Burning Moscow

Chapter 368: Escape

As the gun fired, several prisoners fell to the ground.

Vaskov, who was in charge of taking care of the prisoners, roared, rushed over to take a light machine gun from the soldier's hand, and kicked him to the ground. Seeing Vaskov raised his fist high at the soldier, I saw that things were going to be bad, and I hurriedly stepped forward and stood between the two of them, and said loudly to Vaskov: "Lieutenant Vaskov, calm down, this A soldier may have been angry with these puppets, so he shot them on impulse."

Seeing Vaskov retracting his fist angrily, I turned around and pulled up the fallen soldier, and said softly to him, "Comrade soldier, you are so impulsive. Do you know? We were rescued tonight. The operation has been successfully completed. Many variables have been added because of your unauthorized shooting. The sound of gunfire may alarm the Germans stationed nearby. If they catch up, it is unknown whether our slow-moving force can successfully escape. "

The soldier blushed and lowered his head to admit his mistake to me: "I'm sorry, Comrade Commander, I think they killed many of our comrades in arms, so I didn't hold it back for a while..."

"Okay!" I interrupted the words behind him, urging him: "Stop talking, I can understand your feelings, hurry up to keep up with the front team, don't fall behind." Then I told Vaskov: "Comrade Lieutenant , You take your platoon back to serve as a guard and cover the troops to retreat towards the village."

At this time, Captain Burda also ran over and asked me anxiously: "Comrade Commander, the gunshots may have alarmed the Germans nearby. Maybe they will come around soon. What should we do?"

I pointed to the large army moving slowly in front. Said to Burda: "Comrade Captain. You take one and three rows. Cover the rescued soldiers to retreat. The second platoon of Vaskov and I will serve as guards behind to cover your safe evacuation." The captain agreed. Just about to turn around and leave, I stopped him again, and specifically ordered: "Immediately send someone to contact Captain Gusev across the swamp, so that they will be ready to meet us."

Burda ran over to urge the rescued soldiers to speed up their march, but with little success. You must know that before they were captured because of continuous fighting and lack of food. His body had already become extremely weak, and there were many wounded among them, and the marching speed of the whole army was slower than that of a snail.

Seeing the slow-moving troops, Vaskov sighed, and said: "If only these fighters can replenish their stamina and rest for a while. At their current marching speed, the Germans will even walk away. , Can catch up with them."

I also looked at the troops in the distance again, shook my head and said, “Unfortunately, there is no time for them to rest. The first thing to consider is how to make them escape to our defense zone safely.” Seeing all the soldiers in the second platoon. Hiding behind the surrounding bushes. With the guns in front of him, he hurriedly asked Vaskov: "Feija. Have the scouts you sent back? The first thing we have to figure out is from which direction the Germans will come."

Vaskov looked around, shook his head and said, "It didn't take long for the scouts to be sent out, and they didn't come back so soon. Because the guns rang too suddenly, they didn't send out personnel to detect nearby enemy situations in advance." At that time, there was a bit of helplessness on his face.

I also had to smile bitterly and said: "This is not to blame you, no one would have thought that the soldier would be so impulsive. No matter where the Germans will come from, they will definitely send someone here to check the prisoners of war, and we will stay here. Here, if they have few people, we will destroy them; if they have too many people, we will fight and retreat, and we must cover the large forces to retreat safely."

We lay on the ground for nearly ten minutes. When the transferred troops were completely out of sight, two soldiers ran towards our hiding place, panting, and whispered: "Comrade Lieutenant. , Comrade Lieutenant."

Vaskov stood up from where he was hiding, greeted him, and asked, "Did you see the Germans?"

The scout put his hands on his back, panting heavily, and reported to Vaskov: "Comrade Lieutenant, there is a German camp to the west. The gunshots just shocked them. There is probably now. A company’s forces are moving in our direction."

