Burning Moscow

Chapter 1467: Advance towards the border (10)


If I am not in my position and do not seek political affairs, since I am not in the front army headquarters now, how to eliminate the 48th Panzer Corps that is trying to break through has nothing to do with me; as a representative of the front army, my current priority is , Is to urge Katukov's troops to complete the offensive plan issued by their superiors as quickly as possible.

I looked down at the map placed on the table and found that our troops could reach Chortkov as long as they were advancing eighty kilometers. I asked curiously: "General Katukov, I don’t know tomorrow. Which force are you going to send to take this city occupied by the Germans?"

"Mechanized Guards of the 8th Army," after Katukov casually gave the number of the unit, I was afraid that I did not understand the situation of this unit, and quickly added: "It is the original mechanized 3rd Army, because they performed outstandingly in battle. , So it was reorganized into the 8th Guards Corps, and the current commander is Major General Dremov Tank Corps."

This unit used to fight side by side with our army during the Battle of Kursk, so I can rest assured of their combat effectiveness. I nodded, and then asked: "Comrade General, don't you know how many days it will take them to win Chortkov?"

For my question, Katukov frowned for a while, and then replied: "Comrade Deputy Commander, if nothing happens, I think within three days, this kind of city should be liberated."

"No accidents will happen." Regarding Katukov’s concerns, I comforted him: "Our newly formed Belarusian Second Front has launched an attack on the German-occupied Kewell. I believe it can contain a lot of it. The viable strength of the German army. In this way, the German army deployed in front of us will have no foreign aid."

We were talking, and a staff officer came to report that Dremov and Guttmann arrived. Hearing that his two capable men came down, Katukov quickly ordered his staff: "Call them in!"

After the two commanders saluted us, I took a few steps forward, took Guttman's hand, and said friendlyly: "General Guttman, hello! It's been a long time, how are you doing?"

Guttman glanced at my epaulettes, somewhat cautiously: "I'm fine, General Oshanina, I didn't expect to meet you here. I haven't seen you for a few months, and you are already an admiral."

"I'll introduce to you," Katukov said to the two in an easy-going tone: "General Oshanina is now the deputy commander of the front army, and is the representative of Marshal Zhukov."

After Katukov's introduction, I asked Dremov who was standing aside: "General Dremov, your troops will be the main offensive force tomorrow, right, how do you plan to capture Chortkov?"

Dremov stepped forward two steps, walked to the table, leaned down and looked at the map lying on the table: "Comrade Deputy Commander, I intend to let Colonel Babajanyan’s 20th Brigade of Motorized Infantry, first of all Attacked the high ground north of Chortkov. Once the high ground was captured, the 1st brigade of guard tanks of Colonel Gorelov took over the attack and rushed to the city from the opened channel."

Seeing Dremov's confident look, I smiled and asked, "Comrade General, I don't know how many days your troops will take to capture this city?"

After listening to my question, Dremov frowned and thought for a while, and then confidently said: "According to the current combat power of our army and the German defense situation at hand, the liberation of Chortkov, I think 30 One hour is enough."

30 hours? ! I was taken aback by Dremov’s words. I turned my head and glanced at Katukov who was standing next to him, and then jokingly said: "Just now, General Katukov told me that you can capture Joel within three days. Turkov; and you, it only takes three days. Since you are so confident, when I report the battle plan to Marshal Zhukov later, I will report it at your time!"

Hearing this, Dremov became a little flustered, and he quickly defended: "Comrade Deputy Commander, I can only solve the battle in 30 hours under normal circumstances. But you also know that there are many uncertainties on the battlefield. For the sake of safety, I think it is better to report in three days."

I turned my head and looked at Katukov next to him, just to meet his eyes. He obviously guessed that I was joking with Dremov, so he smiled at me and took the conversation; "Well, Comrade Dremov, since you are three days, then we will report on three days."


The offensive of the 8th Guards Corps began at 7 o'clock in the morning. After a period of artillery preparation, the commanders of the 20th Motorized Infantry Brigade launched an offensive formation and rushed towards the German high ground under the guidance of more than two dozen tanks.

According to the German troops guarding on the high ground, they have learned well the set that I often use in defense. As soon as our army's shelling began, they hid in the pre-built anti-incline positions, leaving only a few positions on the ground. Observation post to prevent our troops from stepping on and attacking.

As soon as the shelling stopped, the enemy who was hiding on the reverse **** returned to the trench along the traffic trenches, and used intensive firepower to kill and wound the commanders and fighters of our army who were attacking in a dense formation.

When our soldiers had to stop the offensive and chose to retreat after they had paid huge casualties, the German troops on the ground actually carried out a large-scale counter-assault. Because of their rapid impact, they immediately became entangled with our retreating troops, causing the artillery behind our army to throw rodents and dare not shoot at them.

When they severely inflicted our assault troops and attempted to seize the starting point of our army's offensive, Colonel Babajanyan personally led the reserve team into battle, and launched close combat and cruel hand-to-hand combat with the enemy who broke through our defense line.

When Katukov, who was staying in the command post, heard the bad news, he was so angry that he took two shots on the table, and then shouted into the microphone furiously: "General Dremov, you don’t claim to be at 30. Can you capture Chortkov at a time? The battle has been fought, but your troops are still in place. Can you take the high ground and open the road to the city? If you can’t, If you speak, I will switch to the 11th Army of Guttmann's Guards Tank to attack."

"Comrade Commander," maybe it was Katukov's last sentence that stimulated the other party. I heard Dremov on the other side of the microphone suddenly raise his voice: "Since you handed over the task of capturing Chortkov With our army, please rest assured that within three days, I promise to seize the city from the Germans."

