Burning Moscow

~: Can't afford to lose a battle (Part 1)

Hearing what Cui Kefu said, my heart suddenly became cold. Although I have heard Kirilov say this a long time ago, I still have a glimmer of illusion in my heart, otherwise I would not risk telling Cuikov and Krylov about the plan of "representing soldiers with water". Hearing that the two people also said in unison that this plan would not work, then it seems that this plan is really unrealistic.

Although I was extremely unhappy in my heart, in front of Cuikov and Krylov, I had to pretend to be nonchalant and say: "Since the commander and the chief of staff also feel that this plan cannot be implemented, then I don't think about it anymore. . It seems that we can only rely on our existing strength and weaponry to stop the crazy German offensive."

Krylov walked in front of me and said enthusiastically: "Comrade Oshanina, whether you can hold Mamayev Hill is related to whether our army can hold Stalingrad, so the burden on your shoulders is not light. . If you encounter any difficulties, you can call us or send a telegram, and we will do our best to assist you.”

-No-wrong-Krylov's words made me feel Alexander, and seeing the trusting glances cast by him and Trikov made me feel uncomfortable. But if I say goodbye to them at this time, I can't find a suitable reason. In desperation, I could only force a smile and express my determination to the two of them: "Please rest assured, the commander and chief of staff, I will strengthen Mamayev Hill and turn the high ground into a gate that the enemy cannot pass."

Cui Kefu is good at observing words and colors. The anxious expression on my face involuntarily did not escape his shrewd eyes, so he immediately took the stubborn words: "Okay, Comrade Oshanina. I think you are also home. Arrow. We won't keep you. You should hurry back to the army."

When I heard Cui Kefu let me leave, I couldn't ask for it, so I quickly saluted him, turned and left the headquarters.

I walked out of the headquarters and stood on the street full of ruins and bullet craters, looking left and right at the motorcycle that sent me. An executive ensign next to me walked up to me and asked politely: "Comrade Colonel, are you looking for a motorcycle?".

I nodded quickly. Definitely said: "Yes, a motorcycle with a sidecar, there are two soldiers in the car. Comrade Lieutenant, do you know where they are?".

"If you walk along this street for fifty or sixty meters, you will see a fork in the road ahead, and your two subordinates are hidden in the building there."

After thanking the ensign, I walked along the street in the direction he pointed. Along the way, I saw bomb craters and broken bricks everywhere, and from time to time I could see the corpses of the German army that had not had time to clean up, I knew how dangerous the group army headquarters was.

I just reached a fork in the road. Before I could speak, I heard a voice from the building next to me: "Master. Is that you?".

"It's me, come out." I heard the voice coming from one of the fighters on the motorcycle, and shouted at the opponent.

I was sitting in the sidecar and heading out of the city. I wanted to close my eyes and rest my mind. I suddenly heard the soldier sitting behind the rider say: "Commander, we just met the patrol team of the 10th Division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs."

The Ministry of Internal Affairs, after hearing this name, I asked faintly: "Really? What they do in the city, they are also serving as the supervising team. When they see which unit is retreating without authorization, they shoot at their own people?".

"No, comrade commander." The soldier quickly explained to me, "It's a coincidence that the captain of the patrol team and I have been in the same unit before. He told me that their division is currently a garrison, controlling it. Inside the city are various backup defense points and various fire support points of the city."

The soldier's words aroused my curiosity, so I couldn't help but ask: "What else did he say?"

"He also said that most of the fortifications in the city are made up of small firepower points, of which one-third of them are civil structures. Of course, from the fortifications he pointed out to me, including barricades, these fortifications are not enough. It is stable and cannot become a necessary firepower support point in the course of combat."

After listening to the soldiers’ words, I couldn’t help but fall into contemplation: “If the information that the soldiers said is true, then Colonel Sarayev’s 10th Division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will not be able to serve as a reserve team to block the enemy’s assault, because it cannot at all. Withdraw them from those firepower support points. It seems that the defense on the north side of the city should be based on my military division."

When I returned to the headquarters, I saw that Kirilov, who had been in the fifth regiment, was there. He and Akhromeyev were quickly called. They first informed them that the political commissar of the 92nd brigade commander had fled and was killed. The news that Leilov has been executed on the spot after he was captured from the deserted island.

After I finished the report, Kirilov didn't ask in detail, but asked straightforwardly: "Comrade Commander, do you have any instructions for us?"

I shook my head and replied: "It's still the old one, that is, let us resolutely hold Mamayev Hill at all costs and ensure the safety of the Volga River ferry so that the enemy cannot rush into the city from the north of Stalingrad."

Kirilov sighed disappointedly when he heard that there were no new orders, and then told me: "Comrade Oshanina, before you return, we received a telegram from the headquarters of the group army saying that there are troops to take over the defense of the 107.5 heights. , Let our third regiment hand over positions to them when the new troops arrive."

