Burning Moscow

Chapter 374: Little Blocking Battle (1)

There is a small church in the middle of the village. People standing on the bell tower can clearly observe the situation in a radius of more than ten miles with the help of telescopes. In order to get a more timely understanding of the battle on the battlefield, I moved the headquarters here.

I stood on the clock tower and looked at the troops digging trenches in the distance with a binoculars, and said to Boroda in a puzzled manner: "Comrade Chief of Staff, I don’t understand. Usually the troops are stationed in the village and the commanders like it. The headquarters is located in the church, because it is spacious enough to accommodate many units of the headquarters; second, the building is strong, even if it is hit by bombs or shells, it will not collapse so easily. But Colonel Dorofeev and the others Why not choose here and set up the headquarters in an ordinary residence?"

Boroda, who was standing next to me, heard my question and replied with a wry smile: "Comrade Commander, I have asked other commanders in the division about this question. I heard from them that Commander Dorofeev just When entering this village, many people once suggested that he set up the headquarters here, but he refused."

"Why?" I put down the telescope and asked curiously.

"Commander Dorofeev said: The target here is too obvious. Once it encounters a German attack, it will easily become a target for German artillery or air force."

"Crying for life and fearing for death!" After making such a conclusion to Colonel Dorofeev, I raised the telescope again.

"Comrade Commander," Boroda said to me suddenly: "I don't know if Captain Aftukhov's independent telephone company has moved to the church now. We will be able to count on our contact with the frontline later. To them."

"Then you go down and have a look. When you see the captain, tell him by the way that you must send the report to the bell tower in time when the battle begins."

"Yes!" Boroda agreed and turned and went down the clock tower.

In the distance, the trenches of the Caucasus camp had been dug. Most of the soldiers were squatting or standing in the trenches, and some were walking around in the traffic trenches with their waists straight. Nearby, there is a busy battle camp. Soldiers wearing helmets bent over to dig trenches. Perhaps because of the hot weather, many soldiers took off their uniforms, " " swinging their spades desperately with their upper bodies. . Seven tanks of the tank company. Lined up behind the trenches, the muzzle of the black hole pointed to the front of the defensive position.

At that moment, Boroda trot up the spiral staircase to the bell tower and reported to me loudly: "Comrade commander, the telegram of the guerrillas has arrived, and the Germans have been dispatched. They are coming in our direction." He handed me a telegram.

I took the tele-paper and looked down and saw it read: "The German vanguard has left the village of Piatnica at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. An armored vehicle and two trucks full of soldiers opened the way. "After reading it, I handed the telegraph back to Boroda, and said disapprovingly: "Comrade Chief of Staff, the Germans have come out with such a strength. Our front-line troops are enough to wipe them out."

Seeing that I underestimated the enemy, Boroda quickly reminded me: "Comrade commander, you can’t underestimate the enemy. You know, this is just the pioneer of the Germans. How many troops and what kind of technical equipment are there in the village? I don’t know. Maybe the German tanks and artillery will be dispatched as soon as the battle begins, and maybe even planes will be dispatched to bomb our positions indiscriminately. Then it will be a real fierce battle."

Hearing Boroda's words, my face turned red, and I quickly turned off the subject, and told him: "Comrade Chief of Staff, go and ask where the infantry battalion is going to the rear of the enemy army? By the way, Inform Major Caucasus that the Germans have set off and will soon reach the front of his position. Keep his troops hidden and don’t expose them before the battle begins."

Seeing Boroda walking down the stairs, I told him again: "Comrade Boroda. Next time you come up, you'd better bring up a signal soldier. In this case, what can he do for him? "

"Okay, comrade teacher." Boroda promised and went downstairs again.

The armored vehicles and trucks of the German vanguard came into my sight after an hour. The lead was an armored vehicle. A German officer wearing a large brimmed hat leaned out of the hatch with his hands on the roof and his body followed. The armored vehicle swayed back and forth with the violent bumps. When the armored vehicle was more than 500 meters away from the Caucasus camp, he stretched out his white gloved right hand and pointed to the roadside. The armored vehicle immediately stopped at the side of the road. The truck that followed also slammed the brakes and stopped tightly against the tail of the armored vehicle.