After Katukov put down the phone, a smile appeared on his face. His eyes looked at me who was puzzled and said: "Lida, it seems that Comrade Dremov has been irritated. I believe that with this, his troops can already seize the high ground occupied by the Germans as quickly as possible."

After listening to these two words of Katukov, I suddenly understood that he was using a radical approach to Dremov. As to whether it is effective, it depends on the next performance of the 8th Guards Corps.

Excited, Dremov went mad. Taking advantage of the fact that the Germans were still fighting Babajanyan’s forces, he transferred the 64th tank brigade of the Soviet hero Colonel Boyko to the colonel The order given is very simple, take the high ground within one hour, otherwise you will lose the colonel's epaulette.

Dremov gave the order to die, and Boyko naturally did not dare to show weakness. In order to seize the high ground, he personally drove the tank and led all the tanks of the tank brigade through the area where the battle was in progress, aggressively rushing to the empty height .

The German officers and soldiers who had fallen into a melee with our infantry were panicked when they saw our army's tanks rushing to the high ground. Some continued to stay in place, and fired against our commanders in the fortifications; some turned around and ran back, trying to get ahead of the tank and run back to the high ground to continue to resist.

Although the speed of tanks in this era is not too fast, they are definitely faster than infantry. Seeing the German army catching up from behind, Boyko did not slow down the tanks, but ordered the tankers to use machine guns to wipe out the enemies who were catching up. With this order, dozens of machine guns on tanks began to fire at the same time. Those German officers and soldiers who were stupidly caught up became targets for tank soldiers to shoot. Under the intensive firepower, they fell in pieces to the ground.

Seeing that the German army was in chaos and a large number of soldiers fell under the fire of the tank's machine guns, Babajianyan decisively seized this advantageous fighter opportunity and ordered the troops to attack again. The commanders who received the order stood up from behind the fortifications where they were hiding, holding their weapons while shooting at the surviving German troops, while rushing to the distant high ground without looking back.

There are only dozens of enemies remaining on the high ground. Faced with the tide of our army commanders and fighters, they are already overwhelmed. In addition, dozens of our tanks were parked under the hillside. As long as our tankers found the enemy's firepower point, they would immediately adjust the muzzle, aim at the target and bombard them, and then the opponent would be wiped out.

Under the successive blows of our tanks, there were very few German soldiers on the high ground. The remaining dozen soldiers found that if they continued to resist, they would either be killed by tank guns or by our soldiers' bullets. They immediately stopped shooting and waved the white flag to surrender to our army.

General Dlymov gave Boyko an hour to attack, but Boyko, a tank brigade commander who had won the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, took the high ground in only half an hour to help the attacking troops behind. The channel is opened.

Seeing that the road ahead was clear, Dremov became excited. When he called Katukov to announce his congratulations, his voice was filled with unbearable joy: "Comrade Commander, I will tell you something. The good news is that we have successfully captured the high ground. At present, Colonel Gorelov’s 1st Guards Tank Brigade is rushing towards Chortkov along the opened passage."

"It's great, General Dremov. You did a great job!" After Katukov finished this sentence, he covered the microphone and asked me: "Lida, do you have anything to say?"

I know that the high ground we just captured is the only barrier to the north of Chortkov. As long as we occupy this place, the front is a map. Even if the Germans establish any defensive positions, our tank troops can easily advance to the city. I thought about it, and felt that if the tank encountered German blockade while advancing, it was also a troublesome thing. It was necessary to find a way to suppress the enemy on the defensive position. Thinking of this, I hurried to Katukov: "Comrade General, let him establish artillery positions on high ground and carry out artillery strikes against German forces that may appear on the way forward."

After hearing this, Katukov nodded, then let go of his hand covering the microphone, and said loudly: "General Dremov, the deputy commander, ordered the artillery positions to be set on high ground in order to carry out artillery strikes against the Germans."

Regarding the order issued by Katukov, Dremov first hesitated for a moment, and then he thought: "Comrade Commander, the plateau is still dozens of kilometers away from Chortkov~lightnovelpub.net~ even if we will The artillery position is set here, and it may not be possible to hit there."

"Dremov, what do you want me to do with you?" Hearing Dremov’s question, Katukov was a little bit dumbfounded: "I, you used to be smart and smeared now, our front is constantly facing Move forward. After we have captured the new strategic points, you can move the artillery to the forefront. Do you understand?"

"Understood, Comrade Commander, I understand everything." Hearing Katukov's explanation, Dremov, who was still at a loss, suddenly realized that his company: "I'll give an order for the artillery to shoot. The position is on the high ground."

Just as Dremov was about to put down the phone, Katukov told him again: "General Dremov, please tell Colonel Gorelov of the 1st Guards Tank Brigade, you must carry forward that you are not afraid of hardship and not afraid. The fearless spirit of death, overcoming the enemy's resistance and poor road conditions, quickly rushed to Chortkov."

After Katukov put down the phone, he smiled to me: "Lida, if our troops can really win Chortkov within three days, we really have to thank the German commander on the high ground."

"The German commander on the high ground?" When I heard him, I was taken aback for a moment, and then I understood what was going on, and nodded quickly: "Yes, General Katukov, you must be correct. If it weren't for this A German commander had a feverish head and actually ordered the troops to come out in an attempt to seize our defense positions. If we want to take this high ground, it will not be so easy." At this point, I suddenly remembered the blogger who had made great contributions. Iko quickly added, "There is also the Colonel Boyko who won the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. If he hadn't acted decisively and attacked the enemy's high ground directly, it is estimated that the battle is still going on in front of our army's position at this moment." To be continued...) l3l4
