Burning Moscow

Chapter 1379: Joint operations (middle)

"That's it, General Batov." I saw that he hadn't figured out the situation, so I quickly explained to him: "Some of my artillery regiments will be able to reach Zhilobin tomorrow, I I plan to put them in the battle to liberate Svetlogorsk. But because they were marching lightly when they came, they carried a limited amount of ammunition. If you have extra shells, can you lend me some first, and wait for me The supplies will be returned to you as soon as they arrive."

After Batov figured out why I needed artillery shells, he smiled and said to me: "Comrade Oshanina, I really don’t know about the artillery. Please wait a moment. I’ll ask my artillery director and chief of staff. See if we have extra shells." After a few minutes of silence in the receiver, Batov’s voice came over again, "I have already asked. In the military warehouse in Zhlobin, 122 mm and 152 mm are stored. Each of the three thousand shells can be used by you."

"It's great, it's really great." Although this number is a little bit smaller, it should be enough for siege. After thanking Batov, I continued: "Tomorrow I will send someone to collect the shells from you."

Hearing that I was about to hang up, Batov suddenly said: "By the way, Comrade Oshanina, I want to inform you of something. Just now I called the commander of the front and he said that he was trying to capture Svetlo. There is a unified command in the battle in Gorsk, so it is recommended that we form a joint command to formulate a battle plan."

Batov's words made my smile solidify on my face. It was a logical thing for the two forces to fight together and set up a joint command. But I know very well that my own command is at best a forward command. If it is to be merged, it will definitely be placed under Batov's leadership.

To be honest, Batov's fighting style is very different from my fighting style. If he is allowed to take the overall responsibility, I am worried that it will be difficult for my troops to adapt to his style of play, and maybe even half of the combat power will not be able to be used by that time. It is based on this consideration, so when I heard about the establishment of a joint headquarters, my whole heart sank.

"Comrade Oshanina, why are you not talking?" Batov saw that there was no movement on my side, and immediately asked: "Did you hear what I said?"

"I heard it," I asked Batov with a wry smile: "General Batov, I don't know how the front commander arranges the candidates for the joint command, and where will the command be located?"

Unexpectedly, when I asked casually, Batov was asked by him. He hesitated for a while before repliing: "As to where the joint command is located and who is solely responsible for the matter, the commander of the front army did not do anything. Instructions."

Akhromeyev waited for me to end the call with Batov, and asked tentatively: "Comrade Commander, does the superior want our two armies to establish a joint command?"

"Yes," I replied, nodding my head, "the commander of the front does have this meaning."

"Then who should lead whom?" Before I could answer, Akhromeyev asked and answered himself: "We must know that our troops are more than them. If they are allowed to command, I am worried about the officers and soldiers. There will be opinions."

"I think it is more likely to be commanded by General Batov." I explained to Akhromeyev: "Zhlobin is the headquarters of their group army after all, and his entire headquarters is located. Here, we are at best a forward command without a complete leadership team. Therefore, I think it is normal for the superiors to appoint General Batov as the highest commander of the joint force."

Since Rokosovsky has not given the final order, I don’t want to entangle with Akhromeyev on this matter, because I changed the subject in time and asked: "Major, contact Boves. Is General Ji yet?"

"No." Akhromeyev shook his head and replied: "But I asked Comrade Razumeyeva to continue calling, and once contacted, he immediately reported to me."

I heard that I hadn't waited to contact the artillery commander Povsky for the time being, I gave an "um" disapprovingly, and then asked: "Did both echelons stop attacking?"

"Yes, Comrade Commander." Akhromeyev replied affirmatively: "Not only did the two echelons stop advancing, but in addition to constructing simple fortifications in the existing area, even the tank battalion and the self-propelled artillery regiment were also Temporarily retreated. After all, in today's battle, their ammunition and fuel consumed a lot. If they don't immediately replenish them, they won't be able to participate in tomorrow's attack."

Thinking that although today’s counterattack is progressing smoothly and the troops of several divisions are advancing quickly, my heart is still not at ease, so I instructed Akhromeyev: "Call the commanders at the front and let them rush to the command as soon as possible. Let’s discuss the situation of the enemy and ourselves on the battlefield together."

An hour later, four division commanders, tank battalion commanders, and self-propelled artillery regiment commanders all came to my headquarters. I stood up on the edge of the table with both hands, leaned forward slightly, and said to them with a smile: "Comrades commanders, you did a good job today and beat the enemy to the ground."

As soon as my voice fell, the commander present burst into laughter. After the laughter stopped, Nekrasov, the commander of the 52nd Guards Division, stood up and said: "Comrade Commander, our division was advancing deep into the German army, but unexpectedly received your order and had to give up temporarily. The impact of the enemy. I want to ask, what the **** is going on?"

One stone stirred up a thousand waves. Nekrasov’s question immediately resonated with the other three commanders, and they also reported their views. Xie Liujin said what everyone said: "If it were not for your order to stop the offensive, we might have all advanced to the city of Svetlogorsk. Now that the troops have stopped advancing, the enemy will have a respite. , They will definitely take advantage of tonight to strengthen the defensive position and add pressure to our offense tomorrow.

Regarding Xie Liujin and everyone’s question, I immediately explained: "Comrades, although our counterattack is going very smoothly today, everyone should not take it lightly, which leads to the idea of ​​underestimating the enemy. You must know that the enemy did not use the air force at all. , Once our troops are attacked by enemy planes during the offensive, they will inevitably pay a huge price. Also, the reason why I ordered you to stop the offensive today is because of the fact that the 52nd Guards Division and the 375th Infantry Division have just arrived. Zhilobin, the commanders and fighters are very exhausted. If they are allowed to fight for a long time in poor spirits, it will have a bad reaction to the morale of our army."

