Burning Moscow

Chapter 1167: Consolidate defense

When Xie Liujin and I were in the division headquarters waiting for Bie Lei’s arrival, he poured a cup of tea and handed it to me, and then cried out to me: "Comrade Commander, although our division has not been formed for a long time, in terms of equipment, You can’t favor one another."

I took the hot tea and was about to drink it. Hearing what he said, I quickly put down the tea cup and asked curiously: "Comrade Colonel, what kind of equipment do you say favors one another, I didn't understand it?"

"Comrade Commander," he sat opposite me, deliberately dragging the tone to a long, aggrieved expression: "The other divisions are equipped with a large number of assault rifles, I will not talk about it for the time being. I heard about them. It is also equipped with a new type of anti-tank weapon, which is better than the anti-tank rifle we use now. It is said that within a range of two hundred meters, it can easily kill enemy tanks.

I did not deny his statement, but nodded and said affirmatively: "Yes, now the 51st, 52nd, and 67th Guards Divisions deployed on the first line of defense are equipped with a large Assault rifles, and anti-tank rocket launchers. The reason these new weapons are assigned to them is because they..."

Before I finished speaking, Xie Liujin interrupted me and said understandingly: "Comrade Commander, you don't need to say, I understand. They are fighting against the main force of the German army on the front line, and we are in charge. The reserve team. If it is me, I will also equip all these limited new weapons to the front-line troops."

Xie Liujin’s high posture made me feel relieved, so I took a sip of tea and said slowly, "Don’t worry, Comrade Colonel. There will be anti-tank rocket launchers, as well as assault rifles, other troops. Your division will have new weapons equipped."

"Great, this is really great." Xie Liujin stood up from his seat. Straighten your waist up straight and promise me: "Comrade Commander, as long as our division is equipped with new weapons. Then the combat effectiveness will be increased in a straight line, and then you can use our division as the main force."

"Comrade Colonel. Isn't your division the main force now?" When I said this, I couldn't help thinking of the cruel and **** battle I saw, and I couldn't help but become heavy: "Today I saw the German army rushing toward you so fiercely. The position launched an offensive, and I was really worried that your position would be broken through, but fortunately you finally held it."

"Comrade Commander, yes, we didn't let the enemy break through our position." Xie Liujin analyzed today's battle to me, "First. We prepared defenses in time, built fortifications, and arranged minefields; Second, the commanders and fighters were very calm. Although we had a lot of recruits, none of them wavered and did not take a step back. Third, our tank detachment appeared very timely. It was they who eliminated the German armored units and made the offensive. The infantry in the position will never have the courage to fight again..."

Xie Liujin's words haven't finished yet. Suddenly a few people walked in at the door. I recognized Bezikov and Basmanov who followed him, but the chubby lieutenant colonel with a smile standing beside them. I don't know it.

Biele took a step forward and straightened his body and reported to me: "Comrade Commander, Colonel Biele, the commander of the tank squadron, report to you. My tank squadron and I are waiting for your orders. Please instruct!"

I greeted him, took his hand excitedly, and said excitedly: "Hello, comrade colonel! Your tank squadron is really timely. If it is later, maybe the enemy will break through."

Bie Lei grinned and replied: "Comrade Commander. This is what I should do."

"Let’s talk about it, Comrade Colonel." I asked curiously: "You got the information in advance, knowing that the enemy will attack the position of the 89th Guards Division, came to support you?" I said this. , Specifically turned his gaze to Xie Liujin next to him, trying to find out if he had notified Colonel Bie Lei in advance.

Unexpectedly, Xie Liujin shook his head and replied: "No, Comrade Commander, I don't know that the colonel is active in this area, how can I contact him. Maybe he got the information from other sources?"

Seeing my inquiring gaze toward him, Bie Lei quickly explained: "Comrade Commander, no one has notified me. I have not received any information in advance. When we were out searching for the German transport convoy, we suddenly found that there was a rise. There was gunpowder that covered the sky, and there was also fierce gunfire. I guessed that there must be a fierce exchange of fire between our army and the enemy, so I led the troops to come over and take a look." When he said this, he shrugged. He shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands on both sides, "I didn't expect to relieve the comrades of the 89th Guards Division under the circumstances."

"Colonel, stop standing, please sit down." After Xie Liujin greeted Bielei warmly, he pointed to the lieutenant colonel who was still standing next to me and said: "Comrade Commander, let me introduce you to this It's Lieutenant Colonel Yelmoxin, political commissar of the division. He just returned to the division two days ago, you probably haven't seen him before."

After listening to Xie Liujin's introduction, I quickly got up from my seat and shook hands with this division political commissar. After everyone sat down again, I smiled and said: "Since the change of rank, it is impossible to tell who is a military cadre and who is a political cadre from the uniform."

"Comrade Commander, isn't this good?" Yelmoxin smiled and said to me: "You must know that our political workers are not just playing tricks and doing political agitation to the soldiers. When necessary, We also need to take up weapons and fight like ordinary soldiers.” Although I have always had a bad impression of political cadres, these few words of Yelmokhin made me include him in the list of people worthy of contact.

Xie Liujin waited for Yelmoxin to finish, then looked at me and asked, "Comrade Commander, what is the next task of our division?"

"Of course it is to strengthen the position here, and be prepared to continue the defense." I am afraid that Xie Liujin will not pay attention to this matter. I also specifically emphasized: "The order I received is to establish a solid defense here and resolutely block the German infantry. The path of the 32nd Division to the north. Although we have eliminated a lot of enemies today, at best we have only one regiment, and their main force is still behind. So the next battle may be even more cruel to you."

"Don't worry, Comrade Commander." Xie Liujin stood up and said swearingly, "As long as there is one person, we will stand firmly on our ground." After finishing speaking, he asked with some unease: "Comrade Commander, I think Ask, when can our troops turn to the counterattack?"

As soon as his words were uttered, everyone in the room focused on me. I waved my hand and said, “Don’t worry, when it’s time to counterattack, you will naturally counterattack. Your division’s task now is to resolutely bring North The incoming 332nd Division blocked ~lightnovelpub.net~ after the Fifth Guards Tank Army stationed in the Prokhorovka area and defeated the German armored units, our counterattack could begin."

Xie Liujin turned his face and said to Yelmoxin with a gentle smile: "Comrade Political Commissar, I will give you full responsibility for the political propaganda work of the commanders and soldiers. Let every soldier understand that we stick to this place. The significance, even if all sacrifices are made, must not let an enemy pass, because the fate of the entire battle may be in our hands. Do you understand the entire battle, my comrade political comrade?"

"Understood, comrade commander." Yelmoxin replied excitedly: "I will let every commander know."

After I waited for the two to finish talking, I went on to say: "Colonel Xie Liujin, in order to strengthen your defensive strength, I have decided to assign you the tank unit of Colonel Belei." Having said that, I turned my head and looked at Belei, smiling. Said to him: "Comrade Colonel, from today, the task of harassing the German traffic line will be temporarily cancelled. The task of the tank unit will stay here, cooperating with the 89th guards to consolidate the defense, and resolutely cut off the German army's road north ."

Bie Lei stood up from his seat and replied loudly: "Please rest assured, Commander, I will cooperate with Colonel Xie Liujin's defense with all my strength, and I will never let an enemy pass through here!" (To be continued.)