Burning Moscow

Chapter 1508: Discovery of uranium deposits

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Seeing Laflinke walking into the tent holding the paper bag, I wanted to go in to see what was going on, but was blocked by a prospecting team member. He coldly said to me: "Sorry, Comrade Commander, you can't go in. "

"Why?" I didn't say anything when I heard the team members say that, but Bukov beside him was a little uncomfortable: "This tent was built by us for you. Why can't you go in?"

The team member gave Bukov a blank expression, grunted heavily, turned around and walked into the tent without saying anything. Seeing that this player was so defiant, Bukov became annoyed and wanted to rush in to find the opponent for a theory, but I was held back by it.

I took Bukov to a place some distance from the tent. As soon as I stopped, Bukov said unconvincedly: "Comrade Commander, why are you pulling me away? I want to ask Raf myself. Lin Ke, who gave them such a defiant right, would their survey work go so smoothly without our cooperation?"

After I waited for Bukov to finish speaking, I said to him earnestly: "Comrade Major, you are too reckless. You must know that this geological prospecting team is from Moscow. Don't talk about you or me, even Khrushchev. Comrades must give them three points."

"Is it all right?" Bukov asked unconvincedly.

"Forget it." Since Lavrinko didn't want to let me know what they found, I didn't want to be boring. I said to Bukov: "Our task is to protect their safety. Don’t worry about the rest. Besides, they came with top-secret missions. Some things we know too much are not a good thing."

Hearing what I said, Bukov, who was originally angry, immediately froze. After finding a rock and sitting down, he said angrily, "It doesn't matter, even if they want to take the initiative to tell me, I don't want to know. "

Seeing Bukov’s hard-mouthed expression, I smiled slightly, and then said jokingly: "Major, if I remember correctly, the entire exploration team except Comrade Lavrinko has spoken to us, the rest of the team is in harmony. We have hardly any verbal communication. Do you think they will meet with the prospecting results to tell you?"

Bukov grinned and then changed the subject: "Comrade Commander, I want to ask you, after the Germans are driven out of our borders, will this war be over?"

"Comrade Major, your thinking is too simple." After I sat down beside him, I said to him with a serious expression: "Even if we drive the Germans out of the border, this war will not end. We will continue to attack Germany. As long as one Nazi is not eliminated, then this war will not end. Understand?"

After listening to me, Bukov stared at me for a long time, then nodded, and then said: "I understand, we not only want to drive the Germans from our country, but also direct them. Until they are completely wiped out."

"Yes, after the fascism is completely eliminated, maybe we will help them build a brand-new German state." Anyway, I'm not busy now, so I took the opportunity to talk with Bukov about something irrelevant: "When the new country is With our allies, it is estimated that such a war will never happen again in the future."

"What, are we going to help the Germans rebuild their homes?" Hearing what I said, Bukov immediately jumped up from the rock. He stared at me in surprise and asked: "These fascist invaders are in ours. How many heinous crimes have been committed on the land, I can’t wait to kill them all, how can I help them rebuild their homes?"

"Major, you sit down first." Seeing Bukov's excitement now, I quickly greeted him to sit down, and then continued: "We are now the enemy of Hitler and the fascist invaders, not the broad German people. They, like us, are also victims of fascism. After we completely eliminate fascism, we will establish a peaceful and free new Germany, so that the German people can live the same happy lives as ours."

After listening to what I said, Bukov scratched his head and said embarrassedly: "Comrade Commander, I just thought about how to collect blood debts from the Germans. I didn't think so much. It seems you are Yes, the people who started war against us and committed countless crimes were all fascist invaders and had nothing to do with the German people..."

"Comrade Oshanina, Comrade Oshanina..." Before Bukov finished speaking, Lavrinko's excited shout came from the direction of the tent. I quickly looked in the direction of the sound, and saw that he was standing outside the tent, shouting my name with excitement on his face.

"Comrade Lavrinko, I am here." I quickly got up from the rock and trot to him as I promised.

I came to Lavrinko, grabbed his arm, and tried to ask in a calm tone, "Comrade Lavrinko, what happened?"

"Found it, found it!" Laflinke said incoherently with excitement: "It was not in vain, we did not have it in vain, we found it, we finally found it."

Bukov, who was following me, saw that Lavrinko was so gaffe, he was about to ask, but I stopped him. I waited for the gap between Lavlinco's words, raised my voice and asked tentatively: "Comrade Lavlinco, what did you find? Did you find the precious ore you were looking for?"

"Yes, that's right, Comrade Oshanina." Lavrinko grabbed my hand backhand, and said excitedly as he dragged it into the tent, "You'll know if you come and see."

When I walked into the tent, I saw Bukov also wanted to follow up. I was worried that he would be stopped by other prospecting crews again, so I waved at him and signaled him to wait outside. But this gesture of mine was seen by Lavrinko, and he said graciously: "It's okay, Comrade Oshanina, let the major come in, too. This kind of good news is also good to be shared by one person."

Although Lavrinko agreed with Bukov to come in, I consider that finding uranium mines is a top-secret task. If Bukov is told the inside story prematurely, it is estimated that in the future he can only stay in these secret units forever and never go back. Opportunity on the battlefield. It was for this reason that I reached out and stopped Bukov who was about to enter the tent, and then said to him: "Major, the geological survey team found what they were looking for. It's just something to celebrate. I specifically want everyone to drink some wine to celebrate. Now you go and bring two bottles of wine and food. We have to celebrate."

