Burning Moscow

Chapter 376: On meritorious deeds (1)

The battle ended after dark.

When the troops were counting the results, the long-lost Colonel Sholov, Major Yatzenuk, Lieutenant Colonel Peter and their political commissars successively came to my new headquarters in the church. Although they came in different time periods, the purpose of coming to the headquarters was the same. Upon seeing me, several political commissars scrambled to take out a document from their briefcase and hand it to me.

I opened it and looked at them, and they were all applications for awarding medals to fighters who showed bravery in battle. In my impression, there should be a big difference between the Sholov regiment, the main force in this battle, and the Yatsenyuk regiment and the Peter regiment, which served as the reserve team. Unexpectedly, on the application form I held in my hand, the number of contributions reported by the three regiments was almost the same.

After reading their application with patience, I handed it to Boroda, who was sitting next to him, and then looked at the commander and political commissar of the 1132 regiment, frowning and saying: "Major Yatsenyuk, Zoro Tuxin Political commissar, did you two report too many people? You must know that although I transferred two infantry battalions from your regiment, they only participated in the battle as a reserve team."

Yatzenuk and Zorotuxin immediately flushed with shame when they heard what I said. The regiment political commissar Zoro Tuxin smiled bitterly and said to me: "Comrade commander, we were wrong. Although the soldiers of our regiment only participated in this battle as a reserve team, if they don't get any honor, it will not only affect morale. This team will not be easy to take in the future."

I slapped the table and stood up, pointed at Zorrotuxin, and said in a stern tone: "What did you say? Don't give the soldiers of your regiment the necessary honor. It will affect morale. The troops will be difficult to carry. If you can’t bring the troops well. What do you need your regiment chief and political commissar to do? If you feel that your ability is not enough to lead the 1132 regiment, speak as soon as possible, so I can report to your superiors and let them send a new regiment chief and political commissar to take over your duties.

After rushing to Zoro Tuxin, I looked at Lieutenant Colonel Peter and Political Commissar Avakov of the 1133 regiment, and said angrily: "Let’s talk about it, why did you report so many meritorious personnel to come up? Afraid that the troops won't be able to bring it in the future?

Avakov waved his hand repeatedly and said, "That’s not the case. You’re misunderstood, Comrade Commander. Although our division’s troops are also a reserve team, they still scored a bit of victory in the counterattack. Several fighters seized a complete vehicle. German tanks."

"Oh, the 1133 regiment captured a German tank?" Because when the troops started to counterattack, I got down from the clock tower. I really didn't know whether the reserve team had achieved the result after the attack, so I turned my head and asked those who were looking at the application. Boroda: "Comrade Chief of Staff. Do you know this?"

Boroda put down the file in his hand and looked up. Looking at me blankly, as if I hadn’t figured out the situation, I repeated the question again. Now he nodded vigorously and said with certainty: "I know about this. Corporal Yefim of the 1133 regiment took The three soldiers seized a German tank and captured all the members.” As he said, he drew a copy from a large number of documents and handed it to me, saying: “This result, the political commissar Avakov is applying for It’s very clear."

I took it and took a look. It really recorded in detail how Corporal Yefim led the soldiers to capture the tank. At the same time, it also wrote a sentence: Because of the brave spirit shown by the comrade in the battle, the 1133 regiment Specially invited third-class merit for him, and recommended that he be awarded a medal of military merit.

Seeing that I was holding the application for credit without speaking, Avakov's political commissar's expression became uncertain. Maybe he was worried that I would reject the application. I thought for a moment. Although the 1132 regiment and the 1133 regiment were only used as reserve teams this time, they played little role in the entire battle, but if there is no meritorious personnel, there will indeed be a situation that will chill the officers and soldiers. Since there is a real hero now, give it a good recognition. Thinking of this, I handed the form back to Boroda and said: "Comrade Chief of Staff, I agree to Corporal Yefim's application for merit, and at the same time change the third-class merit to the first-class merit." After saying this, I deliberately observed the expressions of Peter and Avakov, and saw that they were taken aback for a moment, and after a glance at each other, there were expressions of joy on their faces.

I turned my gaze to Sholof and his political commissar Gagarin, who had not spoken all the time. I cleared my throat with a cough, and then said, "Head Sholov..."

Before I could finish, Gagarin, the political commissar of the regiment, had already said: "I'm sorry, comrade commander. In today's battle, the soldiers of the Caucasus Major Battalion were terrified by the German artillery because of their inexperience in combat. Some fighters will leave their positions because of panic. This is all my fault, and they are usually not strictly controlled. Comrade commander, please rest assured, I assure you that in the next battle, I will definitely not..."

"Nothing?" I interrupted him, walked in front of him and Shilov, deliberately asked with a sullen face: "Comrade political commissar, you promise me that in the next battle, no matter how fierce the Germans are encountered Wouldn’t anyone retreat from the battlefield after the bombardment?"

Gagarin flushed, nodded vigorously, and replied resolutely: "Yes, comrade teacher, I promise!"

Seeing his serious answer to my question, I couldn't help laughing. I reached out and patted him and Xiaolov on the shoulders, and said kindly: "In this battle, your regiment fighters performed well. Whether it was the Caucasus battalion that blocked the enemy frontally, or the Boris battalion that went back to the enemy's rear to sneak attack on the German artillery position, they performed very well."

