Burning Moscow

~: 313 We come from the future (5)

   After the four young people came in, they automatically stood in a row with their backs against the wooden wall.

I told Yemelyanov who brought them in: "Comrade Tuss, you go out first. Keep at the door, no one is allowed to come in without my permission." Next, I want to learn from the four about the upcoming future. The less people who know what happened, the better, even the eldest man who is the squad leader of my guard squad is no exception.

After Tuas went out, I walked up to the four of them and asked the square-faced man: "Private Ivanovich, last night, I seemed to hear you say that you are our descendants, you are from the future, I can say right?"

The man I called Ivanovich nodded desperately and replied with a very fast speech: "Yes, Comrade Commander. I did say that, we are from the future, the Great Patriotic War. It's already won."

   I looked back at Diomi and Thorin who were sitting at the table, then turned around and asked him, "Do you know what day it is today?"

   He shook his head vigorously, saying that he didn't know.

   "Today is June 13, 1942," I said slowly, "We are now stationed near Liuban. Can you tell me some relevant history you know?"

   Hearing my mention of the place name Liuban, his body suddenly trembled violently like chaff, and muttered to himself: "Battle of Liuban, 2nd Assault Army, Vlasov..."

   "Tell me what you know about the battle of Liuban," I walked back to the table and sat down, looked at him and asked, "Maybe you can tell us why this battle is called the battle of Liuban?"

"...The reason why the Supreme High Command formed the Volkhov Front Army was to rescue Leningrad from the siege of the Germans. The Volkhov Front Army, commanded by General Meretskov, was launched on January 13th. However, due to the stubborn resistance of the Germans everywhere, the fighting was extremely cruel. It was known that the 2nd Assault Army had crossed the Volkhov River in the evening of the next day and captured some settlements along the river." The young man seemed to be familiar with this period of history. After thinking about it for a while, he gushed out, "The most successful infantry was the 327th Infantry Division commanded by Colonel Anchufeev. They drove the enemy out of the Red Village and captured it. To the left of the division, the 58th Infantry Brigade under the command of Colonel Zhiriceov also progressed smoothly. After repeated attacks, the brigade captured the residential area of ​​Jamno. To the left of the brigade, the 52nd Army The right-wing regiment went forward to the west bank of the Volkhov River and broke through the enemy’s defenses here. In order to develop victory, the 2nd Assault Army and the 52nd Army put the 2nd Echelon into battle on the morning of January 15. The 2nd Echelon After entering the battle, our army's offensive picked up, but it failed to completely crush the enemy's resistance. The more the troops advanced, the stronger the enemy's resistance. Both sides suffered great losses....

   "Obviously, Comrade Major." Thorin whispered beside me, "What he said, as long as you read the reports of our army a few months ago, you can understand..."

"Comrade instructor, please be quiet." Diomi next to him unceremoniously interrupted Thorin's words, "Do you think that some of them are qualified to check the battle report of our army? Listen to the soldier continue. "

"...A week later, the 2nd Assault Army went forward to the second position of the enemy's main defensive zone along the Chudovo-Novgorod railway and highway. Meretskov ordered the troops to break through this position. , But was unsuccessful. So the front army transferred the artillery here again. But because the German command felt threatened to its main supply line, it transferred the reserve team to the Spasskayapolis area and also transferred it. Here comes artillery and the main force of aviation.

   The battle is getting fiercer day by day. Although the Second Assault Army broke through the enemy's defenses several times, the Germans took back the defense line several times due to insufficient ammunition and air superiority in the hands of the German aviation.

   After three consecutive days of tenacious fighting, the 2nd Assault Army finally captured Mias Nebor and broke through the main German defense zone in this direction. In order to close the breach, the German command put in a variety of troops, which were transferred from other parts of the front, including near Leningrad. At the same time, the German "North" army group was forced to abandon its preparations for an attack on Leningrad and switched to defense. At this time, Hitler expressed extreme dissatisfaction with the command of the group army. In mid-January, Marshal von Liber and Chief of Staff Brunneck, commander of the "Northern" Army Group, were replaced, and were replaced by General von Küchler and Hasse.

   If the 2nd Assault Army has made progress, the offensives of the 4th and 59th Army have failed. Their impact was weaker than once, and then they stopped completely. Our neighbor, the 54th Army of the Leningrad Front, also stopped its offensive on January 17 after running out of ammunition.

   In this case, the impact on the right wing of the front army is a waste of effort. After General Meretskov reported the situation, the base camp agreed to transfer all its forces to Spasskayapolis and Liuban. So the region became the main direction in the next six months. This is why the entire battle is called the Battle of Liuban. "

"That's right, Comrade Pvt." Instructor Thorin got up from his seat, walked in front of the soldier, and asked in a mocking tone: "Do you have a friend in the intelligence department of the group army headquarters? Girl, how else can you see such a detailed report?"

"Comrade commander," Ivanovich replied in a flustered manner, "I don't have anything to do with the intelligence department. All I said are from history books. You must know that I am studying history. It’s a simple matter to understand this history."

