Burning Moscow

Chapter 1463: Advance towards the border (6)

Zhukov stared at me for a while, then shook his head, and said slowly: "Lida, if the German army uses 15 divisions to counter assault our army, the possibility you said does exist. But at the moment. The enemy who carried out the counter assault has temporarily gained the upper hand, and it seems that there is no need for Barker to command the troops to break through the encirclement."

"But, Comrade Marshal." Jiang Zhukov paid no attention to my proposal. I couldn't help being a little anxious. I quickly raised my voice and said: "You should know that even if the enemy is attacking, this kind of offensive will not last long. Smashed. I beg you to send a reconnaissance plane to reconnaissance the activity area of ​​the German 48th Armored Division in order to keep abreast of the latest trends of the enemy..."

"Okay, you don't have to say it." Zhukov raised his hand to interrupt what I was following, and said arbitrarily: "Now it is not the issue of whether the German 48th Panzer Corps breaks through the siege, but the study of how to crush the German countermeasures Assault. The Chief of Staff," he said briefly to me, then called Bogolyubov, who was busy on the other side of the room, over, and said, "Notify the commanders of the army groups to go to the front army after dark. Headquarters meeting."

In my mind, Zhukov has always been an invincible and invincible talent. This is certainly related to the legend in the army that Zhukov will turn to the offensive wherever he is; more importantly, the big and small battles he commanded. , Both achieved great victories. Therefore, his image in my mind is very tall. But through the past few days of getting along, I found that he was sometimes self-serving and overconfident to listen to different opinions.

   When all the commanders of the participating army came to the headquarters. From their gloomy faces, I know how frustrated they are in today's battle. Yesterday, the Germans were still playing, but today they switched from the offensive side to the defensive side.

The first speaker was Chernyakhovsky. After introducing the defense situation of the group army, he said to Zhukov: "Comrade Marshal, the enemy has mobilized a reserve team, and under the cover of tanks and aircraft, they will attack our offensive troops. The offensive was launched. After the battle lasted for a few hours, although the enemy paid a huge price, because our army group was temporarily transferred to the defense, the fortifications on the position were simple, and the army’s ammunition was consumed in the battle of the past few days. , So in the afternoon, I had to give up part of the position. In a word, the offensive launched by the German army today has almost wiped out the results we have achieved in the past few days."

After Chernyakhovsky’s speech, Grechko also expressed similar views. He finally requested: "Comrade Marshal, under the current circumstances, I suggest that the troops temporarily stop offensive and rely on existing defenses. Fortifications come to consume a large amount of the enemy’s vital power."

With the leadership of the two commanders of the group army, the rest of the commanders no longer had any scruples. They talked about their views on the current situation, and then made a request to Zhukov, hoping that the troops could be fortified in place to consume the German army. There is vitality.

After Zhukov and all the commanders of the group army had expressed their opinions, he stood up and analyzed the situation to everyone: "Comrades, commanders, we succeeded in achieving tactical abruptness in the early stages of this battle, even though the enemy already knew it. We are ready to attack them, and we may even guess where our army will carry out the assault, because the deployment of our front army has shown this. The Germans are adding more and more fortifications on the expected breakthrough areas every day. , Even tuned elite troops to strengthen these areas, but under our powerful offensive, their defenses were quickly destroyed by us,..."

   As soon as he said this, a staff officer hurried over. Zhukov asked the staff with a grim expression: "What's the matter?" Obviously he was very upset that he was interrupted.

   Hearing Zhukov’s stern tone, the staff officer passed the telegram in his hand in a little panic, and said at the same time: "Comrade Marshal, an urgent call from the Supreme Command."

   Zhukov, who was originally full of anger, heard that it was an emergency call from the Supreme Command, and the expression on his face immediately became much softer. He received the telegram from the staff officer, quickly scanned it, and then handed it to me, and continued to analyze it to the commanders present.

