Burning Moscow

Chapter 1443: Main attack direction (1)

After the meeting, Rokosovsky left me alone, saying that he wanted to have a good talk with me, and at the same time let the chief of staff I am familiar with, Ma Linin, to accompany me.

After chatting with me for a few words, Ma Lining turned the subject to the next combat mission. He opened the door and asked: "Lida, when our army has achieved absolute victory over the Dnieper River and the Ukrainian region on the right bank, in what direction will we open up a new battlefield?"

"To be precise, it is the main attack direction of the summer campaign. Where do you think it will be?" Rokosovsky added as soon as Malinin said: "I think our army will achieve a complete victory in Ukraine. At least until after May. Waiting for the Supreme Command to provide us with supplements of soldiers and supplies, and when we enter the battle, it should have entered the summer. So what we are discussing now is the main attack direction of the summer campaign."

After listening to Malinin and Rokosovsky’s words, I did not immediately tell the two of my "conjecture", but weirdly asked: "Comrade General and Chief of Staff, where is the main direction of our army’s summer campaign? This is a question for the Supreme Command and the General Staff to consider. I'm just a small commander of the group army. I don't seem to be qualified to talk about this, right?"

After Rokosovsky waited for me to finish talking, he smiled at Malinin, and then continued: "Lida, I want to tell you the good news first. According to the news from the Supreme Command, you will be in the near future. If we can command a front army alone, maybe our two units will fight side by side by then. We are now studying the main attack direction to lay the foundation for future cooperation."

From Rokosovsky's mouth, knowing that I have the opportunity to be the commander of the front, my heartbeat speeded up, and my heart said this was the real thing, or did he play with me? My gaze was swept back and forth between the faces of the two of them, and seeing that they both looked as usual, it is estimated that I would not be fooled by such a major event, so I didn’t hide it, and took the history that I knew. The form of "speculation" came out.

"Comrade General, Comrade Chief of Staff," I got up and walked to the map, pointing to the map and said to the two of them: "I think my superiors may order the troops of the Baltic Sea Coast Front Army to attack first, cutting off the connection between the German Army Group North and the mainland. , Let the troops attack Plotzk and Drissa along the Sidwe River to take Riga."

"Wait a minute, Lida." As soon as I finished talking about the upcoming action by the front forces on the Baltic coast, Malinen was interrupted. He frowned and said, "I think it is not possible to launch a large-scale attack on the Germans on the Baltic coast. Surprisingly, because the Germans belong to the internal battle on this front, they can use the perfect railway network and roads they control to maintain their advantage in mobility. On the other hand, there are many in this area. The swamps and lakes are not conducive to the use of tank troops by our army."

"That's right, Comrade Chief of Staff, your analysis is right." As soon as I waited for Ma Lining to finish speaking, I continued: "In the direction of our main attack, if we want to use tank corps to fight, we must have a vast plain. We can think of this issue, and the Germans can also take it into consideration."

"It makes sense, it makes sense." Rokosovsky interrupted and said: "According to the German military theory, they think tank troops are more suitable for combat in the plains. Lida, since you mentioned this issue, I miss you I must have my own ideas, let's listen to them."

I smiled at Rokosovsky and said, "Comrade General, if we want to ensure the suddenness of the campaign, I think we should attack by surprise in places that the Germans did not expect. In this way, the main direction of attack will be The Baltic Sea coast will become the swamp and lake area of ​​Belarus."

Hearing what I said, Rokosovsky stood up abruptly and walked quickly to the wall, looked up at the map in front of him, frowned and thought. In order to prevent interrupting his thoughts, I stood beside him silently and looked at him quietly.

I didn't speak, Malinen didn't speak, we just stood still and stared at Rokosovsky, and the whole command fell into silence.

After a long time, Rokosovsky turned and looked at me and said: "Lida, I think what you said is very reasonable. After returning to the army, you have to send more reconnaissance teams to conduct all-round investigations on the German army. Reconnaissance and figure out the deployment of their troops so that we can have a good grasp of the terrain of Belarus when we launch an offensive in the future."


I rushed back to my headquarters overnight. As soon as I walked in, Kistyakov greeted me and asked: "Comrade Commander, I don’t know what General Rokosovsky said at today’s military meeting. Are our troops preparing to attack Minsk?"

I waved at him, and after sitting in my seat, I said to him and Bezikov sitting next to him: "The things discussed in today's military meeting are very simple, that is, let the various armies be in the existing defensive zone. , To strengthen and improve the defense system to prevent possible counterattacks by the Germans."

After listening to what I said at the military conference, Kistyakov said in disappointment: "It turned out to be like this. I thought the superiors were going to order us to attack Minsk."

"Comrade Deputy Commander," seeing Kistyakov's disappointed expression on his face, I quickly comforted him: "Don't say it's you, even me, I want to immediately organize an attack on Minsk, and I will be entrenched. All the German forces in that area were wiped out, freeing our city from the enemy's clutches. But, no, the current conditions are not yet mature."

"What conditions are still immature?" Bezikov heard me say this, and said unconvincingly: "The Germans only have the second, fourth, and ninth army in Belarus, and our army has enough. It’s twice as much as they are. If you attack them at the same time, I don’t believe they can stop it."

"Comrade Chief of Staff," I said patiently after listening to Bezikov's angry words: "Don't even think that the enemy has only three group armies in name, but their strength and equipment are still relatively large compared to our entire front. Advantages. Not to mention that we have fewer troops than the enemy, even if we have an advantage in military strength, but if we don’t have enough ammunition, we rashly attack the enemy, and we will only end in defeat in the end. At the beginning of last year, we were on the left bank of the Dnieper. In the battle, although the troops were several times stronger than the enemy, the Germans were beaten to the ground due to the inability to keep up with the logistical supplies. We can no longer repeat the same mistakes on the land of Belarus."

