Burning Moscow

Chapter 1456: Tiger father without dog girl (part 2)

Zhukov looked at the long blood transfusion line on the other side of the corridor, nodded slightly, turned his head and said to me: "Lida, you are still so careful and thoughtful. If you didn't transfer the guards here in advance, it would be fine. Looking for plasma will waste a lot of time."

"Yes, it's the deputy commander's precautionary work well." Moskalenko, who was next to Zhukov, said with a smile, "With so many soldiers coming to donate blood, I believe it should be able to satisfy the operation. In need of it."

Hearing Zhukov and Moskalenko’s praise for me, I just smiled faintly, then snarled at the lieutenant standing by the window, and said: "I think that lieutenant comrade is very good, if it weren’t for him Clever, opened the window in the corridor and directly called in the soldiers waiting in the yard. It is estimated that we will have to go downstairs to find someone, which will inevitably delay some time. In the race against time for rescue, every minute To us, they are all precious."

"What you said makes sense." Zhukov nodded in agreement with my statement, and then he greeted the lieutenant: "Hey, comrade lieutenant, please come over!"

Hearing Zhukov's call, the lieutenant hurried over in stride. After standing in front of us, his chin was slightly raised, and he asked respectfully: "Comrade Marshal, what instructions do you have?"

Zhukov looked him up and down, nodded, and then asked: "Comrade Lieutenant, what is your name and what do you do?"

The lieutenant did not answer Zhukov's question immediately, but glanced at Moskalenko secretly, seeming to be seeking the other party's opinion. Seeing Moskalenko nodded slightly to express his permission, he replied: "Report to Comrade Marshal, I am the staff officer of the 38th Army Intelligence Division, named Yefim, Lieutenant Yefim."

"Comrade Yefim, you will be the captain from now on." After Zhukov said this, he turned his head and glanced at me, and then added: "This is a reward for your effective work."

Lieutenant Yefim never dreamed that he just took the guard company from the camp to the hospital, and after shouting two voices upstairs, he was actually promoted to captain, and he couldn't help being ecstatic. However, he quickly stabilized his emotions, straightened his body and said loudly: "Originally serving the Soviet motherland!"

"Quiet, Comrade Commander, this is the hospital, please keep quiet." As soon as Yefim's voice fell, the nurse holding the blood bottle came to us, and she whispered to the somewhat triumphant Yefim: "Don't you know that there is an operation going on inside?"

After the nurse finished teaching Yefim, she remembered that they were almost all senior commanders. She looked at Zhukov and said in a flustered manner: "Yes...I'm sorry, Yuan...Comrade Marshal, I...I don't...not on purpose. "

"Comrade nurse, you are doing the right thing." Seeing that the nurse looked a little embarrassed because of the nervousness, Zhu Kefu quickly comforted her and said, "It's our fault. Hurry up and send the blood for the operation in first."

After hearing Zhukov's words, the nurse nodded in relief, opened the door of the operating room and walked in quickly, and then closed it again.

The operation lasted for two hours, the door of the operating room opened again, and the hospital director came out first. He smiled at Zhukov and Khrushchev, then raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead and said: "Comrade Marshal, Comrade Military Commissioner, she has nine pieces of shrapnel in her abdomen and arms. I have taken them all out. Completely free from the danger of life."

"Is her injury serious?" Although I heard that the operation was successful and all the shrapnel had been taken out, Zhukov still asked uneasy: "When can I wake up?"

The dean raised his hand and looked at his watch, and then said: "The anesthetic will expire in half an hour, and she will probably be able to wake up by then. Don't worry, Comrade Marshal, she will be able to get out of bed and walk in at most one week. ."

As soon as the dean had finished speaking, several nurses pushed Ada, who was lying on the flat car, out of the operating room. Zhukov waved his hand and motioned everyone to make way for the nurse. The commanders standing in the corridor stepped out of a passage and silently watched Ada, who was faint and unconscious on the flat car.

