Burning Moscow

Chapter 1185: Switch from defense to offense (7)

As time passed, all the soldiers and weapons and equipment supplemented by us were in place. At the same time, we were still storing enough weapons and ammunition for a month.

On the evening of the first day after the "Rumyantsev" combat plan was implemented, I summoned the commanders of the divisions under the group army, as well as the commanders of the tank brigade and artillery regiment, to the headquarters for a meeting, and told them the combat plan in detail. The troops are assigned tasks.

Looking at the commanders at all levels sitting full below, I decided to introduce the situation of the German army to everyone in person. Because I can not only use the information provided by my superiors, but also add what I have learned from the history books of later generations.

Standing in front of the big map, I held the explanation stick with both hands and preached to everyone: "Comrade commanders, everyone knows that tomorrow is the day when we implement the'Rumyantsev' plan, so today I will introduce to you. Let’s take a look at the situation of the enemy and ourselves in southern Kursk."

Having said that, I turned sideways and pointed at the map on the wall with the explanation stick: "In our Voronezh Front, we are facing the German 4th Panzer Army and the 7th Army. The 7th Army is deployed in the Sumy area. , To cover the junction of the German Central Front Army and the Southern Army Group to deal with our 38th Army. Although this is not the main attack direction of our army, starting from July 26, the 38th Army has begun to create a series of illusions of concentrated heavy forces. Including arranging 450 tank models and using 8 real tanks to run back and forth, hoping to confuse the German army’s judgment.” After I said this, I saw a commander below with a disapprovingly narrowed mouth. It seems that the actions of the 38th Army are a bit too pediatric. He quickly added, "As early as in the defense of Moscow, General Katukov used this tactic to deceive the enemy. He wiped out a large number of enemies with very small casualties."

I coughed, cleared my throat, and continued: "The German 4th Panzer Army mainly covers the front between Sumei and Belgorod. His front is the main force of our Voronezh Front: 27th, The 40th Army, the 5th and 6th Guards Army. The 1st Guards Tank Army, the 5th Guards Tank Army, and more than 1,800 tanks and self-propelled artillery.

The German 4th Armored Army has been greatly weakened due to its large numbers of troops being transferred to the central and southern fronts of the Eastern Front and Italy. The total strength dropped to more than 130,000 on July 20, accounting for only one-third of our strength, and the 48th Panzer Corps and 52nd Corps were formed. According to the latest intelligence we have detected, the main force of the 52nd Corps as of yesterday's sequence includes: the 6th, 11th, and 19th Armored Divisions. The 57th, 167, 255, and 352 infantry divisions.

The Prairie Front is the 11th Army on the left of the German "Kempf" campaign group. The army mainly defends the Belgorod area and has jurisdiction over the 106th, 168th, 198th, and 320th Infantry Divisions. The 42nd Army on the right wing of the campaign group is responsible for covering the direction of Kharkov, mainly against our 57th Army.

To sum up, the German army launched a total of 3 armies in front of our Voronezh Front, namely the 7th Army of the 2nd Army; the 48th Armored Army and the 52nd Army of the 4th Armored Army; It is the 11th Army and the 42nd Army of the "Kempf" battle group. The Germans have 18 divisions with a total strength of approximately 310,000.

In terms of equipment, tanks and self-propelled artillery are available to the entire Southern Army Group of the German Army. There are only about 500-600 cars. "

When I reached this point, I found that some commanders were relieved with a relaxed expression on their faces. In order to prevent them from underestimating the enemy. I quickly added: "Although the Germans are at a disadvantage in terms of military strength and equipment, we should not take it lightly. You must know that after long-term operations, the Germans have relatively strong fortifications. They were constructed in the 17th century in our country. Based on a series of fortresses, earth embankments, and fortifications, defensive positions were established. The depth is about 90 kilometers, including seven defensive areas, and two lines of defense around Kharkov...."

