Burning Moscow

Chapter 1441: New tactics (medium)

Starting from Mozyri, it was a few hundred kilometers away from Rokosovsky’s headquarters. Although these areas are under the control of our army in name, no one can guarantee that they will not encounter small groups of German troops on the way. Therefore, I not only brought a guard company, but also chose to take a high safety factor. Armored vehicle.

With me was Major Bukov, the deputy commander of the Guard Corps. On the way, he smiled and said to me: "Comrade Commander, I used to accompany you to the front for inspections. This time I went to the front army headquarters. How did you think of riding in an armored vehicle? ?"

I clearly remember that at most one month later, General Vatutin, the commander of the Ukrainian First Front Army, was attacked by the enemy on his way out for inspections. As a result, he was seriously injured. After being hospitalized for a long time, he was still unfortunate. died. In order not to repeat the same mistakes, I can't take my life to risk it. As soon as Bukov finished speaking, I smiled and said to him: "Comrade Major, we are going to a place hundreds of kilometers away. Whether we will encounter danger on the way, this is something that no one can tell, so in order to For safety, it’s better to ride in an armored vehicle."

Riding an armored car is safer than a jeep, but the car is too boring, and it is fine for a short distance. If you travel for a long distance, you are prone to motion sickness. Thinking of the almost ten-hour drive to the front army headquarters, in order to prevent motion sickness, after the car started, Bukov and I chatted for a few words, leaned back on the back of the chair and closed our eyes and calmed down.

At first I just closed my eyes and rested, but after the car swayed for a while, I fell asleep unconsciously. I don’t know how long I slept, but I suddenly felt the car stop, so I opened my eyes and asked Bukov sitting next to me vigilantly: "Major, where are we?"

Hearing my question, Bukov quickly replied: "Comrade Commander, we have just passed Zhilobin and we are now sailing to Pugachev."

Hearing that the car hadn’t arrived at Pugachev, I couldn’t help frowning, because we had to drive more than 100 kilometers after Pugachev to reach the front army headquarters, so I asked bluntly: "Why? parking?"

"There was gunshots ahead," Bukov finished, listened to the outside, and then said to me: "Judging from the gunshots, there are our Mosin Lagan rifles, Popov submachine guns, and German MP40 submachine guns. ."

I also listened attentively to the movement outside. Although the gunshots continued, it didn't sound like a battle of positions. I turned to look at Bukov and asked, "Major, what's the situation outside?"

"I think it may be our people who have encountered the small German army." In order to let me know the state of the outside world, Bukov added a special sentence: "The German army sometimes sends motorized squads to bypass our army's defenses. The zone, come to attack our transportation line, I think this may be the case."

Regarding Bukov’s analysis, I nodded and agreed. Since we can send people behind the enemy to do damage, the enemy can also go to our rear and give back to the enemy. Thinking of this, I immediately told Bukov: "Major, you take someone to the front to see what's going on?"

"Okay," Bukov said, nodding his head, "I will take a platoon to see. If it is a small German unit, we can completely wipe them out or repel them."

"One platoon is too few." Seeing Bukov put his hand on the door handle, I stopped him and ordered: "Leave me a squad. You take away the rest of the soldiers."

"Ah, there is only one squad left?" When I said this, Bukov's face showed a panic expression, and he said nervously: "Comrade Commander, there is only such a small amount of troops left, if the enemy rushes here. Come here, won't you be in danger?"

"Don't worry, Comrade Major. Before you come back, I will stay in the armored car. A squad of fighters will protect me from any danger." After that, I waved at him and said: " Go ahead, if you delay any more, those commanders who encounter the German army will pay more sacrifices."

After Bukov left, I closed the car door and told the soldier who controlled the machine gun: "Be prepared for battle. If you see the Germans rushing towards us, I will open fire immediately. With intensive firepower, They are all killed."

"Yes, Comrade Commander." Sitting in front of the machine gun was an elderly corporal. After he raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead, he turned to me and said, "I will never let the enemy rush to the car. of."

Through the observation hole on the armored car, I saw Bukov running by our car with hundreds of soldiers from the guard company. The guard squad that was staying to protect me also pulled a cordon around the armored vehicles. The soldiers looked for cover and stared vigilantly forward with their weapons.

After Bukov led the people to rush up, the gunshots first became intense, accompanied by the explosion of grenade. After less than five minutes, the gunfire became thinner. I thought that Bukov had brought hundreds of people. Such a force could not be eliminated in such a short period of time. Then only the Germans would be eliminated. I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief in my heart.

I stood up and bent slightly to push the door. The soldier next to me quickly stopped me: "Comrade Commander, you can't go out. It's too dangerous outside."

"Don't worry, Comrade Soldier." I smiled at the soldier who was concerned about my safety, and said, "Did you not hear that the gunfire outside has stopped? This may be a soldier from the guard company led by Major Bukov. The enemy is wiped out."

Hearing what I said, the soldier took the initiative to help me open the door of the car and got out of the car first. He stood outside the car and looked around. He turned his head and said to me, "Comrade Commander, it is safe outside. You can come out."

I was standing next to the armored vehicle and saw a small hill on the right side of the road, and the road turned a bend against the hill fifty or sixty meters ahead. Seeing the black smoke rising from the other side of the hillside, I guessed that the front must be the place where the battle took place, but I didn't know what convoy was attacked by the Germans.

At this moment, the soldier next to me said loudly to me: "Comrade Commander, look at you, Major Bukov is back."

I looked in the direction of his fingers and saw a group of people turning out from the side of the hillside, walking towards us along the road. I was anxious to know what was going on ahead, so I hurried forward to meet it.

When the people Bukov and I were taking were still more than ten meters apart, a person suddenly walked out of the crowd and said loudly to me: "Hello, General Oshanina, I didn't expect us to meet here. Up."

