Burning Moscow

Chapter 1344: Narrow win (on)

I saw in the observation station that the howitzer group’s shells fell on the enemy’s position and exploded. The mud and snow powder that had blown up soared into the sky. The earth-wood bunkers that were originally covered by snow were exploded like paper toys. }After the explosion was torn apart, it rose high into the air, and then scattered around the explosion point. Bayi Chinese Website★★く

Bie Lei was standing next to a radio, wearing headphones, and shouting into the microphone: "Brigades are ready to attack, pay attention to keeping the formation, each car is separated by 100 meters." He paused after speaking, maybe It is listening to the reply of the commander below. After a while, he raised his voice and shouted: "Listen to my orders, the whole army will attack!"

After a while, I heard a huge roar, and the tank troops attacking from the forest crossed the high ground where we were, lined up in a neat formation, and attacked the German position in the distance. As the snow was melted by the high temperature of the bomb explosion, the trenches that were only faintly visible became clearly visible. From time to time, I could see one or two shaking helmets in the telescope. This should be an observation post left by the German army. .

I was focusing my attention on the enemy’s position, but I heard Bie Lei’s voice in my ear: "Comrade Commander, are you a little disappointed?"

"Disappointment?!" Hearing his thoughtless words, I quickly put down my binoculars, turned to look at him, and asked curiously: "General Bie Lei, why am I disappointed?"

Biele did not directly answer my question, but pointed to the tank unit that was assaulting outside with his hand, and then said: "Look at the tanks that are rushing towards the enemy's position!"

I don’t know what his purpose is, but he still turned his face, brought the binoculars in front of him, and looked at the tank troops. At the same time, I counted them roughly. At least there are hundreds of tanks driving high on the snow. To the enemy's position.

"General Bie Lei, I still don't understand what you mean." I was really confused by Bie Lei, so I put down my binoculars and said to him impatiently, "Just tell him if you have anything, I'm not interested in playing anything right now. guessing game."

"That's it, Comrade Commander." Biele said a little embarrassed: "There should have been around 16o of tanks participating in the assault today, but before entering the attack position, some of the tanks broke down, so they finally participated in the battle. There are only more than 110 tanks."

In my impression, the three tank brigades should have at least about 300 tanks, but now only one-third of them are engaged in combat, so I asked sternly: "General Biely, why is the number of tanks so small? ?"

"The two tank brigades supplemented by our superiors were not fully staffed." Bere said a bit aggrieved: "The 22nd brigade of guards tanks, which was originally a complete system, lost more than half of the battle with the enemy. In addition, when we were bombed by the enemy in the early stage, we also lost some tanks, so in today's battle, there are only so few tanks that we can put into battle.

"Well, General Bie Lei, don't say it, it's not your fault, don't blame yourself." I saw Bie Lei's ashamed face, and quickly interrupted the words behind him with a wave, comforting him: "There is this More than a hundred tanks are enough to break through the enemy's position."

As our army's tanks got closer and closer to the enemy's position, the howitzer regiment stopped firing, and a salvo came from the Guards Rocket Battalion. As the gunpowder turned from thick to light, I saw groups of German soldiers rushing from the second trench to the first trench along the traffic trench. When the traffic trenches were bombed and impassable, they jumped out decisively, bent forward and ran forward for a while, and then jumped into the traffic trenches again.

Seeing this situation, Bie Lei snorted and said with emotion: "Comrade Commander, the Germans are really the same as you said. When they were shelled by our army, apart from leaving a few observation posts, the main force They all evacuated to the second trench. When our shelling is over, they will come back."

Hearing what Bere said, Povsky also walked to the observation port, raised his binoculars and looked at it for a while, and then said helplessly: "General Bere, if it were not for our limited reserves of shells, I might be able to stay here. At this time, a blast of artillery fire may kill more enemies. But I am powerless now, and the rest is up to your tank army."

When the tank troops were only a few hundred meters away from the anti-tank trench, the truck loaded with our commanders rushed out of the forest and quickly rushed to the German position where the smoke was billowing.

