Burning Moscow

Chapter 1414: Separate battle (16)

Since Kalinkovic has been occupied by our army, there is no need for the group army headquarters to stay in the eastern suburbs of the city, so it moved to the original German headquarters in the city. (Pinyin of biqiwu)

I was sitting in a jeep, looking through the window of the city that was just liberated by us. Although we did not use artillery bombardment in the siege battle, there are still collapsed buildings on both sides of the street. This should be caused by mortars or bazookas when the enemy and ourselves were fighting. In these ruins, civilians and soldiers are constantly busy, probably trying to find some daily necessities from them.

The headquarters of the German army is located in a department store in the center of the city. Seeing the bumpy bullet marks on the wall and the blackened walls, I can imagine how fierce the battle last night was. It was obvious that Sergeikov sent someone to clean this place, because apart from the large and small craters, there was no enemy or our soldier's corpse visible on the street.

As soon as our car stopped, Sederikov, who was waiting in front of the building, ran over and opened the door for me personally. He then stepped back, raised his hand to salute me, and said loudly, "Comrade Commander, close Colonel Sederikov, commander of the 51st Weidi Division, reports to you that everything is in place in the command post, and you are welcome to settle in."

I stretched out my hand and held Sergeikov’s hand and smiled and said, "Comrade Colonel, you have done a good job. Both you and your soldiers are good. In order to commend your brilliant achievements, let your political commissar as soon as possible. A list of awards is drawn up, and we want to commend those commanders and fighters who have achieved great results."

After the members of our headquarters entered the new headquarters, Major Lopukhov began to command his communications troops to set up antennas in preparation for direct contact with the troops. Bezikov walked to the status of a major and told him: "Major, let the soldiers lay the telephone line first, and the commander should contact the front-line troops."

"Don't worry, Comrade Chief of Staff." Lopukhov replied respectfully: "At most half an hour, you can talk to the divisions on the phone here."

I greeted Sederikov and sat down next to me, and asked: "Comrade Colonel, are your divisions suffering heavy casualties in the battle?"

"Not a big deal, more than two thousand casualties." Sergeikov smiled and replied: "Comrade Commander, you have forgotten the difficulty, but I followed you in the defense of Stalingrad. In terms of street fighting, I There is a lot of experience."

"Yes, yes," Sergeikov's words reminded me that when I first met him, he was just released from the punishment camp. He was a little daunting to do things. I thought he would not survive Stalinger. The Battle of Le is over. Who knew he not only survived, but because of his military exploits, he was appointed the commander of the 51st Guards Division. "Speaking of the Battle of Stalingrad, it seems to be what happened yesterday."

After I said this, I was silent for a moment, and then said apologetically: "Comrade Colonel, based on your performance from the Battle of Kursk to the present, you could have been promoted to general long ago. But you also know that this requires Apply to your superiors and wait for the approval of the Supreme Commander before you can be promoted."

"It's okay, Comrade Commander." Sederikov didn't seem to value himself as a general now. On the contrary, he comforted me and said: "When we were in Stalingrad, so many of our comrades in arms were sacrificed. It is God’s favor that I can survive. Besides, I am still the commander of the Guards Division. Even if the rank has not changed, I am satisfied."

Kirilov placed a piece of paper in front of Sederikov, and then said to him: "Comrade Colonel, this is a report written by me, requesting the Supreme Command to grant red flags to the divisions participating in the battle. medal."

Hearing that what was in front of him was a report requesting the superiors to award the Red Flag Medal to the troops, Sederikov immediately looked down and quickly scanned it. Seeing that there was the name of the 51st Guards Division on it, he was immediately overjoyed. Although the 51st Guards Division has the designation of the Guards Division, it has not received any decent honor. If this time was awarded the Red Flag Medal by the superior, then in the future the title of the Red Flag Medal can be added to the unit's designation. .

After watching Sergeikov, he raised his head and said to me: "Comrade Commander, this is really great. If all the troops have been awarded medals by the superior, Lukin's division can also be awarded to the guard division. Title. In that case, our group army is a veritable guard."

"Comrade Colonel, this report will not be handed in until we have successfully captured Moziri." Kirilov retracted the report in front of Sergeikov and stuffed it into his briefcase. Said: "So in the battle to liberate Moziri a few days later, we must fight more brilliantly."

"Comrade Commander, I have an idea, I don't know if I should say it or not?" After Kirilov finished speaking, Sederikov turned his head and looked at me cautiously: "It's about this siege battle. ."

"Comrade Colonel, I now order the troops in the west of the city to build a line of defense on the east bank of the Pripyat River." Based on what I know about Sergeikov, I can easily guess what he wants to say, so I said first: "Wait. The fortifications are almost repaired, and I will gather the commanders of all divisions here to hold a battle summary meeting and make a battle summary of the battle last night."

"It's great, it's really great." Sergeikov looked at me in awe and said, "Comrade Commander, I just wanted to talk about this. I didn't expect you to have thought about it first."


In the evening, the commanders of the divisions, as well as the commanders of the tank brigade and artillery regiment, all came to my headquarters to participate in my temporary post-war summary meeting.

After the meeting began, Kirilov first announced the promotion order issued by the group army: Lieutenant Colonel Lukin, commander of the 375th Infantry Division, was promoted to the rank of colonel; and Captain Grams of the Guard Corps was also promoted to the rank of colonel because of his outstanding combat achievements. The rank of major.

Regarding the promotion of these two people, the commanders who participated in the meeting did not have any objections. After all, the contributions they made in the battle to liberate Kalinkovic are obvious to all.