"I don't know what the superiors think. Our third regiment has become a firefighting squad. Every time something happens on the high ground of the friendly army, we have to rush over to reinforce it." Hearing Kirilov talked about the third regiment again. To make a transfer, Akhromeyev couldn't help but murmured a few words next to him.

I deliberately pretended not to hear his complaint, but Kirilov glanced at me, fearing that I would be angry because of it, and murmured Akhromeyev in a low voice.

"By the way, the commander specifically explained one thing. The second regiment commander, Captain Pugachev, the third regiment commander, Captain Godunov, the tank battalion Captain Perskin, and the artillery battalion Captain Morozov were all promoted to The rank of major."

As soon as I finished speaking, the faces of the two of them showed surprised expressions. Obviously they didn't expect that Cui Kefu would suddenly be promoted to the ranks of several commanders of the military division on a whim. after awhile. Kirilov next to me approached me. Asked in a low voice: "Are these commanders promoted to the ranks?"

"Yes. Only the four of them were promoted to the ranks." I looked at Kirilov and asked, "Do you have any questions?"

Kirilov first snarled at the opposite side of the table, then sneered at me in the direction of the door. I looked at the opposite side, then at the door, and suddenly slapped my forehead in annoyance, cursing myself for being really confused, why I forgot these two people.

It's not sound. Pugachev and Godunov have all been promoted, but my division chief of staff Akhromeyev and guard battalion commander Basmanov. It was actually the rank of captain, even if they didn't say anything, but I would feel uneasy inside.

I quickly moved the map in front of me, and concealed my embarrassment by looking at the map. After staring at the map for a long time, I tried my best to recall my defensive deployment. After I felt that there was nothing wrong, I raised my head and said to the two sitting next to me: "It's getting late. You guys should rest early, maybe the enemy tomorrow. Will launch an attack on our position."

Originally, I just talked casually, but I didn't expect it to become an truth. As soon as it was dark, the enemy began to shell Mamayev Hill. Not only the high ground where the first regiment was bombarded, but the high ground where our headquarters was also bombarded. Ten minutes after the bombardment, the enemy fleet flew over the Mamayev Hill and began to dive and bomb.

I wanted to go outside the cave to see the situation, but as soon as I walked out of the first wooden door, I felt like I was riding a small boat on the wavy sea, and the strong blast wave hit the door outside. , As if there was an elephant hitting the door outside.

Seeing that I wanted to go outside, Captain Basmanov, who was on duty in the corridor, stopped me and yelled at me: "Comrade Commander, the outside is too dangerous for you to go out." After speaking, he rushed to the side. The two fighters from yelled: "You are still standing here doing something stupid, don't hurry up to help the teacher in."

After listening to his orders, the two soldiers stepped up to my arms and dragged me into the command post without saying a word. I also knew that it was too dangerous outside. If you stubbornly ran out, you would lose your life. Therefore, I very cooperatively asked the two fighters to drag me into the command post.

Back in the command post, the first thing I saw was Akhromeyev shouting into the phone microphone: "Hey, hello, one group, one group, can you hear me? Hey, hey ."

"No more effort, Comrade Chief of Staff, haven't you heard how fierce the artillery fire is outside?" Before I could speak, Kirilov said first: "I guess the telephone line leading to a group of positions has long been cut off by the enemy's artillery fire."

Hearing what Kirilov said, Razumeyeva quickly stood up and invited Ying: "Comrade political comrade, I will send someone to check the line, and the communication between the division and the frontier must be restored as soon as possible."

"Wait a minute, Lieutenant Razumeeva." At this moment, I had to stand up and stop the communications company commander. There weren’t many people left in my communications company. If I send someone out to check the line, I guess I’ll wait. After this battle, the communications company will have few people left. "Don't worry, the enemy's artillery fire is fierce. Sending people to check the line is equivalent to sending them to death. Although I know that the soldiers are not afraid of death, but such meaningless casualties can be avoided if they can be avoided. You wait. After the enemy's artillery fire is sparse, let's send someone there."

"The commander is right," Kirilov said in a timely and cooperative manner: "Lieutenant Razumeeva, let's use the radio to contact the regiment."

When Razumeyeva was in contact with a regiment on the telephone, Kirilov said to me with some worry: "The enemy's artillery and bombing are so fierce, will the casualties of a regiment be too great?"

Kirilov’s words made my heart sink drastically. Under such fierce shelling and bombing, how many people would be injured or killed in a regiment? Although the distance between our two high grounds is only a few hundred meters, if we are blocked by enemy aircraft, we will not be able to send reinforcements in a short period of time.

At this moment, Akhromeyev came over and told me an even more disturbing news: "The commander, according to the report of the second regiment’s observation station, found that there were German troops in the distance, under the cover of a large number of tanks, Our position is pushed over."

"Did the phone hang up?" I asked Akhromeyev coldly.

He shook his head and said, "No, the information was reported by Captain Khorushov of the 2nd Regiment and 1st Battalion. He is still online. If you want more details, you can ask him directly."

I walked quickly to the table, picked up the microphone set aside and put it to my ear, and said loudly: "Hey, hello, is this Captain Horusov?".