   I took the telegram passed to me by Zhukov and took a look, and found that the higher-level thoughts coincided with ours. Order our front army to suspend offensive operations in the main direction and switch to defense on the spot, so as to counter German counter-assaults, mobilize troops, and prepare for more powerful assault operations.

After I read the content of the telegram, Zhukov also just finished analyzing the situation on the battlefield to the commanders present. He took the telegram from my hand, held it high above his head, and said loudly, "Comrades, commanders. This is a message sent by the Supreme Command, ordering us to suspend the offensive in the main offensive direction and switch to defense, and then switch to a new offensive after the enemy’s vital forces are consumed by our army."

   Everyone heard the command of the Supreme Command and turned offense to defense, and they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Zhukov waited for the house to return to calm, and then announced: "According to the order, after we re-enter the offensive, we will forcibly cross the Transnistria while on the move, and carry out a powerful assault on Chernowitz in order to advance. To the original border of our country.

In order to achieve this goal, after the new offensive was launched, the 13th Army was transferred to the right flank of the Front Army and attacked in the direction of Brodi and Lviv; the 18th and 38th Army on the left continued to attack Khmelnik, Attacks were launched in Vinnytsia, Zimmerinka and other areas. The 60th Army and the 1st Guards Army, together with the three tank armies concentrated there, under the air support of the aviation forces, used the most decisive action to destroy the enemy's resistance and quickly pushed to the south. "

   The military meeting hosted by Zhukov ended after only half an hour. As soon as Bogolyubov announced the end of the meeting, the commander stood up and saluted Zhukov and me, then turned and left the headquarters in file.

Seeing that there are only a few of us left in the command headquarters, I was hesitating whether to persuade Zhukov to focus on the 48th Panzer Corps of the German army, so as not to prevent Barker from jumping over the wall and taking advantage of other German troops to attack us at the same time. , He escaped from the gap of our defense line.

   "Lida, come here." Zhukov, who was already behind the desk, saw me standing at the conference table in a daze, so he greeted me. As I walked towards him, I took a closer look at his face and saw that he was actually smiling. It seemed that he was in a good mood at the moment.

   I walked up to him, thinking about how to revisit Barker, but he said first: "Lida, are you still thinking about the German 48th Panzer Corps?"

Seeing Zhukov guessed what was on my mind, I did not deny it, nodded vigorously, and said calmly and seriously: "Yes, Comrade Marshal, you guessed it right. I still stick to my original view, the 48th armor of the German army. The corps escaped from the gap between the 60th Army and the 1st Guards Army."

   "Lida, why are you so stubborn?" Zhukov said to me sternly: "So far, you can't see the enemy's goal, is it to drive our troops back to the starting point of the offensive?"

Seeing him frowning, I quickly replied: "Comrade Marshal, although the German army has achieved a lot in today's battle and seized some positions from our troops, this is only temporary. At most one week, we will have enough strength to launch a more powerful offensive, break through the strong defense zone of the German army, and advance to the border of our country. This is not only understood by us, I believe that Barker will also know it very well. For not Let his troops be driven into Romania by us, or eliminated, all he can do is to lead his troops to break through in unexpected directions when the timing is favorable for him."

After Zhukov waited for me to express these words clearly, he did not immediately express his opinion. Instead, he called Bogolyubov over and asked: "Chief of Staff, tell me what you think about Lida’s analysis. What I want to hear is the truth, don't use ambiguous words to perfuse me."

   I saw the awkward smile on Bogolyubov’s face, and I knew that he might be trying to get along with the mud, but Zhukov’s words made him a little bit dilemma. The general who had served as the first deputy head of the Department of Operations in the General Staff, hesitated for a long time, and finally said: "Comrade Marshal, I think the situation mentioned by the deputy commander is impossible." Originally, he thought that neither party should be guilty, but under the current circumstances, he can only choose to support Zhukov. "Even if the enemy cannot withstand our army's offensive, they can also choose to retreat into Romania. They can't break through our defense zone at the risk of the entire army being destroyed. Such a style of play is completely inconsistent with military theory."