When the nurse was pushing the flatcar away, Zhukov told Moskalenko: "Comrade General, Ada is out of danger. You don't need to stay here anymore. You should go back to the army to arrange work first."

The dean and the military representative knew that Ada was an important person, so a single room was specially arranged for her. I followed Zhukov and Khrushchev, walked into the ward, stood beside the bed, and quietly waited for Ada to wake up.

When Ada was pushed out of the operating room just now, I had never looked at her carefully. At this moment, I was standing by the bed, carefully looking at the childish little girl. She inherited the excellent genes of her parents, exquisite facial features, coupled with fair and smooth skin, a few years older, she will surely make countless men fall for her.

While I was looking at Ada carefully, I heard Khrushchev ask in a low voice: "Comrade Zhukov, do we need to notify Rokosovsky of this immediately?"

"Wait," I heard Zhukov sigh softly and said: "When Ada wakes up, let's tell Comrade Rokosovsky the news again."

I don't know how long it took, Ada who was in a coma finally opened her eyes. After a moment of loss of consciousness, she muttered: "Where am I?"

"Ada, you are awake!" Hearing Ada's muttering voice, Zhukov leaned over to her and asked with concern: "How do you feel?"

"It's you, Uncle Georgi." After Ada saw that the person in front of him was Zhukov, he grinned and grinned reluctantly, and then asked, "Where am I?"

"Where else can I be? Of course it's at the military hospital in Zhytomyr." Khrushchev stood on the other side of the bed, bent down and asked with concern: "Ada, is the wound hurting badly?"

"It turned out to be Uncle Khrushchev. You came to see me too." Ada tried to squeeze a smile at Khrushchev and said: "The wound doesn't hurt, it just feels swelling, and my head is very dizzy."

I know from Ada's two names for Zhukov and Khrushchev that she is much closer to Zhukov. I was thinking about how to reply to this little girl. I happened to hear her talking about the wounds and her hair faint. I quickly smiled and said to her: "Ada, don’t worry, these are normal reactions after surgery. The dean who performed the operation also said that you can get out of bed and walk in at most one week." I don’t doubt the dean’s statement at all, because I know that many Russian women in later generations are doing bad things. On the day of the abdominal delivery, you can get out of bed and walk around. Ada's body still looks quite strong, and it should be no problem at all to get out of bed and walk after a week.

"You are Lida." I didn't identify myself at all. I didn't expect Ada to say to me proactively: "I once heard my father mention you, saying that he had fought side by side with you in the battle to defend Moscow. ."

As she said, she wanted to sit up, but she didn't expect to get a wound. She couldn't help but whispered in pain. I hurriedly stepped forward two steps, held her hand, and asked with concern: "Ada, let me see if your wound is cracked." After that, I planned to take away Ada's hand and inspect the wound.

Unexpectedly, Ada gripped the sheet covering his body tightly with his hands, resisting the pain, and said to me shyly: "Lida, what's so good about my wound."

Hearing what she said, I realized that I was a bit too reckless. Not long after Ada had the operation, she probably didn't wear any clothes on her body, even if there was a bandage on her abdomen, I lifted the quilt and let her go, right? It doesn’t matter if I am alone, Zhukov and Khrushchev are still standing next to the key, so I immediately gave up the plan to look at her wounds, instead holding her hand, smiling and saying to her: "Ada, you It’s amazing. When the convoy was in an ambush, it counterattacked calmly and successfully killed two German machine gunners, greatly reducing the sacrifices of our army’s wounded."

"Lida, you passed the award." Ada said to me in a weak voice: "I heard my father say that you used to be with a warrant officer and four other female soldiers to intercept the destructive German army behind our army. The paratroopers succeeded in completing their mission despite being outnumbered. They wiped out most of the enemies and even captured a few. Did you know? When I heard my father tell this story, I secretly made up my mind. We must learn from you and use the weapon in your hand to destroy more enemies."

I didn’t expect that Ada was still my fan, so I smiled and said to her: "Dear Ada, you have done a great job. As a young recruit, you did not panic when you were suddenly attacked. , But carried out a heroic counterattack and achieved results. This is a very remarkable thing."