"Yes, comrade commander, it's me." A familiar voice came from the earpiece.

"Report what you have observed."

Because the explosion outside was too loud, Khorushov had to shout hoarsely. I could only hear what he said: "Report to the commander, as soon as the enemy’s shelling started, I found a piece of dust rising on the grassland in the distance. After careful observation, it turned out that it was German infantrymen under the cover of tanks. Our position is advancing. At present, we are still four kilometers away from a group of positions."

"How many troops does the enemy have?" According to the calculations of the previous two days, the 44th German Infantry Division in front of us should have tens of thousands of troops. I want to use Horusov to understand how much troops the enemy has invested this time.

"There are more than 30 tanks, as for the infantry. I only saw a darkened one. The exact number is not clear. I guess there must be a regiment."

"Understood, report the situation in time." After I finished speaking, I hung up the phone.

When Kirilov and Akhromeyev came around, I said to them with a serious expression: "The political commissar, chief of staff, the situation is very bad. According to Captain Khorushov’s report, the German army followed the tank attack. There is about one regiment, that is to say, there are more than three thousand people, and its strength is roughly equal to that of our defenders on Mamayev Hill. But because of their advantages in weapons and equipment, and the air superiority of the battlefield is in their hands. , So what we have to fight next will be a fierce battle. I hope everyone can prepare mentally in advance."

"Please don't worry, the commander, don't look at the enemy's aggressiveness, but I believe their fate will be the same as before. Before our position, they met with bloodshed, and finally retreated griefly." Akhromeyev Said confidently.

But Kirilov seemed to lack confidence: "Comrade Chief of Staff, we can't be too optimistic. As far as I know, the German army has attacked a group of positions several times in the battle yesterday. Although we later implemented it. Recoiled and knocked them back. But what does it mean?" He paused for a moment when he said that, glanced at the expressions of Akhromeyev and I, and then said: "It means that the enemy is in our place. After suffering several losses in front of the position, he began to change his style of play. However, the commanders of a group also used the past style of play against the enemy, and the German army occupied our position several times. So today, facing the menacing German army, I have no confidence in whether a regiment can hold its ground."

"Comrade commander, communication with the group is connected." Before Akhromeyev and I could express our opinions, Razumeyeva, sitting by the telephone, yelled to me excitedly: "The commander of the group. Lieutenant Colonel Sejerikov is online and wants to speak to you."

I walked over to put on the headphones and asked loudly into the microphone: "Hey, hello, Lieutenant Colonel Sejerikov, I ask you, are the casualties in your regiment large?"

"Reporter Chief," Sergeikov's loud voice came from the headset, "Because our regiment has dug many tunnels on the high ground in the past two days, from the beginning of the shelling, except for a few observation posts, the rest The commanders and fighters all hid in the fortifications. Regardless of the enemy's artillery and bombing, there were almost no casualties in our regiment."

"Great, this is great, Comrade Lieutenant Colonel." I was overjoyed when I heard Sergeikov's report. Although we lacked air defense weapons, we were helpless with the enemy planes looting in the air. But as long as our commanders hide in the tunnel, no matter how many enemy planes there are in the air, they won't take us.

"Commander, our observation post reported that the enemy's infantry was approaching our high ground under the cover of a large number of tanks, putting on a posture of not giving up without taking the high ground."

Thinking of the thousands of German soldiers approaching the high ground, I felt that I was not confident enough, so I asked tentatively: "Do you have the confidence to fight back the enemy?".

"Please rest assured, the commander, regardless of the enemy’s strength, but they have nothing to do with the many fortifications of our highlands. Don’t look at how many times they attacked yesterday, but they did not take advantage of any advantage, but were killed by us. A hundred people."

Hearing Sergeikov mentioned the tunnel~lightnovelpub.net~ I suddenly remembered the tunnel fortification that I participated in in the 64th Army. The idea at that time was to fight a battle similar to Shangganling with the enemy. Thinking that the plan could not keep up with the changes, the tunnel fortification had not had time to play its role in the end, because our army had to retreat in large strides and had to blow up all of it. But now there are all kinds of fortifications and tunnels all over the ground, and my mind can't help but become alive again.

I thought for a while and said to Sergeikov: "Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, if the enemy is too powerful and you cannot resist it, you can temporarily abandon the surface position, withdraw all the troops into the tunnel, and fight the enemy for a long time. To contain their forces."

"What? Give up the surface position and retreat into the tunnel?" Sergeikov was frightened by this order. He stuttered and asked, "This, this, this is appropriate, is it appropriate?"

"There is nothing inappropriate." I said to him categorically: "The superior's order is not allowed to be discussed, you just follow and execute it. If something goes wrong, I will be responsible." (To be continued... )

ps: My heartfelt thanks to the book friend Wutong’s ashes, bent-foot poles, old godfather, Luo-xia, yxzr, wzzhnag68, the dead Hachi, and Shanshui Caitian Children’s Shoes for their precious monthly support! ()