t worry, we will one day collect this blood debt from the fascist bandits."

   "Is there really such a day?" Kirianova, who was half a head taller than me, put her left hand on my shoulder and asked.

   "Yes, although the war will continue~lightnovelpub.net~, but at most three years, we will win the final victory." I answered her confidently.

   "War will bring people close," Kyrianova said suddenly and thoughtfully. "I can't forget that when I first arrived at the 171 club, I used to see you being very unpleasant. Not only did I target you everywhere and make things difficult for you, but I even wanted to push you out of the platoon... I didn't expect that after several battles , Our relationship improved unconsciously...."

Hearing her mentioning the 171 concession place again, I couldn’t help but continued: “I still remember that after Vicia in the class died in an air defense battle, Major Rostov scolded our Warrant Lieutenant Vaskov bloody. He said that he did not fulfill the responsibility of a man, a veteran, and did not protect the safety of the female soldiers. War is to shed blood and sacrifice, but it is not a woman."

My words also evoked her memories. She said with emotion: "Yes, the major said at the time that he would add up the fighters in your class as soon as possible, and at the same time put the new Genia into your class." Having said that, she asked thoughtfully: "Lida, can you tell me about you and Warrant Officer Vaskov in blocking the German devils? I want to know Genia, Sonia, Risa, How did Jalka and the others sacrifice?"

Hearing her words made me feel a little guilty, because I don’t know if she has heard anything from Vaskov. If what I say is different from what she knows, will I have The danger of piercing. Thinking of this, I quickly put down my hand around her waist, and said perfunctorily: "I will tell you this thing slowly when I have time. Let's go and send Liena the last time." After finishing speaking, he went over. She flees towards Orlova and the others.