Burning Moscow

Chapter 1264: Good news comes frequently (part one)

In the evening, apart from the 89th Guards Division directly under the group army staying at Zolotonosha, the other two guards entered the two cities. In order to facilitate management, I asked General Sivakov’s 22nd Guards Corps to stick to Kaniv, and General Tavartkilasze’s 23rd Guards Division was deployed in Che Kaser.

Since the German army intends to hold on to the other side of the Dnieper, they have not yet destroyed the city, but they have moved all the residents of the city away so that we may not be supplemented by soldiers from the residents.

As for the headquarters of the group army, I was based in Cherkassy. One is that the city is big, and the other is my next plan, which is to send troops to capture nearby Smila. Accompanying the headquarters are also Kravchenko's Fifth Guards Tank Army, and Povsky's two artillery regiments and three Guards Rocket Artillery Battalions.

While the communications chief Lopukhov was arranging the manpower to arrange the communication lines, I called the reconnaissance battalion commander Travkin and told him: "Comrade Captain, we will soon launch an attack on Smila. However, we currently don’t know anything about the enemy, so your reconnaissance battalion must dispatch manpower as soon as possible to conduct reconnaissance on the city and figure out the enemy’s strength and distribution."

After listening to my instructions, Trafkin immediately straightened his back and replied: "Don't worry, Comrade Commander, you give me two days, and I can definitely figure out the strength and distribution of the German forces in the Smila area."

"No, two days are too long. I can only give you 24 hours." After hearing Trafkin’s reply, the Kistyakov next to him walked over and said: "We are robbing the Germans for time now. Before they recovered, they shattered their defenses with lightning speed and liberated the city from their hands."

When Travkin heard Kistyakov say this, his face was embarrassed, and he had to look at me asking for help. I knew in my heart that he was worried that the time was too short to complete the reconnaissance mission well, so he took the initiative to complete the reconnaissance mission and said: "Comrade Deputy Commander, one day is too short. If the German defense is tight, the captain estimates that Can’t get close to the city yet, let alone scout the situation in the city.”

"But two days is indeed a bit too long." Kistyakov said anxiously: "The enemy in Smira must have known that we captured Cherkassy and Kaniv and defended them. Prepare. If it is delayed for two days, I am worried that the enemy will build more fortifications to make their defense system more perfect."

"Comrade Deputy Commander, it is impossible for us to capture such a big movement in the two cities to hide the enemy." I understand the truth that desire is not fulfilled. If you blindly rush for time, you will not wait to figure out the enemy. For the specific situation, if you rush to attack, then you may suffer defeat. I can't take this risk. Therefore, I must conduct detailed reconnaissance before I can attack Smila. I continued: "Although the German army withdrew the main force across the Dnieper River, judging from our fighting situation today, the enemy lacks a unified command due to the chaos of the establishment. Even if they are given two days, they may not be able to organize an effective defense. Therefore, I think it is absolutely necessary to give the reconnaissance battalion two days to conduct reconnaissance."

"I agree with Comrade Commander's point of view." Bezikov also echoed at this moment: "If the reconnaissance is not detailed enough due to the rush of time, our troops will suffer unnecessary losses when they attack. "

Seeing that Bezikov and I had the same opinion, Kistyakov couldn’t say anything. He nodded and said helplessly: "Well, Comrade Commander, since you and the Chief of Staff have the same opinion, then I won’t insist on my opinion anymore.” After speaking, he turned to look at Trafkin and said, “Comrade Captain, I hope you can hurry up and finish the reconnaissance of enemies in the Smila area as soon as possible. Do you understand?”

"Understood!" After Telfkin replied loudly, he raised his hand to salute the few of us, and then turned and walked out of the headquarters.

As soon as Lopukhov and the others adjusted the line, Vatutin’s phone number reached my headquarters: "Comrade Oshanina, I have read the combat report you asked Major Akhromeyev to send. You fought well today. Not only did you cross the Dnieper River smoothly, but you also successfully captured the two port cities of Kanivu and Cherkassy. I want to ask you, what do you plan to do next?"

When I heard this question from Vatutin, I quickly made a gesture to Bezikov, motioning him to bring the map. Bezikov saw my gesture and immediately understood it. He quickly walked over with a combat map and placed it in front of me. I looked down at the map and began to answer Vatutin’s questions: "Comrade General, I arranged this: General Sivakov’s 22nd Guards Corps is located in Kanivu, and they will be in the northwest and west of the city. Constructed fortifications to block the roads of Kiev’s enemies south. The 23rd Guards Corps deployed in Cherkassy is building fortifications to the southeast and due south of the city to block the German road from Zaporos to the north. , And be prepared to take the city of Smila."

After listening to my report, UU reading www.uukanshu.com Watutin was silent. It is estimated that he is looking at the map according to what I said, and weighing whether my deployment is appropriate. After a while, he said: "Comrade Oshanina, your deployment is very good. As long as you build a perfect defense system around the two cities, it is equivalent to cutting off the enemy from Kiev to Zaporos. The ties between them split their defenses. In this way, our front army and the southwest front army will be able to divide and destroy the enemy."

I was worried that Vatutin had any comments on my deployment, so I was always uneasy. Hearing his praise at this moment, the big rock hanging in my heart finally fell to the ground. I waited for him to finish, and asked carefully: "Comrade General, do you have any instructions?"

"When will you be able to attack the Smila area?" Vatutin said anxiously: "If you seize this city, you can train Kanivu and Cherkassy as a whole, so that the Germans want to It is also very difficult to eat you or drive you back from across the river."

"Comrade General, we have dispatched scouts to conduct reconnaissance in the Smila area." To his reminder, I answered cautiously: "At the same time, we also need time to adjust the defense of the troops. So to Simi Pull's offense is the fastest, and it will not be officially launched until two days later." (To be continued.)