Then, everyone had a heated discussion about the many problems that existed in this battle. Regarding everyone’s opinions, I did not express my opinions lightly. I just recorded them one by one so that they could be useful when inspecting the commanders in the future.

As the discussion was in full swing, the telephone in the headquarters rang. Bezikov, who was closest to the phone, walked over and picked up the phone, but because the room was too noisy, he couldn't hear what the other party was saying. So he covered the microphone with his hand and yelled at the commanders who were discussing intensely: "Quiet, everyone is quiet, I can't hear what was said on the phone."

With his roar, the headquarters, which was as lively as a vegetable market, suddenly became silent. Then Bezikov put the microphone in his ear again and said loudly, "I am Colonel Bezikov, Chief of Staff of the Group Army, where are you?...What, what did you say?... Repeat it again." Hear the last. , He said angrily, "I know."

After putting down the phone, he reported to me: "Comrade Commander, the frontier reported that a German army has crossed the Pripyat River and launched a fierce attack on my troops stationed on the east bank."

"The enemy crossed the Pripyat River?" The news reported by Bezikov surprised all of us. I didn't expect that the German army had just lost the battle and was able to launch a counterattack against us so soon. I hurriedly asked: "Where is the battle going now?"

Bezikov glanced at the commander sitting below, then walked to the map, pointed it at it with an explanation stick, and said: "According to the report from the observation post, the enemy crossing the river is approaching the defense zone of the 52nd Division. Launched an attack. In the defensive area of ​​the 90th Guards Division and the 375th Infantry Division, signs of German assembly on the west bank were also found. Attacked from the position."

Hearing the enemy’s sudden attack, I didn’t have the mind to hold another summary meeting, so I stood up, put my hands on the edge of the table, looked at the many commanders sitting below, and said, “Well, comrades commanders, because The Germans suddenly launched an offensive, and our meeting today will be here for the time being. The commanders of the 52nd and 90th Guards Division and the 375th Infantry Division immediately returned to the army to stop the German attack."

After watching Sergeikov, he raised his head and said to me: "Comrade Commander, this is really great. If all the troops have been awarded medals by the superior, Lukin's division can also be awarded to the guard division. Title. In that case, our group army is a veritable guard."

"Comrade Colonel, this report will not be handed in until we have successfully captured Moziri." Kirilov retracted the report in front of Sergeikov and stuffed it into his briefcase. Said: "So in the battle to liberate Moziri a few days later, we must fight more brilliantly."

"Comrade Commander, I have an idea, I don't know if I should say it or not?" After Kirilov finished speaking, Sederikov turned his head and looked at me cautiously: "It's about this siege battle. ."

"Comrade Colonel, I now order the troops in the west of the city to build a line of defense on the east bank of the Pripyat River." Based on what I know about Sergeikov, I can easily guess what he wants to say, so I said first: "Wait. The fortifications are almost repaired, and I will gather the commanders of all divisions here to hold a battle summary meeting and make a battle summary of the battle last night."

"It's great, it's really great." Sergeikov looked at me in awe and said, "Comrade Commander, I just wanted to talk about this. I didn't expect you to have thought about it first."


In the evening, the commanders of the divisions, as well as the commanders of the tank brigade and artillery regiment, all came to my headquarters to participate in my temporary post-war summary meeting.

After the meeting began, Kirilov first announced the promotion order issued by the group army: Lieutenant Colonel Lukin, commander of the 375th Infantry Division, was promoted to the rank of colonel; and Captain Grams of the Guard Corps was also promoted to the rank of colonel because of his outstanding combat achievements. The rank of major.

Regarding the promotion of these two people, the commanders who participated in the meeting did not have any objections. After all, the contributions they made in the battle to liberate Kalinkovic are obvious to all.

Then, everyone had a heated discussion about the many problems that existed in this battle. Regarding everyone’s opinions, I did not express my opinions lightly. I just recorded them one by one so that they could be useful when inspecting the commanders in the future.

As the discussion was in full swing, the telephone in the headquarters rang. Bezikov, who was closest to the phone, walked over and picked up the phone, but because the room was too noisy, he couldn't hear what the other party was saying. So he covered the microphone with his hand and yelled at the commanders who were discussing intensely: "Quiet, everyone is quiet, I can't hear what was said on the phone."

With his roar, the headquarters, which was as lively as a vegetable market, suddenly became silent. Then Bezikov put the microphone in his ear again and said loudly, "I am Colonel Bezikov, Chief of Staff of the Group Army, where are you?...What, what did you say?... Repeat it again." Hear the last. , He said angrily~lightnovelpub.net~ I know. "

After putting down the phone, he reported to me: "Comrade Commander, the frontier reported that a German army has crossed the Pripyat River and launched a fierce attack on my troops stationed on the east bank."

"The enemy crossed the Pripyat River?" The news reported by Bezikov surprised all of us. I didn't expect that the German army had just lost the battle and was able to launch a counterattack against us so soon. I hurriedly asked: "Where is the battle going now?"

Bezikov glanced at the commander sitting below, then walked to the map, pointed it at it with an explanation stick, and said: "According to the report from the observation post, the enemy crossing the river is approaching the defense zone of the 52nd Division. Launched an attack. In the defensive area of ​​the 90th Guards Division and the 375th Infantry Division, signs of German assembly on the west bank were also found. Attacked from the position."

Hearing the enemy’s sudden attack, I didn’t have the mind to hold another summary meeting, so I stood up, put my hands on the edge of the table, looked at the many commanders sitting below, and said, “Well, comrades commanders, because The Germans suddenly launched an offensive, and our meeting today will be here for the time being. The commanders of the 52nd and 90th Guards Division and the 375th Infantry Division immediately returned to the army to stop the German attack."