Seeing what Thorin wanted to say, I coughed and stopped him: "Comrade Instructor, please take the other three fighters out first, and let them repair fortifications with the soldiers of the Seventh Company. By the way, I will inform Lieutenant Miducci. , Let him gather the soldiers in his platoon first. Let him come to me in an hour, and then go back to the village together. As for this comrade private soldier," I pointed to Ivanovich, and then said, " Just stay here for the time being, the captain and I still have something to ask him."

   Solin originally wanted to say something, but seeing me staring at him with indifference, he had to agree and left the command post with three other young people who had never had a chance to speak.

   Waiting for Thorin to leave, I quickly comforted Ivanovic and said, "Comrade Private, don't worry. Now there are only three of us in the command post. You can speak freely."

   "What do you want to know? Comrade Commander." Ivanovic asked nervously.

"Just tell me and the captain what has happened and will happen in the past few days." When I said this, I turned to look at Diomi who was sitting next to him, and asked him in a tone of voice. Sentence: "Comrade Captain, don't you object?"

   "Comrade Pvt, you can speak boldly," Diomi was also aroused by curiosity at the moment, urging Ivanovic to continue: "We will never interrupt your remarks."

"... Due to the merger of the Leningrad Front and Volkhov Front at an inappropriate time, coupled with the **** forest swamp, the 2nd Assault Army was completely trapped by the Germans at the beginning of June. At this time, the base camp was withdrawn. The position of commander of the Horzin Front was reorganized, and the Volkhov Front was reorganized, with General Meretskov still serving as the commander of the Front...."

"Wait a minute, Comrade Pvt." Hearing this, Diomi couldn't help interrupting him and asked curiously: "You said that the Supreme Command had reorganized the Volkhov Front. When did this happen? I do not know how."

"Comrade Soldier is right," I said, "I only learned the news of the reorganization of the front army last night. Moreover, in the original structure, the 8th and 54th Army Groups were newly incorporated. ." Then he said to Ivanovich: "Go ahead, Comrade Soldier, go on."

"... The first thing General Meretskov did after his reinstatement was to draw out three infantry brigades and some other units, including a tank battalion. These meager forces were organized into two clusters and ordered them to open. A corridor with a width of one and a half kilometers to two kilometers, and shielding the two wings of the corridor, to ensure the withdrawal of the encircled 2nd Assault Army troops.

   At dawn on June 10, an offensive signal was sent. The artillery made a short-term artillery preparation. Then tanks and infantry launched an assault. Although the plan was carefully considered and the commanders also performed very tenaciously, the impact did not work.

   That evening, Meretskov and Vasilevsky, the representative of the high command, repeatedly calculated the full strength of the front army and determined to transfer some troops to the breakthrough point. Our army is increasing, and the enemy has also increased its strength. It transferred three infantry divisions and a police division of the SS from the north, that is, west of the Leningrad Highway, as well as some units that originally served as defenses in other areas. They were combined into "Karenbao" and "Bass". Three brigades of'and' Dalu'. Two clusters of ‘Jump’ and ‘Yashke’ and other troops were transferred from Novgorod. From the west, the ‘duke’ cluster composed of two infantry divisions and one security division was pressing aggressively towards the 2nd Assault Army. The fighting did not stop for a minute, and it was unprecedentedly fierce. Both sides suffered heavy casualties.

   After a week of brutal fighting, the Germans finally couldn't hold on before our army's offensive.

   On June 19th, the tank soldiers of the 29th Brigade of our tanks and the infantry following them broke through the enemy's defenses and joined forces from the 2nd Assault Group attacking from the west. After another two days, a three- to four-hundred-meter-wide corridor was opened along the railway from east to west. Using this corridor, a large number of wounded commanders of the 2nd Assault Army retreated to Mias Nebor. ..."

"Stop! Comrade Warrior~lightnovelpub.net~ Let’s stop here." Before he could tell the fate of the entire 2nd Assault Army and Vlasov, I stopped him. After all, there are some things. The traverser knows it doesn't matter, but if Diomi knows it, it may cause trouble. I waved my hand and said to Ivanovich: "Comrade soldier, go find your companions and join them to fortify the fortifications."

   Ivanovic agreed and left after saluting.

As soon as he left, I didn’t even get to Captain Diomi to say anything, so I said first: “Seeing that Mr. Yemelyanov’s words were right, all of them were shocked. After being stimulated, the nerves are a little abnormal. Later, let them go to the health team in the village to see if they can be cured."

   Captain Diomi frowned, and said in a suspicious tone: "Comrade Major, are you sure they are insane? But I listened to what he said, but the order is clear."

"This is your illusion, Comrade Captain." I mentioned the teapot placed on the ground, poured two cups of tea, and handed a cup to the captain, adding: "The reason why he can understand so much, maybe it really resembles the analysis of instructor Thorin. That way, there is a good girl who works in the intelligence department. Everything he said was what the girl told him when she had a tryst with him."

   After finishing speaking, I sat down and took a sip from my teacup, thinking at a high speed in my mind: Will the history he said will happen according to the original trajectory? If I go to the breakout battle on the date he said, will I succeed in the breakout? If you ignore what he said as nonsense, what will happen? I asked myself three questions in one breath, but I didn't have the answers to these three questions.