After I finished speaking, the expressions on everyone's faces became solemn again. "As far as I know," after a short silence from everyone. In order to ease the atmosphere in the room, Danilov stood up with a smile and said: "Comrades commanders. No matter how strong the German defense position, if you want to defend Biel with less than one-third of our army's strength. The Gorod-Kharkov area is not enough. So please rest assured, comrades, that their fortifications can't stop our attack. The final victory must belong to us."

"Yes, Comrade Deputy Commander made a lot of sense." Bezikov continued: "According to intelligence, Manstein’s main energy is constrained by us in the direction of the Donbass and Mius River. He A considerable number of troops have to be drawn out to cope with the offensives of our Southwest Front Army and the Southern Front Army. Next, I will explain to you in detail the offensive routes of the divisions of our Group Army...."

Sitting on my seat, I looked at the commanders at all levels sitting below, and thought to myself: "The offensive division commanders are not the first to understand this information, but they are like me and Bezikov. It is the first time they have heard of it, putting all the materials together and introducing it."

After assigning tasks to the commanders of the divisions, Bezikov finally said: “In order to maximize the artillery fire in the offensive direction, the command from the Bryansk Front Army will break through the 13th, 16th, and 17th Artillery Division and the 3rd Rocket Artillery Division. We were given to the Voronezh Front and supplemented with sufficient ammunition.

On the positions of the 5th and 6th Guards Army, the density of artillery and mortar reached 113 and 129 per kilometer respectively; while the 53rd Army reached 242 artillery mortars per kilometer.

At 5 o'clock tomorrow morning, the front army will first use artillery, mortars, and rockets to carry out a fierce and rapid five-minute bombardment on the German front and the depth of the defense. Then use the large-caliber artillery gauge to check the firing and test firing for 35 minutes; use the "Katyusha" to carry out suppression, destruction and salvo firing on German targets in a planned way, which takes 1 hour and 20 minutes; with artillery and mortars, Accelerate the firing to the maximum rate of fire, which takes 20 minutes; implement planned artillery fire at the resistance hub in the depth of the German defense, which takes 45 minutes.

After taking off, the air force will bomb the German command post first. Communication hubs and communication lines in order to destroy its command system, and then the artillery positions in the depths of the German defense. The second, third and fourth consecutive bombings were carried out at the assembly area and the reserve team.

Within half an hour after the first five minutes of shelling, we will dispatch soldiers. Start to clear the obstacles on the attacking road and open the way from the minefield. When the artillery fire increased to 7:55, the maximum rate of fire, our infantry followed the tank and self-propelled or artillery to launch an impact! ..."

Every short sentence spoken by Bezikov represents a **** battle; every word spoken means the death of hundreds of people. Perhaps because of this, he took the trouble to explain to everyone the various intricate difficulties that may be encountered on each offensive line.

I will wait for Bezikov to finish talking. Facing the commander present, he asked, "Do you have any questions?"

After I asked the question, the room fell silent again. Sometimes people are like this. When you are not asked to ask questions, you feel that you have a lot of questions to ask; but when you are really asked to ask questions, you often don't know what to ask.

But then the commander of the troops involved in the first attack began to ask Bezikov questions. Before the meeting, we estimated all the possible problems, and specifically discussed how to answer these questions to the subordinate commanders. At this moment, Bezikov, who was prepared for a long time, calmly and patiently answered the questions of each commander.

After the meeting is over. When there were only a few of us left in the headquarters, Danilov suddenly asked me: "Comrade Commander, I don’t understand. Why did the data you gave when you first explained it differed from the data we had? These data Are they all real and reliable, will they not mislead the troops?"

Seeing that everyone’s eyes are focused on me, of course I cannot tell them that many of the data I mentioned are from history books from later generations. I can only answer vaguely: "I am based on the superiors and The intelligence of the Scout Station is a conclusion drawn after a comprehensive analysis. Even if there is a slight error, it will not have any impact on the upcoming war."