"Didn't the enemy planes appear before and were driven away by our fighters?" Xie Liujin said unwillingly: "Our air force now controls the air dominance of the battlefield. There is no need to worry about the enemy's air force. Even if they appear, our air force. They will also be driven away."

"There is one more point, and the most important point." Seeing that everyone's faces were all indifferent, I hurriedly said blankly: "We rushed here from Smolensk, the ammunition we were carrying Supply is not enough to support us in a big battle. If we rush forward regardless, once the supply line is cut off by the German army, our commanders and fighters fighting in front may run out of ammunition and food."

My words silenced everyone.

After a long time, the first to break the silence of the 51st Guards Division Commander Sederikov: "Comrade Commander, when will we launch an attack on Svetlogorsk?"

After Sergeikov asked his question, everyone turned their attention to me, quietly waiting for me to announce the answer to them.

I said lightly, and then announced to everyone: "Comrades commanders, our superiors asked us and General Batov to form a joint command to complete the attack on Svetlogorsk. By the way, Pakistan. General Tov has drawn three divisions from their left flank and has rushed to Svetlogorsk from our southwest."

"Comrade Commander, I can ask," Lu Jin asked cautiously after I had finished speaking: "Where is the higher-level commander going to be the head of this joint command?"

"Although the superiors have not finalized the choice of the person in charge, I guess that General Batov will definitely take up this position." I said carefully: "After all, the 65th Army has a complete headquarters in Zhilobin. As for us, only Major Akhromeyev and I, plus a communications class. Any superior who sees this situation knows what decision to make."

"However, the combat style of our group army is very different from that of other units," Nekrasov mumbled: "If you change the commander rashly, I am worried that the commanders will be at a loss on the battlefield."

"General Nekrasov is right." As soon as he finished speaking, Seryukin agreed: "I think it is not appropriate for this unit to change the top commander. What do you think, Sederikov Colonel?"

Sergeikov, who was named by Seryukin, smiled bitterly, and then said: "At the beginning of this year, we had captured Kiev. When the Germans launched a frenzied counterattack against us, Comrade Commander was transferred back to Moscow. The command was changed. In the battle to defend Kiev, the troops of the soldiers, although they were very tenacious, they won less and lost more. In the end, the city we worked so hard to capture was reoccupied by the Germans."

In Sergeikov's words, although he was only talking about the battle of Kiev at the beginning of the year, everyone understood, and he was echoing Xie Liujin's opinion.

"Okay, okay, everyone don't say any more." I was worried that if I didn't speak anymore, everyone would complain more. If I didn't like them, it was passed to Beria's ears through a special channel, so I called I cut off what everyone wanted to say later: "Who will be the person in charge of the joint command? It doesn't count if you say it, and it doesn't count if I say it. The decision is with the commander of the front."

After I finished speaking, Akhromeyev asked carefully: "If the superior really decides to let General Batov take the post of commander, what should you do?"

"It is the duty of a soldier to obey orders," I replied in an official tone: "As long as it is an order issued by a superior, I will definitely obey it. You have not been in the army for a day or two. You should know the superior's order. Discussion is not allowed, so no matter who the superior appoints to assume this position, we should resolutely obey."

In order not to let everyone talk about it anymore, I patted the map in front of me with my hands and announced to them: "I will now explain the battle deployment for the day."

When everyone was quiet and focused on me, I pointed my finger at the map and began to give orders: "Since the current position of the first echelon is behind the second echelon, I order: tomorrow morning From now on, the second echelon continued to advance in the direction of Svetlogorsk, and when they were ten kilometers away from the city, they stopped advancing and built simple fortifications on the spot. The first echelon followed closely behind. Quickly fill the vacant positions of the second echelon, so as not to be taken advantage of by the Germans."

Hearing my deployment like this, Nekrasov and Lukin were overjoyed, while Seryukin and Sejerikov were full of unhappy faces. Seryukin complained to me: "Comrade Commander, we are the first echelon. You should give us the first echelon to attack Svetlogorsk for the second time."

"Comrade Xie Liujin," I pointed my finger at the map ~lightnovelpub.net~ and then looked at him and asked, "How far are your first tier behind the second tier now?"

Xie Liujin glanced at the map and replied: "If I remember correctly, it should be no less than eight kilometers."

"Yes, Comrade Xie Liujin, you remember it correctly." I said to him and everyone: "If I want to order the first echelon to advance to Svetlogorsk first, it will take you at least one and a half hours. , To finish the eight-kilometer distance, and then to pass through the second echelon line of defense. Am I right?"

"Yes, it is so." The other teachers replied in unison.

"Have you ever thought about how much confusion your first echelon of more than 10,000 commanders and fighters will cause when they cross the second echelon's defense line." I stared at Xie Liujin and asked harshly: "If the Germans were at this time, Under the cover of planes and tanks, if you attack you, do you think the formation of the unit can be maintained intact?"

"Comrade Commander, I was wrong." After I had finished speaking, Xie Liujin thought about the cause and effect and promptly apologized to me and said: "I obey your orders. We will wait for the second echelon to move forward tomorrow. Just go to replace the defense zone they have vacated and stop the German army from trying to cut off our army's back path." (To be continued.)