Burning Moscow

Chapter 1539: The contradiction between the old and th

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Accompanying Konev around his defense zone for more than half a month, most of the time is spent checking the defense and preparation of the troops, until the last day of May, we returned to the headquarters in Rivne.

After bidding farewell to Konev, I returned to the dormitory room arranged for me. After a brief wash, I lay on the bed, trying to make up for all the sleep I sacrificed during this time. Unexpectedly, as soon as I fell asleep, I vaguely heard someone knocking on the door. The experience of the war in the past few years has sharpened my feelings. Although my eyes have not opened yet, I have turned over and got out of bed, rushed to the door with my eyes closed, and drew from the holster hung on the coat rack. He fired a pistol and pointed it at the door, and then asked vigilantly: "Who is it, who is outside?"

"Comrade General, it's me." A familiar voice came from outside the door, and I immediately heard that it was a familiar staff officer of the front army headquarters. After a sigh of relief, I opened my eyes and put the gun back into the holster and pulled the door. A seam was opened.

The staff officer standing outside the door saw me appear at the door, and quickly raised his hand to his forehead to salute me, reporting: "Comrade General, the Marshal asks you to go to the headquarters immediately."

"Comrade Captain," thinking that he was separated from Konev for less than half an hour, he hurriedly sent someone to call me. There must be something serious. I asked nervously, "Do you know what it is? ?"

The staff officer shook his head and replied: "I'm sorry, Comrade General, I just received an order to invite you to the headquarters immediately. As for what happened, I don't know what happened."

When I arrived at the headquarters, I found that in addition to Konev, Military Commissioner Krenyukov, and Chief of Staff Sokolovsky, Lunev was also here.

Konev saw me walking into the room, nodded at me, and then politely said to everyone: "Since everyone is here, let's hurry up and have a meeting."

Seeing that we were all sitting down at the conference table, he continued and said, "Comrades, commanders, I just received a call from Moscow, asking me to transfer command to my deputy, and then fly to Moscow overnight. Go to an important military meeting tomorrow morning."

Sokolovsky heard this, turned his head to look at me, but said to Konev: "Comrade Marshal, Comrade Oshaninna used to be the deputy commander of the front, and now he is the representative of the base camp. I think you The command of the troops should be handed over to her."

What Konev said surprised us all: "The Chief of Staff, although Comrade Oshanina has a special status, I cannot transfer the command to her for the time being."

Sokolovsky asked somewhat unexpectedly: "Comrade Marshal, I don't know if this is your opinion or the opinion of the Supreme Command?"

"Of course it is the opinion of the Supreme Command." Konev said this with his eyes looking at me and said: "According to the order, Comrade Oshanina will arrive in Moscow during the day on June 5. If the command of the troops is now taken. The right is handed over to her, and when she leaves, she will have to hand over again."

After listening to Konev's explanation, Sokolovsky finally understood what was going on. He nodded and said: "Since this is the case, Comrade Marshal, then let's carry out the handover."

While Konev and Sokolovsky were handing over, I asked Lunev in a low voice: "Comrade Lunev, have you received any orders from Moscow?"

Lunev nodded and replied: "Yes, Comrade Konev just notified me that he would return to Moscow with me, and that this was an order from Comrade Beria himself."

I heard that Beria gave the order himself, and I suddenly thought: Beria recalled Lunev in a hurry. Is it related to the search for Kachalov’s remains? Thinking of this, I then asked: "Comrade Lunev, do you know that there is anything important about Beria sending you back to Moscow?"

"I don't know." Lunev quickly glanced at Konev not far away, and said in a low voice: "Marshal Konev conveyed the order to Moscow. In order to prevent leaks, even if it is important. Comrade Beria will not say anything about it on the phone."

After Konev gave his task, the military commissioner Krenyukov, who has always been low-key, suddenly asked: "Comrade Marshal, I can ask, you are going to Moscow to attend the military meeting urgently this time, and we are next to you. Are the offensive battles of the stage related?"

"Although when Comrade Vasilevsky called me, there was no specific meeting." Konev appeared cautious when he spoke, and seemed to be trying his best to filter out the content that could not be said: "But I heard that I participated in it. The personnel for this meeting are all commanders from various armies. It seems that our army will soon have a big action."

After saying this, Konev stood up and shook hands with Krenyukov and Sokolovsky. At the same time, he exhorted: "When I am not in Ukraine, the daily work of the front army will be left to you two. People are fully responsible."

Then he walked in front of me and shook hands with me and asked, "Lida, would you like to fly to Moscow with us?"

Based on time speculation, the emergency military meeting that Konev is going to attend must have something to do with the next Belarusian campaign and the Lviv-Sandomerz campaign. However, my current level is obviously not eligible to participate in such a meeting. Therefore, I tactfully rejected Konev’s proposal: "No, Comrade Marshal, I will not accompany you to Moscow for the time being. I plan to go to Shepetovka and see the 18th tonight. The training situation of the army."

"Yes, yes," Konev heard me say this, and immediately nodded and said: "Currently, half of the commanders of the 18th Guards Corps are comrades who have just been rescued from the prisoner-of-war camp. You should definitely check it out. This force, to see if they have formed a new combat effectiveness."

After he said this, he turned to Sokolovsky and the others, waved his hand to the two of them, smiled and said, "Well, comrades, I'm leaving, I'll beg you here." After that, he turned around and nodded at me, then greeted Lunev, "Okay, Comrade Lunev, let's go."

Early the next morning, I took the train to Shepetovka.

When I got off the car, I saw a busy scene here. Piles of ammunition covered with tarpaulins were placed on the platform, and at this time trucks continued to come in from outside the station and parked beside the platform. Seeing a new truck stopped, the soldiers and porters in the uniforms of railway workers rushed over, unloading one after another wooden boxes from the carriage, and then moved them into the carriage.