Because the voice of the scout was very loud, even though it was a few meters away, I could still hear what he said clearly. A sergeant lying next to me, after listening to the scout’s report, was so scared that his face was pale and pale. He tremblingly said to me: "Comrade commander, there are hundreds of Germans in a row, we are only three. A dozen people, the military strength is too great, let's retreat first before the Germans find us."

"Shut up, you coward." Vaskov was coming back to report the enemy. Hearing what the sergeant said, he suddenly cursed fiercely: "Have you ever thought about it. If we retreat without authorization, the Germans will Easily catch up with the slow-moving army, do you think those soldiers who can't even walk steadily can withstand these wolf-like chasing soldiers?"

When Vaskov finished scolding, I was also a little worried and said: "We and the Germans are too far apart in strength. If we fight hard, even if we all die, we won't necessarily be able to block the chasing soldiers behind." , I went on to say: "Why don't you take two squads to chase the large troops in front, and I will lead one squad to lead the enemy in the opposite direction."

After speaking, I stared at Vaskov intently, waiting to see his reaction. To tell the truth, I have the mission from the bottom of my heart. For this task of enticing the enemy, Vaskov is the best candidate. However, at this critical moment of life and death, there are some scenes that must be said in order to achieve a radical effect.

Sure enough, my words irritated Vaskov, his face rose in the call, and he said angrily, "Comrade teacher, you are wrong. Don't say you are a teacher, even if you are an ordinary soldier, As long as we men are not dead, you can never be a woman to take risks for us."

Vaskov's words immediately resonated with the surrounding soldiers, and they said in unison: "The platoon leader is right. We must not let the comrade commander take risks for us."

Even the sergeant, who was panicked just now, stood up and expressed his determination to me: "Comrade Commander, let me take my squad to lead the enemy away. You and Comrade platoon commander, lead the other two squads to follow the main unit withdraw. ."

"No need to argue." Vaskov stopped everyone from continuing to argue. He said categorically: "I have decided that I will lead a squad to lead the enemy away, and the teacher and the other two squads will withdraw first." Seeing that there seemed to be someone else wanting to say something, he glared at him, indisputably He said in a tone: "This is an order, execute it."

I took Vaskov's hand and said to him with concern: "Feja, I'm all to you. Remember. You must come back alive."

Vaskov let go of my hand, raised the submachine gun in his hand, and shouted at the soldier next to him: "Class One, follow me." After shouting, he took the lead and ran to the west. A soldier got out from behind the bushes and ran over.

After Vaskov and the others left, I took the remaining two squads southward to catch up with the transferred troops.

Not far in the jungle, fierce gunfire came from behind. I stopped. I looked towards the gunshot, although I couldn't see anything. But in my heart I still prayed silently for Vaskov: Feja, I hope you will come back without incident.

We quickly caught up with the large army in front. When Burda saw me with a lot of soldiers chasing after him, he asked curiously: "Comrade Commander, why did you catch up so quickly? Where's Lieutenant Vaskov?"

I looked at the slow-moving corps and frowned and said to Burda: "Vaskov led the German chaser to the opposite direction. Comrade Captain, you ask the soldiers of the guard company to help these talents. The rescued comrades, let them speed up, otherwise we will be all over when the Germans catch up."

Burda agreed and immediately went to tell his subordinates to execute my order. The soldiers of the guard company stepped forward, and some carried the wounded with mobility problems on their backs. Those who did not have the wounded back held a soldier in one arm to prevent them from walking fast and falling. As a result, the marching speed of the entire army was slightly faster.

It was nothing to march in the jungle, but when passing through the swamp, despite the help of guards and soldiers, many exhausted prisoners of war were swallowed by the swamp. When we passed through the swamp hard to meet Erlian, Burda's tears couldn't help but fell. A dozen soldiers with wounded backs under him sank in this boundless swamp with the wounded.

I didn’t care to count the number of people, and immediately Brda brought a company of soldiers, escorted these soldiers back to Piatnica village to rest, and at the same time ordered Gusev to prepare the second company for battle and set up mortars and heavy machine guns in the swamp. On the side, ready to meet Vaskov who broke through at any time.