At this time, the German artillery opened fire. In addition to bombarding the tank unit that was approaching the anti-tank trench, more shells fell into the galloping convoy. With a scream, the shells continued to fall around the high-moving truck and exploded. The tarps on several trucks were ignited by artillery fire, and the driver immediately stopped the car so that the commanders in the carriage could quickly jump out of the car.

A truck snaking crazily in the snow, trying to break through the barrage, was unfortunately hit directly by a German shell. "Boom!" With a loud bang, I only saw the car parts flying all over the sky in the flames, and the fire fighters were thrown around by the air waves. A burning tire rolled out of the flame and continued to roll forward.

Seeing that the truck was directly destroyed by the enemy's shells, my heart seemed to be slammed by something, and I felt particularly uncomfortable. After a long time, I murmured: "The officers and men in this car are all gone, it seems that none of them have survived."

Perhaps because of the enemy’s shelling, the troops in the truck should get off two kilometers away from the enemy’s position, but I don’t know who gave the order, and the truck rushed directly to a place less than three hundred meters away from the enemy’s position. As soon as the car stopped, the commanders on the car jumped down like dumplings, and then rushed to the tank parked by the trench.

Our tanks stopped by the trench and shelled the enemy positions on the opposite side of the trench. Under the attack of tank guns and vehicle-mounted machine guns, the German troops in the trenches were suppressed so that they could not raise their heads. Only their long-range artillery fired continuously.

Seeing the tanks by the trenches, one was hit by enemy fire from time to time, and then it started to burn. The muscles on Beley’s face twitched unconsciously. He turned his head and said to Povsky: "Comrade Artillery Commander, can your artillery fire suppress the enemy’s artillery fire?"

Povsky shook his head, and said regretfully, "General Bele, I want to help you too, but the artillery has all shot out, and I can't do anything now."

I held my binoculars and quietly looked at the battlefield in front of the gunfire. The situation is not as bad as I thought. Due to the proximity of the Germans in the fortifications near the anti-tank trenches, due to the suppression of our tank fire, they could not pose any threat to our offensive forces. Many commanders and fighters unloaded the steel rails tied to the tank body and put them on the trenches to set up passages for the tanks to pass through the anti-tank trenches.

With a large number of people and great strength, with the help of infantry, the Germans used the anti-tank trenches to prevent our tanks from attacking. More than 30 simple bridges were erected to cross the anti-tank trenches. So our tanks and infantry rushed through the trenches along these passages, and stretched toward the depth of the enemy.

Seeing that the tanks and troops were crossing the anti-tank trenches in six consecutive stages, Povsky sighed and said: "Thank God, our tank troops broke through the German anti-tank trenches so easily. I thought it would cost a lot. Only the casualties can cross the trench."

"Comrade Artillery Commander, our casualties are not small now." Bie Lei said sadly: "Look, in front of the anti-tank trench, at least 20 tanks are burning, and there are more than a dozen trucks. During the impact, we were destroyed by German artillery fire, and at least one battalion of our infantry was injured or killed."

Seeing more and more tanks and infantry rushing through the trenches and rushing into the depths of the enemy, Bie Lei suggested to me: "Comrade Commander, can the cavalry attack now? They move fast. Just rush up. It can shorten our ability to defeat the enemy."

"No, not right now." I pointed at the battlefield that was fighting fiercely, and said, "After crossing the trenches, our soldiers rushed into the enemy's position and were fighting them fiercely in the trenches. At this time, the cavalry was tuned up. It doesn’t serve any purpose at all, but is easy to become a target for enemy attacks."

As soon as I finished speaking, the call from the cavalry commander came in. As soon as the phone was connected, he hurriedly said: "Comrade Commander, now the infantry and tank troops have broken through the enemy's line of defense. When can our division go up?"