Hearing the voices of the people who came here was very familiar. I looked intently. It turned out that it was General Batov, commander of the 65th Army, which surprised me. I took a few steps forward, stretched out my hands to hold his preemptive hand, and asked with concern: "General Batov, why are you here? What happened?"

Batov shook his head while shaking hands with me and said, "Oh, forget it, I was ordered to go to the front army headquarters for a meeting, but just turned the front corner, I was ambushed by the German army. Because our convoy was exposed There was no obstruction on the open road. As a result, the guards I led suffered heavy casualties. If your subordinates hadn't arrived in time, it is estimated that now you can only collect the body for me in the past."

Hearing Batov's words so serious, I turned my head and looked at Bukov standing behind him, and asked loudly, "Comrade Major, what's the situation? Has the enemy been wiped out?"

"Yes, Comrade Commander." Bukov nodded and replied: "We rushed up from the enemy's side and hit them by surprise. The number of enemies was small, so we rushed up. It only took a few minutes. Wiped them out."

"How about the casualties?" I didn't ask how many enemies were eliminated, but first asked about the casualties of the troops.

"Comrade Oshanina, you are so kind." Batov heard the question I asked Bukov and immediately gave me a thumbs up. "As a commander, you didn't ask the troops first. The result of the battle, but the casualties of our army, is really sympathetic to the subordinates." He did not wait for me to make any response, and went on to say, "My guard platoon sacrificed 27 men and killed 9 enemies. And Your troops only sacrificed 3 people and wounded 1 person, killed 11 enemies and captured 4 others."

After Batov finished speaking, I asked, "Where are the prisoners?"

"On the road ahead." Bukov swung in the direction of the black smoke and asked me for instructions: "Comrade Commander, do we need to be interrogated?"

Hearing Bukov’s question, I almost asked him to bring the prisoners over for me to interrogate, but then I thought, I had to rush to the front army headquarters, there was no need to waste time on the road, so I waved my hand and said. : "No, major, you take the prisoners, and when we get to the front headquarters, we will interrogate them."

After finishing talking, I smiled and sent out an invitation to Batov: "General Batov, since we are all going to the front headquarters, let's take my armored car and go together."

The convoy continued, I looked at the burning vehicles on the side of the road through the observation hole, and said to Batov with lingering fear: "General Batov, look, your convoy has two jeeps and a truck destroyed. It’s so dangerous. Why don’t you ride in an armored vehicle so that even if you encounter an enemy’s attack, your life can be guaranteed.”

Unexpectedly, Batov waved his hand after hearing my concerns, and said disapprovingly: "Comrade Oshanina, as a high-level commander, we have to set an example for the soldiers. If we go out, we will take a ride. Armored vehicles, that would leave the soldiers with an impression of greed and fear of death..." He just said that, as if he found that he had said something wrong, he smiled and said, "I'm sorry, I'm not talking about you. I……"

Regarding Batov’s unintentional remarks, I waved my hands and pretended to be generous and said: “It’s okay, General Batov, it’s nothing at all. You don’t have to take this matter to heart.” Although my words are beautiful , But he muttered in his heart: "If you don't protect yourself well, if you encounter a German attack on the road and lose your life, that would have been wronged." At the same time, I secretly made a decision in my heart, and I don't care about it in the future. Everywhere, you must ride in armored vehicles, and you can even ride in tanks when necessary. Although sitting in a tank is more uncomfortable than an armored vehicle, it at least greatly improves the safety factor.

I closed the armor plate of the observation hole, turned around and asked Batov: "General Batov, you also received the general's order to rush to the front army headquarters to participate in the study?"

"Study, what to learn?" Hearing this question from me, Batov asked with a blank face: "Didn't we tell us to go to the military meeting?"

"Why, General Batov, the notice you received was to attend a military meeting?" Batov's words confused me. Why did Rokosovsky tell me that he was going to learn new tactics, and When Batov was notified, he said he was participating in a military meeting? Thinking of this, I curiously asked Batov: "I don't know who called you."

"Who else? Of course it is General Malinin, Chief of Staff of the Front Army." Batov said with a wry smile: "He ordered me to transfer the command of the troops to my deputy, and then immediately rushed to the front army headquarters as quickly as possible. Go to the upcoming military conference."

Due to the differences in the content of the notices we received, I don’t know which statement is correct, so I stopped struggling with this matter, so I changed the subject in time and asked: "General Batov, Gome Leigh’s German army has fallen into your siege~lightnovelpub.net~ I don’t know when we can launch the final attack on them?"

"I think maybe the theme of this military meeting is to discuss when to eliminate the enemies of Gomel." With regard to my question, Batov said to me with an optimistic expression: "The German army besieged by us, because of land traffic has already We are completely cut off, they can only supply supplies through the air. However, as our air force intensified air patrols in the area, the number of their airdrops has been greatly reduced. Even if we do not take the initiative to attack, I believe they will not be able to support it for long. Up."

"If the enemies of Gomel are not eliminated, then we will have a considerable number of troops confined in the area." Although the enemies of Gomel are under the siege of the Ukrainian First Front and our fronts, I have Not as optimistic as Batov. After all, there are still more than 10,000 enemies in the encirclement. If we want to completely eat them, we are bound to pay a great price. "Only when the enemy here is completely wiped out, then we can turn our heads, concentrate the superior forces, and launch the final attack on the enemy in the direction of Minsk."

"Yes, yes, you are right." As soon as I finished speaking, Batov nodded in agreement: "As long as the enemies of Gomel are not completely wiped out, the troops of our army will not be able to move. Don't say turning around and attacking Minsk. When I see Comrade General this time, I must ask him to issue a total order as soon as possible to eliminate the enemies of Gomel as soon as possible." (To be continued.)