"Serve the Soviet motherland!" Gagarin straightened up and answered me loudly.

"I think," Colonel Sholov, who had not spoken all the time, began to say, "For all the officers and men in our regiment who participated in the battle, they know their responsibilities, and even if there is only one person left, they will fight bravely. "

"I know, I know, comrade colonel." I nodded at him and said, "Although at the beginning, some soldiers were frightened by the enemy's fierce artillery fire. They acted in a panic and even left their positions and moved back. Run. But when the guards led by Captain Burda appeared in front of them in succession, they immediately remembered their responsibility. They returned to the front. They took up the gun in their hands and started a desperate battle with the invading German. That's why. With the tenacious and brave battles of ordinary soldiers, we finally defeated the enemy and achieved brilliant results."

While talking, the phone rang on the table, and Boroda, who was sitting at the table, picked up the microphone and raised his voice and said, "I am Captain Boroda, the acting chief of staff. Where are you?" Listen When the other party answered, he immediately stood up. Straighten up, and respectfully said: "Hello, Comrade General. Yes, Comrade Commander, she is here, and she is discussing with several regiment leaders and political commissars about awarding honors to the commanders and fighters who participated in the war. Okay, I will let her pick it up right away. phone!"

Boroda covered the microphone with his hand, and whispered to me: "Comrade Commander, this is the call of General Kolovnikov, commander of the group army. He said that he has important things to tell you."

I walked up to him in a few steps and took the call from his hand. Following his example, he straightened his waist. Loudly said into the microphone: "Hello, Comrade General, I am the acting commander Major Oshanina, I am waiting for your order."

"Good job, Comrade Oshanina." General Kolovnikov's happy voice came on the phone, and he said excitedly: "I have received information that your 378th Division is having a meeting with Germany this afternoon. People fought a battle and wiped out all the invading enemies. Why haven't the results of the battle been reported yet?"

I turned my gaze to Boroda, and he quickly gestured to indicate that the troops were still clearing the results, so I replied respectfully to Kolovnikov: "Comrade General, our results are still being counted. I planned to wait for the statistics to be completed before reporting to you, but I did not expect you to call first."

"You will report the specific results after the statistics are completed. Now you can talk about the general situation first." The commander of the group army may have become very friendly to me because of my victory.

"According to the reconnaissance of the guerrillas, this time the Germans dispatched three infantry companies, one tank company, and one artillery company, and launched a frantic attack on the location of our division headquarters. The brave and tenacity of the commanders and fighters in the Sholov regiment We blocked the German offensive forces from the line of defense, and they were never able to move forward."

"I want to hear how you deploy your troops?"

"Report to Comrade General," I did not conceal his inquiry, and honestly reported to him: "I built the first line of defense three kilometers north of the village, and placed the Caucasus camp of the Cholov regiment in There. At the same time, he ordered Colonel Scholov’s Camp Boris to march in the forest and go around to the rear of the Germans, so that when the Germans attacked my front position with all their strength, they suddenly attacked from behind the enemy and taught them severely. , Cut off the Germans' retreat."

Kolovnikov did not comment on my deployment. He continued to ask: "Where is the second line of defense?"

"On the second line of defense, I deployed a company of guards, a company of two, and a new combat battalion composed of rescued soldiers. I also transferred two tank companies from Colonel Donskoy’s tank regiment, one of them Deployed behind the second line of defense, acting as a fixed fort, providing fire cover for the first line of defense. The other company is hidden in the forest northwest of the first line of defense, ready to attack from the side when we counterattack, cutting off the German army. Retreat."

Kolovnikov hummed, and said with interest: "Comrade Oshanina, you must know that if you fight a defensive battle, everyone will put half of the troops on the first line, and the other half in the second. The defensive line serves as the reserve team. Your deployment like this is very interesting. It's really ingenious. By the way, have you stayed in the reserve team?"

"Of course, Comrade General." I replied affirmatively: "I transferred two battalions from each of the Peterre and Yatzenuk regiments and deployed them to the south of the village as a reserve team for the entire battle."

"Interesting, interesting. Your deployment like this is really interesting." Kolovnikov repeatedly praised: "It seems that your deployment of forces can be promoted within the group army~lightnovelpub.net~Speaking of which , He paused, changed the topic, and asked: "I just heard the Chief of Staff say that you are discussing with several regiment leaders and political commissars about the specific matters of awarding merit to the commanders and fighters who participated in the war. Is there such a thing? "

"Yes, Comrade General. I and Captain Boroda, acting chief of staff, are reviewing the applications submitted by several regiment leaders and political commissars. We plan to hold a celebration ceremony at the right time to award medals to these commanders and fighters. "

"Yes, that's a good idea. How many military medals and awards are needed, I will have someone prepare them immediately and send them to you overnight."

I covered the microphone and asked Boroda, "Comrade Chief of Staff, how many military medals and awards are needed, have you figured it out?"

Boroda nodded and replied, "Comrade commander, I have counted it. There are 21 collectives and 378 individuals who have done meritorious services. A total of 120 military medals and 300 certificates of merit are needed."

Hearing so many numbers shocked me, but I immediately reported this data to Kolovnikov. After he listened to it, he hummed again and said, "I will send someone to send you the military medals and certificates overnight. The celebration meeting is set to be tomorrow morning, and I will go over to host it myself." After speaking, he hung up. phone. (To be continued...)