Burning Moscow

Chapter 1327: Razumeyeva's return

Back in the command post, I was seated at the table again. Regarding the incident of Shumakov, I specifically emphasized to Tavart Kiradze: "Comrade Commander, in the early battles of your army, the commander and There are many reductions in soldiers. Bayi Chinese★Net★★★√★The superiors of the soldiers will supplement us, but the candidates for commanders at all levels need to be selected from the backbone of the battle. By the way, you have to tell the commanders of the divisions, Let them go to the grassroots troops more when they have time to see if there are more outstanding commanders like Shumakov."

"Comrade Commander," Tawart Kiradze, after I finished speaking, immediately lowered his head to review to me: "This is a mistake in my work. I didn't expect that among our grassroots commanders, there would be such a mistake. With so many talents, I will definitely pay attention to avoid similar things from regenerating."

At this moment, I suddenly remembered what happened to Razumeyeva. I couldn't help but slapped the table sharply, and said annoyedly: "Oh, I almost forgot an important thing."

"What's the matter?" Tawart Kiradze asked curiously.

"That's it, Comrade Commander." I shook my head towards the door and said, "Did you just see the female soldier next to Major Shumakov?"

"I saw it."

"The female soldier's name is Razumeyeva, the fiancée of Major Shumakov, who turned out to be an effective communications company commander under me. She was also separated from the army when she broke through in Kiev, like Shumakov. After rejoining the team, he was demoted from lieutenant to sergeant. Now he is a communications officer of the 9th Guards Division." I smiled bitterly and said to Ta****** Kirazzi: "Before coming to your headquarters, I also planned to call Chernoff as soon as I came in to bring her back from the 9th Guards Division. After I came in, I had been discussing the fortifications. I actually forgot about it."

"It turned out to be this," Tavart Kiradze said disapprovingly after hearing this: "It's not a big deal that you want to mobilize a communicator. I just need to tell Chernoff." After that, he said. A staff officer was called and told him to inform Chernov of the matter.

When the nostalgia was over, our topic returned to the upcoming German offensive. Tawart Kiradze asked me with some concern: "Comrade Commander, since you also know that the troops used by the Germans are campaign-level troops, don't you need to report to the front army headquarters and ask for their assistance?"

"It's not necessary for the time being, and the current situation of the front army is not very good. They will soon face the offensive of the German 48th Panzer Corps." As for Tawart Kiradze's proposal, I almost rejected it without thinking about it. As a commander of the group army, I can’t have a little difficulty and just go to Vatutin for help. The more times I get, Vatutin and other high-level commanders will leave everyone with nothing. impression. I don't want the image that I have built up so hard to collapse like this, so I can only rely on my ability to face the upcoming crisis. "We now have four guards divisions in Zhytomyr, plus tank brigades and artillery. Even if the Germans launch a full-scale offensive, we can block them for about a week. There is no problem."

"One week?" Tawart Kiradze felt that I had something in the words, and quickly asked: "Comrade Commander, if I don't understand it wrong, will the enemy's offensive last only one week?"

I understand in my heart that with Manstein’s character, if he really wants to retake Kiev from Vatutin, then before reaching this goal, let alone a week, even a month, his offense will not be Will stop. However, at this moment, in order to strengthen Tavart Kiradze’s confidence in victory, I said without conscience: “Yes, Comrade Commander, analyzing from various signs, the enemy’s offensive lasts at most for a week. Wait for their offensive troops. When we become exhausted, our reinforcements have almost arrived. We will be able to wipe out most of these incredible German troops when we meet with us inside and outside."

After talking about some details of the defensive battle with Tavart Kiradze, we raised our hands and looked at the watch, and then said: "Well, comrade commander, I should go back to the headquarters. Defense of Zhytomyr , I will leave it all to you. If you feel that you cannot hold the city, you must report to me immediately, and I will arrange for you to leave the city at that time."

After hearing this, Tavart Kiradze became a little unhappy. He raised his voice and said to me: "Comrade Commander, you really look down on us, let alone there are so many troops in the city, even if it’s just me. The 51st Guards Division, before we all died, no one of the enemy soldiers would even want to enter this city."

"I believe you, Comrade Commander." After I said this, I got up and shook hands with him before leaving the command post again.

When I took Razumeyeva back to the headquarters, Akhromeyev who first discovered her was taken aback, and then exclaimed: "Oh my God, isn't this Lieutenant Razumeyeva? I saw Is it you or your ghost?"

"Hello, Comrade Major." Razumeyeva saw her familiar comrades appear in front of her, and could no longer control her emotions, tears flowed down her cheeks. "I didn't expect that I could still see you alive!"

After Akhromeyev came forward to give Razumeyeva a hug, took her hand to Kirilov, and said: "Comrade Razumeyeva, see who this is? "

"Hello~lightnovelpub.net~Lieutenant Razumeeva." Before Razumeeva finished speaking, Kirilov preemptively said: "When Kiev broke through, you and us were separated. I thought you were sacrificed. I didn't expect to see you here today. It's so happy." After speaking, he got up and gave him a warm hug.

When several acquaintances met, I looked at Razumeyeva who was still wiping tears, and said to Bezikov: "Comrade Chief of Staff, Razumeyeva was originally our communications company commander, but because When Kiev broke through, she was separated from the troops, so when she returned to the team, she was scrutinized for this matter and was demoted. You see, how should she be arranged?"

Bezikov glanced at Kirilov who was standing with Razumeyeva, thought for a moment, and said: "Comrade Commander, due to the imminent war, Major Lopukhov’s work is a bit too busy. Someone needs to help him. I think so, let Comrade Razumeeva serve as the deputy director of the communications office. As for the rank, he will be temporarily designated as a captain. What do you think?"

"I agree!" I agreed to Bezikov's arrangement without hesitation.

Then Kirilov and Akhromeyev also expressed their opinions: "I agree!" "I agree too!" (To be continued.)