Speaking of which. I suddenly thought of Tomarovka, the city after the start of the "Rumyantsev" battle. A city captured first, although we were some time ago. The city was captured many times, but under the frenzied counterattack of the German army, the city was lost again. Therefore, in this battle, the task of capturing this city fell on Katukov.

I looked at Danilov and asked, "Comrade Deputy Commander, the battle will officially begin tomorrow. Will we go to the front forces to see if we have to avoid the recurrence of the lesson of the previous failure to capture Tomarovka? ."

Speaking of Tomarovka, everyone's faces became difficult to look. This is probably the most embarrassing battle of our army from the Battle of Kursk to the present. Hearing that after several failed attacks on Tomarovka, Vatutin was furious. He actually announced the removal of Colonel Baksov’s post of commander in public and asked me to find someone else to replace him. Fortunately, I considered that under this situation, changing the division leadership would have a bad effect on the troops, so with my hard work, Vatutin finally agreed to let Baksov take the blame.

Kirilov said in an interface: "The failure of the last attack on Tomarovka was the shame of our army. We can only wash away this shame by achieving brilliant results. I think we should send troops, at least one. Division, go and participate in the attack on Tomarovka."

"Which division to send?" Bezikov asked, looking at me.

"How about the 52nd Guards Division?" Although I had known that the first to invade Tomarovka was the 52nd Guards Division of Colonel Nekrasov, I still spoke to you in a deliberate tone at this moment. : "After the Germans broke through our first line of defense, the 52nd Guards Division fought well behind enemy lines. Not only did it contain a large number of German troops, it also achieved brilliant results."

"I agree!" As soon as I finished speaking, Kirilov immediately agreed: "Let Nekrasov's troops go on."

"But, Comrade Military Commissioner." Danilov said with some worry: "The 52nd Guards Division, like the 51st Division, has just added a large number of recruits. These soldiers have not received any military training before. The division’s combat effectiveness may be diluted, right?"

"My deputy commander, comrade." When Bezikov heard him say this, he was a little anxious and immediately retorted: "Of the divisions under the group army, which division has not supplemented the recruits? We can't wait for the recruits to change. After becoming veterans, let them participate in the battle? So I still feel that they should be put into battle immediately, let the blood and fire on the battlefield hone their will and improve their technical and tactical level."

Danilov opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but was interrupted by raising my hand. I followed Bezikov's meaning and said: "Comrade Deputy Commander, I decided that the Chief of Staff made a lot of sense. Do you have to wait for the recruits to become familiar with the troops and master the necessary skills and tactics before they can participate in the battle? ?"

"Comrades of commanders~lightnovelpub.net~ I think your worries are completely unnecessary." Akhromeyev interrupted and said, "Although we have attacked Tomarovka several times, we have failed. The end. But we must also consider the objective reasons for the failure. There are two reasons for the failure: First, we have too few troops to attack, and the two regiments of the German army in the city have more numbers than one of our divisions; Without artillery fire and necessary air support, and lack of fortified weapons, our commanders can only fill it with their lives."

"Comrade Major, what on earth do you want to say?" Danilov didn't wait for Akhromeyev to finish, but interrupted him unceremoniously, and said, "It was for the 67th Division of the Guards some time ago. The offense failed, come out to fight the injustice?"

"No, that's not the case, Comrade Deputy Commander." Seeing Danilov's anger, Akhromeev quickly explained: "I mean the reason for the failure of the offensive at the time was because of insufficient troops and insufficient firepower. But now these problems have all been resolved. The troops involved in the offensive consisted of at least three infantry divisions and a tank corps. Together with the support of powerful artillery and air power, it was easy to destroy Tomarovka’s enemies."

"Well, Comrade Major, if you say so, then I will believe you for the time being." After Danilov said this, he turned to look at me and said, "Comrade Commander, I agree to send Colonel Nekrasov. The 52nd Division of the Guards, participated in the battle to capture Tomarovka." (To be continued.)