The officer raised his binoculars and carefully observed the trench where the Caucasus camp was located. After all, the trenches were newly dug, and the new soil piled up in front of the position could be seen at a glance. When the Germans were observing, our soldiers squatted in the trenches and buried their bodies low. No one rushed out to check where the Germans were. Although the soldiers of our army are well concealed, my heart still touches my throat, and I am afraid that some soldiers will be unable to restrain them and shoot without authorization, which alarmed the Germans.

The German officer observed for a while and saw that there was no movement in the trenches. He probably thought it was an abandoned line of defense, so he did not continue to observe. He raised his right hand and waved forward, and the armored vehicle moved forward slowly again. After the armored vehicle drove for a while, the drivers of the two trucks restarted the vehicle and followed from a distance.

Seeing the armored vehicles continue to drive forward, I breathed a long sigh of relief and prayed in my heart that they would drive faster so that they could press down on the anti-tank mines laid by our army.

With a loud noise of "Boom!", the German armored vehicle finally crushed an anti-tank mine more than a hundred meters away from the position. In the flames, the armored vehicle parts were blown up all over the sky, and the officers and soldiers on the vehicle were all killed. Fried into mashed meat.

The sound of the explosion was the order to shoot. The soldiers of the Caucasus battalion put their guns on the edge of the trench and pulled the trigger at the German truck. In the intensive gunfire, the German truck stopped again, and the soldiers in the truck jumped down. Due to the fierce firepower of our army, they were caught off guard. Some soldiers were shot to death before they could jump out of the car. The bodies either fell directly in the carriage or hung on the baffle of the carriage. The soldier who jumped out of the car hid behind the car and fired back with the car as its backing.

The soldiers of the Caucasus battalion did not rush to charge. While shooting at the German soldiers with machine guns, submachine guns, and rifles, they also set up mortars to bombard the trucks. However, after several mortar shells accurately hit one of the trucks and exploded it to pieces, the German resistance was completely disintegrated. Five or six survivors fled from the other truck and crawled towards the ground. The forest in the distance fled.

Right after the battle, I was watching some fighters leave the trenches to clean the battlefield, and suddenly heard Captain Avtukhov’s voice: "Comrade Commander, a call from Major Caucasus."

I turned my head and saw that Aftukhov was walking up the spiral staircase with a telephone in his hand and a rolled phone cord on his shoulder. I greeted him quickly, smiled politely at him, then took the phone from his hand, picked up the microphone and said loudly, "Is this a major Caucasus?"

"Yes, comrade commander." An excited Caucasian voice came from the microphone: "The battle has ended successfully. The German armored car and one truck were blown up, and more than 50 German soldiers were killed. Our army had no casualties."

"Good job, Comrade Caucasus." I praised him loudly, and reminded him at the same time: "But you can't be proud, this is just the pioneer of the Germans, and the hard battle is yet to come."

"Don't worry, comrade commander." Caucasus said proudly: "No matter how many enemies like this come, they are not our opponents. We are here, let alone stick to one day, even ten days. ."

"Comrade Major, I remind you once again that the battle has just begun. You must overcome the idea of ​​underestimating the enemy and be prepared for a tough fight. Okay, you can urge the soldiers to reinforce the fortifications so that you won’t be shot by the Germans. Boom, it was destroyed."

I really have the potential of a crow's mouth. After half an hour, the Caucasus position was shelled by the Germans~lightnovelpub.net~According to the guerrillas' intelligence, the Germans immediately dispatched after learning that the leading troops had been hit hard. A large force. In addition to the infantry in trucks, there are also armored units and artillery. After their artillery was five or six kilometers away from the village, they set up an artillery position in an open area. According to the instructions of the artillery observers, they began to bombard the Caucasus camp position.

The German artillery shells roared and landed before and after the long trenches, and the forward position of our army was quickly enveloped in the smoke of the explosion. The soldiers of the Caucasus camp, who had just won the battle, were violently shelled by the German army before the laughter stopped. The huge contrast made the soldiers with inexperienced combat panic.

I put down my binoculars, frowned and watched the bombs exploding around the trenches one after another, thinking about what I should do to stop this damned German shelling. At this moment, I suddenly heard Boroda exclaiming next to him: "Comrade Commander, look at him, someone has run out of the trench."

I raised my binoculars and looked towards the front again, and saw many soldiers of our army emerged from the gunpowder smoke. Instead of charging forward, they turned around and ran desperately towards the second line. Did they escape? ! This thought suddenly popped into my mind, and then I thought viciously: I should arrange a supervising team in the back, and kill all those who escaped.