Having said that, I turned my head and asked Zhukov tentatively: "Comrade Marshal, with Ada's performance, I think she can be awarded a ‘Courage Medal’, what do you think?"

"I have no opinion." Zhukov naturally agreed to my proposal, but out of respect for Khrushchev, he did not immediately decide this time. Instead, he asked in a soliciting tone: "Khrushchev Comrade husband, what's your opinion?"

After listening to Zhukov’s words, Khrushchev quickly swept the corner of his eyes from the row of medals hanging on my chest, and then said: “Comrade Zhukov, I think Ada was very brave in this encounter. It is far from enough to award her the'Courage Medal'. I think she can still be awarded a higher level medal."

"Well, this proposal of yours can be considered." Zhukov said here, raised his hand and looked at his watch, and said: "We can wait a few days for the specific medal to be awarded to Ada. But the time for us to come out is not short. It's time to go back to the headquarters." After speaking, he stood up and said to Ada, "Ada, I still have work to deal with. Next time I come to see you, you can stay here to heal your wounds with peace of mind."

Seeing that the three of us were leaving, Ada suddenly raised his voice and shouted: "Uncle Georgi!"

Zhukov, who always likes to have a straight face, is like a amiable old man at the moment. He smiled at Ada lying on the hospital bed and asked: "Ada, what else do you have?"

"Uncle Georgi," Ada said with an effort to squeeze a smile on his face, "Please don't tell my father about my injuries, lest he worry and affect his command of operations."

After hearing Ada’s request, Zhukov stood there hesitated for a moment, then shook his head and said: "I'm sorry, Ada, uncle can promise you anything else, but this matter is not possible. You may not know it yet. Comrade Stalin has sent someone to find your mother in the rear and sent her to Belarus. Maybe she will come here to see you in a few days. Even if you want to conceal this matter, you can't keep it. Now I will tell you this. Notifying your father of something will also give him a psychological preparation."

Seeing Zhukov said this, Ada knew that it was impossible to hide this from his father, so he could only give a soft "um" and then never speak again.

The three of us walked out of the hospital, squeezed into a jeep and returned to the headquarters.

On the way, Khrushchev said with emotion: "Rokosovsky is an excellent commander who has a calm mind and is not surprised. Dogless girl. His daughter, Ada, at a young age, has also shown maturity and sophistication that does not match her age. Rokosovsky is a successor."

After listening to Khrushchev's words, Zhukov smiled and said to him: "Comrade Khrushchev, since we can now have a General Oshanina, why can't there be another General Ada in the future? Let Rokosov Both the father and daughter of Ski have become generals in our army, and this will surely be a good story in the future."

"Comrade Marshal, I think the situation where father and daughter are both generals may not appear." After I said this, both Zhukov and Khrushchev showed surprised expressions on their faces, hurry up Explained: "From the current situation, we can completely defeat the enemy within two years at most ~lightnovelpub.net~. Ada will be promoted from an ordinary soldier to a general. Even if you are lucky, It will take three to five years, or even longer. As for General Rokosovsky, based on his current military abilities and achievements, I believe it will not be long before his epaulettes Will become the epaulette of Grand Marshal Venus."

After I finished explaining, Zhukov and Khrushchev looked at each other and laughed at the same time. Khrushchev laughed for a while and said: "Comrade Zhukov, I think Lida is very reasonable. Even if Ada can succeed in becoming a general, it is impossible for the Rokosovsky family to have two generals at the same time. It's a marshal and a general."

At this moment, the jeep stopped suddenly. Zhukov asked in surprise: "Why stop?"

The driver turned his head and reported to him: "Comrade Marshal, there is a motorcycle in front of us blocking our way. It seems that there is something urgent to report to you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, I heard someone asking loudly from outside the car: "Is Comrade Marshal in the car?"

I heard this sound very familiar, and quickly turned my head and looked out the window. If I didn't look at it, I couldn't help but yelled, "Major Trafkin, is that you?" After I saw the person who came, I could not stop it.