Burning Moscow

~: 311 We come from the future (3)

After listening to the report, Lieutenant Colonel Habi said in a stern tone: "Major Oshanina, I will report the sacrifice of all the 131st regiments to the division immediately. You will stay on the ground and wait for my latest order. Don't make your own claim. Do you understand?"

   I heard him address me and changed from "you" to "you" without knowing it. Realizing that the situation was serious, I quickly answered honestly: "Understood, Comrade Commander. I'll wait."

   Diomi and Thorin watched me put down the phone and asked with concern: "Comrade Major, what did the head of the delegation say?"

I replied, "After learning about the 131st regiment, the lieutenant colonel didn’t say anything, just let me stay on the ground and wait for his latest order." After that, I looked up at the instructor Thorin and told him Said: "Comrade instructor, go and handle the affairs of the four people, give them military uniforms, and then add them to the company."

   "Comrade Major, is this appropriate? They are deserters!" Thorin said embarrassedly.

"Comrade instructor," I said reluctantly, "We are not strong enough. Judging from the current situation, it is impossible to get supplements from superiors. So we can only use everyone, even deserters. In In future brutal battles, one more person will give you more strength."

   "Understood, Comrade Major. I'll go and execute the order immediately." Thorin saluted me and left the company command post.

   I couldn’t wait for a call from Lieutenant Colonel Hobby. I became more impatient. I kept raising my hand to look at the watch. I picked up the microphone several times and wanted to make another call to the regiment. Seeing that I was upset, Diomi comforted me and said, "Comrade Major, don't worry. Maybe the team leader is reporting the situation to his superiors. He won't call him until a while. You sit down and have a cup of tea."

   I sat down opposite him, picked up the tea cup he placed in front of me, took a sip of the black tea with sugar, and took a few more deep breaths to relieve the anxiety. I remembered the sentence that Lieutenant Colonel Hobby said just now: "Don't make your own claim" What does it mean? Didn't he know that there are only two hundred people under me. Apart from defending the position, it is impossible to attack even a German position that has only one platoon to defend.

   The phone on the desk rang suddenly, before the second ringing, I grabbed the microphone and said loudly, "I am Major Oshanina, am I the head of the comrade?"

   "Lida, it's me." A familiar voice came from the microphone. Before I could speak, he had already said his identity: "I am Vlasov."

   "Comrade Commander, it's you?!" Hearing the call from the commander of the group army himself, I quickly got up from my seat and asked respectfully: "Hello! Do you have any instructions?"

   Vlasov did not answer my question, but instead asked: "Do you understand the current situation of the group army?"

   I really stopped asking this question. Since I became the battalion commander, I seemed to be marginalized at once. Any task that I have is when the group army reaches the division and the division reaches the regiment, and the commander communicates it to me. So there are many things that I can’t understand in time like in the Western Front or the 54th Army. I murmured: "Comrade Commander, I am just an ordinary battalion commander. I only understand the instructions delivered by the superiors. I really don't know the current situation of the group army very well."

Hearing what I said, Vlasov was silent for a long time before he said solemnly: "Lida, the situation is very bad. You know, the 2nd Assault Army was only assaulting in name. In fact, it was cruelly After the battle, the troops were severely reduced and lacked ammunition. The soldiers who were replenished by the superiors often suffered heavy casualties when they passed through the passages because they were blocked by the enemy. Now our group army has difficulties even in the implementation of defense, not to mention it. Shattered the strong resistance of the German army."

   "For the difficult situation of the 2nd Assault Army, didn't Commander Huojin think of a solution?"

"I have thought about it, it's useless." Vlasov said in a mocking tone: "He vowed to comrade Stalin at the time, as long as the two fronts of Leningrad and Volkhov were merged and placed under his command. , Will surely break the siege of Leningrad by the fascist bandits. After the Volkhov front army was withdrawn, he became a commander as he wished, and personally took command of the Volkhov group. Unfortunately, he was very ambitious and used one. Within half a month, the troops inside and outside Leningrad could not meet the purpose of meeting the divisions. Even under the repeated supervision of the base camp, even the 2nd Assault Army failed to withdraw from the encirclement of the Germans. So a few days ago, the Supreme Commander Thunder Angrily, he withdrew from his post and let General Yegorov take over his position. At the same time, the Volkhov Front Army was restored. In addition to retaining the original unit structure, the Front Army was incorporated into the 8th and 54th Army Groups. General Meretskov has resumed his post as the commander of the front army...."