"Hello, General Oshanina." As I was looking around, I suddenly heard someone talking behind me. I quickly turned around and saw that it was Major General Afunin, commander of the 18th Guards Corps, who was speaking. Is raising his hand to salute me.

I paid a military salute, then stretched out my hand to hold him and asked, "Comrade General, are you here to pick me up?"

"Yes, General Oshanina." Afunin replied politely: "I received a call from the Front Army Headquarters, saying that you are going to visit us today, so I will bring someone to meet you." After arriving, he began to introduce the two commanders standing beside him, "I'll introduce to you, Colonel Konev, commander of the 3rd Division of the Guards Airborne Corps."

Hearing that the teacher had the same name as Marshal Konev, I couldn’t help but look at him carefully when I shook hands with him. This chubby colonel is not tall, has a round face and looks like a pregnant belly. Pregnant woman in July. After I shook hands with him, I turned my eyes to the thin and tall general on his left.

Afnin stared me at the general, and quickly introduced: "This is Major General Rumyantsev, the commander of the 4th Division of the Guards Airborne Corps. His troops are stationed near the railway station."

After shaking hands with Rumyantsev, I asked Afunin curiously: "Comrade Commander, I don't know where the commander of the 2nd Guards Airborne Division and the new division are located?"

"The 2nd Division is stationed in the northwest of Shepetovka. Because of the rush of time, he didn't have time to get here. As for the new editor," Afunin said here, hesitated for a moment, and then said: "At present I'm undergoing intense training in the south of the city, so I can't spare time to meet you."

The purpose of my visit to Shepetovka was to check the training results of the new editor, so when Afunin finished speaking, I asked politely: "Comrade commander, I want to see the new editor now. Look, can you send a driver to take me there?"

Hearing that I was going to be a new editor, Afunin immediately took the initiative to say: "General Oshanina, I will take you there myself."

When I went to the station of the new editor, in order to understand the current situation of Lu Jin as soon as possible, I asked Afuning first: "Comrade commander, I want to ask, what do you think of the new editor?"

"How to say?!" Hearing my question, Ah Funing replied with some embarrassment: "I originally thought that the prisoners of war who were rescued were all veterans. We can save complicated and tedious recruitment, Training does not require training in weapons and military discipline, and they can quickly form combat effectiveness. Who knows..." At this point, he stopped talking, just sighed for a long time.

Seeing his reaction, I know that the situation of the new editor is not very optimistic. But this time I ask Ah Funing again. I guess I can't ask anything useful. I can only wait for the station and I will ask Lu Jin in person.

Outside of Lu Jin's division headquarters, Ah Funing had volunteered to accompany me in, but I politely refused: "Comrade Commander, you still have a lot of work to be busy, so you don't need to accompany me in."

After Ah Funing's car drove away, I strode into the division headquarters. The sentry standing at the door saw that I was coming with the commander, and then saw the military rank on my epaulettes. He didn't stop me at all, but straightened his body and raised his hand to salute me.

When I walked into the headquarters, I saw only Lukin and Bukov inside. The two of them were not looking at the map, but sitting at the table and sighing, as if they had encountered something unsatisfactory.

"Hello, comrades commanders." I said and strode towards the two of them.

Hearing someone talking, they both turned their heads and looked at me at the same time. When it became clear that it was me, both of them got up from their seats, stood at attention and raised their hands to salute me.

After sitting down at the table with a grin, I looked up at the two people standing like telephone poles, and asked inexplicably, "You two are sighing because of what happened?"

After the two looked at each other, Bukov took a step forward and said to me: "Comrade Commander, please transfer me back to the original unit. I would rather continue to be the deputy commander of the guard regiment than this one anymore. The deputy commander is now."

I reduced the smile on my face, looked at Lu Jin and asked, "How about you, Colonel Lu Jin, do you think the same thing?"

"Yes, Comrade Commander." As my old subordinate, Lu Jin still called me by my previous position: "Please transfer me to the original unit. Even if it is demoted, I am not willing to be the division commander. Up."

"Naughty, it's just ridicule." After listening to the two of them, I slammed the table and stood up. After walking back and forth in the house for a few times with my back on my back, I stopped ~ lightnovelpub.net~ angrily. He said to the two of them, "Do you think this is a restaurant? If you have a meal that suits your tastes, just stay and have a meal; if you don't have the right taste, can you two walk away? Tell you, appoint you two It’s not a decision made by me to serve as commander of a divisional division, but an order from the Supreme Commander himself.”

When the two heard me say this, their faces suddenly showed horror. I walked up to the two of them and stopped, raised my chin, and asked, "Let’s talk about it, what has happened that makes you two commanders and deputy commanders want to pick you up?"

After I said this, I saw the two winking at each other and seemed to want each other to explain the situation to me. I didn’t want to play a dumb puzzle with them either. I pointed to Lu Jin and said, "Colonel Lu Jin, or you should answer me, what happened?"

Lu Jin, who was named by me, smiled bitterly, and then complained to me: "Comrade Commander, you don’t know anything. Almost all the commanders of the new division were captured in the early stages of the war, so they are familiar with offensive and defensive tactics. They are all outdated ones. We are teaching them new tactics and often encounter resistance."

"Where is the chief of staff?" At this moment, I suddenly remembered that I hadn't seen Ponegelin's shadow since I came to the present, and quickly asked: "Where did he go?"

"He guessed where he went to drink again." Bukov reported to me: "Since most of the commanders at all levels of the army have been with him in prison camps, his prestige is much higher than ours. It is precisely because he has a different view of the new tactics we are using now that it affects the following commanders to resist the tactics we teach."

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