In fairness, I don't like the cavalry unit very much. It is a tasteless unit on the battlefield today. According to my intention, it is best to dismount them so that I can use them as infantry. Seeing the cavalry commander eager to fight at this moment, I was very upset, saying that the infantry was fighting for the trenches with the Germans. How can your cavalry go up to help? However, without discouraging his enthusiasm, I still said perfunctorily: "Comrade teacher, don’t worry, I will naturally let you go when you go to the teacher. Your task now is to hurry up and take a rest to ensure that in the future In the battle, it can maintain a strong combat effectiveness."

"Well, Comrade Commander, I will obey your orders." The cavalry commander heard me say this. Although he also heard that I was perfunctory, he had no choice but to agree and hung up the phone.

Seeing that I refused the request of the cavalry division commander, Bie Lei hesitated for a moment, and then cautiously suggested to me: "Comrade Commander, I think our infantry can occupy the German army under the cover of tanks in at most ten minutes. A trench, and an attack on the second trench. You see if you can let the comrades of the cavalry division attack first, and when they arrive at the anti-tank trench, they can catch up with our second line of defense against the Germans. attack."

I know that Biele was also a cavalry many years ago, and has a special affection for the cavalry. Hearing what he said, I hesitated again and again, and felt that since the victory was in sight anyway, it would be good to let the cavalry division come out and be strong. So he nodded and said, "Well, General Bie Lei, since you said that, let the cavalry division be prepared. After five minutes, the whole division will officially go into battle."

Seeing that I agreed to let the cavalry division join the war as soon as possible, Bieley agreed with excitement and hurried to call the cavalry division to convey my latest order to them.

Seeing Beley was on the phone, I suddenly realized that when I came this time, I didn’t bring Major Akhromeyev. If he was there, I only need to give orders on many things, he It can be done properly.

When I saw the tank troops leading the infantry towards the second line of defense of the German army, I put down my binoculars and nodded at Beleley, indicating that the cavalry division could attack. Bie Lei triumphantly agreed, and happily called the cavalry commander and asked the other party to immediately lead the cavalry to attack.

A few minutes later, the attacking cavalry division appeared in my field of vision. I saw them lined up in a sparse formation. Almost all the cavalry on the horse wore a black cloak, with shoulders raised high on both sides, and the saber raised in his hand pointed diagonally forward, shining in the sun.

The cavalry had just rushed halfway, and suddenly dense black spots appeared in the distance, rushing towards their side. Seeing this situation, Bie Lei suddenly exclaimed: "Damn it, that's a German tank. Where did they come from?"

The German tank, when I heard Berley say this, I quickly turned the telescope around and carefully observed the direction where the black spot appeared. Soon I could see that these black spots were composed of more than forty German tanks. They lined up in two rows and rushed towards the side of the cavalry division.

My heart is not good~lightnovelpub.net~ If you really wait for the German tanks to rush over, then the cavalry division will be cut off. On the open ground, the cavalry will become a lamb to be slaughtered when they encounter a tank.

Bere grabbed Povsky's shoulder and asked anxiously: "Comrade Artillery Commander, can your artillery use artillery to intercept enemy tanks? Otherwise, wait for them to rush into the cavalry division, the cavalry division. There will be heavy casualties."

"Nothing, General Bere." Povsky said bitterly, "The artillery regiment’s shells have just been burned out, otherwise I will order the artillery to fire." He paused for a moment. He asked tentatively, "Can you make your tank troops turn their heads and conduct counter-assaults on enemy tanks."

"If there is no such trench, I can immediately make the tank unit turn around." Bere pointed to the anti-tank trench in the distance and said: "At this time, let the tank turn around, in addition to the trenches and anti-tank trenches to be occupied, but also We must prevent the armored forces behind the enemy’s second line of defense from attacking. In a word, our tank forces can only rush forward and never retreat, otherwise our offensive will be defeated, and the thousands of soldiers who participated in the battle will also be defeated. It will be wiped out by the enemy."

"What should we do, we can't just watch the cavalry division be wiped out?" Povsky, who had always been calm, was also in chaos at the moment. (To be continued.)