After Bukov left, Lavrinko pulled me to the wooden table in the middle of the tent, pointed to a microscope on the table and said to me: "Comrade Oshanina, look at that microscope."

I saw a small rectangular glass slide on the microscope stage with some yellow powder on it. I quickly moved my eyes to the microscope and carefully watched the yellow powder on the glass slide. "Comrade Oshanina, what did you see?" Before I could see clearly, Laflinke next to him couldn't wait to ask.

I took a closer look and found that the yellow powders magnified under the microscope were all perfectly tetrahedral crystals, so I raised my head and said to Lavrinke: "I see these yellow powders are magnified a bit, they are all very Standard tetrahedral crystal."

"Yes, it's a very standard tetrahedral crystal." Lavlinke asked me excitedly like a child at the moment: "Do you know what you think this is?" Before I could answer, he asked and answered. , "This is the characteristic of uranium!"

"Comrade Lavlinco, are you sure that this is the element uranium?" Although I had guessed that Lavlinco was so excited when he discovered uranium, I still asked tentatively: "Isn't it a mistake?"

"You can't make a mistake." An elderly team member next to him said in a huff: "After repeated observations, and at the same time, we also did photographic and sensitization experiments, which proved that there is uranium in these yellow powders. "

After I got the confirmation, I asked Lavrinko again: "Comrade Lavrink, I don't know how the uranium reserves are?"

Hearing my question, the expression on Lavrinko’s face suddenly dimmed. He sat on a small wooden bench and said disappointedly: “After repeated calculations, the output of uranium in this mine is not very much. Depleted uranium mine." At this point, his emotions became excited again, "but anyway, we finally found a uranium mine. This is a real uranium mine."

I waited for him to finish, and smiled and said, "Yes, Comrade Lavrinco, this is a good start. Since we can find a uranium mine, then I believe we can find more uranium mines. We just need to continue. If you continue the search, you may be able to find a more abundant uranium mine."

The older team member may be a nerd who has been stunned in reading. After listening to my comforting Rafflinke, he said untimely: "Just by having good wishes, you may not be able to find what we are looking for. Rich uranium mines. To complete our task this time, we can only rely on our professional skills and scientific theories."

I didn't care about the attitude of the old players, but continued to say to Lavrinko: "Comrade Lavrinko, I have a request. I hope you can promise me."

Hearing what I said, Lavrinko looked up at me and asked curiously: "Comrade Oshanina, what request?"

"You are looking for a uranium mine this time. It is quite confidential. There are only a handful of people who know the purpose of your trip." I solemnly said to him: "Major Bukov's level of confidentiality is not enough. I know what you are looking for, so he will come back later. I hope you don’t miss it. Okay?"

After I finished speaking, Lavrinko was taken aback for a moment, then nodded vigorously, and said: "Understood, Comrade Oshanina, when the major comes back, I will say that we have found the mineral we are looking for, but specifically I won’t tell him what it is.” After he finished speaking, he said to the other two players in the tent, “Comrades, please remember our mission and keep it secret.”

"Understood, Comrade Captain." Seeing that Lavrinko was so serious, the two team members nodded and replied in unison: "We will never reveal the secrets we know."

After about ten minutes, Bukov carried a kettle full of vodka, a rucksack, and a few tea mugs in his hand, and he walked into the tent happily. As soon as he came in, he said, "Comrades, the wine is here!"

Lavrinko asked the two opposing parties to tidy up the table and make room to prevent the dried sausages, canned stew meat, biscuits and cheese brought by Bukov. I opened the kettle and poured vodka into the five tea cups on the table, then raised a cup and said to the others around the table: "Comrades, to celebrate we found the mineral we were looking for, Cheers!"

The four of Lavrinko and Bukov also picked up the cups and said loudly, "Cheers!" After touching the tea mug in his hand with mine, they looked up and drank as if they were cold and white. , I poured half a cup of vodka into my throat~lightnovelpub.net~ I just took a sip, then put down the tea pot, then took the kettle and filled it with four people, and said, “Today is a good one. I believe that in the days to come, we will definitely have even greater gains."

After eating something, Lavrinko turned to me and said, "Comrade Oshanina, we should report this good news to Moscow as soon as possible."

Although we came out this time with a radio station, I was in contact with Khrushchev and Konev, and never contacted Moscow. At this moment, when I heard Lavrinko say this, I couldn’t help asking curiously: "Lav Comrade Lin Ke, I don't know which department should I report this incident to?"

Lavrinko thought for a while, and then said to me: "Comrade Oshanina, there is a special telegraph operator in my team. Later you will ask the major to take him to the radio station, and he will be responsible for sending the message back to Moscow. ."

"You have a radio operator in your team?" I was taken aback when I heard Lavrinko say that, and quickly recalled his players next to each other in my mind. I felt that except for Lavrinko, everyone was a nerd. Personality, I really can't see who the operator is, so I asked curiously.

"Of course, Comrade Oshanina." Hearing my question, Lavrinko said with a smile: "If there is no radio operator, how can we report these exploration results to Moscow in time?"

I smiled bitterly and said, "But we have been together for so long, I still don't know who your telegraph operator is?"

"It's the porter you often call." Laflinke said to me with some pride: "He is our telegraph operator."

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