"Did your superiors say when we can attack the enemy?" Kistyakov asked unwillingly. ,

"At present, our army is in the Ukrainian region on the right bank of the Dnieper River, fighting hard with the German army." I continued to explain to the two of them: "Because the Supreme Command’s supply of soldiers and weapons and equipment. They are all inclined to the Ukrainian troops, so We have to wait for the final victory in the battle in Ukraine to get enough supplies."

"The fighting on the right bank of the Dnieper River is going very fiercely." Kistyakov turned his head and looked at the map on the wall, and said thoughtfully: "Although our troops hold the initiative on the battlefield, they continue to attack the enemy. Attacks are launched, but the enemy is also engaged in a stubborn defense. I estimate that this battle will not be known until June at the earliest."

"What, it won’t be known until June?" Bezikov listened to Kistyakov’s analysis and said in surprise: "In this way, our attack on Minsk will not be postponed until after July. ?"

"Almost," Kistyakov's gaze continued to stay on the map. To Bezikov's question, he just said casually: "If the attacks of several fronts in Ukraine go smoothly, the entire campaign will be completed in June, Then we can launch an offensive against the Germans in Belarus in early July or a little earlier."

From later generations, I remember very clearly the time of the Soviet attack, but in this case, I would definitely not jump out as a magic stick and tell them that the attack on the German army will be carried out on a certain day, but a certain day. Sitting beside him silently, listening to the conversation between the two quietly.

Although Kistyakov did not become the commander of the Sixth Guards Army as in real history, he was still very capable. He got up and walked to the wall, pointed to the map on the wall and said to us: "Look, our defense area and Minsk are all swamps, lakes and forests. If we attack now, we can still use the frozen Favorable conditions, a large number of tank troops are used in the swamp area. If the offensive starts at the end of June and early July, these swamps and lakes will become obstacles to our use of tank troops."

After listening to Kistyakov’s analysis, I couldn’t help but nod secretly, because in the offensive launched a few months later, due to the impact of the swamp and lake, the number of Soviet tank units put into battle was very limited. His analysis was consistent with that of the Soviet Union. The judgment of the General Staff of the Army is completely unanimous.

After expressing his opinion, Kistyakov turned to look at me and said, "Comrade Commander, do you have anything to add?"

"Comrade Deputy Commander, I think you made a lot of sense." I wanted to flatter him, and then said: "If the offensive is really carried out in June and July, our troops can only pass through swamps and lakes. , Launched an attack on the enemy. But I think since we all feel that it is difficult to use tank troops in these places, I believe the Germans will also think about it."

Hearing what I said, Kistyakov showed a puzzled expression on his face. As soon as I finished speaking, he immediately asked back: "Comrade Commander, I don't understand what you intend to express?"

"Since the enemy and we both think it is difficult to deploy large forces in these places." I walked to the map, pointed at the blank area between Mozyrkalinkovich and Minsk with an explanation stick, and said to him: "Then one Come, their defense of this area will not be very tight. You see, according to the information we currently have, on the edge of the swamp, the German army only deployed sporadic defense forces on some commanding heights..."

"Did the German troops only deploy small units on the edge of the swamp?" When Bezikov heard this, he couldn't help but interjected and asked: "Comrade Commander, I don't know how you learned this news?"

When I heard Bezikov asking this, I immediately realized that I was leaking. We did not send scouts to the enemy's defense zone to conduct reconnaissance. How could we know what kind of troops the enemy had deployed on the edge of the swamp? So I quickly changed my words and said: "I learned this information from the intelligence department of the Front Army Command." Thinking that it is impossible for the two of them to check with Rokosovsky or Malinin for this kind of thing, I continued cheeky. Flickered, "I guess it may be General Batov’s troops. In order to successfully capture Moziri and Kalinkovic, they sent people to conduct reconnaissance. But because they were confessed by the Germans, these reconnaissances Naturally, the intelligence of the army was handed over to the intelligence unit of the front army."

"Oh, it turned out to be like this." After listening to my explanation ~lightnovelpub.net~ Bezikov's face showed a sudden realization, and he went on to say: "But General Batov and they spied The intelligence is from a long time ago. Perhaps as we successfully occupied Moziri and Kalinkovic, the deployment of the German forces may be adjusted."

"The chief of staff is right." Kistyakov echoed: "In order to figure out the enemy's military deployment, I think we should immediately send scouts to go deep into the enemy's defenses and figure out their military deployment. In this way, when the offensive campaign begins, we can launch a targeted attack."

"Since we were placed under the command of the Belarusian Front from the Ukrainian First Front, the best scout, Major Travkin, left our establishment." Speaking of sending people to reconnaissance, Bezikov said Thinking of Travkin, the former reconnaissance battalion commander, he couldn't help but said with emotion: "So far, I have not found a more capable scout than him. It would be nice if we could bring him back from the Ukrainian First Front. "

To be honest, I also really want to get Travkin back from Vatutin, but when I think of the level of secrecy of the tasks involved, I know that this is a wishful thinking. After a long sigh, I reluctantly said to Bezikov: "Forget it, Comrade Chief of Staff, I think it is impossible for Major Travkin to return to the establishment. For the sake of safety, you are still here. In some troops, pick out a few suitable scouts." To be continued.