We waited for three or four hours. The front gunfire in the jungle opposite the swamp changed from dense to sparse. At first, we could still hear the sound of our army’s submachine gun and rifle. Later, the gunfire was almost Inaudible. Captain Chumack sighed and said, "Listen, we can no longer hear the gunshots of our army. Maybe Vaskov and them all died."

"Shut up!" Perhaps seeing my face pale, Gusev was afraid that I would get angry, and quickly reprimanded Chumak: "Comrade Captain, as long as the gunfire has not stopped, it proves that our soldiers are still fighting. Hope is protruding from the enemy’s encirclement."

At this moment, someone suddenly shouted loudly: "Look, someone ran out of the woods."

I quickly raised my binoculars and looked across the swamp. I saw Vaskov alone, running a few steps with a submachine gun, and then turned around and fired a few shots behind. After not much effort, he ran into the swamp, perhaps because the bullets were all shot out. After running a few steps, he threw away the submachine gun in his hand and quickly walked towards us. I took a closer look at the woods. Except for Vaskov, no other soldiers were seen. Maybe they all died.

When Vaskov walked to the middle of the swamp, the Germans who had chased out of the jungle also began to enter the swamp, chasing him from a distance. Shooting while chasing, bullets hit all around Vaskov, splashing small water jets.

"Captain Chumak, what are you still doing?" Before I could speak, Gusev, who was decisive, gave an order to Chumack on the side: "The machine gun and mortar fired immediately, killing all the Germans who were catching up. In the swamp."

With a sound of "Boom!", a mortar shell fell in the middle of the enemy's queue and exploded, setting off a huge water column, and several Germans around fell into the water with a thud.

"Machine gun fires!" Following Chumak's order, the heavy machine gun shooter squeezed the trigger severely, and the dense bullets rained toward the enemy in the swamp. Seeing that the enemies rushing in the front fell one by one, the German army set up machine guns on the shore and fired frantically at our side to cover the soldiers behind to rush up to support.

Whenever a new enemy enters the swamp, the mortar shell will fall into their queue and explode. After five or six consecutive bombings, the enemy behind will stay on the shore honestly, not daring to continue rushing forward. .

Seeing that Vaskov was only a few steps away from the shore, suddenly a machine gun bullet hit him on the back. As a splash of blood splashed on his back, he snorted and slammed forward. Pour, and then fell headlessly in the muddy water.

"Vaskov!" Seeing that Vaskov was wounded in front of me, I couldn't help but yelled. Two soldiers bent over and ran past me, jumped into the muddy water, set up Vaskov, and threw him. Drag back.

Vaskov was placed in front of us, and Gusev opened his military uniform with a dagger. I can't help but feel sad when I see the bleeding wound on his back.

"Fortunately, ~lightnovelpub.net~ is just a skin injury, no bones." Gusev took a first aid kit from the other fighters and said while bandaging him.

"Comrade Commander," said Vaskov, who was lying head down, said with difficulty, "have the large forces moved safely?"

Although I knew he couldn’t see it, I nodded vigorously and said, “Comrade Lieutenant, don’t worry, the soldiers who were rescued have now returned to the village. You and your soldiers are both good, you guys. We have won precious time for the transfer of large forces."

"Okay, Comrade Commander." Gusev said after bandaging the wound: "Comrade Lieutenant should be sent to the medical station immediately, where there are doctors and hygienists who can take care of him better."

I raised the binoculars and looked at the Germans across the swamp again, and found that after being hit by our fire, they had given up their plans to enter the swamp to pursue us, and were cautiously retreating into the jungle. Seeing the enemy retreating, I also let go of my hanging heart, and turned to tell Gusev: "The Germans are retreating. It seems we are afraid of being beaten by us. Captain Gusev, take your man and equipment, We also withdraw." (To be continued...)

ps: Bow to thank Crazy Wild Animals, P Mouyu, and other children's shoes for their precious monthly support.