Burning Moscow

Chapter 1505: Geological Exploration Team (Part 1)

I am full of confidence in whether we can find uranium mines in Ukraine that everyone is still unfamiliar with. If Ukraine were a country of depleted uranium, then the nuclear power plants of the former Soviet Union would not be built in Chernobyl. Precisely because of a certain understanding of history, after Khrushchev assigned me to accompany the geological prospecting team to search for uranium deposits, I decisively agreed.

Seeing that I agreed to accept this task, Khrushchev nodded and said earnestly: "Lida, the search for uranium mines is absolutely confidential. In order to prevent leaks, you must arrange for someone with strong combat effectiveness and high loyalty. The troops, come to protect the safety of the geological survey team. Understand?"

"Understood, Comrade Khrushchev." After I assured Khrushchev, I turned my eyes to Konev and asked him in a deliberate tone: "Comrade Marshal, I can connect my original guards. , Is it withdrawn from the battlefield of the suppression of bandits? This unit has experienced many battles, and the loyalty of the commanders and fighters is high. I think it is more appropriate for them to perform such a task."

After Knev heard what I said, he did not immediately answer my question, but first asked Khrushchev: "I don't know when the Lavrinko geological exploration team will arrive?"

"The geological prospecting team was just formed yesterday. It will take a certain amount of time to complete the preparations." Khrushchev replied: "They have to get here. I guess it will take a week at the earliest.

After receiving Khrushchev’s answer, Konev turned his head and said to me: "Lida, since there is still a week or so, you can completely bring back your guard company. Bring the troops you are familiar with, Protecting the Loughlinco prospecting team can achieve a multiplier effect with half the effort."

After obtaining Konev's permission, I immediately sent a telegram to Bukov who was carrying out the task of suppressing bandits, ordering him to transfer command to the deputy battalion commander, and then immediately rushed back from Shepetovka.

For reasons of confidentiality, in the telegram, I did not say why he was retrieved. But Bukov, who knows me, knows that if I have nothing important, they will never let them stop the bandits and let him rush back to the headquarters as soon as possible. So he rushed back to the headquarters in a jeep overnight after the transfer of command.

In my newly assigned office, I met Bukov, who had just rushed back. Seeing him looking like a servant, I got up and poured him a cup of tea, and handed it to his hand. After he drank it, I smiled and asked, "Major, do you want another cup of hot tea?"

Bukov grinned at me, and at the same time handed the tea cup over: "Comrade Commander, please have another cup."

I poured him a cup of hot tea again, then turned around and walked back to the desk and sat down. After asking him to sit down, I asked with concern: "Comrade Major, how is the work of suppressing bandits going?"

"Not bad." Bukov just sat down and heard my question. He immediately got up from his seat and reported to me respectfully: "In this week, we wiped out two Bandit troops and destroyed a camp in the forest. A total of 75 enemies were killed and a large amount of weapons, ammunition and food were seized."

"Good job." I praised Bukov's record, and then asked: "I don't know how our casualties are?"

"More than a hundred people were injured or killed."

For someone like me who always likes to achieve the greatest results at a very small price, the troop casualties are too great and it will make my heart very uncomfortable, so when I heard the casualty data reported by Bukov, I immediately stretched my face. Up. "What, we killed more than a hundred people?"

Seeing my face changed, Bukov quickly explained: "Comrade Commander, almost all the casualties were recruits. It turned out that only seven soldiers of the guard company were injured, and none of them sacrificed."

I heard that the loss of the guard company was minimal, and the expression on my face relaxed again. I then asked: "Major, if I tell you to stop the banditry, when will the troops be transferred back to Rivne."

"The assembly of troops may take two days." Bukov didn't ask me why I suddenly stopped suppressing bandits. Instead, he explained to me apologetically: "After all, the activity area near Shepetovka is too big, and we have Because companies are scattered in the area, it takes a while to gather the troops."

"Major, I'll give you three days." Before he could finish speaking, I interrupted him, "After three days, all your reinforcement camps must be rushed to Rivne."

Bukov nodded vigorously, and when I finished speaking, he asked curiously: "Comrade Commander, can you tell me why we suddenly stopped the bandits and rushed back to Rivno?"

I think that in the days to come, Bukov will be my most capable assistant, and there are things that cannot be conspired against him. Therefore, I selectively told him about the purpose of this operation: "In one week, a geological survey team will come from Moscow. They will look for a new mineral deposit in our area. And your mission is Protect their safety during the exploration process, and help them carry some exploration equipment."

"New mineral deposits?" Bukov frowned and thought hard when he heard me say this. After a while, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he approached me mysteriously and asked, "Comrade Commander, I wonder if they are looking for a gold mine or a diamond mine?"

I was really speechless with Bukov’s imagination. I smiled bitterly, and then said to him: "Comrade Major, this time the search for mineral deposits is a top-secret mission. I can’t tell you more. You just have to Remember, your mission is to **** and protect this prospecting team."

After I finished speaking, Bukov straightened his body and asked respectfully: "Comrade Commander, I want to ask a question, are we under the command of the geological prospecting team?"

"It doesn't have to be," I waved at him and said, "This time I will go out in person. You only need to obey my orders."

"I understand, Comrade Commander." Bukov asked tentatively after a moment of silence, "Can I go back to the army?"

"I'm going back to the army now?" Bukov's words surprised me~lightnovelpub.net~ After all, he had just rushed back from Shepetovka. He had just been sitting for a short time, and he had to rush back overnight. It's too hard. Out of this consideration, I asked with concern: "Major, you'd better rest here for one night and return to Shepetovka tomorrow."

Bukov shook his head and said resolutely: "Comrade Commander, I want to bring the troops back early and use my free time to intensively train those recruits so that I can improve their combat effectiveness as soon as possible."

Seeing that Bukov’s intentions had been decided, I did not retain him anymore. Instead, I told him: "Comrade Major, although from here to Shepetovka are all areas under our army’s control, we are also developing in the near future. The massive suppression of bandits has dealt a heavy blow to the hungry bandits in this area, but it is inevitable that there will be some caught fish, so you still have to be careful on the road and pay attention to your own safety."

Bukov nodded, raised his hand to salute me, then turned and strode out of my office.


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