   I don’t know what Bogolyubov’s true thoughts are in his mind, but I don’t care about his actions against Zhukov on the side of Zhukov. Since the chief of staff was dismissed from the post of deputy director of the operations department of the general staff, he has been in a state of unwillingness. He first went to the Northwest Front Army to serve as chief of staff for Konev and Kurochkin, and it took less than a year. , The front army was withdrawn. After turning to the army to serve as chief of staff for Vatutin, since Vatutin was originally a staff member, he always liked to do it himself, and he became a soy sauce role in the headquarters. Nowadays, he has finally come to Zhukov, who values ​​himself. He will definitely seize this opportunity and find ways to stay consistent with Zhukov, so that it will be helpful to his future.

I waited for Bogolyubov to finish, and after a brief weighing in my mind, I decisively said to Zhukov: "Comrade Marshal, although you think that the German 48th Panzer Corps will not break through the defense line of our army, but I I still retain my own opinion. At the same time, I beg you to send a reconnaissance team to closely monitor the movement of the force."

   "That's okay." Zhukov listened to my next sentence and said readily: "I will order the Reconnaissance Department. Once there is news about the German 48th Panzer Corps, I will report it to you as soon as possible."

   Zhukov can say that, it has given me a lot of face, and naturally I will not go against him again. Anyway, he already said that as long as there is news about the 48th Panzer Corps, I can know it for the first time, so as long as I find signs of a breakthrough in the enemy, I can justify Zhukov and ask him to deploy accordingly.

   I left the headquarters and walked not far along the corridor, Khrushchev quickly followed. With an expression of hatred for iron and steel on his face, he said to me in an educated tone: "Lida, how can you confront Comrade Zhukov? You know, he has been in the army longer than you, commanding combat. The experience is beyond your reach. Since he said that it is impossible for the German armored forces to pass through the middle of our defense zone, then it is certainly not wrong."

Looking at the leader standing in front of me, I couldn’t help feeling full of emotions. As early as the Defence of Stalingrad, he still looked down on me, but now he was worried that I might offend Zhukov. . Facing his love, I smiled at him slightly, and then said: "Comrade Military Committee, facts speak louder than words. As for whether the German army will break through the gap of our army's defense, I think it will be another week at most. You can see and know."

   "One week?" Khrushchev heard me speak so confidently that he couldn't help but wondered: "Lida, why are you sure you can see the results within a week?"

"It's very simple~lightnovelpub.net~ Regarding Khrushchev’s suspicion, I patiently explained to him: "Judging from the current scale of the counter assault carried out by the German army, it can last for about a week at most. . When they are greatly weakened and exhausted, it is our turn to launch a new round of offensive. In order to avoid the fate of being wiped out by our army, Barker can only choose to break through, and for him, the best direction to break through is the gap between the 60th Army and the 1st Guards Army. "

Khrushchev saw that I repeatedly insisted that the German army would break through from the front, so he did not criticize me any more. On the contrary, he humbly asked me: "Lida, if, what I said is if. If the German army really does what you said Position breakthrough, do you think our two armies can wipe them out?"

   To tell the truth, I still admire Bark’s adventurous spirit, and dare to let the troops break through the middle of our defense zone at the risk of the entire army being destroyed. Although I also want to completely wipe out this armored army, after two days of repeated observation, let alone the current loss of our main attacking force, even if the establishment is complete, if we want to keep this powerful German army, It is almost impossible. Thinking of this, I shook my head and said helplessly: "Comrade Military Commissioner, although I also want the entire German army to be destroyed, their soldiers are brave and powerful in combat, and they have an excellent commander like Barker. Even if they pay a lot of money. The price of this will still highlight our strong encirclement."

"Is this really the case?" After hearing what I said, Khrushchev said regretfully: "I can't imagine that with the strength of our two armies and three tank armies, we can't completely wipe out one armored army of the German army. !" (To be continued.)