Burning Moscow

Chapter 1157: Tank guerrilla warfare (middle)

Hearing what I said, Kravchenko quickly stood up and said with a serious expression: "General Oshanina, I will obey your orders, please give orders!"

I did not directly explain to him what task to perform, but changed the subject and asked: "Comrade General, how many tanks do you still have, and how much ammunition and fuel are left?"

"After restoration, the number of tanks our army can use now is 136, of which only 21 are T-34s, and the rest are new tanks." Kravchenko is very familiar with the situation of his troops, listen to me When I asked, I immediately said the data I wanted to know: "There is fuel. As for ammunition, you also know that the new tank uses a 100mm smoothbore gun, which is not compatible with the previously stocked artillery shells. Supplements from the rear."

I was ecstatic when I heard Kravchenko say that there were more than a hundred tanks, but when I heard that, my heart suddenly became cold. If the new tank doesn't have matching ammunition, how can we fight it? We can't let our tank soldiers drive the tank to hit the German Tiger tank, right?

I was thinking about the German armored forces advancing to the Prokhorovka area. I must find a place to camp in the middle of the night so that I can combine Colonel Bere’s tank tenth army and Kravchenko’s guard tanks. Tanks of the Fifth Army gathered and launched a night attack on the German troops in the camp. In this way, even if the enemy can't be wiped out, they can also kill a lot of their tanks. But now my plan, because of the lack of ammunition in Kravchenko's troops, has become a futile.

I turned my head and asked Bele, who was standing next to him: "Comrade Colonel, how many tanks do you have?"

"After the battle, there are currently 28 tanks in the 101st tank brigade." Colonel Bere replied clearly: "Among them, there are eight T-34 tanks, and the rest are new-type tanks. The tanks currently have sufficient fuel, but The number of shells is limited, and all armor-piercing shells have been used up. Currently there are only three high-explosive shells per vehicle."

Hearing this, I turned my head and asked Bezikov: "Chief of Staff, have any vehicles transporting supplies coming over recently?"

"No." Bezikov replied bitterly: "Perhaps the higher-level logistics department thought that the only infantry and artillery we were fighting the enemy recently. Therefore, the ammunition transported to the front line is either artillery shells or all kinds of guns. As for the tank shells." At this point, he shrugged, "That's not a single shot."

"Immediately call Kursk's logistics forces and tell them that we are in urgent need of a large amount of ammunition for the new tanks, so that they will organize a convoy to send them to me overnight." After I finished speaking, I gave a light push. Putting Bezikov on the shoulder: "Hurry up and call, Comrade Chief of Staff. This matter can't be delayed."

"General Oshanina," Kravchenko asked curiously. "Can I ask what the mission of our army is?"

"Comrade General, please come here." I brought Kravchenko to the table, pointed to the map above, and said to him: "From the current situation, the German army will definitely concentrate its superior armored forces on the next step. Prokhorovka area. Although the troops currently stationed there are Lieutenant General Rotmistrov’s tank troops, the combat effectiveness of the Tank Army is second to none in the Steppe Front, and they stick to Prokhorovka. The Germans can't take advantage of anything.

My original plan. It is preparing to gather your tank army and all the tanks of the 101st Brigade of Colonel Bere’s tanks to attack the German camp at night. As much as possible to consume their strength in the field. "

Kravchenko stared at the map and thought for a while. Nodded and said, "General Oshanina, your plan is good. We will not be able to transport weapons, ammunition, food and medicine, and the wounded who are in a hurry for treatment cannot be transported. Comrade Commander. Is that right?"

"Yes, that's what I meant." I raised my hand and patted Colonel Biele on the shoulder. He said happily: "As long as we continue to harass the Germans, then they will certainly not be able to concentrate enough troops to attack Prokhorovka. In this way, how the final result of the battle will be, even if I don’t say it, you will also I should know."

"Understood." Colonel Bere replied, and then he asked me for instructions: "Should all the tanks deployed in the Oboyan area be transferred back one after another?"

At that time, I placed Bere, Kravchenko’s tank corps and guards in Obyan, because Katukov’s tank corps was entangled by German troops. Mechanized only a few troops of the Third Army cannot Defend Oboyan. A few hours ago, I heard Vatutin said that I was going to send a tank army to Oboyan overnight. In this case, my troops would not have to stay there anymore, so it would be a matter of time before they were transferred back.

I thought for a while and said to Bere: "Comrade Colonel, since Oboyan is the defense zone of General Katukov, our tank troops and guards stationed there will be transferred back sooner or later. You order the tanks first. Let’s withdraw the troops of the 101st Brigade first. As for the tank corps of General Kravchenko and the guards of Colonel Chernov, wait until the reinforcements arrive in Oboyan, and then retreat."

Danilov picked up the map on the table and asked me curiously: "Comrade Commander, there are plains everywhere. Where do you think the Germans will camp?"

I often run around outside these months and know the terrain of the defense zone well. I pointed to a few possible camping locations and said, "I think the German camp should be at these points. Colonel Bere can send out scouts to conduct reconnaissance. Once the exact location of the German camp is known, Launch another surprise attack."

"On a quiet night, the roar of the tank motor can be heard from a long distance." Danilov continued worriedly: "If our tank is in the process of assaulting the enemy, the enemy will be spotted by the enemy, and we will use artillery fire. Interception, how should we deal with it?"

"Comrade Deputy Commander, you don't have to worry about this." Colonel Bere comforted Danilov and said: "Although the roar of the tank's motor is transmitted farther at night than during the day, as long as it exceeds a distance of two kilometers, the other party will listen. Gone. For the tank, a distance of two kilometers, it only takes a few minutes to rush over. In such a short time, the Germans had no time to get their cannons in place, and our tanks rushed in front of them. "

Danilov nodded in relief when he heard the explanation from a professional like Bere, and said, "If this is the case, that would be great."

"Okay, Comrade Colonel, you first discuss with Kravchenko how to take over his tanks." I waited for Bere and Kravchenko to go aside to discuss, and then asked Bezko, who had just finished the call. Husband: "Chief of Staff, what did the logistics department say, when can the shells we need be delivered to us?"

Bezikov shook his head and said: "The logistics department said that the recent battles have been fierce~lightnovelpub.net~The artillery shells of the new tanks have been consumed very quickly. At present, they have received orders to give priority to Rokosovski’s central government. The front army, and here, at least after the 10th, new shells will be delivered one after another."

Hearing Bezikov saying this, I was really irritated, but there was nothing I could do. This logistics department is also true. Knowing that our tank unit here is equipped with so many new tanks, it has to temporarily interrupt the supply of supporting ammunition. Doesn't this mean that our tank unit loses its combat effectiveness in disguise? But let alone Vatutin's control over this matter, it is estimated that even if Zhukov doesn't speak up, it must be said by the person in charge on the Moscow side.

I sighed and said helplessly to Bezikov: "Forget it, Comrade Chief of Staff, since the service department must give priority to the supply of ammunition from the Central Front, let them go. During this time, we can only To temporarily reduce the use of tanks, we should continue to rely on the existing perfect defense system, using artillery and infantry to consume a large amount of the German army’s active force."

"Understood, Comrade Commander." Bezikov also sighed and said helplessly: "It seems that this can only be done. I hope that the logistics department can resume the supply of ammunition to us as soon as possible, otherwise, our The new tank becomes a pile of scrap iron." (To be continued.)