Hearing this, I couldn't help but interrupt him and asked: "Then why did the two fronts merge in the first place? I think this is not appropriate in terms of combat, politics, or any aspect. Especially when the battle is at a critical moment, it is a big taboo to change the generals before the battle.” Saying this, I couldn't help but glance at Diomi, who was sitting on the opposite side, looking at me.

   Although I just glanced at it, the captain immediately understood, got up to salute me, turned and walked out of the company command post. Without the presence of outsiders, I no longer have any scruples when I speak, and asked: "Comrade Commander, I would like to ask, what is the situation of the 2nd Assault Army? Is it encircled by the Germans?"

"The situation is worse than you said." Vlasov's voice sounded a little haggard. "According to the intelligence, the German Northern Army Group adjusted its deployment and transferred reinforcements from other places to the 1st SS. The police division from the north, the 58th and 126th German divisions and the 250th Spanish division from the south, in cooperation with the 18th Army in the Liuban area, launched a crazy attack on the 52nd and 59th Army on both sides of our communication line."

   "General Yakovlev's 52nd Army and General Krovnikov's 59th Army, can they stop the German attack?" I asked nervously.

"Unstoppable." Vlasov sighed. "During today's daytime battle, the two armies were forced to retreat. The Germans have cut off our way of retreat and put the 2nd Assault Army into their pockets. . At the same time, we also seized our logistics supply base. The group army is now in a critical shortage of food and ammunition." He paused and asked in a low voice: "Lida, you used to be my chief of staff, I think I ask you, what do you think should be taken next to save the 2nd Assault Army that is on the brink of desperation?"

   I held the microphone in my hand and thought for a while. I felt that the best way is to break through as soon as possible while the ammunition has not been exhausted. After thinking about it, I solemnly said to Vlasov: "Comrade Commander, I think the only thing I can do at the moment is to break through the encirclement. You must quickly form an elite offensive force to break through the encirclement to the east. At the same time, call May. General Letzkov, ask him to send troops. It is best to have armored troops~lightnovelpub.net~ to attack from east to west. As long as these two troops can join forces, then the 2nd Army can stand out from the encirclement. Move fast, Otherwise, when the troops have no food and ammunition, they will have to wait and die."

After listening to my suggestion, Vlasov gave a hum, and then slowly said: "Lida, your suggestion is very good. I will put it forward for everyone to consider at the meeting of the Group Army Military Committee tomorrow day. Yes, in two days, I will send troops to you to pick up the defense. The 327th Division is the most powerful division in the entire army and an important force to break through. Okay, that’s all for today. I wish you health! Good night." After speaking, he hung up the phone.

   I put down the phone and walked around the room with my hands behind my back, trying to digest what Vlasov had just told me in my head. Breakthrough is imperative, but can it stand out? This is the biggest question in my mind. Although I traveled here, unfortunately, I don't know anything about the history of the Great Patriotic War. I just want to open the golden finger to change the unfavorable situation of the 2nd Assault Army, and I don't know how to start. It is like letting Obama travel to Qin Shihuang's body. Without understanding that period of history, whether he can unify the six countries will have great variables.

"If only a historian can cross over at this moment, it would be nice." Thinking of this, I couldn't help but smile to myself. How could there be such a coincidence, if I want a historian, I immediately risked one to appear in front of me. Unless, among the four young people just now, there are those who understand history. Thinking of this, I suddenly became enlightened, slapped back, and muttered to myself excitedly: "Yes, there are four people who have crossed over in front of me. There are definitely some of them who know a little bit about this period of history. I just need to ask him. Now, do I need to exhaust a lot of brain cells here?"